The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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Strangely, BPDF never confiscated the ominous suitcase in the basement. Even stranger, the Ramseys left the suitcase after vacating the house.

Rubbing it in..?

Source: Paula Woodward video
OH WAIT!!!!! Was the duvet and book and such still inside??? Can check for DNA and decomp and fingerprints possibly! JUST sayin! *whistles*
Ok I found this tribute video to JonBenet. It's song is hauntingly perfect. It's just a reminder of the little angel we pray for each day. Forever a beautiful 6 year old.
Now a couple of questions.
Where was John Andrew Christmas Eve?
Was the semen on the duvet very aged? Or was it fairly recent?
Keeping in mind that John Ramsey did own a private plane, he could have possibly flown JAR out of the area and maybe gotten back before the 911 call. Depending on where he was supposedly at. Didn't JAR and Melinda arrive the same day and JR was overheard saying he had found JBR body at 11am? (Maybe Melinda was completely out of the loop on this.) I am firmly BDI! Do not get me wrong at all. I'm just asking these questions to put to bed any old ideas that I had for good. The suitcase talk reminded me to ask.
Did JAR and Melinda fly in or drive in that morning?
Now a couple of questions.
Where was John Andrew Christmas Eve?
Was the semen on the duvet very aged? Or was it fairly recent?
Keeping in mind that John Ramsey did own a private plane, he could have possibly flown JAR out of the area and maybe gotten back before the 911 call. Depending on where he was supposedly at. Didn't JAR and Melinda arrive the same day and JR was overheard saying he had found JBR body at 11am? (Maybe Melinda was completely out of the loop on this.) I am firmly BDI! Do not get me wrong at all. I'm just asking these questions to put to bed any old ideas that I had for good. The suitcase talk reminded me to ask.
Did JAR and Melinda fly in or drive in that morning?

He went to church with his mom at Peachtree Presbyterian in Atlanta Then over to a friends to play video games. Then withdrew money from an ATM before going to a movie with friends. He was back at his mothers by 1am. He and his sister left for the airport early 12/26 to board an 8:36am flight to Minneapolis

He went to church with his mom at Peachtree Presbyterian in Atlanta Then over to a friends to play video games. Then withdrew money from an ATM before going to a movie with friends. He was back at his mothers by 1am. He and his sister left for the airport early 12/26 to board an 8:36am flight to Minneapolis
Thank you! That is in my mind officially put to rest. :tyou:
Yes that is what I meant ::D:! lol. She might have had a miasma in her home, but the melasma is on her upper lip.
(Actually, admittedly, I had to look it up. I had never heard of either, but thought I would mention it to save others the trouble. And yes to the bolded! :lol:
Speaking from experience in regards to the facial hair. I had a total hysterectomy when I was almost 23. Went through a ton of hormone medications and the worst had to be the testosterone. I stopped all of it after I grew a nice little mustache. Ain't nothing a little razor can't get rid of! Not to mention the aggression you feel when on it! Holy crap! I coulda took on a whole football team without backup. I couldn't stand how it made me feel. Now I'm back to my crazy BUT kind self. haha!:laughing: I'm never afraid to share my own experiences if it helps others. So it's quite possible she was on hormone therapy. I had a hard time seeing it in some of her pictures if I am being honest.
Funny story.... I always get my eyebrows waxed and the waxer would always ask me if I wanted to do my upper lip too. :waiting: I swear she never realized how close to death she actually was when she asked me that! HELL NO WHAT LIP HAIR? :shame: I finally let her do it ONCE. NEVER again! I swear those lip hairs are attached to your toes! I will shave mine thank you! Seriously.... it's easy to take care of. Hell with the money she had she could have that lip laser thing done! Permanently gone!
ANYWAY.... enough of my embarrassing stories for today... well at least for now! hahaha:facepalm:
It was John Andrew's
Poor John Andrew. He wasn't even in the same state when this happened but now we all know he had done some self loving. I assume that because there wasn't other DNA mixed in which I assume happens with sex with partners. Could be wrong but I know I can't look at a picture of the guy without thinking, "Jack into any comforters lately?" okay slightly exaggerating but still how awful would it be if anything related to my sexual activities was public.
In this video of an interview with Linda Arndt: [video=youtube;f_hi3OVE6Og][/video] at around 5:58 she states she and JR were leaning over JB's body and he asked "Is she dead". He picked her up in the basement and carried her upstairs. He has seen what she looks like. WHY would he ask if she was dead? He had to know she was already dead.

isnt it incredible that neither parent was upset that the 'kidnapper' didn't call, nor did they even mention it!
Poor John Andrew. He wasn't even in the same state when this happened but now we all know he had done some self loving. I assume that because there wasn't other DNA mixed in which I assume happens with sex with partners. Could be wrong but I know I can't look at a picture of the guy without thinking, "Jack into any comforters lately?" okay slightly exaggerating but still how awful would it be if anything related to my sexual activities was public.
Hahahaha at how you picture him!😂 Bless his heart he never heard of Kleenex! Hopefully by now he has!

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I don't think pastry ramsey killed Jon benet for bed wetting. Because she didnt seem to get upset about it. When you don't get upset about it, you just take it in stride. They'll eventually outgrow it attitude.
Yeah it's not like she did most of the cleaning and laundry anyway. I'm a rather firm BDI.
You all must stop this madness, BillW, PositiveLight, dizzychick, flourish, and others. I have been laughing so hard, my DH thinks I'm nuts! From the Spanish connections, to JAR's activities on the blanket, and then, Patsy's mustache!!! I can't take much more...
We have to have some comic relief around here sometimes :)
Glad I could help;)
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