The night Haleigh disappeared ***REVISITED 03/2010***

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Oct 12, 2008
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I am sorry if there might already be a thread of this but I didn't see one.

The night the little girl disappeared does anyone know if Misty had access to a car or was she on foot? I think something happened and it might have been accidental. If Misty didn't have access to a car then she had help. If Misty didn't have access to a car then she would have been on foot which would lead me to believe that Haleigh wasn't taken to far from the mobile home.

Did they ever search under the mobile home or the septic tanks? I remember hearing how the dogs had alerted them to a dumpster and why wasn't the landfill searched or was it?

I have problems with Ronald and if you watch the video's of where he is actually crying I think he is a great actor. I think something happened to Haleigh after she got off that school bus. Did the police search Ronald's route to and from work. Just because he had an alibye doesn't mean he is not involved here. Why would he love someone and want to be with them if they are suspect to his missing daughter. I believe he is acting and he knows the truth. There is a old saying " keep your loved ones close but keep your enemies closer " and that is not Ronald. If it was my daughter I would not be dating or marrying the suspect. I am just concerned why the police has let Ronald go away on this so easy?
I am sorry if there might already be a thread of this but I didn't see one.

The night the little girl disappeared does anyone know if Misty had access to a car or was she on foot? I think something happened and it might have been accidental. If Misty didn't have access to a car then she had help. If Misty didn't have access to a car then she would have been on foot which would lead me to believe that Haleigh wasn't taken to far from the mobile home.

Did they ever search under the mobile home or the septic tanks? I remember hearing how the dogs had alerted them to a dumpster and why wasn't the landfill searched or was it?

I have problems with Ronald and if you watch the video's of where he is actually crying I think he is a great actor. I think something happened to Haleigh after she got off that school bus. Did the police search Ronald's route to and from work. Just because he had an alibye doesn't mean he is not involved here. Why would he love someone and want to be with them if they are suspect to his missing daughter. I believe he is acting and he knows the truth. There is a old saying " keep your loved ones close but keep your enemies closer " and that is not Ronald. If it was my daughter I would not be dating or marrying the suspect. I am just concerned why the police has let Ronald go away on this so easy?

HI there, Lot's of questions, hopefully someone can help out and try to answer them. We really have very few facts to work with in this case. I personally have never heard that Misty had access to a vehicle on the night that Haleigh disappeared. Misty didn't have a driver's license back then so I doubt if anyone was going to be quick to say Misty was driving what vehicle ( JMO) on the night in question.

police did take into evidence 2 vehicles that I am certain of( could have been more but if their were I can't recall it making the news) they did take the blue van, and another vehicle. I believe it was a Toyota RAV4. JMO. Wouldn't it make sense that LE would take a look at every vehicle owned by every family member in this case? I would think so. Have no idea what they actually did. I doubt I helped you, just trying to be polite and not leave you hanging. : )
HI there, Lot's of questions, hopefully someone can help out and try to answer them. We really have very few facts to work with in this case. I personally have never heard that Misty had access to a vehicle on the night that Haleigh disappeared. Misty didn't have a driver's license back then so I doubt if anyone was going to be quick to say Misty was driving what vehicle ( JMO) on the night in question.

police did take into evidence 2 vehicles that I am certain of( could have been more but if their were I can't recall it making the news) they did take the blue van, and another vehicle. I believe it was a Toyota RAV4. JMO. Wouldn't it make sense that LE would take a look at every vehicle owned by every family member in this case? I would think so. Have no idea what they actually did. I doubt I helped you, just trying to be polite and not leave you hanging. : )

Elle, was the other vehicle, the one that was found abandoned behind the mh? I just can't remember. Wasn't there drugs found in that abandoned car? I remember reading that not sure how true it is though.
I've been thinking about the phone calls that Ronald made that night. Remember when your home phone gave you the option of redialing a number over and over, due to a busy signal or no answer. Do cell phones have that option? I was just thinking, that if Ronald had that feature, he could leave his phone at work, and it could continue to ping it's little heart out, while he was on the road. That could explain 90 phone calls that night.
I don't think cellphones have that option but, maybe someone did for him? Wasn't the place RC worked for family owned? I thought I read that on these threads somewhere? I could be wrong...
I've been thinking about the phone calls that Ronald made that night. Remember when your home phone gave you the option of redialing a number over and over, due to a busy signal or no answer. Do cell phones have that option? I was just thinking, that if Ronald had that feature, he could leave his phone at work, and it could continue to ping it's little heart out, while he was on the road. That could explain 90 phone calls that night.
I've had a cell phone for a very long time, and I've never had that feature. But a cell phone doesn't have to place a call to signal its location. As long as the battery is charged, it will ping a tower periodically. In other words, if he wanted to hide his whereabouts, he could've just left the phone at work or removed the battery and taken the phone with him.
I don't think cellphones have that option but, maybe someone did for him? Wasn't the place RC worked for family owned? I thought I read that on these threads somewhere? I could be wrong...
You might be thinking of his aunt's tree cutting or landscaping business where he worked from time to time. When Haleigh disappeared, he had a "real" job with PDM, a large bridge fabrication outfit.
Elle, was the other vehicle, the one that was found abandoned behind the mh? I just can't remember. Wasn't there drugs found in that abandoned car? I remember reading that not sure how true it is though.

I remember the abandoned vehicle, cannot recall if it was taken in for forensic testing in the lab, I am doubting it was because quite quickly they determined that it was unrelated to Haleigh's disappearance. Who knows if we can even take that as gospel. Police commented on very little. I am looking for links about the abandoned vehicle in the woods. Will post anything I find. : )
I've been thinking about the phone calls that Ronald made that night. Remember when your home phone gave you the option of redialing a number over and over, due to a busy signal or no answer. Do cell phones have that option? I was just thinking, that if Ronald had that feature, he could leave his phone at work, and it could continue to ping it's little heart out, while he was on the road. That could explain 90 phone calls that night.

I get what you are saying, like he could say he was at work but really be somewhere else..? I was wondering what has been documented about the pings. The 90 calls information came from AH who has his sources and from what I could remember I only heard about 2 pings being discussed/confirmed. This is when the information we had was that there were 20+ calls made, if I followed correctly. Then we heard 90 calls, but nothing ever really about pings. I don't know if that is affected because of prepaid services (throw away phones) -How many phones RC had. We know he got in touch with ToC, to ask him to go check the trailer (per ToC...MONTHS later). He got MC to call 911 on her phone..and he called his mama during the 911 call right or was it before? Does anyone have any link to the pings? I have been very interested in this and thank you for asking again MaryAnn. As Elle has said in another post, Remember LE hasn't said much.
I get what you are saying, like he could say he was at work but really be somewhere else..? I was wondering what has been documented about the pings. The 90 calls information came from AH who has his sources and from what I could remember I only heard about 2 pings being discussed/confirmed. This is when the information we had was that there were 20+ calls made, if I followed correctly. Then we heard 90 calls, but nothing ever really about pings. I don't know if that is affected because of prepaid services (throw away phones) -How many phones RC had. We know he got in touch with ToC, to ask him to go check the trailer (per ToC...MONTHS later). He got MC to call 911 on her phone..and he called his mama during the 911 call right or was it before? Does anyone have any link to the pings? I have been very interested in this and thank you for asking again MaryAnn. As Elle has said in another post, Remember LE hasn't said much.

Love, we really don't have the links to the pings, only places they were discussed( like NG or AH) Good to see you!! Were you on a vacation?
Another thought about having Automatic Redial. I wonder if they would show up as "outgoing" and be obvious at first glance, or would you have to order the call record in order to see them. That could be another reason LE said 20 calls in the beginning, but changed it to 90 later on. I did look up cell phones with Auto Redial, and they do make such a phone. I'm thinking it may show up as 1 call, since it's not being answered. Am I making any sense?
I just think that there is more than 1 person that knows what happened to Haleigh. I'm not saying that more than 1 person killed her (if she was indeed killed...I pray that she is alive but at this point it's getting harder and harder to believe) I just think that if MC is the one that did something to her that she would have been to scared to move her by herself. I firmly believe there is someone else out there that knows what happened/where she is. Who that other person is I have no clue....any thoughts on this one? I believe this person will come forward soon.
I've always thought more than just MC was involved. The biggest thing for me is I wonder what the little brother really saw or heard and maybe he is to scared to tell. I just find it hard to believe that in a MH the person who supposably took her was that quiet, then again who really knows except MC.
I get what you are saying, like he could say he was at work but really be somewhere else..? I was wondering what has been documented about the pings. The 90 calls information came from AH who has his sources and from what I could remember I only heard about 2 pings being discussed/confirmed. This is when the information we had was that there were 20+ calls made, if I followed correctly. Then we heard 90 calls, but nothing ever really about pings. I don't know if that is affected because of prepaid services (throw away phones) -How many phones RC had. We know he got in touch with ToC, to ask him to go check the trailer (per ToC...MONTHS later). He got MC to call 911 on her phone..and he called his mama during the 911 call right or was it before? Does anyone have any link to the pings? I have been very interested in this and thank you for asking again MaryAnn. As Elle has said in another post, Remember LE hasn't said much.

During the 911 call, you can hear rc saying, "Give me my f@#g phone back".
Misty and he listed the exact same phone number on the police report...nice, hah?
Concerning the pings, it may have been TWO cell towers and not two pings.
IMO I don't believe that MC brother or cousin was involved if MC is the guilty party. My reasoning? I think she was to eager and to quick to implicate them...especially the cousin. If I were either one of those guys and she threw me under the bus like that I would find a way to get her to talk about that night (secretly record conversations, wear a wire...whatever I had to do to get LE the evidence they need). Also, if they were involved (and I may be stupid on this part because I don't know the questions that were asked) I don't think MC would have totally failed...what is it now...3 PGT. The brother put himself there correct? and if he hadn't how would anyone know that he was there so why would he put himself there if he had anything to do with it? Though I may be wrong...was he actually seen there? I think if MC is the guilty one then the one that helped her is one of her girl friends that she hangs out with. OR if my other theory is correct and HC walked in on MC with another guy,....then it was THAT guy that helped her. Obviously, no one really knows what happened except for MC, HC and the person that helped. Does anyone agree with any of this? Disagree? Why?
IMO I don't believe that MC brother or cousin was involved if MC is the guilty party. My reasoning? I think she was to eager and to quick to implicate them...especially the cousin. If I were either one of those guys and she threw me under the bus like that I would find a way to get her to talk about that night (secretly record conversations, wear a wire...whatever I had to do to get LE the evidence they need). Also, if they were involved (and I may be stupid on this part because I don't know the questions that were asked) I don't think MC would have totally failed...what is it now...3 PGT. The brother put himself there correct? and if he hadn't how would anyone know that he was there so why would he put himself there if he had anything to do with it? Though I may be wrong...was he actually seen there? I think if MC is the guilty one then the one that helped her is one of her girl friends that she hangs out with. OR if my other theory is correct and HC walked in on MC with another guy,....then it was THAT guy that helped her. Obviously, no one really knows what happened except for MC, HC and the person that helped. Does anyone agree with any of this? Disagree? Why?

Looks like you're new here. Welcome!!!
I like your idea about recording her, too bad they didn't do that. I do not agree with you that one of her girlfriends helped her cover-up. Have you seen how NayNay yaps, she goes on and on! I'm going with TN helping with the cover-up.
I've been watching alot of this on Nancy and reading, but in all this time, I still haven't heard whether or not anyone has asked the little brother, Ron Jr. what happened that night? Has anyone asked him? What does he say they did?
I've been watching alot of this on Nancy and reading, but in all this time, I still haven't heard whether or not anyone has asked the little brother, Ron Jr. what happened that night? Has anyone asked him? What does he say they did?

According to GGM, when she was asked this same question, her response was "....he don't know nothing."
I've been watching alot of this on Nancy and reading, but in all this time, I still haven't heard whether or not anyone has asked the little brother, Ron Jr. what happened that night? Has anyone asked him? What does he say they did?

Hi there momma's name is Mary. : )

Junior was interviewed by specialists in the hours immediately following Haleigh disappearance. We know this because Crystal S stated that Junior said a man in black came in and took his sissy in a nationwide television interview. We discussed it on and off here...

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