the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #84

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I believe he showed her as a lying, conniving, manipulative, fearless, soulless, piece of "work". This will not get lost on the jury. JM did his job in showing the jury exactly who JA is and what she deserves, a life not worth saving. JMO

Don't forget...Rebuttal! :great:

There was some truth in her statement that she did things to provoke him...maybe a little stalking, hacking into emails,etc., a little lying and spying, and threats.:floorlaugh:

Don't forget - shooting him in the head. Apparently, according to her, that made him mad too. Who would have known?
did she say she SAW the gun in Dec??? in earlier testimony or that TA loaded it and took it somewhere???
If Mr. Martinez and Mr. Nurmi would quit questioning her about the Book of Mormon and Mormon chastity/lying rules and Mormon bishops she probably would not talk about it. Weird that so much Mormon religion is brought up in this trial.

A juror TODAY asked her a question regarding the Book of Mormon. You may not like it but a juror is interested.
WHat? Today he caught her in a big huge lie. She did not go up and get that gun. If she had the closet would have been trashed!

I am not sure we are all watching the same thing..

He needs to clinch it by telling the jury the measurements of the closet, or something like that. She's obviously lying and he needs to spell it all out imo. I just can't trust juries to draw inferences anymore, not after the Pinellas fiasco. jmo
"I felt like sometimes I might have done things to provoke Travis". Aaaand Nurmi throws in the towel AGAIN. HA! She is soooooo stupid.

Yay...more JM!

She had to throw that in. It's something a real domestic violence survivor would say. :twocents:
Sorry for the bother, but I can't find the link to the funny Nancy Grace YouTube video that was referred to earlier. Could someone post it please? Thanks!
Did I miss the time change? I thought it was going until 4:30 (my time) today?

No . . . everyone was just too exhausted to continue (IMO)
the Judge stopped court early today and dismissed everyone home. . . . guess since she doesn't have the desert lady coming in to offer everyone a sugar rush in the afternoon.
Perhaps lady co-counsel will take over the direct examination of witnesses with the defense "experts", not like that's better but she speaks a tiny bit faster so the pace could pick up. Hopefully.
The DEFENSE "experts" are gonna pizz us off....I recommend everybody have a mimosa for breakfast....

...if we even have freaking court tomorrow .....
did she say she SAW the gun in Dec??? in earlier testimony or that TA loaded it and took it somewhere???

She said that TA loaded the gun in December 2007 and took it away somewhere to do something. Took it on a field trip? :notgood:
WHat? Today he caught her in a big huge lie. She did not go up and get that gun. If she had the closet would have been trashed!

I am not sure we are all watching the same thing..

I think Horace meant time not using the entire day productively, etc.
I poster up thread thought juan missed something about the gun. I missed some testimony. What did Juan miss?
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