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I can tell you that I have been informed by a very bright young man of the following:

A POI that he has found had residences in several places: !. 6-7 blocks from the Empire State Building, 10 blocks from Penn Sta, 18 blocks from Times Square, at least one residene smack dab in the middle of Oak Beach, and other residences on the mainland only a few miles from Oak Beach.

I can also tell you that this person can be connected to a burlap bag a few years ago...whatever that means.

I can tell you that it appears this person was not in a position to commit these murders as he was indisposed. It also seems that when he then came to a place when we believe these people were murdered and diumped, this person appears to have been available.

And, IMHO, he matches a profile I have made for myself.

There are also other things I WON'T TELL YOU that I am convinced will put you folks on a tear to find out who I am talking about. It ALL fits the puzzle I created for myself. The only question that remains if IF I HAVE THE RIGHT PUZZLE.

Residences on Hauser in OB (supposedly sold?) and The Crescent on the mainland, Babylon? Initials SY?
Work on W51st Steet and residence on Upper East Side Manhattan?
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Like I mentioned, the July 12.2012 attempted abduction of a 14 year-old girls was a daring crime considering the amped up patrols .etc in the area.
I knew I had read somewhere that the LISK probably collects police items. The fact that this guy:
1)Fits the profile age
2)immitated a cop
3)tried to abduct a girl on LI beach
... one would have to think this guy would be a suspect and needs to be investigated further. I am sure some of you sleuths within this site that are following LISK would be trying to find connections between this guy and the crimes.
Where dies he worK?
Where does he live?
Does he have a record?
Was he in the area ot the time these women went missing?

I just think you all should be on this guy and since he comitted the type of crime that "to catch a killer' would require without there being a dead victim. Thank God this young lady is alive (thank You Lord God).
A profile I found using the S.T.A.L.K site:

I was wondering if there are any more attempted/reported/listed abductions that may have filtered through and have not reached the surface yet in this area?
Like I mentioned, the July 12.2012 attempted abduction of a 14 year-old girls was a daring crime considering the amped up patrols .etc in the area.
I knew I had read somewhere that the LISK probably collects police items. The fact that this guy:
1)Fits the profile age
2)immitated a cop
3)tried to abduct a girl on LI beach
... one would have to think this guy would be a suspect and needs to be investigated further. I am sure some of you sleuths within this site that are following LISK would be trying to find connections between this guy and the crimes.
Where dies he worK?
Where does he live?
Does he have a record?
Was he in the area ot the time these women went missing?

I just think you all should be on this guy and since he comitted the type of crime that "to catch a killer' would require without there being a dead victim. Thank God this young lady is alive (thank You Lord God).
A profile I found using the S.T.A.L.K site:

I was wondering if there are any more attempted/reported/listed abductions that may have filtered through and have not reached the surface yet in this area?

We've been down these roads many times before and it just confuses this case every time we try to make a suspect who is publicized for another crime fit the profile of this case.

The simple fact remains that these sort of crimes are happening on a weeky basis (there was something like over 50+ crimes a year involving men impersonating police officers in the Nassau/Suffolk/Queens county area). The ones like this one sound promising when they are in the headlines but when we put them under a magnifying glass it becomes more obvious that each one is a case that is not related to this one.

This guy in the beach parking lot was a total idiot but most likely not a serial killer who targets prostitutes. He most definitely is not our super careful and highly intelligent LISK (if he was, he would have easily succeeded at the intended crime instead of letting a teenager put an end to his SK career).

We've learned not to get too excited every time we hear about a shooting, abduction, or another body found in the area. We can't even tie either of the last two bodies found in Manorville this year to this case (one was solved and the police are silent about the other one).
NY Post, today:

LI Cops Keeping Feds at Bay in Gilgo Slays

Here's hoping that the story indicates an actual changing of the guard.

From your link:
"...there is no hard evidence of crimes that fall directly under its purview."

So, I wonder... exactly what IS their "purview", and what qualifies as "hard evidence"? And, was it really Dormer holding them off? As always... more questions, and for me... more suspicion of everyone involved.

But, it's nice to see these writers/reporters continue to follow this case.
There are two cases where the FBI could assert jurisdiction:

MW was brought to NY from Maine for the purposes of committing a felony and ended up dead in NY. And by default she was found next to three other dead women also wrapped in burlap and lying in the brambles.

SG was brought from NJ to NY for the purposes of committing a felony and she ends up dead in NY.
Good Catch, PD. I think there would be a greater chance for Willie Sutton to invite the FBI to a bank job, or Dillinger to invite them to The Biograph Movie House than SCPD to invite the FBI into the investigation....LOL. BUT don't worry the FBI is not about to find the killer (s), it is what they are going to find while they are looking.
So, I wonder... exactly what IS their "purview", and what qualifies as "hard evidence"?

I think the FBI investigates whatever they feel like investigating, and ignores what they feel like ignoring. Right at their site, they say, "Spies. Terrorists. Hackers. Pedophiles. Mobsters. Gang leaders and serial killers. We investigate them all, and many more besides." I think it's safe to say that if they wanted to investigate a report that fred&edna had jaywalked, they'd do it, and if they wanted to ignore a reports of terrorists, hackers, pedophiles, etc., they'd do that too. They are, essentially, accountable to no one, though I think it's reasonable to speculate that since 9/11 they've devoted a larger portion of their time to terrorists than ever before.

One situation where they might feel compelled to ramp up their efforts regarding the LISK would be if they felt there were any type of internal conflicts or even corruption impeding the current investigation.

I just have to mention that the FBI, for a taxpayer-funded organization, is an organization that is almost impossible for a taxpayer to get in touch with. They have a "tips" line for major cases; if you call it, a recording gives you choices of major investigations to give tips on (like, "if you have information about the bank robbery on such-and-such date in San Juan, Puerto Rico, press 1"); if the case you're interested is not listed (and LISK isn't), there's no further options, there's no "hold for operator", the caller is at a dead end. It is absolutely and completely impossible to get an FBI agent on the phone, whether you call Washington, Long Island, or your local office. They have no email addresses that you can write to (literally - they say "we have no outside email"). It is possible to get a receptionist, almost reluctantly, to give you a PO Box to write to, and I wrote them a letter last week (in the letter, I couldn't even refer to who had given me the address, as even the receptionists won't identify themselves by name).

Anyway, the line I like from that Post article is "Suffolk County Police Commissioner Edward Webber has signaled a willingness to finally involve the FBI in the case". And I really hope it means something.
I think one of the original tasks of the FBI (when it was formed) was to police the policeman.
Don't forget to add your links to the media thread (below). It's fine to link them throughout the forum for discussion, but it's a good idea to also link them in the media threads so we have them all in one place. Just a reminder that Media threads are links only - no discussion.

LISK Media Thread

Some FBI field offices tend to be more active in some areas than others. For example FBI San Juan Field Office is mostly investigating political & law enforcement corruption, gangs, drugs, and carjackings. The FBI has the responsibility for investigating all carjackings committed in Puerto Rico. On the other hand the FBI NYC Field Office does alot of terrorism and organized crime stuff.

I would love to see the FBI take over the case of the Gilgo & Manorville bodies but unfortunately I doubt it will happen. The SCPD has too much hubris to call in the Feds.
Maybe they do not need the FBI. Maybe they pretty much got it locked up but cant do much because of some lawyer stuff. Who knows? You hear all kinds of wacky stuff. I am not in law enforcement; is a police department inviting the FBI in kind of like a guy stopping to get directions under instruction from his wife/girlfriend? IE admitting defeat.

I knew a guy who was in jail in Riverhead in the late spring/early summer of when they found the bodies. He had claimed that they had "one of the guys" in custody and a whole part of Riverhead was shutdown to house this suspect. Those were his exact words "one of the guys". I do not think serial killers like the one(s) responsible for the OP murders fair to well in general population.

Like I said, you hear all kinds of wacky stuff.
The FBI should be called the Federal Bureau of Idiots. Read Kessler's book about the organization. But I knew that a long time ago without Kessler .

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The SCPD and DA are more worried what the FEDS might bunk into if they have a real role in the investigation.

Tom Spota is more interested in his latest biggest of its kind drug bust in Suffolk County. He just loves to spread the money on the table when he could have put it in one neat pile.

Don't be surprised if the latest arrest for drugs and prostitution doesn't produce a 'witness' for the Gilgo case.
There are highs and lows to EVERY organization. Even the CIA says "when you hear about our operation, we screwed up"
What about the good things the SCPD, and FBI have links from you to those.
There are highs and lows to EVERY organization. Even the CIA says "when you hear about our operation, we screwed up"
What about the good things the SCPD, and FBI have links from you to those.

THE FBI has done some pretty fantastic things; many we will never hear about. The problem with the FBI is they believe in their own press clippings. Most folks I speak to that are in the business tell me their strong suit now is Terrorism. That is where the best agents are now.

JTTF detectives tell me they are impossible to work with. If the FEDS didn;t have the very generous evidence rules to work with they wouldn't be so successful. They are vastly over-rated, but still can be very effective.

Why do you think NYPD PC Kelly has his own "CIA" operating throughout the world? The FBI is a one-way street with information.

The SCPd, I am afraid I have noting good to say about them. The average cop and detective are well intentioned and highly paid schlubs going about their daily tasks the best way they know how. But they have only been in business for 52 years to date, and they are still in the learning process.
Why do you think Spota had Bellone name his Chief Investigator/SCPD Inspector James Burke named Chief of Department three days before Bellone took office. I would call Burke Spota's stooge, but I really think Spota is the stooge.

Why do you think it took Bellone 7 months to name a permanent PC and it turns out the Acting PC was named. That is after a 'nationwide search' was made and 75 persons applied?

Then the nursery owner is rumored to have been a prime POI? This is classic playbook on how they operate. NOTHING has changed in the SCPd since they were created in 1960.
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