The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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Can Alex Hunter be held legally accountable for his part in the charade?

I was wondering the same thing. If he lied or went against the grand jury recommendations then is there anything he did illegally where he could be charged?

Maybe the statute of limitations is long past on anything he did.

It was interesting how so many of the people involved with the case are still afraid to talk about the case. There had to have been many threats and things back then. The fear is still in people that were close to the case.
I was wondering the same thing. If he lied or went against the grand jury recommendations then is there anything he did illegally where he could be charged?

Maybe the statute of limitations is long past on anything he did.

It was interesting how so many of the people involved with the case are still afraid to talk about the case. There had to have been many threats and things back then. The fear is still in people that were close to the case.

If they are seriously looking at people who could crack the case open with information that was withheld then I say go put pressure on Alex Hunter!
His girlfriend probably doesn't have much to say. As he's gotten older Burke probably has better control on his issues, whatever those may be, I doubt he's done anything violent recently. He comes off as a bit odd on Dr. Phil but plenty of odd ducks have loving relationships. Even if his girlfriend thinks he's guilty, she may not hold it against him; he was only nine after all. The thing I would find most problematic is his casual, unemotional response to what happened to his sister and how he talks about it even today, but his father John is the same way (IMHO) and he's happily remarried. In fact, I would argue John came off worse on Dr. Phil because I felt like Burke at least was kinda damaged goods but John seemed cool as a cucumber and much more agitated about him being accused than his child being killed.
I am stuck with the likeness between the cord around JonBenet's neck and the cord around the neck of the doll she received for Christmas, tied at the back. It was a doll that had been manufactured to look like JonBenet, from photographs, and she didn't like it. The cord around the neck was to secure the head in place.

It's always seemed like a really relevant detail and important clue to me. Maybe JonBenet was being made to look exactly like her identical doll by her brother?

Some of you may recall a duplicate of the doll was ordered by someone to be delivered to JR's work place around about the new year.
I think BR is being given too much credit for some level of sophistication as a nearly 10 yr old child. BR acted out, not in sophisticated ways, but in primal ways. Smearing feces, hitting his sister. These are regression type behaviors. Now people have him fastening a garrote? That I don't believe. The simplest answer is BR hit her over the head and the more sophisticated type stuff was staging. Remember it was fibers from PR's Xmas sweater in the garrote and found on the duck tape covering JB's mouth.
Whatever else one comes away with after last night's final segment on CBS or the DP shows, Burke Ramsey has come across as an odd duck. Odd as a kid and odd as an adult.

He sneaked downstairs, alone, in the dark, after everyone else was in bed. Sorry, this is odd. Most kids get creeped-out in darkened houses at night and do not wander around, but Burke had no natural fear of even going into the basement alone in the dark. This is abnormal.

He had HiTech hiking boots. "I was always in the basement, what does that print prove?" eew He was defending the boot print which was at one time a major bit of evidence in Lou Smit's intruder theory. I guess Lou was never told that he had these hiking boots. Apparently, LW still hadn't heard about the boots since he claimed on DP that none of the Rs ever owned a pair of these boots. Burke contradicted him, the man who had defended the family for decades, with his own hubris. Why did the Rs lie about he boots? Because of the print in the WC. They never said "well, yes he had a pair of those boots but he was always playing in the basement so that print could have been put there at any time". They lied because they know he was in the WC THAT night.

He maybe had pineapple. "Can you remember what you ate 20 years ago?" I think yes, if that was the last thing you ate before you sister's murdered corpse was found in your house. At age 10, he froze in panic when shown the photo of the bowl of pineapple, knelt on his hands on the chair and went blank. When asked to ID what was in the photo, he ID'd the table, the iced tea glass but refused to ID the bowl of pineapple, saying only "oh". It was chilling. "What was JonBenet's favorite snack?" asked the interviewer, "she didn't have a snack" he replied. That was a wow moment for me. Why did he freeze at the sight of the bowl of pineapple? Because it was a big part of what happened that night and may have been the catalyst for the violent attack on JBR. She didn't have a snack, but he did. As in, "this is mine, not yours". He remembers that she didn't get a snack that night likely because she stole a chunk of pineapple form his bowl and it enraged him. She touched his food.

Judith Phillips said that PR told her that Burke hit JonBenet with a golf club in anger. This is much different than what JR, PR and BR himself on DP have stated - that it was an accidental back swing. Why do I believe Judith over the Rs? Because she has no dog in this show and no reason to lie. Judith could not comprehend why the parents would request that none of their friends cooperate with LE in the murder investigation. She did and was shunned by the friends she had known since Atlanta. Why did they not want anyone to cooperate with LE in the investigation of their child's murder? Because they didn't want Burke's history of bizarre behavior to be known.

Dr. Glass, during her interview with Tricia, stated that Burke exhibited 'duping delight' meaning that he got pleasure out of lying about the events of JonBenet's murder. Chilling. She also stated that poop on the candy was an act of violence and hatred towards JonBenet. His smiling at the funeral, his giddiness during the interviews when he was a child and his laughing and smiling during the DP show made my skin crawl. He seems to be very delighted that no one has yet to figure out what happened that night and his hubris is making him leak out facts not previously known. He will never be able to withstand a withering cross examination.

I was shocked at the actions of Alex Hunter. It is as thought he knew that Burke was the murderer but since he could not be prosecuted, the Rs were going to be allowed to slide on the staging. Shocking.

Dr. Spitz proved beyond all doubt that a 10 year old (and Burke was just 2 weeks shy of being 10) could, in fact, deliver a deadly blow to the fragile skull of a 6 year old child. JR stated that it was laughable to even suggest a 9 year old had the strength to do such a thing, although Burke was 10 for all real purposes except prosecution, as he continued to distance Burke from the crime, even on the DP show. He is despicable.

The CBS investigators proved, without any room for doubt, that no one could go through the basement widow without destroying the spider web and disturbing the debris in the window well.

Dr. Lee proved that brand new clothing, right out of the package contains tDNA left over from the manufacturing and packaging process. He also explained how easy it is to transfer DNA from one place to another and that the minuscule amount of DNA was irrelevant to the crime. One can only imagine the amount of DNA that is transferred from workers in clothing sweat shops onto the clothing they make. DNA from fingers, sweat, saliva, even blood can be expected on even brand new clothing. Dr. Lee also proved that there will be DNA in the cord and possibly on the flashlight and batteries and they should all be tested again.

Most enlightening was that there was no sexual assault. None. Microscopic cellulose only. Could this have been from toilet paper? I think yes. No splinters of wood. This spins the staging into another realm altogether. I always assumed it was done to cover prior sexual abuse. Now I believe that the staging was done to cover an intentional act by a mentally disturbed and troubled kid and have rejected that this blow was done by a kid who didn't know his own strength. He knew and, IMHO, did this on purpose. He swung the flashlight into her head with as much force as he could muster because he has no control mechanisms.

What did Burke scream at Judith in an explosion of anger? "Go away! Don't touch me, leave me alone!"? She said that this came out of nowhere.

Lin Wood went on a twitter rampage last night, threatening to sue the world. Well, well, well. JR said this is the last interview he will ever give but I think not. The next ones will be under oath in depositions and Burke will find himself being grilled by a battery of attorneys. His smart alec answers won't fly in the big, cruel world of litigation and I hope LW does file suit so that BR has to squirm under intense pressure of withering examination. It is long overdue.

After all I have seen and read, I have formed an opinion and am 100% convinced that Burke killed JBR and has zero remorse. Zero. He was not held accountable and therefore thinks he did nothing wrong. No consequences equals no wrong doing to him.

I noticed the "duping delight" right away. There is such a high degree of strangeness with almost all aspects of this case. One thing I cannot fathom : the parents surely knew about any anger issues their son had, especially with regard to his sister. Why then were their bedrooms in such close proximity, and on another floor away from the parents themselves ? JBR lived in a nightmarish situation in that house. jmo
That girl could likely now make a lucrative agreement with the Tabloids, tv shows, or maybe write a book, but she would need good lawyers. That could be provided by some large organizations like CBS, or some large publishing houses. In my jaded opinion, we may all hear from her yet, and like most people, I want to hear what she has to say. IMO

I'm betting with Lin Wood around she had to sign a non disclosure to even go on a first date with him.
I am stuck with the likeness between the cord around JonBenet's neck and the cord around the neck of the doll she received for Christmas, tied at the back. It was a doll that had been manufactured to look like JonBenet, from photographs, and she didn't like it. The cord around the neck was to secure the head in place.

It's always seemed like a really relevant detail and important clue to me. Maybe JonBenet was being made to look exactly like her identical doll by her brother?

Some of you may recall a duplicate of the doll was ordered by someone to be delivered to JR's work place around about the new year.

Who ordered the duplicate doll,to be delivered to JR's workplace ? Yet another "high degree of strangeness" item. jmo
I noticed the "duping delight" right away. There is such a high degree of strangeness with almost all aspects of this case. One thing I cannot fathom : the parents surely knew about any anger issues their son had, especially with regard to his sister. Why then were their bedrooms in such close proximity, and on another floor away from the parents themselves ? JBR lived in a nightmarish situation in that house. jmo

Could be why they felt the need to coverup so much too. They may have felt responsible for leaving JBR in a dangerous situation.

The golfclub to the head made my jaw drop. That lady friend of the Rs came across very honest in her interview. I have no reason to not believe what she was saying.
I have always been surprised that PR did not give a death bed confession that she was responsible for JB's death in order to take suspicion away from her son. Or, to clear her own conscience before she died. The fact that she did not do this prior to her death intrigues me. I can't help but wonder if it is because neither she nor BR were responsible for JB's death and she absolutely refused to take the blame if JR was the responsible party.

Well, PR did state to Barbara Walters in 2000 that she and John would continue to look for a killer until the day they die.

I am not so surprised about her not confessing in some form or another. I think some close family may know the truth. She committed to this, and with her religious background and the fishiness of her pastor's behavior, I imagine that she made her peace with God and therefore felt no burden of guilt about confessing. Especially if she did it out of love for her other child and she had the support of her family. PR is still wrong in this scenario, but we all know churchgoers who sin all week long and expect sitting in a pew every Sunday makes it okay.

The more I look at interviews and review this case, the more I lean toward JR being the calm, collected one who did most of the decision-making and handling of things, whether PDI or BDI. We must remember that JR's company was about to be acquired (aka, make beaucoup bucks), and his family's wealth, lifestyle, and well-being depended on JR's business being successful. JBR dies, and one way or another this is going to affect JR's reputation and therefore his business.

Given the choice, I think he acted to protect his finances, his business, and his family rather than tell the truth. Even if BDI accidentally, JR's reputation would be tarnished. Right or wrong, he and PR would have been publicly criticized for not being good parents, which would have a negative impact on his business. But if the Ramseys are victims, the story plays out much differently (at least that's what they hoped for). PR goes along with this for the same reason, participating where needed and trusting JR's decision-making.
I just don't understand why PR and JR would write a three page ransom note only to leave her dead body In the house then call police instead ot driving her body off somewhere to hide it perhaps bury her and if found blame the kidnapper Why leave her body in the house? This does not make much sense to me.

Neighbors would hear or see the car driving away. Plus, there are people out and about at all hours as it is close to the CU campus. Patsy wouldn't even know where to dump a body.
I noticed the "duping delight" right away. There is such a high degree of strangeness with almost all aspects of this case. One thing I cannot fathom : the parents surely knew about any anger issues their son had, especially with regard to his sister. Why then were their bedrooms in such close proximity, and on another floor away from the parents themselves ? JBR lived in a nightmarish situation in that house. jmo

Of course, JBR's room was relocated to Melinda's room, as far away from BR's room as possible on the second floor. But, still, with all their over the top nonsense, it seems perhaps they would have installed a baby monitor in her room. I surely would have.
Burke can NEVER tell, at least as long as his dad is alive. But I don't expect him to tell the truth, even after JB is gone. JMO
Wow! He is STILL at it! Good Lord, Lin. Is he going to sue all of use next? Apparently he is going to take down everyone involved plus CBS itself. Good luck on that one, dude.

Maybe someone should tweet Lin Wood and ask if they can hire him to sue the Dr. Phil show for its gross negligence in failing to disclose to viewers the blatant conflict of interest presented by the McGraws and the Ramseys both being represented by HIM. LOL
A lawsuit would open witnesses up to perjury.......might be a good thing..............JMO Finally get Burke under oath, for one.
I think that originally, the body was hidden behind some junk in the WC and when no one found it, JR went down to move it to where it would be more visible, thus when he opened the door with the lights out, he 'found' it, when FW who looked in there just hours before, had seen no such thing. JR didn't know FW had looked in the WC that day.

I think FW was giving JR the benefit of doubt for a while but then could not reconcile what he knew with what happened on the second trip to the basement.
So many jaw dropping moments and most of them for me was watching BR himself.

-absolutely no care for his sister and no remorse for what happened
-"have to go on with my life" --- WTH? What child even says that or thinks like that? Its JBR life that was snuffed out is why you are here in the interview.
-"i know what happened" ---- OMG I literally screamed at the TV after he said that.
-we find out he had hit her in the head with a golf club previously
-he demonstrates stabbing her with a knife and then hitting her with a hammer
I have one of the long maglites and it is very heavy and a child could think of it as a hammer. I do wonder if there was an actual hammer of some sort that was found near the body and removed by the parents.
-the snide laughing and giggling. Why doesnt anyone ever have the guts to just tell him to stop it and that is not appropriate!!!
Dr. Phil doesnt, the interviewers dont, the parents dont. Nobody ever tells him to STOP that!
I understand that is is probably uncontrollable to an extent and a manifestation of some sort of mental illness but if someone would have told him to quit it then maybe he would be better at controlling it. Maybe or maybe not.
I just found it interesting that everyone is afraid to confront him about it but everyone including DP will gladly talk behind his back about it. Very interesting.
-So many more things where i was shocked and convinced all the answers are under that roof.
I think that originally, the body was hidden behind some junk in the WC and when no one found it, JR went down to move it to where it would be more visible, thus when he opened the door with the lights out, he 'found' it, when FW who looked in there just hours before, had seen no such thing. JR didn't know FW had looked in the WC that day.

I think FW was giving JR the benefit of doubt for a while but then could not reconcile what he knew with what happened on the second trip to the basement.

Certainly possible. One of the shocking elements of last night's special to me was how pitch black it was in that room without the lights. We've debated before about whether light could enter that room enough to see the body, and FW has been implicated based on that. But the reconstruction of the house proved so beneficial here to prove that no one would have noticed that body without the lights being on unless you already knew it was there​.
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