The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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the detective saying JR made a beeline for the basement. When the entire house is available to search for where the body might be. That was not just a lucky guess JR went down there.

Plus she said top to bottom but he didnt start at the top. (I'm many pages behind.)
Explain to my why John Ramsey, to this day, would be covering for Patsy Ramsey. They very clearly did not respect one another. I have yet to be provided a response to that request that makes any practical sense whatsoever.

He would never have covered for Patsy and Patsy wouldn't have covered for him. However misguided they were in raising her and her brother, I believe they both loved that little girl very much.

I'd love to know the sequence of events though. We know Patsy is the one who wrote the note. When did John find out about what happened? And what condition was JBR in when he found out? I don't know the man and his perpetual smirk has always sort of creeped me out (although it's not as prominent in his old age for some reason), but he seems far more level-headed than Patsy. Did he have any reluctance about the cover up? Or was he maybe the one directing activities?

Questions, but no answers here. I'll bet JR has major regrets today though.
The officer who was tazed cares more about Jonbenet's justice than her friggin family. It breaks my heart.

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Random thought:
What IF BR did all of it. But the difference is, they got up earlier than previously stated! We only have their word for what time they got up.
After all we've spoke about how she waited to the last minute to pack. JR was probably up too.
When Patsy didn't find JBR in bed, she freaked out and THAT is when she came into BR's room saying "Where's my baby?" It was an accusation NOT a question.
I think this may have been when the staging occurred. The ransom note written. As the phone call is being placed to 911, I think Burke being deviant wanted to hear the call. I think he enjoyed the hurt he was causing. When he asked "What DID you find?" He was being purely evil and cruel. He wanted to see his mama suffer. IMHO.
What I would love to know is what the step siblings think happened that night.
That is odd when you think about it. Would make sense that if that toy was somehow part of what happened that night they would have thrown it out or hidden it. Like if the toy was broken as part of an argument or something. I can't remember if any of the crime scene photos showed that toy or if it disappeared. Like you said it seems like Burke would have a better description of it if it was that important that he had to have it together that night.

Perhaps the toy was the garrote.
Is it possible Fleet White did find JBR on his first solo trip down to the basement? Perhaps he quietly shared this with JR. At that point JR had no choice but to go down and bring JBR upstairs. FW may have decided to keep his mouth shut from that point on.

No. Just no.
I think J.R. was directing the cover up. The letter conceived by both and helped in the verbiage with both. They had only 1 child left, and they'd sacrifice anyone (even god himself) to save that one's future, imo. Sadly, the opposite now may be true.

The 911 call heard what the operator said was Patsy saying what sounded like, "Now what" or "what's next".

Can't recall all the details of the show now but I got the impression it was he who was the main director, more calm, more cool then she was.

I also recall sitting in their L.R., the detectives said, they didn't touch each other which is strange in itself, not to console your spouse after just losing a child.
Now that it has finished airing, has anyone found any holes in the theories stated on the show?
Explain to my why John Ramsey, to this day, would be covering for Patsy Ramsey. They very clearly did not respect one another. I have yet to be provided a response to that request that makes any practical sense whatsoever.

I guess in a way, he was covering for himself. Admitting Patsy did anything wrong would be, in his mind, reflecting badly upon him. How would you like everyone to know that you ruined your first marriage only to end up marrying a killer?
It's criminal, first of all. He would be guilty of a crime or multiple crime. Why would he ever want to talk or reveal anything if he had a hand in concealing things?

But the question remains - Why would he feel the need to conceal anything in the first place if it was Patsy who injured Jonbenet?

The only scenario where I can buy John covering soley for Patsy is if he had some kind of skin in the game. For example, either himself or JAR were the molester, and Patsy knew it.

Otherwise, there's no reason to believe that John would have agreed to this charade if his wife was the only one implicated in the crime.
It baffles me that with JonBenet's hymen damaged, blood in her underwear, and cellulose consistent with being from the paintbrush inside of her vaginal tract, the investigators still concluded no sexual assault took place.

It is quite difficult for me to imagine John and Patsy staging the crime scene to that degree to protect Burke.

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Just because it's difficult to imagine doesn't mean it can't happen.
I believe FW had his suspicions the day of the 26th when JonBenet's body was discovered. After the funeral, FW confronted JR about some of the behavior he and his family had been displaying. He didn't understand why the Ramsey's wouldn't fly back to Boulder and sit down with the police for as long as need be. He also caught wind that the Ramsey's were going to go on CNN, and he couldn't believe that. They never spoke again after this confrontation.

Thanks, elendast, for refreshing my memory.
Just because it's difficult to imagine doesn't mean it can't happen.

The entire scenario is a nightmare of epic proportions. As someone on the chat room mentioned last night, almost something out of Shakespere or Greek tragedy.

It was pure horror in that house from beginning to end. Nothing a normal person could imagine or understand....though we have tried.
Now that it has finished airing, has anyone found any holes in the theories stated on the show?
I call bs on how they say the splinter got there. And I'm not entirely sold on the pineapple being what started it, but I don't doubt it played a part in the night's events.

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I guess in a way, he was covering for himself. Admitting Patsy did anything wrong would be, in his mind, reflecting badly upon him. How would you like everyone to know that you ruined your first marriage only to end up marrying a killer?

Possible. But very, very tenuous.
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