The Innocence Project and Darlie Routier

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Nobody knows unless Darlie tells us. Is it a plant? Or did she try to throw it in the bin and missed? Did she throw something down the drain and forgot the sock? Did she need to get the sock out of the house for some reason? The sock ties back to the house, it was Darin's sock, it had the boys blood on it and Darlie's DNA in the toe. Why would an intruder take the sock?
My thoughts on the sock? She put it on her hand like a glove so she wouldn't leave her fingerprints. Used it to stage the scene and then realized that she had to quickly get rid of it.
It has always surprised me that the sock was taken out of the house in an apparent attempt to get rid of evidence but the knife was put back into the knife butcher figure.
I don’t think it was an attempt to get rid of evidence. It was part of the staging. The logic would have been “if something with blood on it from inside the house is found outside the house, then it will look like someone took it when they ran away, but it couldn’t have been me because I was too busy bleeding to death and calling an ambulance”.
My suggested timeline is:
Stab the boys with the sock over her hand.
Take the sock outside and drop it in order to show that someone had left the house.
Go back to the kitchen and stand at the sink.
Cut arm and neck a bit.
Start to stage and clean up - sink, footprints, vacuum cleaner, wine glass etc.
Hear one of the boys and realise they are still alive.
Stab the boy again, but now she’s bleeding too hence the mix of blood patterns.
Put knife away - moment of panic? Lack of planning? Who knows.
Call 911.
Clock starts ticking according to her story, not allowing time for her to run the sock outside. Therefore, it just HAD to be the mystery, invisible, untraceable, stupid (who stabs two small boys while leaving their mother alive to attack him or at the very least identify him later?) yet very clever (how did he get in and out, and walk through a scene awash with blood, yet leave no trace whatsoever?) murderer.

Even if Darrin is involved somehow, Darlie would have to know and therefore is still guilty and deserves to be exactly where she is. Not death row - capital punishment is unconscionable - but she can stay in gaol.
From July 13, 2020:
Darlie Routier, the former Altoona resident who is facing a death sentence in Texas for the 1996 murder of one of her young children, was to have a post-conviction hearing in Dallas County last week, but it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Routier’s attorneys also have filed a federal habeas corpus petition in the U.S. District Court of West Texas, but it has been on hold for more than a decade.
DNA testing of the evidence has been completed, and a bloody fingerprint found on a coffee table in the home was finally run through state and federal data bases, but it remains unidentified.
It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York.

Because of the new evidence gleamed from the DNA testing and the prosecution files, an amended habeas corpus petition will be filed in the state court, the status report indicated.
While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said.

He said there has been “just a tiding-up” of the evidence.
Virus slows Routier case | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror
More at the link.

So hurry up and wait for the Innocence Project to post something on its website indicating what they've done so far.

And yeah, what kind of intruder drops the murder knife on the floor but takes the time to replace the knife he used to cut the screen? Darlie's supporters claim bad forensics but IIRC *all* the knives in the block were tested and only one had fibers similar to the screen's.

And what intruder would have been more afraid of two little boys rousing their father than Darlie's screams waking Darin? Darlie should have been murdered first and likely the intruder would have then run out instead of deciding to stab two little boys.

If the boys were the targets then swiftly taking out Darlie would have been the priority. If Darlie was the target then why wasn't she stabbed multiple times?

Darlie was the only so-called victim with hesitation marks on her. Why? The intruder had no problem viciously stabbing two little boys multiple times but hesitated before slashing at rather than stabbing Darlie?

Generally speaking how likely would a potential rapist also choose to kill three people including two children? Why would that murderer decide to only superficially wound the adult? Uh uh, it makes no sense. MOO.
It has always surprised me that the sock was taken out of the house in an apparent attempt to get rid of evidence but the knife was put back into the knife butcher figure.
The knife put back in the knife block was used to cut the screen. She would not have been aware that screen debris was left on it. The bloody murder weapon was left on a counter.
Its no longer visited anymore. the last post is from several years ago, but the messages there are still intact, and had interesting discussions. Delphi Forums Login. There's the link if you want to take a look. I think alot of the people who were there are here now for the most part. I'm a little late to this party.
Most of the folks from that forum are on Facebook Justice for Devon and Damon Routier. That is Mary's old forum, no one posts there any longer
The knife put back in the knife block was used to cut the screen. She would not have been aware that screen debris was left on it. The bloody murder weapon was left on a counter.
The fibers were consistent with fibers from the screen, but it was also proven that the dust and the brush were contaminated. They used the same items to test both the knife and the window. If Darlie had a forensic investigator at her trial she never would have been convicted of that crime. They suspected Darin murdered those boys and the first lawyers hired had full intentions of implicating Darin in the crime. They had mounds of evidence against him but do to the fact that Darlie's mother and Darin hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime the jury never got to see the mounds of evidence against Darin. He was never investigated thanks to Detective Patterson.
*snip* They had mounds of evidence against him but do to the fact that Darlie's mother and Darin hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime the jury never got to see the mounds of evidence against Darin. He was never investigated thanks to Detective Patterson.

So you are saying that Darlie’s own mother threw Darlie under the bus, literally to a death sentence, to protect Darin?
It seems to me that even if Doug Mulder was hired by Darin to not implicate him, Mulder did not control the prosecution.
Please point me to the “mounds of evidence against Darin”. I have an open mind. If there is evidence that you somehow know about, given that it has never turned up anywhere else, please do share your source documents.
In your scenario there would have had to have been a conspiracy of monumental proportions that included everyone involved in the process just to protect Darin at the expense of Darlie.
What is your explanation for why Darin was apparently so valuable that Darlie’s own mother chose him over her daughter? And why was everyone involved also protecting him?
[QUOTE="kezzy17, post: 16316030, member: 209158”]
She says she knew he did a lot of criminal things but drew the line at murder? Darlie's mother has being lying and covering for Darin for years and I believe the reason she has done that is because she is scared of her reputation being destroyed.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for answering. I still don’t buy it.

So Darlie Kee would rather have her daughter on death row, convicted of killing two of her children, than have her own reputation destroyed? All while her guilty son-in-law, who slaughtered her two grandchildren and allegedly tried to kill her precious daughter as well, walked free?

And wouldn’t having a baby-killer as a daughter destroy her lovely reputation anyway? Can’t imagine anything much worse than that.

And then she’d have to spend the rest of her life ensuring that every single other person who was complicit in this mammoth conspiracy to protect Darlie Kee’s reputation by convicting the wrong person, didn’t decide to come clean. Dozens, if not hundreds of people who had to overlook “a mound of evidence against Darin” and then falsify yet more evidence against Darlie. I don’t think Darlie Kee is that smart or has that much power over everyone else.

I don’t think she’s important enough for every other person from both sides to somehow agreed to ignore evidence, not pursue an investigation into Darin, falsify forensic evidence against Darlie, convict the wrong person etc.

And now you’ve changed it from “protecting Darin” to “protecting Darlie Kee’s reputation”.

Again, why are either of them worth everyone else bizarrely agreeing to risk their jobs, their reputation, and even jail time for perjury.

This was a tragedy within a family. It didn’t involve celebrities, or politicians, or other police, or local notables, or anyone with power or money. These were just two wannabes living above their means, dabbling in petty crime such as drugs and possibly insurance fraud. Who would care enough about any of them to engage in a mammoth cover up?

It was an awful, tragic domestic crime. The police and the lawyers wouldn’t have given a second thought to pursuing Darin if the evidence pointed at him. But it didn’t. Any more than it pointed at an intruder.
The fibers were consistent with fibers from the screen, but it was also proven that the dust and the brush were contaminated. They used the same items to test both the knife and the window.
IMO if this was true, then every knife and knife hole in the block would be “contaminated” and not just one. At the very least, more knives and/or knife holes. I think Darlie wasn’t thinking in the heat of the murder and put the knife back in the block after cutting the screen.
IMO if this was true, then every knife and knife hole in the block would be “contaminated” and not just one. At the very least, more knives and/or knife holes. I think Darlie wasn’t thinking in the heat of the murder and put the knife back in the block after cutting the screen.

I wonder if the knife that had the fibers was the first knife tested from the block?
So you are saying that Darlie’s own mother threw Darlie under the bus, literally to a death sentence, to protect Darin?
It seems to me that even if Doug Mulder was hired by Darin to not implicate him, Mulder did not control the prosecution.
Please point me to the “mounds of evidence against Darin”. I have an open mind. If there is evidence that you somehow know about, given that it has never turned up anywhere else, please do share your source documents.
In your scenario there would have had to have been a conspiracy of monumental proportions that included everyone involved in the process just to protect Darin at the expense of Darlie.
What is your explanation for why Darin was apparently so valuable that Darlie’s own mother chose him over her daughter? And why was everyone involved also protecting him?
I hate to have to tell you this but this poster is making up things. I've known her for a long long time. She is convinced Darin is the killer and Darlie is innocent. She will make up anything that points to Darin. Best to ignore her.
The fibers were consistent with fibers from the screen, but it was also proven that the dust and the brush were contaminated. They used the same items to test both the knife and the window. If Darlie had a forensic investigator at her trial she never would have been convicted of that crime. They suspected Darin murdered those boys and the first lawyers hired had full intentions of implicating Darin in the crime. They had mounds of evidence against him but do to the fact that Darlie's mother and Darin hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime the jury never got to see the mounds of evidence against Darin. He was never investigated thanks to Detective Patterson.
Come on Jo, you know this is not true. The mounds of evidence are all made up in your head.
Its no longer visited anymore. the last post is from several years ago, but the messages there are still intact, and had interesting discussions. Delphi Forums Login. There's the link if you want to take a look. I think alot of the people who were there are here now for the most part. I'm a little late to this party.
Hey tinyrip, it's me Fugi from Delphi. Yes we had a good forum going there back then. We are mostly on Facebook now.
I hate to have to tell you this but this poster is making up things. I've known her for a long long time. She is convinced Darin is the killer and Darlie is innocent. She will make up anything that points to Darin. Best to ignore her.
Yeah Blind Freddie could see that. I was just having a bit of fun responding to her nonsense with logic to see how she would handle it. :)
I do not know if she did it or not. I also think there was enough reasonable doubt to acquit her. Waiting to see if this case is reopened.
Her case is still open, she's in her last appeal. Will she get a new trial? No she won't. There is no legal reason for a new trial. No reasonable doubt whatsoever.
Yeah Blind Freddie could see that. I was just having a bit of fun responding to her nonsense with logic to see how she would handle it. :)

She gets really nasty. You wouldn't believe the things she has called me. Even Darlie hates her
I wonder if the knife that had the fibers was the first knife tested from the block?

The knives were not dusted at the crime scene so that would not make any difference. They were dusted at the crime lab. And for that matter no one dusts the sharp end of a knife. You dust the blunt side and the handle. Jo?Kezzy is just making up evidence in her own head. They proved the fibre on the knife did not come from the dusting brush. It wasn't just the fibre, there was also rubber dust from the rubber that surrounds the screen. Two separate pieces of evidence did not get transferred from a dusting brush. The crime tech also testified the screen was cut with a serrated knife. The knife that held the fibre was a serrated bread knife.
I wonder if the knife that had the fibers was the first knife tested from the block?
The knives were not dusted at the crime scene so that would not make any difference. They were dusted at the crime lab. And for that matter no one dusts the sharp end of a knife. You dust the blunt side and the handle. Jo?Kezzy is just making up evidence in her own head. They proved the fibre on the knife did not come from the dusting brush. It wasn't just the fibre, there was also rubber dust from the rubber that surrounds the screen. Two separate pieces of evidence did not get transferred from a dusting brush. The crime tech also testified the screen was cut with a serrated knife. The knife that held the fibre was a serrated bread knife.
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.

I have never thought she was guilty but I believe her husband was involved and a master manipulator good enough to dupe the investigators.
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.

I have never thought she was guilty but I believe her husband was involved and think he's a master manipulator good enough to dupe the investigators, his employee, and wait until just before trial to hire Mulder so the court appointed attorneys couldn't put blame and prove his guilt. Mulder didn't have time to fully prepare for her case and the jury was focused on the graveyard video. My final thought is her husband, investigators, District Attorneys, and 12 gullible jurors all played a part in sending her to death. I hope she is freed soon, I just can't picture them strapping her to a bed and killing her.

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