The Nanny

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Hi everyone,
I have a Bi-Polar daughter, and there has been much said that this little angels Mom is Bi-Polar. IF that is the case, I can only tell you that her lies are part of her sickness.
I can only tell you that she lies just to lie: it does not have to be rational.
They often operate from fear even if there is no danger. Maybe there is someone where she left her daughter often? Maybe she hung out with a bad crowd and is overwhelmed with what has happened and has no clue how to deal with it.
He Lawyer must ave terrified her even more by telling her not to talk.
I am not ready to send her up the river till she has an attorney she feels safe with and can talk. I am not ready to say there is no baby sitter.
I fear that unless someone comes along who does know how to deal with a Bi-Polar person really soon it may get to be to late.

I have a Bi Polar daughter it is hard for me to know what is really going on, she lies even if there is nothing to lie about, sometimes she tells people I am the best Mom to have, sometimes she tells them she wishes I was dead; and it all can be within 5 minutes, and no reason. It is a very complex illness and this Mom needs help and not prison. :(

It bothers me that the excuse is she's afraid to talk to local authorities & is willing to talk to the FBI..... but ONLY if they'll give her immunity from any new charges.

Maybe local LE has made it clear they won't make any deals & Casey & Baez actually believe they can get the FBI to soften up? :rolleyes:

I agree with you that Casey probably needs psychiatric help BUT there's no way she's legally insane.... she needs to be held accountable for her actions.
It bothers me that the excuse is she's afraid to talk to local authorities & is willing to talk to the FBI..... but ONLY if they'll give her immunity from any new charges.

Maybe local LE has made it clear they won't make any deals & Casey & Baez actually believe they can get the FBI to soften up? :rolleyes:

I agree with you that Casey probably needs psychiatric help BUT there's no way she's legally insane.... she needs to be held accountable for her actions.

The immunity thing is beyond strange to me.
The immunity thing is beyond strange to me.

The charges against her NOW are already pretty darned serious.... if they are afraid to let her talk without immunity, I hate to think of what she's waiting to tell them.

Meanwhile, LE is very patiently waiting for the forensic tests to come back & I just don't see them granting any type of immunity UNLESS they CANNOT place Caylee in her trunk.
I'm pretty sure LE believes there is no nanny. Casey said that she met this Zanny person through a friend of hers that also worked at Universal. Casey said that Zanny also took care of her friend's child. She gave the name, I think it was Jeff. Anyway, apparently LE checked with the guy and he has not seen Casey since she was fired 2 years ago. However, LE did not confirm whether or not this guy used Zanny the Nanny. Make of the ommission what you will.

To date, it does not appear that any of Casey's friends have met or know this Nanny. The family has never met her, although they say Casey talked about her. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm not putting much stock in it at this point.

LE has a composite of a person that may have been with Caylee at the Orlando airport. LE said they would make the composite public if the tip turned out to be creditable. That was last week sometime, and still no composite. Apparently, Casey is now saying she wants LE to make a composite of this Zanny the Nanny.

It may be interesting to compare the two sketches, however the tip from the airport says the woman Caylee was with was older. Generally, that means older than 26, which leads me to believe these two people are not the same person and indicates that if there is anything to the airport tip, Caylee is NOT with the nanny.

Listening to Casey talk to Christina on the released phone call and Casey describing how LE will not listen to her and that LE needs to check other databases - you can just hear her spinning. In my opinion, there is no truth in those statements at all. Casey heard "database" somewhere, maybe from talking to LE earlier, and took the word to spin additional BS because she thought it sounded good. My opinion only and pure speculation, but having run up against a compulsive liar before, you get a feel for how they pick up on certain words and then use them to spin. It is also my opinion that compulsive lying is a symptom of several different mental illnesses.

Anyway - there is nothing coming from LE at this point in time that indicates there may be a nanny somewhere. LE says they found about 30 by the name Casey had given and had Casey look at all the pictures and she didn't recognize any of them.

Sorry I'm not posting all the links, but I don't have time to go search them all out right now. Much of this stuff can be found in the first 10 articles or so, that came out at the very beginning.

I don't think her asking for immunity is all that strange.

Was is just speculation here or did LE actually say that if she was released that they'd get her on new/different charges?? I mean she does have the theft issues. So maybe the immunity was just bc if her parents posted that huge bond, what would be the point to her 'freedom' if she were to just be rearrested? I think she asked for it so that if she were released, she'd stay that way until trial.

I definitely think shes hiding a lot but I don't think that she is going to spill based on the immunity or not.
I think it's strange she would even ask for immunity. I am assuming, along with LE, that she killed her daughter and is asking for immunity. I never heard of such a thing.:confused:
It also(very likely) could be that she's mixed up in other illegal activities and she wants to talk/point fingers but won't do so unless shes granted immunity. A lot of criminals ask for that right? The smaller ones, help find the big deal ones....
I saw a description of the Nanny posted on one of the news sites this morning.
I came here thinking it was already linked, and didn't find it.
Next, I go back through my history trying to find it, and it's gone.

Here's what I remember:
26 years old
Long curly hair, (that she sometimes straightens)
140 lbs. (I think)
It did give her name, I didn't pay close attention and height. Picture was in a black box with a large question mark.

Anyone else see this information?
It also(very likely) could be that she's mixed up in other illegal activities and she wants to talk/point fingers but won't do so unless shes granted immunity. A lot of criminals ask for that right? The smaller ones, help find the big deal ones....

That's true enough.

Your 3 year old daughter is missing for over a month & most likely dead & your main concern is that you aren't prosecuted for drinking or drug offenses. :furious:

I still say what she wants immunity FOR has to be very, very awful for her lawyer to be taking this position while a child is missing.

The longer it takes LE to find Caylee's body the better the chances they won't be able to prove the cause or date of death.... is THAT what Casey & Baez are counting on? Casey gets to pretend she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance & blames LE for not finding her precious baby. :furious:

I don't think Casey has ANY real info to tell anybody.... she likes to pretend she does so she feels like she is in control.
I saw a description of the Nanny posted on one of the news sites this morning.
I came here thinking it was already linked, and didn't find it.
Next, I go back through my history trying to find it, and it's gone.

Here's what I remember:
26 years old
Long curly hair, (that she sometimes straightens)
140 lbs. (I think)
It did give her name, I didn't pay close attention and height. Picture was in a black box with a large question mark.

Anyone else see this information?

I saw it also... either Fox or one of the Florida news sites.

It kind of made me chuckle that LE finally got a description of this long term nanny after 2 weeks.... I mean.... Casey "investigated" Caylee's disappearance for FOUR WEEKS before she even told her family she misplaced the baby.... surely she must have told people WHO 'took' her child & what she looks like? lol

But I guess maybe Casey thought the child was roaming around all alone & giving a description of the nanny was a waste of time. :rolleyes:
I saw a description of the Nanny posted on one of the news sites this morning.
I came here thinking it was already linked, and didn't find it.
Next, I go back through my history trying to find it, and it's gone.

Here's what I remember:
26 years old
Long curly hair, (that she sometimes straightens)
140 lbs. (I think)
It did give her name, I didn't pay close attention and height. Picture was in a black box with a large question mark.

Anyone else see this information?

I saw this also, but did not see a picture. I went back to the site were I saw it originally, and it is gone! Why would they take it down? Strange in my opinion!

I have not been able to keep up with news reports on this case due to time contraints. On the description that has been mentioned here, did they list an ethnicity? I think this is really crucial, as is her legal status.

I worked in the latino community for many years when I was in Atlanta. I know for a fact that illegal immigrants could go buy social security cards with fake names and numbers. Typically they got these cards for work purposes. About once every yr or two (depending on their work status) they would go get a new one and turn it in to their employers so that the IRS/INS would not catch on to what was going on. If they didn't work (many of the latina women do not work or work getting paid under the table) they did not have to worry about it. Employers just turned their heads because they were working jobs that not too many Americans wanted--cooks, landscapers, etc.

With each SS# change, their name changed too. Seriously, they would take on the name of different ppl from time to time and they went by that name. They changed names more than I change underwear!

Maybe Zanny Nanny does exist, only she is using a fake ss# and name that is not traceable because she is not legal. I highly doubt it, but it is something to think about.
I have not been able to keep up with news reports on this case due to time contraints. On the description that has been mentioned here, did they list an ethnicity? I think this is really crucial, as is her legal status.

I worked in the latino community for many years when I was in Atlanta. I know for a fact that illegal immigrants could go buy social security cards with fake names and numbers. Typically they got these cards for work purposes. About once every yr or two (depending on their work status) they would go get a new one and turn it in to their employers so that the IRS/INS would not catch on to what was going on. If they didn't work (many of the latina women do not work or work getting paid under the table) they did not have to worry about it. Employers just turned their heads because they were working jobs that not too many Americans wanted--cooks, landscapers, etc.

With each SS# change, their name changed too. Seriously, they would take on the name of different ppl from time to time and they went by that name. They changed names more than I change underwear!

Maybe Zanny Nanny does exist, only she is using a fake ss# and name that is not traceable because she is not legal. I highly doubt it, but it is something to think about.

Real name or fake name..... NOBODY ever saw or spoke to the person who supposedly babysat for Caylee all this time.

Nobody ever came forward & said they heard Caylee talk about this alleged babysitter either.
Nobody ever came forward & said they heard Caylee talk about this alleged babysitter either.

Given all the lies that she has told to LE, it is plausible that she lied about the length of time that she knew this person, or that she only took Caylee to "Zanny's" to be babysit because she had no other option. I doubt very seriously that she was really the babysitter long term. Casey strikes me as someone who would leave her child with a complete stranger if she had no one else, just so she could go out partying.

Right now, there is no body, so every avenue has to be investigated. I personally think the child is dead, but there could still be a slight possibility that Casey dumped the poor kid off with someone that she did not know because a friend told her that this person could be trusted.
On the call between Casey and Lee that was released last night it was pretty revealing in that he actually got Casey to mention two names that were tied in to this nanny and her. One of the names was Juliette but I can't remember the other. This is also the conversation in which she said that she had a Blackberry but she lost it saying that it either fell out of her purse or fell out of her pocket. Supposedly this Blackberry contained text messages and phone numbers from the nanny. After listening to the entirety of this tape along with the other tapes that have been released, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that a nanny ever existed. The girl is a pathological liar and obviously a very sick and demented person.
Hi everyone,
I have a Bi-Polar daughter, and there has been much said that this little angels Mom is Bi-Polar. IF that is the case, I can only tell you that her lies are part of her sickness.
I can only tell you that she lies just to lie: it does not have to be rational.
They often operate from fear even if there is no danger. Maybe there is someone where she left her daughter often? Maybe she hung out with a bad crowd and is overwhelmed with what has happened and has no clue how to deal with it.
Her Lawyer must have terrified her even more by telling her NOT to talk.
I am not ready to send her up the river till she has an attorney she feels safe with and can talk. I am not ready to say there is no baby sitter.
I fear that unless someone comes along who does know how to deal with a Bi-Polar person really soon it may be to late.

I have a Bi Polar daughter it is hard for me to know what is really going on, she lies even if there is nothing to lie about, sometimes she tells people I am the best Mom to have, sometimes she tells them she wishes I was dead; and it all can be within 5 minutes, and no reason. It is a very complex illness and this Mom needs help and not prison. :(

While what you say is exactly true....I'm bi-polar and have what is called borderline personality disorder and it makes me very angry when people do horrible things and then blame them on their illness. Yes being bipolar tends to make you lie out of fear - I will agree with that BUT it in no way alters your ability to know that killing your child or doing something awful to them is WRONG....I clearly know the difference between right and wrong and had no parents to guide me. I have 5 kids and yes sometimes the illness drives me to taking a walk to regain my composure but that is that. She is laughing in some of those photos and appears to have absolutely no remorse whatsoever when I read some of her posts after Caylee has gone missing. That in and of itself shows me that something else is going on beyond a mental state and her family is trying to protect her by not giving all the facts here. If anything they all know what happened to this little girl and don't want their daughter blamed for it and I suspect that is what has happened most of her life. She does things wrong and her family bails her out so she has no idea of consequences. Only this time I think she went way to far. Just my opinion of course!
As I posted on another thead, I'm pretty certain there is no such person as Zanny. Her defense attorney has access to detectives and databases and would utilize them to the utmost to find ANYTHING that could substantiate even a tiny bit of what his client is saying. He would have publicized any corrborating evidence as quick as could be as well, in order to sway the potential jury pool, secure release of his client and defend against possible future murder charges if the baby turns up dead. Any evidence such as witness statements from friends or acquaintances like Jeff, supporting phone records, etc, would help support Casey's story. Think about it: Many people here, who have much more information about this case than the public at large, are willing to consider that the nanny exists, that there may be some bizarre drug scenario, kidnapping, etc, despite what I feel is overwhelming evidence to the contrary at this point. It is very hard to believe a mother would destroy her own little child. So, a tiny bit of evidence that this Zenaida actually exists could really sway the public. It hasn't happened because, IMO, it isn't there. At this point, Baez is doing damage control. He knows he cannot afford for his client to talk or give any more info out. He probably wishes he could gag the family or keep them away from his client. And that's because all the info Casey gives is easily shown to be b.s. and that fact alone is great evidence to be used against her in the murder case that is likely looming. I could be wrong (it's happened before!!) and I desparetely hope I am, but that's what my legal background tells me.
I'm a long time lurker and love reading at WS. Y'all are great! I have been reading and trying to keep with everything. What I don't know is what is the nanny's address? Physically, where did the baby supposedly get taken for daycare? Wouldn't it be easy enough to go knock on that door?
I'm a long time lurker and love reading at WS. Y'all are great! I have been reading and trying to keep with everything. What I don't know is what is the nanny's address? Physically, where did the baby supposedly get taken for daycare? Wouldn't it be easy enough to go knock on that door?

The police have done that. Apartment has been vacant for (i think) 5 months.
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