the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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I was laughing at Jodi and her use (and misuse) of "big words" and unnecessary descriptions. She makes me think of Oswald, the prison inmate on In Living Color who always talks in ridiculously big words, none of which he understands, and most of which he mixes up in a hodgepodge of existing words. It got me to thinking about her story. Here it is, in a nutshell, in Jodi-Speak, followed by translations:

I would proclaim in the affirmative that it is within the realm of possibility that I may have assisted the individual with the appellation of Travis Alexander to embark upon his glorious journey from the terrestrial world into the celestrial world, with the caveat that he may have journeyed to the subterrestrial world; I wouldn't be privy to that informational data of the post-terrestrial sphere of existence.
(Translation: Yes, I killed Travis Alexander.)

The person of whom you are speaking was not inclined to indulge me (that is to say, mySELF) with tender, considerational behavior.
(Translation: He was mean to me.)

The decedent bestowed upon me the appellation of Tri-Orificed Astonishmentalitation.
(Translation: He called me a 3-hole wonder.)

The male subject of our discussion and I engaged in carnal relations, which is to say, copulation of the intercoursal, oral, and buttal variety.
(Translation: We had sex.)

Our sexual activity involved bondage of the upholstery cord loose wrist noosal variety intended to bind the articulation between the forearm and the hand.
(Translation: He tied me up.)

The upholstery cord loose wrist noosal raw material was first prepared by severing it with a keen-edged instrument of cutlery.
(Translation: He cut the rope with a knife.)

I initiated a series of digital photo-opticular events via the use of a mechanical shutterbox-like piece of equipment which utilizes light and opticalative states of being to produce lifelike images to be viewed and/or retrieved at a later point in time. He was moist and not garbed in traditional textiles gathered together by twisted filaments in the shape of a human body.
(Translation: I took photos of him in the shower. He was wet and naked.)

He lifted my body and hurled it to the floor with great force and in a violent manner whereupon I landed upon my spine.
(Translation: He body-slammed me.)

I extricated myself from his attempted pintintinilation and scurried down the corridor betwixt the bathing quarters and the room designed to accommodate the suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness, whereupon I pivoted to the right and entered the enclosed recess typically used to store apparel, footwear and other miscellaneous items.
(Translation: I ran through the hallway and into the closet.)

I placed the door into a position that would render an intruder temporarily (for a split-second) helpless to enter the space within which I was located.
(Translation: I shut the door.)

I leaped ever skyward, briefly placing an appendage of the metacarpal variety onto the edge of a thin slab of wood fixed horizontally to a frame (for supporting objects) in order to gain height. I then affixed my hands upon a weapon that would be capable of propelling metal projectiles with great force and brought the weapon back with me when I plummeted back to the lower gravitational limit, landing in a nimble manner on the afforementioned appendages of the metacarpal variety. The aforementioned weapon may or may not have previously been encased in a sheathlike carrying pouch; said pouch was not surrounding the firearm at that moment in the space-time continuum.
(Translation: I jumped up and grabbed a gun that may or may not have previously been in a holster.)

The weapon may or may not have been occupying space within a rectangular receptacle consisting of corrugated cardboard.
(Translation: The gun may or may not have been in a box.)

I then moved my legs in a rapid, rhythmic manner in order to propel me out the alternate doorway and back into the bathing quarters; the room is also used to collect and dispose of human excrement and liquid bodily wastes.
(Translation: I ran into the bathroom; that's the room where people also pee and poop, just in case the jury didn't already know the definition of "bathroom".)

The subject then proceeded to propel himself toward me in an aggressive manner that would be best described as that of a defensive player in American or Canadian football who is positioned just behind the line of scrimmage. He was uttering derogatory epithets and threatening to terminate my essential natural processes.
(Translation: Travis lunged at me like a linebacker and said "*advertiser censored****g kill you, *advertiser censored*!".)

The weapon within my bent digits (one more bent than the others) discharged just as his body impacted my corporeal vessel and sent us both hurtling to the floor.
(Translation: The gun went off just before he knocked me off my feet.)

I extricated my corpus from his own maniacal and heavily-weighted corporeal instrument.
(Translation: I was partially under him, but managed to get out from under him. )

The events that thereafter occurred cannot be recalled in any reliable fashion by the organ residing within my cranium, although the events have a quality that may or may not be described as a mixture consisting of liquid particles dispersed in a gaseous medium.
(Translation: I dont remember. I was in a fog.)

I DO recall the audio effect of the keen-edged piece of cutlery landing upon the tiled lower enclosing surface upon which one walks.
(Translation: I remember the knife clattering on the floor.)

When I regained my memory and cognition, I was driving within an arid, barren wasteland.
(Translation: I came to in the desert.)

My lowest appendages of a metacarpal variety were no longer encased in its customary footwear, nor was any footwear apparent within the vehicle.
(Translation: I was barefoot.)

I performed an ablution to remove debris and excess human vascular system fluid with the usage of clear fluid which was purchased in bulk from a merchant of miscellaneous items that may only be exchanged for monetary tokens from a member of a private society.
(Translation: I washed the blood off with water from Costco.)

I hurled the firearm used to commit a possible homicidal act into the arid, barren wasteland.
(Translation: I threw the damn gun into the desert.)

I then proceeded to direct my rented vehicle to another state within the Northern Hemisphere, specifically within the United States ) for the purposes of assembling with another member of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, with whom I had been in electronic and vocal communication, but had not laid eyes upon in the corporeal sense.
(Translation: I drove to Utah to meet a potential sucke--ummm--vict--ummm matrimonial life partner in person.)

We pressed our cavities containing the structures used in mastication together, may or may not have comingled our tongual muscles, and ground our genitals together in a rhythmic manner.
(Translation: We hung out.)

When next I endeavored to operate the vehicle of the Budget clan, I was stopped by a member of the local regulatory force that is employed to maintain order in a civilized society. I was informed that my placard which proclaims the legal status of the vehicle's permission to be upon a public roadway was positioned with the upper part undermost.
(Translation: I was stopped for driving with an upside-down license plate.)

Several hours later my companion and I once again engaged in light carnal activity, but we did not proceed to the point of penile/vaginal penetration, nor did we remove our lower, textured coverings.
(Translation: We hung out some more.)

I departed from my companion's abode in the Beehive State, destined for my own abode in the far northern extreme of the state named for it's resemblance to a hot Spanish oven in a municipality so-named when a stretched BAKERY sign was inadvertently read backwards and was missing the letter B. I did not, at any time, enter the city upon a dessicated lake consisting of sodium crystals.
(Translation: I left and never, ever, ever was in Salt Lake City.)

Oh my....the funniest, most intricate and highly appreciated post I have read in a looooong time!!! :gthanks::great::Banane09:
Well I mean this in a good way!

I hope Travis got layed besides Jodi and I hope a lot. I would hate to think that Travis died only knowing sex from Jodi. I hope he had a few other experiences.

Variety is the spice of life and I hope he got his share.

I've got a feeling he did OK .. I hope so anyway.
I know nearly nothing about Mormonism except what I've seen on South Park, some vague memories from the early 90's when some missionaries visited me and my flatmate so that she could run rings around their logic until they gave up and went away, and this ...

The Osmonds - Love Me For A Reason - YouTube

However, I didn't see the point of the religious questioning at all, because I think it's fairly obvious that Jodi's conversion was just a load of BS. Mormonism might have been relevant to Travis, but not to Jodi IMO.

LOL re: South Park!!! Haven't seen that in years! I bet there was a time when Jodi killed Kenny!!!
Am I mistaken or when Jodi first told us how she shot him, I could have sworn she told us that as she was pointing the gun at him, he tackled her and they were wrestling on the floor and it just "went off". Does anybody remember this or am i just confused because today she says she is standing pointing the gun at him and then shot him while standing.

I may have this wrong but could have sworn she changed this up on us today.

I think her testimony was he tackled her first, she got away, she run then got the gun "thinking" it would scare him, then shot him.
Some sex addiction behaviors may include:

- Compulsive self-stimulation (masturbation)
- Multiple affairs, this includes extra marital affairs
- Multiple one-night stands
- Multiple sexual partners
- Persistent use of *advertiser censored*
- Practicing unsafe sex
- Cybersex/phonesex
-Using prostitutes
-Dating through personal ads, but in an obsessive way
-Watching others in a sexual way (voyeurism)
-Sexual harassment
-Detachment - the sexual activity does not satisfy the individual sexually or emotionally.
-Bonding with the sexual partner is lacking.
-Feelings of guilt and shame
-Feeling of lack of control over the sexual addiction, even though he/she is aware of the financial, health, or social consequences. The individual may have a recurrent failure pattern to resist impulses to engage in extreme acts of lewd sex.
-Individuals find themselves often engaging in sexual behaviors for much longer than they had intended, and to a much greater extent.
-There have been several attempts to stop, reduce or control behaviors.
-The person spends a great deal of time obtaining sex, being sexual, or recovering from a sexual experience.
-The person may give up social, work-related or recreational activities because of their sexual addiction.
-Sexual rage disorder - the individual may become distressed, anxious, restless and even violent if unable to engage in their addiction.

I see your point however it's the context the behaviors are occurring & the circumstances around them... Remember even tho TA was 30 cuz of his belief system his sexual maturity experience would be that of a 16-18 yr old guy so in that context you could see parallels of American Pie Finch & Stifler' s mom or Ben & Mrs Robison in the Graduate.

She was sexually experienced lived with men etc he hadn't lived with a woman & I believe he was a virgin when he got the chance to experience his sexuality it wasn't the gradual gain of knowledge as say teens building to sex, phone sex fantasies etc then add the natural chemical changes of attraction brain he probably was preoccupied with sex as it all new.. As for what he says fantasized it does sound like 16 yr old guy trying to think of all things he's heard saw in *advertiser censored* movies etc.. IMO TA wasn't a addict just a sexually naive guy that choose wrong lady to guide him and was caught up in this new sensual experiences
I've got the original Marie Osmond doll from the 70's still in the box! I was a bit of an Osmonds tragic myself :blushing:

I have a few Marie Osmond dolls I purchased from QVC in the 90's. I don't know if it is true, but my mother told us we are related to Alan Osmond's wife, Suzanne Pinegar. Whatever...Osmonds rule!! LOL Keep hold of your Marie Osmond doll!!
My heart opens for you. This is true for anyone with a conscience and a good heart. Whether you are dealing with a sociopath or a psychopath, it is so foreign to imagine that such an individual can't "feel" the way that normal people feel. I think that is why Nurmi tries to play the "feeling" card, despite the fact that JA cant "feel" like a normal human being.

Add to that, the fact that they are masters at deception and manipulation...and you have the perfect storm for an authentic loving, TRUSTING, being.

Whether in work, family, or romance...this case serves a higher purpose. And that lesson...hurts my heart.

i think travis probably thought she had moved on to ryan burns. i don't think he expected her that night.
And that was a not so good deceision........

Just to clarify - do you think Travis had any idea that Jodi was dangerous in a murder-type way? And despite such knowledge, he had sex with her anyway?
New to the forum (posted twice or so). Wanted to know if anyone thinks Mr. Martinez might be calling a witness who had been in TA's closet and can confirm that there was no gun on that shelf or on any other shelf in that closet. I'm pretty sure there's at least one person out there that is familiar with the contents of TA's closet that can contradict JA.

Also, did anyone else catch JA's sly comment in response to a question by JM that she knew TA loaded the gun to go out and use it? That just seemed to be a deliberate lie thrown in for whatever psychopathic reason she conjured up on the spur of the moment.
You also have to remember that none of us have a clue whatsoever as to the type of person he was in general...Yea we hear his friends, but whose friends wouldnt do that in the circumstance. There is really no true insight into him from what I've seen, therefore based on the things I have seen, I don't know for a fact it's not all true.

And so you don't beat me up, YES I do believe Jodi is guilty of murder...............All JMO


I DO know for a fact that it doesn't matter. At all.
I missed almost all the testimony today. Does anyone know if YouTube has the video, and if so, what number it is? Thanks!

Croakerqueen on youtube has it. I think she labeled it all Day 30...
Can we stop the Travis bashing??!! He was a good man/person and I believe deserves our respect. Above all, he didn't deserve to die. Especially not at the hands of this ugly, cancer of a "person."
Just to clarify - do you think Travis had any idea that Jodi was dangerous in a murder-type way? And despite such knowledge, he had sex with her anyway?

That would not surprise me,

speaking for myself, I put myself in all kinds of situations regularly when younger and there is an adrenaline rush from living on the edge and taking chances and feeling invulnerable.
My point is the people out there "faulting" Travis for allowing Jodi back in.

It is not to paint a bad picture of Travis.

I just think he may have a sex addiction, that's all, and she was his poison

Excuse me, but who among us has not made a fool of themselves involving sex? A mini-period of whoredom? A terrible choice that makes you wince to this very day? A bad breakup where you almost became a stalker yourself?

These are all the flaws of being human, sexual beings trying to manage it. And when we're young, we're not good at it.

But we're fine now, right?
Given I hope JA gets the punishment she deserves, Martinez (who I was impressed with the 1st week) I would not like if I was on that jury for many reasons. One being he is questioning JA memories, issues, etc but doesnt remember his own questions has to have the clerk read it so obiviously he has issues himself... And he (imo) tries to create arguments. He wouldn't help the DA if I was sitting on that jury...JMO and I do hope she is punished again ..........

Nope. Juan Martinez has a mind like a steel trap. He only got one thing wrong in the whole trial about what jodi said during testimony. He knows full well what he has said and jodi's responses.

He has the court reporter read back the questions to be exact and show that jodi is playing games. I believe that technique is evident to most people and especially to the jury, when in context.
New to the forum (posted twice or so). Wanted to know if anyone thinks Mr. Martinez might be calling a witness who had been in TA's closet and can confirm that there was no gun on that shelf or on any other shelf in that closet. I'm pretty sure there's at least one person out there that is familiar with the contents of TA's closet that can contradict JA.

Also, did anyone else catch JA's sly comment in response to a question by JM that she knew TA loaded the gun to go out and use it? That just seemed to be a deliberate lie thrown in for whatever psychopathic reason she conjured up on the spur of the moment.

Good point - and welcome!!!

I'm wondering about that closet - I wonder why there seems to be nothing else on most of those top shelves. I wonder why? Perhaps they were difficult to access (too high?), structurally weak? It just seems odd that some are completely empty, one has a framed photo (not heavy)... just curious - jumping off your post.

That would not surprise me,

speaking for myself, I put myself in all kinds of situations regularly when younger and there is an adrenaline rush from living on the edge and taking chances and feeling invulnerable.

I do not believe that any man who really thinks a woman might murder him goes ahead and has sex with her anyway if he thinks it might lead to his murder.

There is a difference between engaging in risky behavior, and engaging in activities that you believe may end in your own murder.
I am having a problem with the extremely long winded sex texts supposedly sent by Travis explaining every detail of what he was going to do to her. All of it fitting right into her little "demeaning" story and other things she has brought up in court.

Travis complained about her hacking his personal accounts including facebook and Myspace. I beleive it was said she got into his bank accounts as well. We know she got into his voicemail. She even snooped into his phone while he slept to find out who he was talking to and went as far as texting a girl from his phone acting as him.

I can easily see her getting into his AT&T account too to see who he was talking to. However at that time you could also send text messages via your online account and they would deliver as if it was sent from your phone. You think she could control herself from not sending texts?

Jodi did some really wacky things that make into a list a mile long. One of them includes secretly recording phone conversations where she, in my opinion :moo: brought up their times together and got him riled up into phone sex.

He was no saint but he never did wrong and he was never the psycho that Jodi is. I can't say 100% that those texts were not Jodi.

I considered that too, but Detective Flores told Jodi that when they get the emails and text records, they can tell what city they're written from. There is little doubt which ones were written from Yreka, and which from TA's computer in Mesa. But that's always a good point to keep in mind, especially with someone as sneaky as Jodi.

Agree he was never the psycho Jodi is.
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