The Most Hated Baby Names in America

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I'm not sure why people make fun of my kid's names: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. :snooty:
I can safely say that I am semi-unique. Everyone always wants to know how my mom came up with my name. My dad's middle name is Lavon (he was born in 1939). That's where the La came from. Then there was the little girl next door by the name of Wanda. So my mom put them together and here I am. LaWanda. Everyone asks me how to spell it. When I actually spell it out, they're like .. OH, Just like it sounds. Ya Think?

Growing up I hated my name. Through the Valley Girl phase in the 80's I tried to convince everyone to call me by my Valley name of Lori (Yeah, that worked .. here in Georgia. LOL) Even up to a few years ago, I was telling people that I met that my middle name was my first name and tried to morph into Leigh. Nope. Didn't work. So here I am, LaWanda, with a brother, Michael; a sister Connie; and kids Jordan, Joshua, and Justin.
I subbed for a while & called roll by last names; I challenge anyone to correctly pronounce every name on a class roster. The made-up names & unconvential spellings are just tooooo much... phonetics be damned!

My son's name came from his great-grandfather, a well known person in his time, who was named for his grandfather. Well a few years later, his name began popping up in the trend of borrowing traditional boy's names for girls.... ok with him, just one more way he is unique.

Over the course of several years, my aunt taught sisters: Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Phi Elipson, then two or 3 more straight from the Greek Fraternals. Every schoolteacher has "a list" of former students with funny names. I heard this as a true story but cannot verify: A little first-grader wouldn't answer rollcall & seemed hestitant to speak in class at any time. The teacher called for a parent conference to address La-Sha, the shy child. When she began to explain her concern about "LA SHAY" the mother said " Call my baby by her name, that dash ain't silent... "LA DASH SHA"....... See why I used last names?
I'm not sure why people make fun of my kid's names: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. :snooty:

I had neighbors whose children were Matthew, Mark, Luke & John..... said no more kids for them, didn't like Acts or Romans & certainly couldn't go with 1 Corinthians.
Eldest named in the early 90s (I was still in high school): Rain Forest.

Youngest named last year (I consider myself to be "middle-aged"; kid is a jr.): Mark.

Goes to show how time, trend, and maturity certainly do influence name choices.
Soulmagnet, I'm sorry, but that is funny. Maybe your dad just liked the name.

I guess he did but I always wondered if that lady felt like I did about it.

I always felt like it sounded like something a huge girly TV star would have and not a girl who tosses mud pies arround and who still cant keep her hands clean.

Christi :star2::star2: Michelle

Doest sound like a receptionist either. Maybe a DJ though.

BTW the stars are to prevent google from return this post in a search.
I have a Jennifer Blythe, Tyler Patrick James, and Travis Evan.
Nothing too out of the ordinary. I still love the names I gave them all, but my two favorites(names, not children) are Blythe and Evan. Blythe sounds romantic to me and Evan is just a really cool name
Fruit names, IMO, are downright ridiculous.

For instance: Apple. I mean, c'mon Gwenneth! What were you thinking?!
ouldn't answer rollcall & seemed hestitant to speak in class at any time. The teacher called for a parent conference to address La-Sha, the shy child. When she began to explain her concern about "LA SHAY" the mother said " Call my baby by her name, that dash ain't silent... "LA DASH SHA"....... See why I used last names?

I was a NICU nurse for many years. My all-time "what the heck??" name was Lil' Caesar Anthony ###(last name).
My name is Mary - the most boring, vanilla, white bread name on the planet. I grew up with so many Marys that I answer to Mary Beth, Mary Ann, Mary Lou - you name it.
My four kids are Ben, Sarah, Kathleen and (my only regretted name) Rosanne. I regret it because of that awful Roseanne Barr. She goes by Rosie, and is an aviation mechanic - so I call her Rosie the Riveter. ( I actually named her after a song on the radio - Rosanna by Toto)
I have a very irish last name.
I named my daughter Catherine Grace - Both names were after elderly (and long gone) aunts. I'm amused at how many Grace Catherine's we have met along the way.

My very orthodox friend from Brooklyn said "Could you have PICKED a WASPier name?" (HA HA HA seriously, could he know anyone more WASPy then me?) :)

I'm 41, and my first name is not uncommon, but usually other people with the name are about 15-20 years older than me. There are a lot of ways to spell it though same as the last name. So I just wanted something that I thought was strong, feminine, and classic. I guess I didn't realize there were other variations besides C or K with my daughter's name. People spell it the funniest ways sometimes.
My first name is very old fashion..I was named after my great aunt who happens to be who my mom was also names after. I go by my middle name and 90% of the people I know do not know my first name. (they just think what they call me IS my first name.) BUT I have to say I like my first name better then what all the girl cousins ended up being named "something" Beth ex. Sara-Beth Mary-Beth etc.
My sons name is Colton when we came up with name we hadn't heard it befor and now 3 years later it's a name I hear alot. In fact he has 2 distant cousins whos names are Colton.
Now my "first" name (which is actually my middle name) is a very popular middle name.
And my "real" first name is Phyllis
OMG!! I know what you mean re. the name "Colton"!! I named my now 12-yr.-old Colton and have never regretted it; however, I am still shocked somewhat when I hear it being used by someone else, ESPECIALLY criminals!! Several yrs. ago. Colton P.????? [can't remember spelling] was on the old "Court TV" for a trial; at the time, MY Colton was shocked to hear that a murderer had HIS name, lol! THEN there was the "Barefoot Bandit," aka Colton something-or-other! My son is always watching true-crime shows with me, as he knows that is my passion... But by the time the SECOND 'criminally-inclined' Colton showed up on television, my son was like, "Dang, Mom, I never meet anyone with my name, and when I see other 'Coltons' on the news, they're always the 'bad guys'!! But, FWIW, I always assure him of the truth: I named him 'Colton' because of a magazine article I had read a few years before his birth. The article covered the Oklahoma City bombings... and one of the children who didn't make it was named 'Colton'- at that moment, I fell in love w/the name, and I still love it. However, recently I have seen a resurgence re. 'Colton' and I don't like it... And, oh, yeah, my eldest son is named "Evan" and I can't believe how his name has been 'hijacked'!! When I named him 'Evan' in 1988, that name was unheard of...SO weird!!!:crazy:
My kids just reminded me of a local naming atrocity:

Seriously. When he was a teen, they changed it to Kester, but they let him be named a synonym for rear end for over ten years!
Before I was pregnant with my first, we picked 3 boys names and 3 girls names we liked and we were sticking to that list no matter what... We agreed on all 6, and would go in order.



I never even associated Carter with a brand name until AFTER he was born and we started getting gifts of "Carter's" clothing...

Baby Reese was named after my fave character on a tv show... not Reese Witherspoon.

There are some names that just don't sit well with me as I immediately envision the person I "knew" with that name.
It's hard to picture this:

75 years from now, at the Sunset Village Rest Home, there'll be a table full of blue-haired ladies with walkers named Jessica, Kaylee, Brittany, and Lyndsee.
I was named Melanie after Melanie Hamilton in gone with the wind.
Nigel was named Nigel because everyone in the UK is named Nigel or Nigella :)
We named our son Austin "just because"
If Austin had been a girl, she would have been named Emily

Names I don't like: Jermajesty, Apple, and some of the other odd celeb names out there. Oh the most recent: Kal-el Coppola Cage. Jeeez.

It's hard to picture this:

75 years from now, at the Sunset Village Rest Home, there'll be a table full of blue-haired ladies with walkers named Jessica, Kaylee, Brittany, and Lyndsee.

Don't forget "Snooki" :)
I love the name Meredith and we considered that for our daughter. Never knew it started out as a man's name. Cool!
My mum made the mistake of letting my older sister name me as some sort of misguided bonding thing. She ended up picking a name from General Hospital.

I dislike my name, and I can't really stand my sister - so, great plan, there, mum.

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