The Crockpot - Case Related

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The other shopping center death wasn't it near the warehouse district and the cheap motels?

OMG, is this more absurd logic or reality? We never heard any follow up to the woman found burning in her SUV in Smith Town. What is happening over there? Then there was that other guy burning to death in his this guy...gets in a car wreck and ends up floating away...some odd stuff happening over there in Smithtown.

OOPSY!! It is a 48 Year Old TUGBOAT CAPTAIN....fell off his boat off the Rhode Island coast...humph! How'd he end up in Montauk. Wonder what his name is?

"Suffolk County Police believe this individual died as a result of injuries suffered in a car accident in Smithtown."

this part was a joke from me about the absurdity of drowning on ocean parkway.
was watching several of the older news videos the other night & caught a glimpse of another set of skeletal remains that were located...not sure which victim this was

I've seen this photo before, also. I'm strongly against photos like this being leaked to the public by the media. I know they have a job to do, but what purpose does releasing this sort of thing really serve? They should have more tact and think of the families that have to see that and wonder if it's their relative.
I have a real question who knows about crime scene investigation..
Why did LE clear all the grass, reeds, growth etc, away from this skeleton, but there is a bat sized piece of drift wood still there on the skeleton seemingly as part of the evidence.

I sense that is Shannan and she may have been chased into the Marsh and died fighting....
I've seen this photo before, also. I'm strongly against photos like this being leaked to the public by the media. I know they have a job to do, but what purpose does releasing this sort of thing really serve? They should have more tact and think of the families that have to see that and wonder if it's their relative.
Did they excavate that site and perimeters around the site? What are some of the other items around they found there? I still can not understand why there was no clothing around the body. It just doesn't work that way. All the clothing and cell phone in one spot and the body in another location?
I still can not understand why there was no clothing around the body. All the clothing and cell phone in one spot and the body in another location?

It is what is known as a "homicide".
Did they excavate that site and perimeters around the site? What are some of the other items around they found there? I still can not understand why there was no clothing around the body. It just doesn't work that way. All the clothing and cell phone in one spot and the body in another location?

I'm pretty sure, as previously mentioned by someone else, that set of remains is not Shannan Gilbert. I believe she had not been found at the time that photo was released. It had to be either Barthelemy, Brainard-Barnes, or Costello. Your guess is as good as mine as to which it is. That's irrelevant though. The whole Gilbert scenario is baffling. I don't see any rhyme or reason to it. I guess I'll defer to the odds in her case. What are the odds the killer of the GB4 was lurking in that Oak Beach neighborhood in the early morning hours the day Shannan disappeared? I'd say not good. What are the odds it was simply a coincidence she was found where she was? Slightly better. What are the odds Brewer, Pak, or Hackett are involved? Exponentially better. I don't believe that Gilbert is linked to the other four females that were found nearby. Just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure, as previously mentioned by someone else, that set of remains is not Shannan Gilbert. I believe she had not been found at the time that photo was released. It had to be either Barthelemy, Brainard-Barnes, or Costello. Your guess is as good as mine as to which it is. That's irrelevant though. The whole Gilbert scenario is baffling. I don't see any rhyme or reason to it. I guess I'll defer to the odds in her case. What are the odds the killer of the GB4 was lurking in that Oak Beach neighborhood in the early morning hours the day Shannan disappeared? I'd say not good. What are the odds it was simply a coincidence she was found where she was? Slightly better. What are the odds Brewer, Pak, or Hackett are involved? Exponentially better. I don't believe that Gilbert is linked to the other four females that were found nearby. Just my opinion.

go back to school and finish.
And finish what? Having another bad day I see? Seems to be a trend for you.

you know me well cman, and you are right, but so am I. I think if you sleep, then re-read your post tomorrow you might see what I mean. (hopefully)

this story is like an onion, outer layers, middle layers, inner layers, and the core... and we aren't all on the same layer.
you know me well cman, and you are right, but so am I. I think if you sleep, then re-read your post tomorrow you might see what I mean. (hopefully)

this story is like an onion, outer layers, middle layers, inner layers, and the core... and we aren't all on the same layer.

Agreed. I'm no expert, but then again, I never really claimed to be. I'm just a chump who knows what he knows and has his own opinions based on that. I'm envious you have that much free time to spend on this case that you're so far ahead of the rest of us. Maybe Nassau or Suffolk County can put you on the payroll? Then you can start paying taxes like the rest of us.
you know me well cman, and you are right, but so am I. I think if you sleep, then re-read your post tomorrow you might see what I mean. (hopefully)

this story is like an onion, outer layers, middle layers, inner layers, and the core... and we aren't all on the same layer.

You're stuck in your own belief that Hackett or Brewer is the killer of the GB4, and there's nothing more to it, right? Other than some odd calls Hackett made to Gilbert's mother, where's your proof? So anyone with a different point of view is automatically out of their element?
You're stuck in your own belief that Hackett or Brewer is the killer of the GB4, and there's nothing more to it, right? Other than some odd calls Hackett made to Gilbert's mother, where's your proof? So anyone with a different point of view is automatically out of their element?

It's not my belief that matters, LE cman, LE.
I wasn't the poster who used the term element.
btw I pay a trailor load in taxes lol.
It's not my belief that matters, LE cman, LE.
I wasn't the poster who used the term element.
btw I pay a trailor load in taxes lol.

You seem a tad bit defensive. Can you dish it out but not take it?
You seem a tad bit defensive. Can you dish it out but not take it?

cman u got me to laugh, round of applause. ur fixin my mood. there's no if and or buts now, all eyes r on the man on the lam, not on vacay, not snowbirding, completely awol...solo... he keeps turning off the radio cuz it keeps playing Martha Reeves, "Nowhere to Run"...

[ame=""]Martha Reeves and the Vandellas- Nowhere to Run - YouTube[/ame]
cman u got me to laugh, round of applause. ur fixin my mood. there's no if and or buts now, all eyes r on the man on the lam, not on vacay, not snowbirding, completely awol...solo... he keeps turning off the radio cuz it keeps playing Martha Reeves, "Nowhere to Run"...

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas- Nowhere to Run - YouTube

So if that's the case why don't we have an arrest? You mentioned something about Florida before if memory serves me correctly. So you know this and the cops don't? Why are you the only one pushing this, whatever it is, so hard? Fill us in. Peel the so-called "onion" back a few layers so we can get on your level.
Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a memorial at the remains site for the asian male/John Doe? I am fairly certain there is a cross with flowers etc at the location as of recent.

Maybe somebody has the locations mixed up or did LE identify this man and is keeping it non-public?
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