The Networks Know Who Did It

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Aug 25, 2003
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In my opinion the networks know who killed JonBenet -- their conduct gives them away. For example:

Professional enhancement of the 911 tape positively identified a young voice in the background, and Burke Ramsey was the only young person in the house at 5:52 A.M. Therefore, common sense tells us Burke was up and talking to his parents when the parents claimed he was asleep -- a lie to shield him.

But when NBC's Katie Couric played the 911 tape for the nation to hear and make up its own mind, she deliberately talked over the crucial final few seconds of the tape following the dispatcher's "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!" Katie Couric knew better; she had been following the case for years. She made it appear there was nothing more on the tape -- so it was a charade .

CBS refused to go along with the charade because they knew there WAS something on the tape after the "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!" But CBS didn't refute what they knew was going on; they quietly bowed out instead.

The networks give Lin Wood and Lou Smit frequent opportunities to present their one-sided opinions of the evidence without rebuttals. The networks gave widespread coverage of Judge Carnes warped opinion on the evidence, even though she was commenting about a murder case while conducting a civil case.

It appears to me the networks have been told the truth -- that neither John nor Patsy killed JonBenet and very young children are involved in the killing and it's against Colorado law to even reveal the names of the children. Burke was 9 years old, he is not culpable because of his age, he's protected by the court, and there's nothing the authorities or the media can do about it except help by conspiring to put the case to bed. They don't have any other choice.

The networks wouldn't conspire to protect an adult killer; but they would for a child, especially when they would be violating a court protective order to do otherwise. I think the networks know that Burke killed JonBenet.

Just my opinion.

Let's pretend this murder is solved,it's solved through the efforts of the grand jury,through Fleet's testimony,through leaks to the press,why then, is Boulder spending tax payers' money to continue an investigation. It's all just a big coverup to protect a killer child? Sorry I can't buy this as remotely conceivable.
I discussed the other day,the tactics used by the police ,asking Patsy if previous to 1996 did she buy compass laced hi-techs for Burke. There were several prints,not just the one in the mold,suggesting an adult shoe,and previous to 1996, the child would have been eight years old,that interogation was a ludicrous ploy aimed at undermining Patsy's credibility . Burke was slight of build,look at his feet in pictures at age 8,I am certain his shoe size was no bigger than a boys 4,(would bet the bank on it).
Burke didn't kill his sister,he didn't take cord,a section of the paint brush,duct tape,and the stun gun out of the house. Patsy didn't write the note to cover for her baby killing son. This device,the garotte,was constructed by someone very familiar with it's purpose and use,even the little knot at the wrist was similar to the one at the neck,no one staged this,the killer knew exactly what he was doing and was comfortable in the task.
LOL Bluecrab. The reason the networks don't go near the BDI theory is BDI HAS BEEN SUED SUCCESSFULLY EVERY TIME IT'S ON TV OR IN PRINT.

Mike Kane has also said Burke had nothing to do with this crime, that he was never a suspect.
sissi said:
Let's pretend this murder is solved,it's solved through the efforts of the grand jury,through Fleet's testimony,through leaks to the press,why then, is Boulder spending tax payers' money to continue an investigation.

The taxpayers aren't spending any money on the case. No active investigation has been financed since the Ramsey grand jury disbanded in 1999.

The authorities are going through the motions to pacify the public. They have no choice. To do otherwise would expose the truth.

candy said:
LOL Bluecrab. The reason the networks don't go near the BDI theory is BDI HAS BEEN SUED SUCCESSFULLY EVERY TIME IT'S ON TV OR IN PRINT.

Mike Kane has also said Burke had nothing to do with this crime, that he was never a suspect.

Candy, the networks go near the BDI theory every time the Ramsey camp wants them -- such as the enhanced 911 tape fiasco.

Burke was never a suspect because NO-ONE was ever a suspect, not even John or Patsy. Officially, they're all considered "witnesses". It's a play on words. Burke has never been cleared.

You know, Bluecrab, that I've often thought that you may have this crime pegged down. Also, it seems that Patsy could have known right from the start and covered up for Burke.

If your theory is correct, do you think that John knew at the time of her death that Burke did this?
BlueCrab said:
But when NBC's Katie Couric played the 911 tape for the nation to hear and make up its own mind, she deliberately talked over the crucial final few seconds of the tape following the dispatcher's "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!" Katie Couric knew better; she had been following the case for years. She made it appear there was nothing more on the tape -- so it was a charade .
This isn't correct, BlueCrab. There are TWO versions of the 911 tape that was made public. People on this and other forums have received the exact same versions from Keenan's office, and both are available online.

The first version was released on audio tape. This was the version Wood gave NBC and they had tested. The audio tape ended prematurely at the point you mentioned above where Couric starts talking. There was nothing after the "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy" recorded on the audio tape Keenan released.

It's the second version, released on CD, that is the problem because someone in Keenan's office screwed up and released a different version then what is on the audio tape. This version does not end in the same location. It continues past the "Patsy, Patsy, Patsy" and you can clearly hear Patsy then say "Help me, Help me Jesus, Help me Jesus".
After that, there is a 4-second blank spot before the sound returns and the tape ends. Because this version of the tape perfectly follows Steve Thomas' transcript, it can only mean that the 4-second gap is where John and Burke's voices appear.

While Keenan's office refuses to admit it, both versions they released are redacted using different methods and the public has yet to hear the COMPLETE 911 call.

BlueCrab, I must say that after all these years of reading your theory, you make the most sense to me if the murder involved a family member. I have one question for you and only want you to answer "yes" or "no"; that will suffice.

Do you have inside knowledge of the case that you are unable to divulge?
ST wrote on the enhanced 911 call. Just because Burke was on it DIDN'T MEAN he was involved in the crime. No investigators believed Burke was involved.
Just because investigators didn't believe Burke was involved doesnt mean he wasn't. The reasons Hunter and others (including Thomas) gave for not believing Burke did it are laughable.
Do you agree with the Ramseys' lawsuit against the Star?

I agree that Burke Ramsey did not commit any of the crimes perpetrated in the house that night. i do not feel this kid
should have been subjected to what he has suffered.
So you agree they should have sued?

Two questions, neither of them very new: WAS that Burke's voice on the 911 tape, and was there actually evidence
of sexual molestation?
re: suing on behalf of Burke, I think it was irresponsible of some publications to put this kid in such a situation.
Remember, this is a boy who will go to high school, date in college, presumably one day marry. he is scarred for life.
What can repair that?
Re burke on the 911 tape -- the detectives are unanimous on that point, me included. We were not in some sort of
great conspiracy. Re: evidence of prior vaginal trauma, my answer is too loong the site reminds me. I have to refer
you to the book.
Thanks, Candy, but your posts only show that Steve Thomas, a staunch PDIer, didn't believe that Burke killed JonBenet. That's all. He, like the other investigators, thought Burke was too young and too small to have done it. Cyril Wecht and Michael Baden disagree.
Steve Thomas...these simple people of simple means were not involved. Linda the maid loved Patsy like a
sister, the husband, although some scrapes with law, showed no evidence to suggest involvement, etc. again, too long
for this chat the moderator reminds me. But Hoffma-Pugh is not involved!

Interesting,...scrapes with the law.....loved her like a sister..please!
Why has no one brought up Mervin's scrapes with the law,what were they?
River said:
You know, Bluecrab, that I've often thought that you may have this crime pegged down. Also, it seems that Patsy could have known right from the start and covered up for Burke.

If your theory is correct, do you think that John knew at the time of her death that Burke did this?

River, in my theory I think both parents came upon the disaster around 3:30 A.M. JonBenet had died at the hands of the boys, perhaps accidentally or perhaps on purpose, at around 1:00 A.M. The kids had most of the staging in place when the parents got up at 3:30 to get ready for the all-day trip to Charlevoix. TheRamseys had to be at the airport by 6:30, and never would have made it if they hadn't got up until 5:30 as they claim.

Yes, IMO John and Patsy knew immediately the kids were involved. But it appears they don't know "for sure" which one actually did the killing.

Just my opinion.

Nehemiah said:
BlueCrab, I must say that after all these years of reading your theory, you make the most sense to me if the murder involved a family member. I have one question for you and only want you to answer "yes" or "no"; that will suffice.

Do you have inside knowledge of the case that you are unable to divulge?

The answer is NO.

candy said:
ST wrote on the enhanced 911 call. Just because Burke was on it DIDN'T MEAN he was involved in the crime. No investigators believed Burke was involved.

If Burke's voice was on the 911 tape it means all three Ramseys had lied. During the police interviews they were separately asked the same question, "Was Burke asleep when the 911 call was made at 5:52 A.M.? All three responded "Yes". Why lie? What were they trying to cover up?

With all due respect Candy, you don't know what the investigators really believed.

Just my opinion.


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