The Pink Shirt

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I did not get involved until the search in April. I did not know until April that the shirt was dirty. I always thought it was found on the bed in a pile of clean clothes. I wish I could remember what show. I just remember Misty and the reporter with Misty showing her the shirt and where it was found. I thought it was a pile of folded clothes on the bed.

IMO, when Misty found that pink shirt was when Misty realized that they had lied to her or not told her enough to protect herself. I still think that a big part of why Misty claimed she was watching the kids is she was forced to say it. I think they got Misty to the MH then once there gave her the choice of helping her or not but LE was going to be told that whatever happened to Haleigh happened on her watch. I think she was told that TN and GGma Sykes were going to say that they saw Haleigh at the MH with Misty after Ron was at work. Misty's only choice was do they stand beside Misty or point fingers at her.

IMO, Misty made the 911 call because she was afraid LE would believe them over her. But when Misty did it, she believed that she was getting the same protection as Ron. However, Misty was not given enough of the facts so that if LE did get suspicious, it would be of Misty, not Ron.

IMO, Misty is not protecting them now. The problem is they have helped to destroy Misty's credibility to the point that LE needs a lot more than Misty can give. TN called Tim Miller in because Misty was ready to crack. If Misty was ready to crack, why not contact LE? Misty was still talking to LE even after she had an attorney.

IMO, Tim Miller was called because Tim Miller was someone who they could be right there "supporting" Misty into not telling the truth or telling the stories they wanted told. After Tim Miller was done with Misty, her credibility was shot that it did not matter what Misty said to LE, only what LE could prove.


This is even more evil (the idea, not you, 1Chump) than even I imagined. What do you think these women could have held over Misty's head to make her do this? I am not doubting that your scenario could very well be true; I am just wondering if these women and Ron could be so cold and so lacking in conscience that they would not have had to hold anything over this 17 year old's head ~ just the pure terror of being told they were going to tell a story and she'd take the fall unless she went along. God, I feel sick at the thought.

I have always thought it went something like this:

Misty and Ron and Haleigh all back at the house after HaLeigh was picked up from the bus. (and maybe Jr, if he wasn't with Annette still. I kinda have thought that the kids were with her that weekend because Ron may very well have been very irate and upset after telling Misty to leave and then not being able to find her; thus having Annette take the kids. I've thought his rushing that Monday morning past the bus stop and the claim it was for an outfit for H. at GGM Sykes was, in actuality, Ron and Misty rushing to get HaLeigh and take her to school, and then not bringing Jr. back home with them. Misty's whole account of she, Ron, and Jr. sleeping away Monday just didn't ring true. Imagine that!)

That Monday afternoon I would guess Ron had no intention of going in to work. Nothing more to base that assumption on then the sense that a man with his personality would blow off work in order to settle things with his girlfriend. They were probably worn out, Haleigh could have been feeling the tension, and vied for some attention. She could have been trying to protect Misty, or just gotten in between them. If, as people have attested to, that Ron would smack his kids, he could have smacked HaLeigh too hard. It could have been even uglier. I do believe that he immediately blamed Misty, by telling her if she hadn't of made him angry he wouldn't have had to hurt HaLeigh. (This just based on how many abusers act and ways they manipulate their victims into feeling guilty and responsible).

I see Ron immediately calling his mom and she calling HER mom...and then the entire cover up began.

I do not believe that anyone else was involved in the cover-up. I believe that Ron WAS frantically calling the two women and Misty and, in desperation he did call Tommy, looking for Misty. I believe Tommy took it upon himself to go check on his sister and the kids and found the house deserted.

At some point Tommy was told and threatened. I am not sure what I think about who in the Croslin family were told, if any of them were. I feel certain that they knew Misty was being used and threatened, though, and I believe that their lives have been shattered by this.

Just some thoughts and opinions.

This is no rumor.. it is a sincere question...

Was TN involved with Tim Miller at one point? Why did she say "Love you"? That is just .... weird!
Hi, Zaha.

I really don't think that Teresa was involved with Tim Miller in anything more than an attempt to manipulate him. Her over the top familiarity with him comes across as insincere and contrived. She may have thought it was a way to be friendly, to "bring him into the fold," so to speak, but I would hope he saw right through it. I feel pretty sure, especially as he was backing away from these people, that he did feel "dirty." He made some comment to that effect at the end of his "relationship" with Teresa, Annette, and the gang.

But, this is just my take.

This is even more evil (the idea, not you, 1Chump) than even I imagined. What do you think these women could have held over Misty's head to make her do this? I am not doubting that your scenario could very well be true; I am just wondering if these women and Ron could be so cold and so lacking in conscience that they would not have had to hold anything over this 17 year old's head ~ just the pure terror of being told they were going to tell a story and she'd take the fall unless she went along. God, I feel sick at the thought.

I have always thought it went something like this:

Misty and Ron and Haleigh all back at the house after HaLeigh was picked up from the bus. (and maybe Jr, if he wasn't with Annette still. I kinda have thought that the kids were with her that weekend because Ron may very well have been very irate and upset after telling Misty to leave and then not being able to find her; thus having Annette take the kids. I've thought his rushing that Monday morning past the bus stop and the claim it was for an outfit for H. at GGM Sykes was, in actuality, Ron and Misty rushing to get HaLeigh and take her to school, and then not bringing Jr. back home with them. Misty's whole account of she, Ron, and Jr. sleeping away Monday just didn't ring true. Imagine that!)

That Monday afternoon I would guess Ron had no intention of going in to work. Nothing more to base that assumption on then the sense that a man with his personality would blow off work in order to settle things with his girlfriend. They were probably worn out, Haleigh could have been feeling the tension, and vied for some attention. She could have been trying to protect Misty, or just gotten in between them. If, as people have attested to, that Ron would smack his kids, he could have smacked HaLeigh too hard. It could have been even uglier. I do believe that he immediately blamed Misty, by telling her if she hadn't of made him angry he wouldn't have had to hurt HaLeigh. (This just based on how many abusers act and ways they manipulate their victims into feeling guilty and responsible).

I see Ron immediately calling his mom and she calling HER mom...and then the entire cover up began.

I do not believe that anyone else was involved in the cover-up. I believe that Ron WAS frantically calling the two women and Misty and, in desperation he did call Tommy, looking for Misty. I believe Tommy took it upon himself to go check on his sister and the kids and found the house deserted.

At some point Tommy was told and threatened. I am not sure what I think about who in the Croslin family were told, if any of them were. I feel certain that they knew Misty was being used and threatened, though, and I believe that their lives have been shattered by this.

Just some thoughts and opinions.

We are getting so far off topic of the pink shirt that I'm going to respond to this in the general theory thread.
AS should have any answers needed regarding the pink shirt, imo. I am betting that she picked up dirty laundry when she dropped off clean

We were told that Haleigh wore a hannah montana pink shirt to schooll that day. We were also told recently by AS that she put clean shirts on the kids the night of feb 9 when she was visiting "to deliver laundry".

Why weren't LE able to get a description of Haleigh's clothes by Annette? Misty claimed they were asleep so they must have been wearing PJ's. Later she describes Haleigh as wearing her school clothes. Now we just hear AS put clean shirts on the kids around 7:30pm.

When misty made the 911, she had no clue what Haleigh was wearing and was just guessing. What were the reasons misty had no clue?

What made her change her mind from pj's to pink shirt?
If I were a complete conspiracy theorist, I'd say that the Cummings gave Misty the wrong information on purpose-to make her look like a liar with something to hide. AS's changing the kids shirts story, seemed like nothing more than a late attempt to explain away a discrepancy. But honestly, I've never understood why this story changed so much. I don't see how lieing in this instance, could help the killer. There's obviously some significance, that we just aren't privy to. Maybe Misty originally said PJs, because they were bed clothes, so therefore fell into the PJs category?. & maybe she genuinly forgot that AS changed their clothes. IDK.

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