the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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Thus my point, no one here on this site knows anything about his true actions to say he didnt have sex addictions, etc. He wasnt every smart that we obiviously can say or he would have totally shut off contact with her.

Just because 90% of people on here have some type of "gang mentality" and trust me I am all for convictions in cases, others do have different opinions about different aspects of the trial which should not be continually downgraded...runs off many good people from posting...and that is jmo


"Smart" people do dumb things every day in this country. I think his mistake has more to do with general naivete and inexperience. And also just not believing this woman would ever take him down the way she did.
:newhere: Looking at some Osmonds videos and revisiting the days of my youth, I just realized that, IMHO, Travis resembles a young Merrill Osmond. Those camera pics...I believe it was Divine Intervention that saved those pics to be Travis' testimony and witness to his gruesome murder. Travis has been in that courtroom, via those pics.
The she-devil might've gotten away with her horrible crime, if it were not for those time-stamped pics. RIP, Travis.
No, you are not mistaken,- IMO - in fact, wasn't this her famous "linebacker" testimony?

Thanks. At some point I am going to try and find that exact testimony from long ago because I do think she put them both on the ground during the shot. Her original story was definitely different than todays.
JM was grinning a bit when JA said that she was 5'6" (66") and could look at eye level at the photo on the first shelf. He knew she pulled yet another boner.

Eye level is 5" from the top of your (adult) head, so (according to JA) the middle of the photo on the shelf would have to be 61" (5'1") from the floor of the closet, meaning that the shelf is only 56" (4'8") from the floor.

Typical doors are 81" from the floor to the bottom of the door jamb. According to Jodi, that door must be about 6" high!

Typical doorknobs are 36" from the floor. You can easily see in the photo where the doorknob is and where it connects with the door jamb.

I believe the measurements on the floorplan JM used in his OS only include widths and lengths, but not the heights.

If Jodi stepped onto the third shelf from the floor, that would be like stepping up about 30" - 36". Try that at home!
Will JM ever share the actual measurements of the shelves in the closet with the jury?
New to the forum (posted twice or so). Wanted to know if anyone thinks Mr. Martinez might be calling a witness who had been in TA's closet and can confirm that there was no gun on that shelf or on any other shelf in that closet. I'm pretty sure there's at least one person out there that is familiar with the contents of TA's closet that can contradict JA.

Also, did anyone else catch JA's sly comment in response to a question by JM that she knew TA loaded the gun to go out and use it? That just seemed to be a deliberate lie thrown in for whatever psychopathic reason she conjured up on the spur of the moment.

My only thought would be to insinuate he took it out shooting with DH? Who shared target practice video with JVM then next day court asked to provide copy of video & to leave incase needed as witness for video.. jmo
It was in court, the girls had boxes on their heads, aluminum foil kinda cute and Juan did not deny Travis watching them, was more concerned with the label faster, harder etc.

Juan didn't deny it because he wasn't there and doesn't know one way or the other, but Jodi is the one saying that is how it happened. EVERYTHING out of her mouth is a lie.

How do we know Travis wasn't in bed and Jodi let herself in (he never locked the doors)? How do we know it wasn't Jodi on the computer looking at youtube?

We don't because Jodi is a lying liar who lies.
Good thing about life is we can all agree to disagree...if we all had the exact same thoughts, life would be boring...

Off to watch the rest of today's trial & ck up on my own family, which is the most important....Peace to all
And if JM had to challenge every lie or questionable statement out of her mouth we'd be watching this trial go until 2017!!!!

Thanks button was not enough!!

I have a thought, but before I post it I want to make it very clear that I ask this question knowing it will be nibbled on, picked over and under, inside and out, skinned, smoked and tenderized with the end result being as close to the truth as anyone will ever know about some of what happened to TA in that bathroom.

JA says the gun was on the shelf, right? Is it possible she hid the gun on the shelf?

Could be, in the theory of sticking as close to the truth as you can. A back up to the knife she had hidden in the bathroom.

In the same vein, I have a question for those of you who have studied those media interviews and Flores on the stand. When he made the mistake about the gun shot first, who all did he tell? Was it just the grand jury or did he say it to the media and defense as well?
:newhere: Looking at some Osmonds videos and revisiting the days of my youth, I just realized that, IMHO, Travis resembles a young Merrill Osmond. Those camera pics...I believe it was Divine Intervention that saved those pics to be Travis' testimony and witness to his gruesome murder. Travis has been in that courtroom, via those pics.
The she-devil might've gotten away with her horrible crime, if it were not for those time-stamped pics. RIP, Travis.

I do not see how TA looks like Merrill Osmond..but I did love The Osmond Brothers. Crazy Horses The Osmonds ~ Crazy Horses - YouTube
I have a thought, but before I post it I want to make it very clear that I ask this question knowing it will be nibbled on, picked over and under, inside and out, skinned, smoked and tenderized with the end result being as close to the truth as anyone will ever know about some of what happened to TA in that bathroom.

JA says the gun was on the shelf, right? Is it possible she hid the gun on the shelf?

You know what .. I think there is SOME truth in her lie, but I think her 'purse' was in there with the gun in it. If she had jumped up on the shelf it would have collapsed I'm 100% certain of that because those shelves are hopeless and can collapse under the weight of a few too many books.

But I agree, there's some truth to that lie, I agree that she went into the closet for the gun it just wasn't amongst Travis' possessions, it was amongst hers.

Also, it was interesting when JM got to the footwear, she positively shivered. I think it's because she was in socks which was not normal, and I think she was in socks because she was sneaking around in them ..

How's her form changing her stories today, loved it. I'd love to see her on the stand just one more time, just to see what other fabrications she'll try and make up on the fly.

Also loved her facial expression as she stood up for the jury this afternoon.


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I'm not blaming him first of all for his murder. But no, I dont think based on what we know, he tried to hard to end it. Actually I believe maybe had he filed an order of protection against JA and stopped talking/having sex with her, she may possibly have been scared away.

Call my thoughts presumptuous it you choose, I'm ok with that...

Somehow I doubt that. She slashed his tires twice. That's not someone who would be afraid of a restraining order.

Restraining orders aren't worth the paper they are printed on when it comes to stalkers and sociopaths. We couldn't begin to count the number of people who end up murdered by people who have restraining orders against them.

Besides, how would he get one? What would he tell the judge? "I think maybe she slashed my tires and gave me great sex. Please award me a restraining order." They would laugh him right out of court. He had no reason to believe she would kill him. She never threatened it and probably never hurt him before. IMO, he was totally blindsided.
Ok well I dont know who it was, but someone was per testimony..... He could have locked his door if it wasnt him..

It would not surprise me one iota if she secretly had a key to his house made. I suppose you could counter he should have had all his locks changed. If only he had....but hindsight is 20/20, especially from the peanut gallery.
Could be, in the theory of sticking as close to the truth as you can. A back up to the knife she had hidden in the bathroom.

In the same vein, I have a question for those of you who have studied those media interviews and Flores on the stand. When he made the mistake about the gun shot first, who all did he tell? Was it just the grand jury or did he say it to the media and defense as well?

He definitely said it in one of the interviews either 48 Hours or Inside Edition, because when I saw it I was a bit stunned. Pretty sure 48 hours actually.

Jodi Arias Documentary-(In her own words) 48 Hours - YouTube

23:48 here .. 'We believe that Travis was shot first...'
So are ya'll thinking she killed him immediately on arriving at his house and was then watching music videos on youtube on his computer?

No. The photos show a time stamp. We know what time she killed him. We think she arrived early in the morning while he was sleeping, let herself in, and snooped around on his computer which she was known to do frequently.
You know what .. I think there is SOME truth in her lie, but I think her 'purse' was in there with the gun in it. If she had jumped up on the shelf it would have collapsed I'm 100% certain of that because those shelves are hopeless and can collapse under the weight of a few too many books.

But I agree, there's some truth to that lie, I agree that she went into the closet for the gun it just wasn't amongst Travis' possessions, it was amongst hers.

Also, it was interesting when JM got to the footwear, she positively shivered. I think it's because she was in socks which was not normal, and I think she was in socks because she was sneaking around in them ..

How's her form changing her stories today, loved it. I'd love to see her on the stand just one more time, just to see what other fabrications she'll try and make up on the fly.

Also loved her facial expression as she stood up for the jury this afternoon.
Hmmm, okay so would her retrieving the gun have any connection to the carpet sample taken from the closet at the bathroom door?

That carpet sample has nagged at me and I've never seen a report about any testing done on the carpet. Which I guess answers my question about not seeing a report :sigh:
Folks, the <mod snip> is finally off the stand. Just let that sink in a moment.

We couldn't wait for her to take the stand, and after getting to "know her" we couldn't wait for her to leave it. "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. :rocker:
Well she slit his and his new gf's tires, moved to Mesa after they broke up, appeared (from what I have seen anyway) to be obsessive in her behavior, text, phone calls etc so yea I think he should have thought of her as dangerous.

I understand, and it's really easy for all of us to see that now that he is a murder victim, but do you think he thought she would murder him?
Also, TA did not have a father to teach him how to be a man. IMO TA should have not dissed JA and talked trash about her to his PPL friends while he was screwing her. Seems he did love the what he was 30 years old.


What do you think makes a man?

Travis confided in his friends. Since when is this a bad thing?

Ok referring to this comment....

"And I am sorry for the morally superior here. You show me a guy who turns down sex from an attractive girl when she waves it in his face. Go ahead. I'll wait."

I can't believe I'm admitting this but... I've actually had a man turn it down not once, not twice but three times by 3 different men... 1) I'm not Miss America but dogs don't run backwards when they see me coming (HA ha my mom's saying) 2) I'm not pencil thin I got a curve or 2 but I still shop in Gap NY & Co and 3) single, no kids, no criminal record & at time owned my own home.. felt I needed to qualify myself after that statement..

BUT.. 1 man separated not officially Divorced not ready to go there, another was a jerk (hindsight glad he didn't) then last one we've had on & off physical relationship, friendship, spend holidays together etc BUT he has said No not at this time sighting valid reasoning and he's not involved etc..

So all my embarrassment sharing is to say yes I think there are times when a woman flaunts her stuff & man for his own reasons will say no.. to think he couldn't resist says that men/TA can't control themselves any different than barnyard animal...

With that being said he may have indulged in good riddance sex because he knew next romp would most likely be wedding night.. jmo TMI & embarrassment lol! :floorlaugh:

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