The Crockpot - Case Related

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I hope this situation ends well. But not for nothing; where the hell are you mom and dad?
I hope this situation ends well. But not for nothing; where the hell are you mom and dad?

I read one article that the mother quoted that her daughter was talking to the man after she was asleep. The 15 yr old's 14 yr old sister was who informed their mom.
Studies of past cases can be interesting to read, but in this case we have a witness who the said the killer stated that he was, "going to watch her rot".

I don't think he lives too far from ocean parkway...
Studies of past cases can be interesting to read, but in this case we have a witness who the said the killer stated that he was, "going to watch her rot".

I don't think he lives too far from ocean parkway...

I think that's because he kept the body on premises for a period of time after he murdered her. I doubt he dumped her at Gilgo Beach and occasionally went to check on the status of the corpse every now and again. Seems too risky, even for this guy. Whatever happened to the suspect with the "elaborate basement" that the Barthelemy family lawyer received a tip on? Never heard anything about it after that initial mentioning on A&E.
Studies of past cases can be interesting to read, but in this case we have a witness who the said the killer stated that he was, "going to watch her rot".

I don't think he lives too far from ocean parkway...

Nor do I. This study says the overall mean is 14.3 miles from killers home to dump site
Well...I was thinking that maybe the way they were dumped, according to this study, would reveal that the last two victims might be next to each other...but...there were two victims in between
Well...I was thinking that maybe the way they were dumped, according to this study, would reveal that the last two victims might be next to each other...but...there were two victims in between

Well, if you believe (as I do) that SG was also a victim of the LISK, it would be SG and MW were the last 2 (known).
This study suggests that the overall mean distance between the killers home and point of fatal encounter (which is not the kill site, but where the killer first encounters his victims) is 1.46 miles. I suppose the PFE in these cases would be from a computer or phone since his first encounter with them was online. How does that work for your POI? It might if he was at home when he contacted them. I think.
Studies of past cases can be interesting to read, but in this case we have a witness who the said the killer stated that he was, "going to watch her rot".

I don't think he lives too far from ocean parkway...

Neither do I. Curious how literally he meant that he was going to watch her rot. Then again, I'm not sure I want to know.
Studies of past cases can be interesting to read, but in this case we have a witness who the said the killer stated that he was, "going to watch her rot".

I don't think he lives too far from ocean parkway...

Did I miss a piece of information? Or is this about the phone call to Amber's sister?
I have had an epiphany...This monster GETS OFF on the attention he is getting from OUR attention... because he is no longer getting any media attention. I have to ask...are we helping...or are we feeding his ego?
I have invested too much of myself trying to figure this shyt out...I have wasted enough of my life on losers! I thought at first...if we all stopped investing our time, it would be what he want's. I now think that just the opposite is true. He is loving every second that we are spending on this...I for done! He is NOT worth my time! If we all stopped...he would be...FORCED TO ACT. SAD AS IT IS...THAT IS WHAT IS NEEDED...MORE EVIDENCE...A MISTAKE MAYBE THIS TIME. smh
I have invested too much of myself trying to figure this shyt out...I have wasted enough of my life on losers! I thought at first...if we all stopped investing our time, it would be what he want's. I now think that just the opposite is true. He is loving every second that we are spending on this...I for done! He is NOT worth my time! If we all stopped...he would be...FORCED TO ACT. SAD AS IT IS...THAT IS WHAT IS NEEDED...MORE EVIDENCE...A MISTAKE MAYBE THIS TIME. smh

I don't think our participation here makes that much of a difference one way or the other. I enjoy tossing theories around and whatnot, but at the end of the day it's all just talk. The sad truth is these girls were prostitutes, and that means that some people out there feel like they somehow had what happened to them coming. The same way people tend to feel about a junkie when they eventually OD. They knew the risks and yet they continued to play the game. It's tragic, but it happens. I don't necessarily feel this way mind you. I'm just stating a feeling that has been out there for quite some time regarding this case. I think everyone deserves to have someone who will go to bat for them. With that said, I don't think the chances of catching the person responsible are getting any better as the days pass, either. It's a cold case now. In 5 years it will be forgotten completely except for a random article here and there when some girl goes missing, wondering if she too became a victim of the LISK. It's a sad truth to face. But it's the most realistic.

17-year veteran of the New York Police Department has been suspended without pay after a kidnapping victim was found tied up in his garage. The New York Post reports Ondre Johnson, a detective with the Brooklyn north gang unit, was being questioned in connection with the incident and was forced to surrender his gun and badge. A source tells the Post the 25-year-old victim was snatched off the street on July 26.

Ummm... what?!
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