The Innocence Project and Darlie Routier

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Jan 29, 2011
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What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.
I have gone back and forth in believing she is guilty and not guilty over the years. Though over the last three to four years believed for the most part she is guilty.....
... the one thing that’s always bothered me though is Darin, I’ve always found him to be a suspicious character. I honesty don’t know.
She sure acted suspiciously though, her not trying to help her son, Damon who was dying, then her repeated mentioning of the knife and fingerprints, I’m sure Im forgetting more. Maybe she was in shock, or maybe she’s just a dim wit, I just don’t know other than I found her reported behavior to be off.
I’m shocked the Innocent Project took her case, but if she’s innocent I hope the truth comes out. I also hope that whoever is guilty, if she’s not, is prosecuted as s result of this. I still do have questions about Darin being involved.
I lived pretty close to the area at the time of the murders, at first I totally believed her, mostly because I could not grasp that a women my age would do that to her children.
Unfortunately, history proves otherwise as do many cases presented here on this site.
IMO The birthday party at graveside. Silly string and all.
Just odd behavior.
I have to go read up on what The Innocence Project requires before they agree to take on a case.
What convinced them?
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.
Have you (or anyone else) found a link to the information? I know member InDoubt558 posted about it on April 5. They said they have an inside track and heard it verbally from a reliable source. It's been a couple of weeks so I'd think msm would have also heard and be looking into it by now. I can't find anything about it from Google searches on Darlie, Vanessa Potter or the Innocence Project.

I don't know how long it typically takes before the Innocence Project announces a new case so maybe it's still too early? Anyway, if any of you have seen/read something please post a link. TIA!
Didnt I read that they’re still waiting on additional DNA test results? I guess I’ll have to go back and check the other threads.
“The Innocence Project does NOT review claims where DNA testing cannot prove innocence”.
Submit a Case to the Innocence Project

ETA: this is all I’ve found so far. I wonder if they finally completed all the testing.
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Didnt I read that they’re still waiting on additional DNA test results? I guess I’ll have to go back and check the other threads.
“The Innocence Project does NOT review claims where DNA testing cannot prove innocence”.
Submit a Case to the Innocence Project

ETA: this is all I’ve found so far. I wonder if they finally completed all the testing.
Interesting. I'd think if the DNA results were back msm would report on it, even if the results were sealed. The last I've seen in msm is from November 2018 reporting that testing is underway. Maybe her defense attorney is keeping it under wraps for now?

From your link:
"1. Postconviction - the trial and appeal are over and final. If you have not yet been convicted and lost your appeals, we cannot help you. Please do not write to us for assistance until after you have been convicted and your appeals have been completed.

2. There is physical evidence that, if subjected to DNA testing, will prove that the defendant is actually innocent. This means that physical evidence was collected – for example blood, bodily fluids, clothing, hair – and if that evidence can be found and tested, the test will prove that the defendant could not have committed the crime. Examples of crimes where biological evidence can prove innocence include sexual assaults, homicides, assaults with close physical contact or a struggle and some robberies—where physical evidence was collected that was worn by or in contact with the actual perpetrator.

The Innocence Project does NOT review claims where DNA testing cannot prove innocence."

The WS member said Vanessa Potkin "signed on April 2" so does that mean Darlie is no longer seeking a new trial? The status as of June 2018 was that her attorneys had petitioned federal court:
Routier's federal challenge filed in the U.S. District Court for West Texas in San Antonio begins, "Darlie Lynn Routier sits on Texas death row for a crime she did not commit."

That filing has been on hold for more than a decade, pending the outcome of her state post-conviction challenge.

The federal court requires that a status update on the DNA testing be submitted every six months.
I'd feel a lot more comfortable if/when Potkin or another rep from the Innocence Project would publicly announce that they have taken on Darlie's case. It's nothing personal against member InDoubt558, I'm just accustomed to seeing msm links, especially with breaking news. It might also help if they would consider becoming verified.

Anyway, if the Innocence Project is taking Darlie's case then I welcome the investigation. I believe she did murder her children but new exculpatory evidence would certainly change my mind.
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I do see another thread on this:
Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

It is official, Vanessa Potkin has taken the Darlie Routier murder case. For those of you who do not know who she is, Vanessa is with the Innocence Project and has been onboard there for over 17 years. This is the same Innocence Project of the famous Barry C. Scheck as well as Peter Neufeld, the originators of the original Innocence Project.

Unfortunately, I do not see any links to confirm this yet
I do see another thread on this:
Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

Unfortunately, I do not see any links to confirm this yet
Yes, that's where I first learned about it. The information must have come from somewhere. The poster says they have an inside track but I can't consider it official until I see something in msm.

Maybe Vanessa Potkin is waiting to see if Darlie's latest appeal is accepted or denied? I dunno.
Yes, that's where I first learned about it. The information must have come from somewhere. The poster says they have an inside track but I can't consider it official until I see something in msm.

Maybe Vanessa Potkin is waiting to see if Darlie's latest appeal is accepted or denied? I dunno.

I am the same way, MsMarple. I keep checking for a link ... not yet.
I was one of the first to share this news on Facebook. The moment I heard, Chills ran down my arms. This innocent mother will finally get help. I have been extremely passionate about Darlie’s case for the last year. I’ve dug high and low and looked at every perspective. I truly believe she is innocent and want to do everything I can to help her.
Can someone please remind me why she was convicted of murdering Damon but not Devon?
She was arrested for the murder of boy her children. Her trial was on Damon's murder only. If they lost, they would have then tried her for Devon's murder. Also at the time, Damon's murder qualified for the DP.
Yes, that's where I first learned about it. The information must have come from somewhere. The poster says they have an inside track but I can't consider it official until I see something in msm.

Maybe Vanessa Potkin is waiting to see if Darlie's latest appeal is accepted or denied? I dunno.

The information came from Darlie's mother Darlie Kee. Apparently, Darlie's lawyer told her the DA told him. Sorry I shouldn't laugh but for the IP to take Darlie's case they are going against their own mission statement. Darlie has a team of appellate attorneys and she has the rights to DNA test anything she wants. Why would the IP interrupt that? However, if they find that alleged intruder good on them. No one wants to see an innocent person in prison.

Again, though I don't believe Darlie is innocent and I don't believe the IP will all of a sudden find this mysterious intruder. Judge Royal Ferguson has already stated in order for Darlie to get any relief, that bloody print plus two separate pieces of evidence have to match an intruder.

Another thought...Darlie's state appeals must have ended and she's moving to the federal level appeals

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