The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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I just looked at Kolar's book and he talks about when/why Smit was brought onboard by Hunter. Smit and Steve Ainsworth from Boulder co Sheriff's dept were tasked with looking at the evidence in the case from the perspective of the defense team.... a valuable strategy when you are trying to identify the weaknesses in a case that you might one day be prosecuting. He quickly became convinced ( after 3 days) that a single intruder, a violent pedophile was responsible. No discussion of the evidence from then on could ever shift him from that position. He admitted he didn't read much about the case, just did his own investigation. Open window/scuff mark on the wall/ suitcase/boot print/stun gun marks/empathy for the parents. Even after Stun Gun manufacturers stated that Stun Guns did not leave those marks, he would not change his mind.. He was held in high regard by other Detectives for his life's work, but his theory set their case back by months.

From Foreign Faction by A James Kolar.

It set the case back a LOT more than that. Far as I go, he's just as guilty. Now you know why I titled it An Angel Betrayed.
Now that I am back home, I wanted to watch the show aired on Sunday as John's rebuttal. What is it called? The only one on demand is the one from a while back on A&E. Anyone know where I can watch it at and what was it called?

The Killing of JonBenet: Her Father Speaks
Ok. Here is where I am at in my mind as of this moment.
Who actually had motive to kill JonBenet in the family?
Patsy- JonBenet wet the bed constantly. Maybe this could be a reason to snap after a long few exhausting weeks. BUT. Would she really do that considering even Burke admitted they both wet the bed and soiled themselves? Frustrated maybe but not enough IMHO to land a blow to her beauty queen's head and then strangle her. Spank her even.. quite possibly! But I don't think she would intentionally harm her. IMHO this death was intentional. An adult would know that hitting anyone with a heavy object would possibly kill them.
John- She was possibly being molested and John would obviously be on the list of suspects. But why kill her? Just saying IF he HAD been molesting her, why would he kill her? Maybe she threatened to tell is the ONLY reason I could think of. He had, IMHO the least motive.
Burke- Now this is where the motives build up significantly in my humble opinion. Let's start with jealousy. Jealous is a mother of a reason to kill. Burke had all attention on him until JonBenet came along. Then he was (at least in his mind probably) knocked off the "the tit" as us southerners say. He wasn't as important anymore as JonBenet was. (again in his mind possibly). Then add all of the attention his mother gave to JonBenet as the years wore on, and you have a serious storm brewing. Especially if he had any underlying psych issues. Then all of the money and attention the pageants brought to her. The extended family being involved in her costumes and such. Maybe in his mind SHE was getting to do all of these things and mama was watching her gleaming at her future beauty queen. I know that it has been said that Burke was involved in a lot of extra curricular activities, but you have to wonder how MANY were just to keep him busy and no one was fawning over his accomplishments as they did for JonBenet. So basically his activities were only to keep him occupied. Also to make the family look perfect with their kids involved in so many things.
Now, add in other components such as not getting the gifts he wanted (this is kind of something I feel is probably true considering he couldn't even remember the gift he just HAD to sneak down and play with that night) and maybe JonBenet getting everything she wanted. Maybe tensions were quickly rising that morning/ afternoon. By that evening he was totally pi$$ed, especially when he gets home and notices he really didn't get much. MAYBE that's why he snuck down to the basement. To check and see if maybe his parents were hiding a special gift for him for their trip?
Anyway, Burke is eating pineapple and drinking his tea and his little sister who he's possibly seriously despising at this point, come and steals his pineapple. Oh Hell NO. He's had ENOUGH of his bratty spoiled sister. He grabs the flashlight nearby that maybe he used to sneak a peek at the gifts and chases her with it. He's hit her before and got away with it. No telling honestly how many times either. She's thinking she's being chased in fun and jest. Burke however is not in the least bit happy. She runs to the basement where they play, and in the privacy of the basement is when he makes his move. He hits her hard and means it. Maybe he didn't quite realize how fatal it could be but he wanted her to feel his pain some. When she doesn't get up, he just pokes at her with the train track. Maybe she's having seizures or doing something uncontrollably and he doesn't want his mama who may be packing upstairs to hear her. So he finds the cord (used for something entirely different usually) and chokes her from behind. To make her stop doing whatever her body is doing in the last throws of life. He at this point maybe did the strangling out of fear and panic. His mama might have noticed at some point JonBenet wasn't in her bed while she was packing and found her dead. That may have been the scream heard by neighbors. Then the cover-up occurred by the parents. He was sent to his room to stay out of the way. They would deal with him later.
I feel Burke had the most to gain from her death in his eyes at least. This is all my humble opinion, but this is where my mind is at right now. Burke did it in a white hot fit of rage. Something he was prone to probably.


I'd venture to say the fight began that morning as her pile got bigger and bigger...there's a reason they didn't take video that day and not just because the batteries were dead in the camera. Burke was in no mood to be filmed.
What was Lou Smit's answer for the 118K Magna Carta of a ransom note ? I have been searching and searching and can find nothing about this in his reports. I want to know how he can explain this away as I think this is the smoking gun, the one piece of damning evidence that links the Ramsey's themselves to this crime. IMO it was written so as to lead cops to the company John owned knowing it had 500 + employees and they thought this would be enough to clear them.

So has anyone seen Smit address this issue?
HAHAHAHAHA, oh man. That's a fabulous question. I'm still catching up on the thread so I apologize if this has been answered already but SERIOUSLY, this was his rationalization rational explanation:
"From his experience with more than 200 murder and fantasy-stalker cases, Smit believes the killer intended to go to Mexico--that is why he demanded the odd sum of $118,000, which at the time was close to a million pesos, and some of it in $20 bills, for easy exchanging. "I believe the Ramseys are innocent," says Smit. "If it's an intruder, it's not the parents, and I think it's that simple."
October 25, 1999 Time Magazine "Did an Intruder Kill JonBenet Ramsey?"
That's courtesy of ACR's Lou Smit page.
One word leaps to mind as I read those words: BULLSMIT. Notice the one fact we know: the amount quoted in the note is a strikingly close approximation of JR's yearly bonus. LS does not bother to address that at all, or JR's insistence (I can't remember in which interview, but he said this) that the number 118000 or 118 had some kind of important significance to the killer, and that's why they used the bizarre sum in the note, and understanding why they used 118 was one of the "funny little clues" that would lead to the killer.

Now, I can't find a good source for what $1 million pesos would have converted to in US $$ in 1996 but seriously? Who's like, "Oh, I'm going to kidnap someone from multimillionaire parents (but not really, I'll just leave her dead body in the basement and never call to collect the ransom) so I am going to ask for $1 MILLION...pesos. I realize that's less than $1 million American dollars but hey, $1 million pesos buys plenty of margaritas and souvenir sombreros so that's good enough for me! Except I'm never collecting it, lol" I would love to know how close to $1 million pesos $118000 USD actually brought in back then but even still - BULLSMIT. I'm surprised Lou Smit wasn't in a permanent pretzel state considering he bent himself over backwards to excuse every oddity he came across in this case when it came to absolving Ramsey guilt.
I can't even continue to be sarcastic, I'm just freaking ANGRY thinking about this. How stupid could he possibly be? I can only surmise he was stupid on purpose when it came to this case.

I'd venture to say the fight began that morning as her pile got bigger and bigger...there's a reason they didn't take video that day and not just because the batteries were dead in the camera. Burke was in no mood to be filmed.

The disparity of attention given to JBR versus that given to BR would create resentment. All of her gifts were very personal, engraved gold jewelry, a look alike doll, a new girl's bike. BR's gifts on the other hand were quite universal. While she would want to play with his gifts, he would have no interest to play with hers. Perhaps to him, it was like not getting anything for himself. He stated in his interview when he was 10 that the only time he got upset with his parents was when they didn't buy him expensive things. One can never tell what will set off hurt feelings in children. JBR believed Santa gave her those things. BR knew his parents bought them. Maybe he felt slighted.
The disparity of attention given to JBR versus that given to BR would create resentment. All of her gifts were very personal, engraved gold jewelry, a look alike doll, a new girl's bike. BR's gifts on the other hand were quite universal. While she would want to play with his gifts, he would have no interest to play with hers. Perhaps to him, it was like not getting anything for himself. He stated in his interview when he was 10 that the only time he got upset with his parents was when they didn't buy him expensive things. One can never tell what will set off hurt feelings in children. JBR believed Santa gave her those things. BR knew his parents bought them. Maybe he felt slighted.
Yes. This. My parents tried to spend the same amount on all of us, but at certain ages visual volume Christmas morn meant more than money spent. His PlayStation and accompanying games would LOOK paltry next to her haul, I'm sure, and it's Burke's perception that really "counts" here, not necessarily reality. Good points.

It's quite clear to me that some really long-winded small foreign factioneer intruders wanted to collectively be an ALMOST peso millionaire. Yeah…even if they got that money, and they lived frugally, they might not see 1998.
So when LS says that $118000 USD is close to $1 million pesos he really means...that exact amount was "close" to almost 900,000 pesos if you round up.

Sorry, I can't find a smiley that appropriately expresses my feelings. There is a gif...



  • am.gif
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Sancho, Bring The Car…for soon we're going to collectively have the net worth of an almost peso millionaire and we can drive all the way back to Puerto Vallarta and live there like, well maybe not quite like kings…umm…well I guess you'd say more like the level between normal people and kings. But much much closer to normal people. For, you know, about 18 months. Two years, tops.
Hence, Victory!
P.S. Can I have some $$ in twenties just in case for any small car repairs or lunches on our way down there?
Oh ***** I left the kid in the house.
So when LS says that $118000 USD is close to $1 million pesos he really means...that exact amount was "close" to almost 900,000 pesos if you round up.

Sorry, I can't find a smiley that appropriately expresses my feelings. There is a gif...


I think the intruders were banking on an extreme exchange rate shift against the dollar in '97. Then maybe put some of the gains into Mexican government bonds…you don't become a faction by being loosey-goosey with your accounting.
Just a thought…if the kidnappers really were Mexicans wouldn't they say "Use that good Northern common sense of yours." ?
HAHAHAHAHA, oh man. That's a fabulous question. I'm still catching up on the thread so I apologize if this has been answered already but SERIOUSLY, this was his rationalization rational explanation:
That's courtesy of ACR's Lou Smit page.
One word leaps to mind as I read those words: BULLSMIT. Notice the one fact we know: the amount quoted in the note is a strikingly close approximation of JR's yearly bonus. LS does not bother to address that at all, or JR's insistence (I can't remember in which interview, but he said this) that the number 118000 or 118 had some kind of important significance to the killer, and that's why they used the bizarre sum in the note, and understanding why they used 118 was one of the "funny little clues" that would lead to the killer.

Now, I can't find a good source for what $1 million pesos would have converted to in US $$ in 1996 but seriously? Who's like, "Oh, I'm going to kidnap someone from multimillionaire parents (but not really, I'll just leave her dead body in the basement and never call to collect the ransom) so I am going to ask for $1 MILLION...pesos. I realize that's less than $1 million American dollars but hey, $1 million pesos buys plenty of margaritas and souvenir sombreros so that's good enough for me! Except I'm never collecting it, lol" I would love to know how close to $1 million pesos $118000 USD actually brought in back then but even still - BULLSMIT. I'm surprised Lou Smit wasn't in a permanent pretzel state considering he bent himself over backwards to excuse every oddity he came across in this case when it came to absolving Ramsey guilt.
I can't even continue to be sarcastic, I'm just freaking ANGRY thinking about this. How stupid could he possibly be? I can only surmise he was stupid on purpose when it came to this case.

Boy, did you take the words out of my mouth! I'd almost forgotten that one.
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