the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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I think her testimony was he tackled her first, she got away, she run then got the gun "thinking" it would scare him, then shot him.

Thanks for answering. She has got me so confused with all her stories I cant keep things straight anymore.
I do not believe that any man who really thinks a woman might murder him goes ahead and has sex with her anyway if he thinks it might lead to his murder.

There is a difference between engaging in risky behavior, and engaging in activities that you believe may end in your own murder.

if I was to tell you how many times I dodged bullets on the weekends just to find myself doing it again the following weekend, you would think I was either embellishing or crazy
Oh my....the funniest, most intricate and highly appreciated post I have read in a looooong time!!! :gthanks::great::Banane09:

THis is the most hilarious post I've read in along time
Thank you for taking the time to compose it
I needed a good depends soaking
My depends needed changing
Most people know I'm active in a support group helping people keep their families together after leaving Mormonism. So I have experienced personally and heard stories about the underbelly of the Mormon Church.

Frankly, whatever religion or ideology it was that had conventions in Las Vegas and Oklahoma with wild parties (remember that digusting smile on Gus when he talked about the parties?) where Jodi could meet rich, naive men, THAT would have been her religion of choice. Her history shows her switching to match the man she's after. She is a sexual predator and if she has to say she believes in Scientology, or Heaven's Gate, she will pretend to be that.

She only stayed with Mormonism so she could crawl along her web to the next man she had bundled, ready to suck his life out. This Black Widow was going merrily along moving up her PPL web to the next victim struggling in her web, Ryan B. She would not have stayed Mormon without PPL.

Remember the activities the Mormon Singles did? We watch movies. We bake cookies. We hang out. We go to Chili's. No alcohol, no fancy coffee drinks, no sex. I don't think so.


I wish I could hit the thumbs up button more then once.

I've always felt Jodi went from one guy to the next being selfish and crazy but when one went bad there was always another to hop onto and start over. Then came Travis. The utmost catch in her eyes. A young, good looking man with his own house, nice car and $$$. Only problem was this man finally told Jodi NO. It must have been a great shock to her when she saw Travis slipping away with the potential of someone far below her getting all that she wanted. She probably gave him one more chance that day. She probably had a bag packed for Cancun. It didn't work out though, he still told her no...and he died for it.
Can we stop the Travis bashing??!! He was a good man/person and I believe deserves our respect. Above all, he didn't deserve to die. Especially not at the hands of this ugly, cancer of a "person."

Trolls are in full effect BUT the ignore button is our friend ;)
Nope. Juan Martinez has a mind like a steel trap. He only got one thing wrong in the whole trial about what jodi said during testimony. He knows full well what he has said and jodi's responses.

He has the court reporter read back the questions to be exact and show that jodi is playing games. I believe that technique is evident to most people and especially to the jury, when in context.[/QUOTE]


Agree, however, I also it points out that he is disgusted and outraged that he has to keep repeating his questions to her. He does this to show her how much disrepect he has for her lies! JMO
I agree that it's not too hard to conclude that Travis had sex with Jodi on June 4th considering the pictures we have seen from that day, together with the many times that he got pulled back into her web after seeming to realize that she was really bad news.

He had a lot of difficulty breaking away from her -- that's how relationships go with these types of personality disordered individuals. They are masterful at sucking their target back in.

I also believe that when Travis wrote the stern messages on May 26 calling her a sociopath and evil and the worst thing that ever happened to him, he very much meant what he said. And it seems that he stuck to it for a few days because there was very little communication between them from May 26 until June 2 when Jodi started her murder trip.

I do not believe Travis knew that Jodi was coming to Mesa prior to her early-morning arrival ...even Jodi has had a hard time saying that Travis knew she was coming. But once she arrived, it seems Jodi somehow talked her way in and got him to relax and feel comfortable letting his guard down. This is not hard to believe since Jodi obviously was able to persuade Travis numerous times to ignore the warning signs and just go with the flow.

Jodi could have proposed one final romp in the hay for old time's sake before she embarked on this new relationship with Ryan; or she could have just asked to sleep before getting back on the road, then seduced him, or Travis could have been completely ready and willing, ignoring his own gut instincts about her because he really did not think he was in any danger ...I don't think most guys in that situation would have thought they were going to become a victim of a brutal homicide a couple of hours after having sex with an ex-girlfriend.

Excellent post, Minor. This illustrates, I think, that we have to raise aware boys and educate them about the serious dangers of controlling, abusive relationships, in the same way we try to raise aware and educated girls.

I think too few young men actually understand how deadly such relationships can be.
if I was to tell you how many times I dodged bullets on the weekends just to find myself doing it again the following weekend, you would think I was either embellishing or crazy

Well, I believe that young men and women do that all the time -- partially because of youthful exuberance and a failure to fully understand and appreciate risk. But I'm talking about something more than typical foolish risk-taking.

My post was asking that other poster if s/he really believed that Travis thought Jodi might murder him and went ahead and had sex with her anyway -- as that was the implication in the post that I was asking for clarification about.
Well, I believe that young men and women do that all the time -- partially because of youthful exuberance and a failure to fully understand and appreciate risk. But I'm talking about something more than typical foolish risk-taking.

My post was asking that other poster if s/he really believed that Travis thought Jodi might murder him and went ahead and had sex with her anyway -- as that was the implication in the post that I was asking for clarification about.

Yes I did understand your post to the other poster, I was simply saying that I could see a heightened arousal if there was that fear.
New to the forum (posted twice or so). Wanted to know if anyone thinks Mr. Martinez might be calling a witness who had been in TA's closet and can confirm that there was no gun on that shelf or on any other shelf in that closet. I'm pretty sure there's at least one person out there that is familiar with the contents of TA's closet that can contradict JA.

Also, did anyone else catch JA's sly comment in response to a question by JM that she knew TA loaded the gun to go out and use it? That just seemed to be a deliberate lie thrown in for whatever psychopathic reason she conjured up on the spur of the moment.

For your first part, that is an excellent hope because Travis could have had someone else do some cleaning for him just like he had Jodi cleaning. I hope Juan does produce someone that can testify to that.

For second part, yes, she just throws in that she knew travis loaded it before or something like that. This was the first we ever heard her say anything like that. She kind of shyed away from that statement. I think she was realizing she has told too many stories and backed down. It was kind of like the holster thing she threw in.

Welcome again and please join in more often. Great points you made.
Need to vent/rant:

For any and all who think JM is being too harsh I challenge you to look at the autopsy pix -- I don't mean the crime scene pix or the pix in the shower showing the slit in his throat. I mean the pix of him on the table -- the pic showing 3 deep stabs to his chest, the pic of his back, neck and back of head all sliced up, the pic of his neck open so wide you see every layer of skin, muscles and all of his insides that will probably make you vomit. I won't post them here bc they will give 99% of the people nightmares!! They are AWFUL! JA is a spawn of satan and IMO Juan is being more than gentle to her given the nature of her crime and all of the lies to boot!!

Ok, I'm feeling better now. Thanks!

I seen the pix in the shower showing the slit throat and that one alone was ghastly enough for me. But I do hope that Juan will use all the crime scene and autopsy photos in closing arguments to show the jury this clearly was not self defense.
Yes I did understand your post to the other poster, I was simply saying that I could see a heightened arousal if there was that fear.

But a legitimate fear of death? I don't think so.
No I think Straitfan is referring to Jodi testifying that he was watching youtube when she got there and they went to sleep until 1pm the 4th.

It is clear she arrived there at approx. 4am.

She says she arrived at the house at 4am. I personally don't think so. I think she was parked somewhere watching, but not in the house. All the things she was doing to keep anyone from knowing she was in Mesa and she's gonna screw that up by coming into the house when all three men would be there?

1. Rental car
2. Infamous Gas Cans
3. Probably replaced her CA plates with AZ plates on the rental.
4. Different hair color

I think she watched the house until both roommates were gone (about 11:30am). The roommates did not see her or a strange car in the drive or garage. The one roommate would definitely had known because he didn't even have a key to the house. He used the keycode on garage to enter house. I don't think TA even knew she was coming. Even if she did speak to him on the phone night/early morning. They often talked late at night. If she had told him, then there'd be a chance he might email or text someone about it. ZB was last roommate to leave the house that day and he saw TA as he was leaving at 1130. I believe she went in after that. She's gone to the trouble to not be seen and to set up an alibi with RB, it's blown if anyone knows she's there.
Well Im not an ignorant person and as I said, if I was on that jury, his technique would not be evident nor would I like it. There are other ways to approach it to get the jury on one's side. Probably have a little more intelligence than an average juror member

If one is on a jury you are instructed to look at the evidence and testimony regarding the evidence ONLY-not to critique either side's lawyers, techniques, or their presentation. That statement is often included in jury instructions. If one wants to allow their opinions of the counsel to influence their decision making then they don't belong on a jury at all.

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I seen the pix in the shower showing the slit throat and that one alone was ghastly enough for me. But I do hope that Juan will use all the crime scene and autopsy photos in closing arguments to show the jury this clearly was not self defense.

PattyMI - I saw the photos that Sleuth13 is speaking about - and they had a huge impact on me and how I saw this case and the defendant. Words cannot describe. I'm thankful the jurors are seeing the reality of what this defendant actually did to this young man... the shower images don't even come close.

Thankfully, those of us who aren't on the jury have a choice about whether we want to view them or not. For me, it was the right choice to see that horror. To see that SHE DID THAT.

It's definitely not the right choice for everyone. But the jurors need that gut-wrenching reality and they got it.
I was laughing at Jodi and her use (and misuse) of "big words" and unnecessary descriptions. She makes me think of Oswald, the prison inmate on In Living Color who always talks in ridiculously big words, none of which he understands, and most of which he mixes up in a hodgepodge of existing words. It got me to thinking about her story. Here it is, in a nutshell, in Jodi-Speak, followed by translations:

I would proclaim in the affirmative that it is within the realm of possibility that I may have assisted the individual with the appellation of Travis Alexander to embark upon his glorious journey from the terrestrial world into the celestrial world, with the caveat that he may have journeyed to the subterrestrial world; I wouldn't be privy to that informational data of the post-terrestrial sphere of existence.
(Translation: Yes, I killed Travis Alexander.)

The person of whom you are speaking was not inclined to indulge me (that is to say, mySELF) with tender, considerational behavior.
(Translation: He was mean to me.)

The decedent bestowed upon me the appellation of Tri-Orificed Astonishmentalitation.
(Translation: He called me a 3-hole wonder.)

<snipped for room>

:floorlaugh: :clap::lol::rolling:

I'm printing this, it's going on a wall somewhere. It must.
Just to clarify - do you think Travis had any idea that Jodi was dangerous in a murder-type way? And despite such knowledge, he had sex with her anyway?

Well she slit his and his new gf's tires, moved to Mesa after they broke up, appeared (from what I have seen anyway) to be obsessive in her behavior, text, phone calls etc so yea I think he should have thought of her as dangerous.
[respectfully snipped]

Jodi's actions -- planning and then carrying out a brutal stabbing, shooting and throat slashing -- are the reason Travis is dead. NO ONE EVER thought Jodi was capable of such brutality; NO ONE thought Travis was in that kind of danger, and it's nuts to attribute any responsibility for Travis' death to anyone besides the person who committed the acts that killed him.

One of his closest friends was interviewed who said Travis read to him what he'd written Jodi. The friend asked, "Aren't you afraid she is going to hurt you?"

Travis himself wrote in his last blog of "desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer inside her." How many people write that?

On some level he was worried. She had slashed all four of his tires, not once, but twice.

A doctor friend of Travis'--whose two sons lived with him for a while, said Travis came over for dinner regularly, and that he'd told them not to be surprised if he didn't show up one day, and ended up dead. On the 911 call, his friends named Jodi as the #1 suspect.

Yes, the odds are low that any given stalker is going to end up a murderer. I have had a stalker and I'm still alive. Travis wasn't so lucky.
Doesnt seem to matter, he apparently let her in each time and he's an adult sure he knew about 911, except there must have been something in it for him or he would and could have stopped it...Locked doors, close doggy door whatever, he was capable of changing the circumstances if he wanted to bad enough.

I'm jumping around thread so if this already mentioned sorry.. Idk if you saw some of the discussions on threads regarding personality disorders & sociopathic tendencies..

First thing to keep in mind JA obviously doesn't play by the same rules the rest of us period.. I'm not a Dr but I feel she demonstrates classic borderline histrionic disorder traits ( or or Google it) with that being said unlike one of us who may try to make up with an ex would text asking if ok to stop by or maybe stop by without texting with going to leave check in mail box saw car in drive BUT we'd do it at 7pm or Saturday afternoon NOT at 11pm or 4am this sets her up for her victim role.. I don't have $ for motel, friend not home not answering etc even if he hates her guts she literally has no where to go & couldn't due to moral compass just slam door in her face (if she actually want to front door).

Basically she zeros in on his weakness funny but FOG stands for FEAR (tires slashed again blackmail with text/calls) OBLIGATION (obligated to help her due to past relations or knows she's not right) GUILT (can't let single woman sleep in car or he feels its partly his fault she's behaving this way). You see how JA picks apart questions by JM can you imagine how arguments were between JA & TA? After that much Mind F'n many people know which way is up let alone what's going on so not as easy as locking a door or calling 911 JA claims she was abused but her actions scream mental/emotional abuse toward TA
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