The Duct Tape Match

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Yes, I am really just hoping.

Our best hope is prints that were on adhesive side and so protected by what tape was stuck to. Often a tape overlap area provides best evidence. Not mentioned in this case, but you never know, there "might" have been a bit of tape folded on itself?

Let's keep our fingers crossed! Or I should say, let's keep our fingerprints crossed. ;)
I had a nightmare about duct tape, and I needed to comb through this more to put my mind more or less at ease. :nerves:

If I ever go missing, I want you to be on the case. Thank god for people like yourself who are detail oriented and leave no stone unturned. I always look for your posts because they are amazing. Thanks for your time and dedication to this place. :blowkiss:
I had a nightmare about duct tape, and I needed to comb through this more to put my mind more or less at ease. :nerves:

If I ever go missing, I want you to be on the case. Thank god for people like yourself who are detail oriented and leave no stone unturned. I always look for your posts because they are amazing. Thanks for your time and dedication to this place. :blowkiss:
I agree JWG would be a great person to have working on your behalf.

But be warned.

If you went missing he would almost certainly bring you back as a spreadsheet!
LOL spreadsheet or not, at least I would know that nothing would get overlooked. You are awesome too btw Hercules. :) It is just nice to know that some people will get to the bottom of things even when it seems hopeless. Again, you guys are gggggggggreeeeat!
According to today's "sticky", CD containing duct tape photos from the FBI lab has been turned over to JB. Info was from Is this the info JB/LKB were talking about in court? Will these photos be released to the public?
ITA!! Maybe "the devil" doesn't have fingerprints??
Or she scratches her prints away. It explains all that hand rubbing and scratching we see in court. But seriously, I wouldn't doubt that KC wore garden or latex gloves to triple bag and dispose of her 'garbage' last June. Probably used / stole her Mothers gloves just to get an extra jab in.

Or she scratches her prints away. It explains all that hand rubbing and scratching we see in court. But seriously, I wouldn't doubt that KC wore garden or latex gloves to triple bag and dispose of her 'garbage' last June. Probably used / stole her Mothers gloves just to get an extra jab in.


OK-Now THAT'S really F'ing funny....
KC can't seem to sit still for more than 2 minutes or so. After that, she is compelled to wipe her eyes, and "inspect" the "tears" or otherwise wiggle around nervously....Flash BIG smiles every few minutes or so too. (Note to the public-see-I'm really confident....") Knowing what we know...She makes me SICK!

I can post pics now! Not sure I did this right, but as I said in another post...if WE have Henkel duct tape, it must be VERY common LOL We live 30 minutes from the Anthony's...who knows...we may even shop at the same Home Depot. IMO, There is no way anyone is tearing this tape with their bare hands or teeth. Need scissors or a's really tough.

Only one person reported tape with Henkel logo and several looked in their own homes and at what was available in stores.

SO FAR this "Henkel" tape is rare, in fact if this one roll is from a store near the Anthony's then perhaps there was a relatively small consignment sold in that area?
Only one person reported tape with Henkel logo and several looked in their own homes and at what was available in stores.

SO FAR this "Henkel" tape is rare, in fact if this one roll is from a store near the Anthony's then perhaps there was a relatively small consignment sold in that area?

I checked the Henkel website and it is available at just about every major store (Home Depot, Target, Lowes, K-Mart, Staples, Safeway, and many more) but that doesn't mean every store listed sells the tape Casey used. I wonder how many of the stores sell them in the Orlando area.
I checked the Henkel website and it is available at just about every major store (Home Depot, Target, Lowes, K-Mart, Staples, Safeway, and many more) but that doesn't mean every store listed sells the tape Casey used. I wonder how many of the stores sell them in the Orlando area.
Herc's offline, so I'll cover for him here.

The question isn't the availability of Henkel brand tape, which is ubiquitous, but rather the availability of Henkel brand tape with a Henkel logo printed on the tape itself, which seems to be considerably less common, and apparently only verifiable by on-site inspection.
Herc's offline, so I'll cover for him here.

The question isn't the availability of Henkel brand tape, which is ubiquitous, but rather the availability of Henkel brand tape with a Henkel logo printed on the tape itself, which seems to be considerably less common, and apparently only verifiable by on-site inspection.
Well said, thanks.

"Less Common" so far means just ONE ROLL (Outside evidence samples) with "Henkel" logo on the surface of the tape itself, and hundreds have been sampled.
Herc's offline, so I'll cover for him here.

The question isn't the availability of Henkel brand tape, which is ubiquitous, but rather the availability of Henkel brand tape with a Henkel logo printed on the tape itself, which seems to be considerably less common, and apparently only verifiable by on-site inspection.

Well said, thanks.

"Less Common" so far means just ONE ROLL (Outside evidence samples) with "Henkel" logo on the surface of the tape itself, and hundreds have been sampled.

Ohhhhh....I didn't realize the logo was that rare. You guys really know your duct tape! Thanks for the info.
Or she scratches her prints away. It explains all that hand rubbing and scratching we see in court. But seriously, I wouldn't doubt that KC wore garden or latex gloves to triple bag and dispose of her 'garbage' last June. Probably used / stole her Mothers gloves just to get an extra jab in.


I think she probably tried to use gloves. Maybe she succeeded. But as someone that wears gloves regularly using a much less sticky type of tape, it is a PITA!! I can't imagine wearing something like rubber gloves or, worse yet, thinner latex gloves and trying to rip duct tape. Maybe leather gloves or cloth gloves would work, but even then, it would be extremely difficult.
Ohhhhh....I didn't realize the logo was that rare. You guys really know your duct tape! Thanks for the info.
Obviously the tape match will have to go a lot further than the coincidence of the rare "Henkel" logo. The FBI still has tape samples from the remains site and from the Gas Can. We await any further test results.
Why wear gloves at all? Wouldn't it be simple to just cut off a piece, handling it only at both ends with your fingertips, put it in place, and then snip off the ends where your fingertips were? (Remembering to also clip off the end on the roll if you handled it).

Nevermind--these sort of shortcuts are why I'm not allowed to handle a screwdriver around here. LOL
Why wear gloves at all? Wouldn't it be simple to just cut off a piece, handling it only at both ends with your fingertips, put it in place, and then snip off the ends where your fingertips were? (Remembering to also clip off the end on the roll if you handled it).

Nevermind--these sort of shortcuts are why I'm not allowed to handle a screwdriver around here. LOL

hmmm I'm gonna have to try it for meself and see!

I'm still stuck on the *why* duct tape. Was it holding something in place? I just can't see the tape as a quieting method, and no real purpose for it after death, but maybe purpose *if* already quiet (unconcious) and awaiting death. Sorry, swurved off the road a bit there (OT)
Ok...after reading the last few posts I headed out to the garage and did a little experiment. (Just to note: I work with gloves and tape at work all the time so I know a few little tricks but it's medical tape not duct tape)

I had latex gloves, nitrile gloves and vinyl gloves. I pulled 10 inches off of the roll, tore it with my hands and applied it around the corner of a cardboard box.

Results: While a little difficult, it is very possible to handle duct tape with gloves on, especially if you are applying it to something vs. trying to pull it off something. I am just guessing here but I imagine, if KC wore gloves, it was to avoid contact with a Caylee more than trying to hide her finger prints.
hmmm I'm gonna have to try it for meself and see!

I'm still stuck on the *why* duct tape. Was it holding something in place? I just can't see the tape as a quieting method, and no real purpose for it after death, but maybe purpose *if* already quiet (unconcious) and awaiting death. Sorry, swurved off the road a bit there (OT)

God, I don't know the why of the duct tape, it's almost too horrific to contemplate. Personally, there are only two scenarios that make sense of KC's use of that duct tape:

1) Enraged payback from KC against Caylee for "tattling" on her to Cindy. I think its possibile that on June 15th, during their nice long drive back and forth to Mt. Dora, Caylee unknowingly told Cindy something about KC that absolutely infuriated Cindy.

Maybe KC said something like, "Mommy makes me sleep in the trunk," or "Mommy makes me take medicine to sleep," or "We don't have no Nanny--Mommy is Nanny," or "Mommy sleeps in Tony's bed," or Mommy doesn't go to work, we come home and play here." Who knows--it could be anything, but whatever it was, it made Cindy go off on Casey that night when they got home.

Casey of course denied it and convinced Cindy that Caylee was wrong, then KC and Caylee went to bed. Maybe Cindy did tuck them in. But that night, Casey stayed awake seething because Caylee had ratted her out and Cindy had gotten in her face because of it. Not only that, but it was also now apparent to furious KC that Caylee's ability to talk was bringing an immediate end to what little freedom KC had.

The next day, around 1 PM, Casey and Caylee said goodbye to George (Casey was dressed for "work."), then--as was KC's habit, she and Caylee returned to the house after George left and before Cindy came home. While they were home, KC did something Caylee didn't like, Caylee had a tantrum and threatened to "tell Gramma." Or maybe Caylee had a tantrum when it was time to leave and said she wanted to stay home with Gramma and go swimming. With Caylee kicking and screaming or dragging her feet, an infuriated Casey hauled Caylee out of the house-- through the inner garage door--(toward her car in the driveway.) AND THERE WAS THE DUCT TAPE.

I think Casey grabbed it, taped it around Caylee's face to shut her up, (and perhaps put tape around her legs, too,), and said, "So, you want to go swimming?" Then she hauled Caylee back into the house, out the porch door, and threw her into the swimming pool. After awhile, she fished a dead Caylee out of the pool, shoved her into two plastic garbage bags, then she jammed those into the white laundry bag. All a neighbor would have seen, had a neighbor been looking, was Casey benignly putting her laundry into the trunk.

2) The same scenario above except that Casey didn't use the duct tape before she threw Caylee into the pool, she used it after she fished Caylee out of the pool and laid her on the ground. At that point, she put tape over Caylee's face so she didn't have to look at it, pressed a heart-shaped sticker over her mouth "to make it all better," then she folded Caylee "in half," trussed her up with more duct tape to keep her that way, and shoved her into the bags as above.

Maybe instead of putting Caylee's body in her trunk that day, she hid her in the playhouse or elsewhere and went back for her a couple days later.

Either way, I think she realized she lost something in the pool the day Caylee drowned (maybe the missing "Tiffany ring?") or her own shoe or something she was afraid Cindy would see in there. She went back for it a couple days later, dragged the ladder over to the pool, and tried to fish it out with the shovel. This time, she just left the ladder there. If she'd left Caylee's body there before, she took it with her now.

God that was horrible to type.

That's my private hellish idea of what might have happened to "our" baby girl. Purely my imagaination, of course.

Every time I see that picture of Caylee as an infant, sleeping peacefully on Jesse's big chest, I think to myself, "That's the safest she was ever going to be."
OK-Now THAT'S really F'ing funny....
KC can't seem to sit still for more than 2 minutes or so. After that, she is compelled to wipe her eyes, and "inspect" the "tears" or otherwise wiggle around nervously....Flash BIG smiles every few minutes or so too. (Note to the public-see-I'm really confident....") Knowing what we know...She makes me SICK!

In the court appearance just prior to this latest one, the appearance where she's got on the cream colored one-button sweater over the lavender knit, she looks down at her left elbow area and about jumps out of her chair; there's a lint thingy!!! on her arm and she frantically uses her right hand to brush it the ick!! off! I LMAO when I saw this; it's how I'd act if a spider was on me. The girl's pretty tightly wound, I'd say. And also obsessively neat. P.S. In one video where she's taping Caylee coloring, Caylee has a box of crayons and wants mama to interact with her. Upon realizing that KC isn't going to, again, interact with her, Caylee sighs and turns away to color. But any kid I ever knew would dump the box of crayons on the floor first thing. Caylee didn't. I found that also very telling, about the obsessively neat - white carpet-- I mean... really??

Sorry this is OT. Topics here don't tend to stay linear, at least in my mind. They tend to branch off and interconnect with other topics- it's in finding the connections, over and over, that we will best get the knowledge of WTF is going on in that family, in that girl, that she can coldly take the life of her baby, and coldly lie and destroy everybody who ever knew her.
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