The Phone Calls in the early morning of Dec.18, 2013 (both PayPhone & cells)

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In my early 50's I'm fairly computer savvy, but boy, those younger than me, even much more so. I never met Heather Elvis but the picture I gathered of her is one of an intelligent, sensitive, creative young women and, as she was 20, I know physiologically the frontal cortex neural cells were still forming myelin, and also therefore making impulsive, and not the most thought out decisions. Now the excuse for those us over 30 making bad decisions we can put down to faulty mental perceptions, mental process, and well, I suspect, some just utilize less or have less cells firing in the frontal cortex. Since Heather's social media can still be viewed and one of main missing poster was her in her Tilted Kilts uniform, I don't think anyone is trying to portray her any different than she was- was, was, was- she will never have a chance to mature and offer this world the special things she could have.
Another thing I wonder about is: The theory that Tammy planned and plotted Heather's murder for weeks, that Heather was not killed quickly, that she was disposed of in an unconventional manner...seems to be pretty popular. Who put that theory out there? Why do so many people that someone who has the motive to kill in a fit of rage, is actually more similar to the Texas Chainsaw Killer?
ITA. SM could have and should have stopped what happened to HE. The dynamic between SM and TM is that she was the dominant personality. He married her when he was so young. Look at the photos she posted on the Disboards of their honeymoon. SM was only 20 and not a mature 20. She was as much a mother to him as she was his lover.

IMO TM ranted and raved at him constantly after she discovered the affair. I think at some point she decided that the only way she could forgive him is if he killed HE. Like a recalcitrant child wanting to please his elder, he went along with it. I don't think either of them gave much thought to what it would do to their family if they got caught.

Also, I would guess that LE has video of HE driving to PTL. IMO video surveillance tape plus the fact that her car was found there is why LE believes she went there of her own free will.
Hey RoxannaDD! I agree that SM was probably harassed and hounded, threatened and who knows what else. I know torture can make you do a lot of crazy things. But I draw a line, when it comes to murdering someone. He could have made an anonymous call to the police. He could have stopped this, it was a young girl he had been intimate with. The fact that he had the affair, shows that he was able to make decisions for himself. :moo:
In my early 50's I'm fairly computer savvy, but boy, those younger than me, even much more so. I never met Heather Elvis but the picture I gathered of her is one of an intelligent, sensitive, creative young women and, as she was 20, I know physiologically the frontal cortex neural cells were still forming myelin, and also therefore making impulsive, and not the most thought out decisions. Now the excuse for those us over 30 making bad decisions we can put down to faulty mental perceptions, mental process, and well, I suspect, some just utilize less or have less cells firing in the frontal cortex. Since Heather's social media can still be viewed and one of main missing poster was her in her Tilted Kilts uniform, I don't think anyone is trying to portray her any different than she was- was, was, was- she will never have a chance to mature and offer this world the special things she could have.

I find it interesting that the pictures shown of Heather are either years old or where she is showing skin. It seems very calculated to me, but why? It is like all the pictures were chosen, with the idea that they could be on a magazine cover.
Does anyone else think it is possible that the official story so far is not what really happened?

The "Official Story" is Heather was murdered by SM & TM. Period.

We all know about how the pictures used of Heather were of her at a younger age, no mention of the tattoos, and there was a push for national coverage. The whole case was framed like Heather, a teenager, was abducted from thin air by a predator. Using the pictures they used of Heather was probably one of the smartest things (in terms of attracting interest and attention) that they did. It is obvious that someone knows how these cases work.

Yes, there were several pictures of Heather at a younger age. There were also some recent ones. The picture of her in her Tilted Kilt uniform was made recently (she hadn't worked there very long) and it showed some of her tattoos. According to her father, the picture of her holding the family dog was made within a few months of her disappearance. Also, the picture of her driving the date's truck was taken the night of her death.

I feel like the official story is…off. The story seems to be that when the affair got discovered, Heather went away. Tammy continued to harass her. Heather, who was very witty on Twitter, never once replied. No argument. However, she never thought to block her number either. Heather completely stopped talking to Sidney, although we are told she was in love. Then, Heather gets a call in the earning morning hours. It is Sidney, and he is leaving his wife for her. Heather is crying and upset, but goes to PTL to meet him.

I'm not sure what you mean in that Heather "went away" after the affair was discovered. Yes, she could have blocked TM on her cell, but perhaps she wanted to know what she was saying and/or thinking? Perhaps she wanted to share it with SM? We don't know that Heather and SM stopped talking. Evidently, they stopped texting, but we don't know that they weren't communicating in other ways. Was Heather really in love with SM? We don't know what she may or may not have felt. It very well may have been as much a physical relationship for her as it was for him. What SM said to Heather to lure her out of her apartment on her last night is anybody's guess. It has been the subject much debate and speculation. We know what Heather's room mate related and I believe it is accurate. But, there is probably more. SM had been with Heather for a few months and probably knew how to push her buttons and what she wanted to hear.

Despite Heather making it clear on Twitter that she sought out a physical relationship with Sidney, the official story seems to push the idea that she was madly in love with him. If Heather was in love with Sidney, if she was ready to move in with him, it makes the affair slightly more acceptable, than if she simply decided she wanted a hook-up.

But what if Heather went to PTL to hook up with Sidney? What if she didn’t go there because she was in love? I can definitely see that being kept quiet. This is a case where the most popular pictures shown of the victim are professional photos, that are years old. Appearances are extremely important here. This is also a case that happened in a conservative area, which could play a part in why the story is what it is.

The whole story seems to be created with the task of making Heather as sympathetic and innocent as possible. Right down to Heather crying before she went to PTL. Her Twitter is just so different from the official story, that I am shocked it is still up. I wonder if the PR game is still being played.

I will simply conclude my remarks by saying this...Heather is a victim of a homicide and SM & TM are charged with her murder. Her body has not been found and that is why her case is a part of Websleuths.
I find it interesting that the pictures shown of Heather are either years old or where she is showing skin. It seems very calculated to me, but why? It is like all the pictures were chosen, with the idea that they could be on a magazine cover.

HE was a self styled "Model" she was a makeup artist. She had professional photos taken, to perhaps have a portfolio. TE owns a print shop, these are people who are aware of aesthetics. I know personally my sister has "reclaimed" any less than flattering pics of herself and holds family members to a strict right of refusal in posting any pics of her online. I don't see that as strange, behavior on the Elvis's part we do live in a visual world.
HE was a self styled "Model" she was a makeup artist. She had professional photos taken, to perhaps have a portfolio. TE owns a print shop, these are people who are aware of aesthetics. I know personally my sister has "reclaimed" any less than flattering pics of herself and holds family members to a strict right of refusal in posting any pics of her online. I don't see that as strange, behavior on the Elvis's part we do live in a visual world.

The contrast between the pictures is just odd. You have the ones that show her as young teenager, portraying this image of a young girl who was manipulated by an old man. Then, you have the ones where she is in her TK uniform, portraying this image of a hot young woman whose co-worker couldn't resist, someone who looked the complete opposite of his wife.

This goes back to what I was saying in my original post, that someone knows it all works, they know how to play the PR game. They know that it is better if Heather was in love with Sidney, if she didn't just seek out sex w/ a married father. And it feels like a lot of people need to believe that Heather loved and trusted Sidney to see her as a true victim.
The contrast between the pictures is just odd. You have the ones that show her as young teenager, portraying this image of a young girl who was manipulated by an old man. Then, you have the ones where she is in her TK uniform, portraying this image of a hot young woman whose co-worker couldn't resist, someone who looked the complete opposite of his wife.

This goes back to what I was saying in my original post, that someone knows it all works, they know how to play the PR game. They know that it is better if Heather was in love with Sidney, if she didn't just seek out sex w/ a married father. And it feels like a lot of people need to believe that Heather loved and trusted Sidney to see her as a true victim.

I respectfully disagree with your analysis.The professional shots taken of Heather were taken by a family friend for her senior year pictures. There is also a picture of Heather in the TK uniform with a very large tattoo on her abdomen. As far as her seeking out SM, there is video of a co-worker who was interviewd by a local tv station, who states THEY persued each other.

One thing to keep in mind, SM did carpentry work. I have looked at multiple pictures of him to see if he was wearing his wedding band, but could not find a picture of his left hand. I know carpenters who don't wear their wedding rings for safety reasons.

As far as I'm concerned, any minimization of SMs involvement in this affair, does not excuse one or rationalize killing someone.
The contrast between the pictures is just odd. You have the ones that show her as young teenager, portraying this image of a young girl who was manipulated by an old man. Then, you have the ones where she is in her TK uniform, portraying this image of a hot young woman whose co-worker couldn't resist, someone who looked the complete opposite of his wife.

This goes back to what I was saying in my original post, that someone knows it all works, they know how to play the PR game. They know that it is better if Heather was in love with Sidney, if she didn't just seek out sex w/ a married father. And it feels like a lot of people need to believe that Heather loved and trusted Sidney to see her as a true victim.

Older married woman + wayward husband = murdered, younger women

gonna be hard to get this equation to read another way no matter what characteristics are ascribed to those involved

I will simply conclude my remarks by saying this...Heather is a victim of a homicide and SM & TM are charged with her murder. Her body has not been found and that is why her case is a part of Websleuths.

Yes, and she would still be a victim if her relationship with Sidney was purely physical, if she went to PTL for a hookup, etc. She would still have a thread on here. However, a lot of people need to believe that Heather was in love, that she was killed by someone she trusted, to make her a more acceptable victim, in their eyes. There is a lot of motive to keep a certain narrative out there. For some reason, some people don't want to believe that the murder might have been done in a fit of rage, no it was calculated, planned for months, a very unconventional killing.
I'm worried that they are too ashamed to say how she was killed..I mean if what we have heard already is any indicator of how unbelievable these two are, I'm seriously nervous about what else will be revealed.

I don't think she was hit by their truck. That would be easy enough for TM/SM to cry accident/confrontation gone bad.

It seems most likely they brought her back with them. Then what? How could SM not be totally and completely freaking out?! They were close enough that he knew her number if he called without a cell phone - so how would he handle her being gone?? Most oeople would mourn that kind of loss. Maybe TM subdued him. Maybe TM was drunk - what would she have been doing all night up until 330ish? Looking for SM while he made his payphone call? I don't buy for a second he didn't have feelings for heather. There's a glimmer of hope in me that SM did want to leave TM, decided he couldn't hang with her craziness, heather accidentally called the cell and the rest is a result of that. But if that's the case, I can't wrap my mind around her body hanging out in their car while they figure out the rest. I don't know why my mind always goes to this train of thought where SM is just a bystander in this. I know they are equal contributors in this tragedy but I hope this wasn't at the hands of someone she trusted.

I read your post a while back and meant to respond. I have also wondered if SM was not aware of Tammy's plot to get rid of Heather - even though logic tells me he had to have been involved because they charged them both with murder.

As we all know, Tammy was infuriated when she discovered her husband's affair. That Heather was much younger and pretty must have lit Tammy up real good. Heather began being stalked and called by Tammy - maybe even assaulted. I'm sure TM was up at all hours "investigating" her husband's lover, adding fuel to her rage. She forbade SM to see Heather, even going so far as to deposit herself on his job. Later, she brainstormed the cross country trip in the magical Mickey camper to put some distance between Sidney and Heather. When they arrived back to Myrtle Beach, it was shortly before Heather's disappearance. Surely,Sidney had to get back to work. It has been said that there was no communication between SM and HE after Nov 5th until the night Heather went missing, but since they both worked at Tilted Kilt, maybe a mutual acquaintance - a coworker and "ally" of the couple would be a go between to relay messages between Heather and Sidney, not necessarily by phone, rather in person during work hours so there was no record they were in communication with each other. Moving ahead to the eve of HE's disappearance, Tammy enlisted her sister or dad to watch the kids so she and Sidney could have an adult night out. Sidney drove and Tammy was hitting the bottle. Being hammered, she told SM that she wanted to have sex where he and Heather did, thus the two IE's.... Tammy wanted to hurt Heather, so she sent photos of she and her husband having sex to Heather. After the fact, she tells SM and he was very upset she did that. The evening for the Moorers is going downhill fast. They fight about the sent photos. Sidney is disgusted Tammy did that. He tells Tammy that their evening is over and that he has had enough of her bs. On the way home, Tammy passes out from the liquor. SM sees an opportunity to phone Heather so he pulls into a gas station payphone. He wants to apologize to Heather for what Tammy sent to her. He seriously is contemplating leaving his psycho wife and wants to tell Heather,but he cannot connect with her. Resigned, he gets back in the truck with sleeping beauty and drives home. The fighting escalates when Heather calls Sids cell. Tammy observes SM looking as if he is going to leave the house. She knows he is going to meet Heather, so she sneaks out and hides in the backseat of his truck. Sidney is unaware Tammy is in there. He exits the house, happy he was able to break free without Tammy finding out and stopping him. In his head, he affirms to himself that the marriage is over. He a no longer live with such a controlling, jealous woman. He drives to ptl to meet Heather as arranged during their last call. I believe that Tammy surprise attacked heather and threatened Sidney after the fact. She had set this up from the beginning to make it look like Sidney did it. If he went along with disposing of Heather, she would agree to be his alibi. Later, she posted on FB that she and Sidney had an open marriage to show she had no motive for killing Heather out of jealousy.

I believe he was charged because he was present during the commission of a crime.
Yes, and she would still be a victim if her relationship with Sidney was purely physical, if she went to PTL for a hookup, etc. She would still have a thread on here. However, a lot of people need to believe that Heather was in love, that she was killed by someone she trusted, to make her a more acceptable victim, in their eyes. There is a lot of motive to keep a certain narrative out there. For some reason, some people don't want to believe that the murder might have been done in a fit of rage, no it was calculated, planned for months, a very unconventional killing.

Above BBM:

My gut tells me she did care about SM but it has nothing to do with making her a more acceptable victim. It's more about her upbringing, and her crying when speaking with BW. She may have made some provocative posts but I think that was more about her trying to seem more worldly than she really was. Many, many young women do this. Most of the teenagers I know, in fact. And I work with teenagers. In my experience, it is rare that they don't get involved emotionally when they're having sex even though they will try to suggest otherwise. Especially if they feel rejected, or insecure, in the relationship. All MOO.

Regarding the second bold, I am with you in feeling strongly that this may not have been premeditated at all. Just my feeling on this- nothing to really back it up. I just don't know why people feel so strongly the other way. I think if could be either, but I lean toward not premeditated. At least as in over a long period of time. When you use the definition of premeditated being thinking about it at any point before doing it, even hours or minutes, then I could see it. I just don't see it as something being planned over any length of time. Again, MOO.
Yes, and she would still be a victim if her relationship with Sidney was purely physical, if she went to PTL for a hookup, etc. She would still have a thread on here. However, a lot of people need to believe that Heather was in love, that she was killed by someone she trusted, to make her a more acceptable victim, in their eyes. There is a lot of motive to keep a certain narrative out there. For some reason, some people don't want to believe that the murder might have been done in a fit of rage, no it was calculated, planned for months, a very unconventional killing.

I don't believe I have ever said that she was in love with SM or that he was in love with her as many have speculated. Her twitter account leads me to think she was fascinated by him, but that doesn't necessarily mean she loved him. If SM had loved Heather, she wouldn't be dead. I do think that Heather trusted SM or she would not have gone to the PTL that time of the morning to meet with him. If she feared him, she would not have gone and she certainly wouldn't have gone if she had known TM was in the truck. Does anyone really believe that Heather went there knowing TM was there?

I do not believe the murder was "planned for months" but I do believe that it was preplanned. Tammy didn't go to PTL that night to exchange pleasantries with Heather. She went there to kill her. What else do you think she was planning to do? And why else would SM have lured Heather to PTL with TM going with him unless they were planning to kill her. He obviously wasn't going there to hookup with Heather with TM present! If the timeline is correct, SM & TM were at PTL only a matter of minutes-just long enough to kill her or incapacitate her and take her away-as planned and that is why her body hasn't been found.
Above BBM:

My gut tells me she did care about SM but it has nothing to do with making her a more acceptable victim. It's more about her upbringing, and her crying when speaking with BW. She may have made some provocative posts but I think that was more about her trying to seem more worldly than she really was. Many, many young women do this. Most of the teenagers I know, in fact. And I work with teenagers. In my experience, it is rare that they don't get involved emotionally when they're having sex even though they will try to suggest otherwise. Especially if they feel rejected, or insecure, in the relationship. All MOO.

Regarding the second bold, I am with you in feeling strongly that this may not have been premeditated at all. Just my feeling on this- nothing to really back it up. I just don't know why people feel so strongly the other way. I think if could be either, but I lean toward not premeditated. At least as in over a long period of time. When you use the definition of premeditated being thinking about it at any point before doing it, even hours or minutes, then I could see it. I just don't see it as something being planned over any length of time. Again, MOO.

But what if that is not true? What if Heather was not crying, what if Sidney never told her he was leaving Tammy? It is not like BW has said it under oath yet.
But what if that is not true? What if Heather was not crying, what if Sidney never told her he was leaving Tammy? It is not like BW has said it under oath yet.

What reason would she have for lying about it? I would be interested to know why anyone would think she is lying and what that assumption is based on. She told all of this within 24 hours of Heather's car was recovered at PTL. I believe that she relayed all of this info to Terry Elvis the night the car was discovered when she learned Heather was missing and thought to be in grave danger.
The contrast between the pictures is just odd. You have the ones that show her as young teenager, portraying this image of a young girl who was manipulated by an old man. Then, you have the ones where she is in her TK uniform, portraying this image of a hot young woman whose co-worker couldn't resist, someone who looked the complete opposite of his wife.

This goes back to what I was saying in my original post, that someone knows it all works, they know how to play the PR game. They know that it is better if Heather was in love with Sidney, if she didn't just seek out sex w/ a married father. And it feels like a lot of people need to believe that Heather loved and trusted Sidney to see her as a true victim.

How about the fact that many if the TK pictures have been photoshopped to give HE in the words of Austin Powers "Machine Gun Jubliees"? In fact most of them have enhanced not only her breasts, but her facial features as well. They make her look older and sexier. Then you compare the pics of her and BW outside of the TK, HE looks like a skinny kid with zero *advertiser censored*.

The second bold, we really do not have to see Heather as a true victim-whether she was sexually aggressive or not- she is the victim-she is dead.
I went back to look, IDK if we are allowed screen caps or not. But there are two distinctly different sets of HE images in her TK uniform. Some have definitely been modified, IMO these photos were taken to be used in TK advertisements.

How about the fact that many if the TK pictures have been photoshopped to give HE in the words of Austin Powers "Machine Gun Jubliees"? In fact most of them have enhanced not only her breasts, but her facial features as well. They make her look older and sexier. Then you compare the pics of her and BW outside of the TK, HE looks like a skinny kid with zero *advertiser censored*.

The second bold, we really do not have to see Heather as a true victim-whether she was sexually aggressive or not- she is the victim-she is dead.

I really hope Heather was the one who photoshopped her pictures, and they were not photoshopped after she went missing. I hope there is a good explanation.

If they were being used for advertisements, why wouldn't they use the original photos for the posters?

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