The Case, so far...

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Some of the items that were taken to FSS in Birmingham were clothing belonging to Kate, her bible, the key fob and I believe, the wood tile that was imprinted with the faint mark from a shoe marked with blood. I think this is the pc. of wood floor the dogs reacted to and which was then pried up. I have read that a fleck or spot of blood was found on the clothing but whose blood was that? Just one of those results that FSS is holding onto and that we will hear about only through unsourced leaks.
Read another jarring statement by G McCann today. He expressed regret that he wasn't in the apartment when Madeleine was taken even if he had only been in the other bedroom, as in sleeping. It hit me like one more attempt to avoid responsibility. In other words, he is saying it would have happened even if he were there. Although it is certainly true that kidnappers enter homes when parents are there and take their prey, it is far more likely something like that would happen when there is a regular routine of absenting yourself and leaving the children alone. Further, why wish you'd been there if it was inevitable--only to appear less negligent.

I agree. It appears as if Gerry is trying to say Madeleine would've been taken anyway, and that is very uncertain. Not impossible, but unlikely.
When the PJ re-enacted the crime scene activity, Rebelo simulated a hand off of the victim through the window of 5A. We know that there had been exits through the window by burglars & then G McCann said the kidnapper may have gone out that way since he himself went out the patio window doors. The hand off was a two person operation, of course. Whoever placed the toy cat on a shelf, I do not believe resembled bundleman who may have been the "mule" of the operation. He was awkward & careless in the way he carted the child in the artist's rendition. If he acted alone, I don't see how he could have taken the child through the window unless she was dead. A burglary gone wrong? A kidnap gone wrong? A fear of all the evidence a body would present? And why all the scouting of the premises unless it was more than the usual simple break & enter to steal!
The hand-off out the window could have been done by two of the Tapas Nine.

Then a quick walk to a waiting car, and stashing her in the boot.

They might then be accomplices in removing and hiding the body.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons they are being re-interviewed.
A member of this forum once suggested that O'Brien might have had the Renault before the McCanns, was unsure. I tried to find out but the list of five who had the car prior to 24 May was protected. If it was not the Renault but another car, it should contain some tell tale evidence. One thing I do know, O'Brien had a car. I wonder if the dogs have had a go at that vehicle.
A member of this forum once suggested that O'Brien might have had the Renault before the McCanns, was unsure. I tried to find out but the list of five who had the car prior to 24 May was protected. If it was not the Renault but another car, it should contain some tell tale evidence. One thing I do know, O'Brien had a car. I wonder if the dogs have had a go at that vehicle.

I think the dogs did have a go at that vehicle, and that vehicle was the Renault. But whether or not we will ever get that confirmed--we'll see.

The McCanns were very comfortable using things their friends and network had used before--the resort room they moved to after Madeleine disappeared, etc.
So it makes sense the car would be the same way.

But we may never know.
I think the dogs did have a go at that vehicle, and that vehicle was the Renault. But whether or not we will ever get that confirmed--we'll see.

The McCanns were very comfortable using things their friends and network had used before--the resort room they moved to after Madeleine disappeared, etc.
So it makes sense the car would be the same way.

But we may never know.
I have always believed that the residues in the Renault were there from around May 3rd not 25 days later. I think that O'Brien moved the body in the car & that is why he had to change his clothes. Remember the cadaver dogs did not have the chance at O'Briens clothing, they were long gone home & I am sure if he is guilty then those clothes will have been on a bonfire by now & identical replacements purchased! JMO!
Why has Jane Tanner been suicidal? Why has Russell O'Brien been on sick leave since May? To me this is too much grieving over someone elses child. people do tend to thank God that horrible things haven't happened to them & move on!
Why were the Tapas friends not at the memorial service last night? One would have expected them to be there.
Why has Jane Tanner been suicidal? Why has Russell O'Brien been on sick leave since May? To me this is too much grieving over someone elses child.

Can you imagine being implicated in a childs murder and or disappearence if it weren't true?
That itself could explain why these people feel like they do.
Why has Jane Tanner been suicidal? Why has Russell O'Brien been on sick leave since May? To me this is too much grieving over someone elses child.

Can you imagine being implicated in a childs murder and or disappearence if it weren't true?
That itself could explain why these people feel like they do.
Well let them tell the truth if they have nothing to hide & clear themselves instead of giving conflicting stories to PJ!
Why has Jane Tanner been suicidal? Why has Russell O'Brien been on sick leave since May? To me this is too much grieving over someone elses child.

Can you imagine being implicated in a childs murder and or disappearence if it weren't true?
That itself could explain why these people feel like they do.

It is not necessarily that it is true. It is what Jane and Russell believe to be true.

Again, these two events are independent of each other: What Jane and Russell believe to be true, and what is actually true, may or may not be the same reality.

For example, if you believe your spouse to be cheating on you, you may file for divorce. You may have an affair with another person. You may move out. But those actions and your own belief do not necessarily, in and of themselves, confirm the reality that the spouse is actually having an affair.

Perception is just as valid and significant as reality in causing events to occur, but it does not mean that the perception is the same as reality.
At least we won't have Robert Murat handling the translation. Actually, being fluent in both Portuguese and English he was probably better than those who came on later. Judging from some of the European press and foreign entries on websites in blogs and forums, we do have great difficulty clearly understanding one another.
At least we won't have Robert Murat handling the translation. Actually, being fluent in both Portuguese and English he was probably better than those who came on later. Judging from some of the European press and foreign entries on websites in blogs and forums, we do have great difficulty clearly understanding one another.

Agreed! He probably had a better understanding of the idioms and slang phrases in both languages.

This is a re-emphasis of a claim that was in the news recently. Results are purported to come from the forensics laboratory in Portugal but the report has no attribution, no named source. Note that it opens by saying the suspect is lying. That assertion is not developed in the pc., but it obviously refers to the denial that he, Murat knew the Tapas 9. Murat is also in the news in England in a bid to be reinterviewed so as to clear himself; he offers to have his villa re-examined or that is what the papers are saying.
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