The ransom note

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Anyone else that find this passage almost amusing

'don't particularily like you'

It like, I am really sorry I have to say this and please don't get upset but 'they don't particularily like you'. It's like hurting JR's feelings is of great concern for the writer.

And further down the note the writer speaks of beheading his child.

That is dual personality for you...
tumble said:
Anyone else that find this passage almost amusing

'don't particularily like you'

It like, I am really sorry I have to say this and please don't get upset but 'they don't particularily like you'. It's like hurting JR's feelings is of great concern for the writer.

And further down the note the writer speaks of beheading a child.

That is dual personality for you...
I agree. Personally, I find that line to be laughable and ridiculous. Of course, these kidnappers supposedly watching over JonBenet are "gentlemen".
tumble said:
Anyone else that find this passage almost amusing

'don't particularily like you'

It like, I am really sorry I have to say this and please don't get upset but 'they don't particularily like you'. It's like hurting JR's feelings is of great concern for the writer.

And further down the note the writer speaks of beheading his child.

That is dual personality for you...
Its called an understatement. In this context, its also sarcasm on the part of the rn writer. If you're a killer, its a sarcastic understatement to say 'dont particularly like you' to your intended victim.
Thank you HOTYA:

yes I see the sarcasm now that you point it out to me.
one cool kidnapper to feel like putting in a little sarcasm while writing a RN.
Yeah, I can't think of too many rns where the writer decided to be funny.

"What does 'more than a little compromised' mean? Compromised in what way? Does it mean he was unable to be objective because his professionalism was blinded by his preexisting frienship with the R's? C'mon. You're reaching."

Well, yeah, that IS what it means! It's called a "conflict of interest."

But perhaps, you're right. In the big picture, that's not really so significant as the fact that, by his own admission, he never performed an internal exam and his last exam had been a good number of months before the murder. Eagle1 asked a good question: could the damage to JB's vagina have been done over a short period? Well, and I hope Eagle1 is reading this, that's what Wecht and McCann seemed to think. Wecht put it at around 48-72 hours before her death; McCann said up to ten days.

I'm curious, HOTYH. That was the ONLY thing you could come up with in my response? I must be getting better!
In the first page of the RN on the upper right corner there is a text "ATTACHMENT A".
There are no such text on the 2 other pages.
In what profession would someone write something like this in the upper right corner?
Are we missing "ATTACHMENT B"?
And attachment to what?

Edit: Oh, It seems the RN was marked "ATTACHMENT A" to the affidavit for first search warrant. Funny that they would actually write that on the original! Or isn't it pictures of the original that resides on the acandyrose sit?
SuperDave said:
....".could the damage to JB's vagina have been done over a short period?" Well, and I hope Eagle1 is reading this, that's what Wecht and McCann seemed to think. Wecht put it at around 48-72 hours before her death; McCann said up to ten days. QUOTE]

Thanks for answering and I want to emphasize that I said or meant to say over SUCH a short period. So I guess the answer is yes. She'd been to the school nurse on a couple of Mondays, too, let's not forget.
As a sidetrack to the RN I skimmed the affidavit for the first search warrant and found.

Just after JBR was found.
"Within a few minutes, Fleet came running upstairs, grabbed the telephone in the back office located on the first floor, and yelled for someone to call for an ambulance."

These people act really strange. Do we know who FW called instead of an ambulance, must be someone really important.
tumble said:
As a sidetrack to the RN I skimmed the affidavit for the first search warrant and found.

Just after JBR was found.
"Within a few minutes, Fleet came running upstairs, grabbed the telephone in the back office located on the first floor, and yelled for someone to call for an ambulance."These people act really strange.

Do we know who FW called instead of an ambulance, must be someone really important.

I never noticed that, Tumble. Good catch.
'don't particularily like you'
It's actually "dovparticularly like you", where the writer used a journalist's proofreading caret to insert the word "not". (The "not" is supposed to be over the v.)

When reading information, I tend to read between the lines. Sometimes by doing so , I can find the inferences as well as the motives. There are many who can recall ,far better than I, the nitty gritty details of the black and white. I can't do this, we all have our talents.

When Jayelles, et al, decided that they would , "unite to keep me from posting a picture", I took this as a threat. Evidently, even though I had others pm me that felt the same, the moderators here feel I was at fault.

They did this by copying verbatum, exactly my words as they appeared on webbsleuths and giving them their own twist and interpretation. Since my interpretation of events carries no weight, I am saying goodbye. It's been fun debating with the fair minded, and not such a bad experience debating with the closed minds, but I will NOT tolerate this nonsense of pm's over days with some mod acting as judge and jury. How could I have expected better, not very bright on my part.

Good bye!
icedtea4me said:
It's actually "dovparticularly like you", where the writer used a journalist's proofreading caret to insert the word "not". (The "not" is supposed to be over the v.)

BTW, there's no such thing as a 'journalist's proofreading caret'. It could be an 'editor's caret,' though.
sissi said:
When reading information, I tend to read between the lines. Sometimes by doing so , I can find the inferences as well as the motives. There are many who can recall ,far better than I, the nitty gritty details of the black and white. I can't do this, we all have our talents.

When Jayelles, et al, decided that they would , "unite to keep me from posting a picture", I took this as a threat. Evidently, even though I had others pm me that felt the same, the moderators here feel I was at fault.

They did this by copying verbatum, exactly my words as they appeared on webbsleuths and giving them their own twist and interpretation. Since my interpretation of events carries no weight, I am saying goodbye. It's been fun debating with the fair minded, and not such a bad experience debating with the closed minds, but I will NOT tolerate this nonsense of pm's over days with some mod acting as judge and jury. How could I have expected better, not very bright on my part.

Good bye!
Good bye Sissi.

FWIW I always enjoyed your posts even if I didn't agree with much of what you said lol.
I'm sorry you feel you have to leave, not everyone disliked you.
You were one of the most polite Ramsey supporters I've come across.
I wish you well :)
icedtea4me said:
It's actually "dovparticularly like you", where the writer used a journalist's proofreading caret to insert the word "not". (The "not" is supposed to be over the v.)

Yes, that adds another twist to it doesn't it. A sarcasm with a twist.
"FWIW I always enjoyed your posts even if I didn't agree with much of what you said lol. I'm sorry you feel you have to leave, not everyone disliked you. You were one of the most polite Ramsey supporters I've come across."

I would agree with that sentiment.
Anyone else that sees a connection to the Leopold&Loeb ransom note.

In the Ramsey note the kidnappers feel the need to tell who they are and what they feel about JR. Also it is very personal at the end but...

other than that the notes are quite similar.
1. Describing in detail how the money should be delivered and in what values.
2. What will happen if the notes instructions is not followed.
3. They will call the next day for further instructions
4. The wording "at present"(L&L) and "at this time"(R) in the beginning of the note is similar and appears at about the same place.
5. To follow instrunctions 'to the letter'
6. A meaningless signature
7. Both victims were dead by the time the parents got the RN.

I think that the L&L note could have lingered in the mind of the writer. Did any of the R's know about L&L?
As the L&L note was written in a case where the victims was planned to be killed the writer may have thought that note was a good blueprint as he/she was faced with the same situation.

A nice twist to this is that the Loeb's actually had a country estate in Charlevoix too.

And of course the biggest difference is that L&L actually called the day after even though the body of the victim had been found.
Just a tiny mental bubble this morning.

Anyone know whether the Leopold & Loeb ransom note newspaper coverage could be a learning topic in college journalism classes? PR's college class for example.

Writing styles of various journalists on all topics of news.

Edited to add: Here is a great link on Leopold and Loeb, the impact on their families, their prison experiences, and their deaths.

For residents of Charlevoix not to have been aware of this case and the intricate details, is quite unlikely.

"Anyone know whether the Leopold & Loeb ransom note newspaper coverage could be a learning topic in college journalism classes? PR's college class for example."

Possible. Crime coverage was a big issue in the ones I took.
SuperDave said:
"Anyone know whether the Leopold & Loeb ransom note newspaper coverage could be a learning topic in college journalism classes? PR's college class for example."

Possible. Crime coverage was a big issue in the ones I took.

--->>>Interesting that Loeb and Leopold were supremely smart in a number of topics, languages etc. No ransom note written on a brown paper bag for them, using the college typewriter helped do them in, and losing a pair of odd prescription eyeglasses near the body was another.

JUST HOW smart do WE all think the writer of the JonBenet Ramblingsome note IS/WAS?

I drag this old saw out every chance I get because it fits so many theorists who work with not enough sparkplugs.

That being Will Rogers and his popular saying, at least with me it is, "Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects".

So where was the ignorance in 'the' note that would shine a light on the who of 'who' wrote the note?

WHY would an INTRUDER say or speak of 'familiar family isms', fat cat, the exact figure of John Ramseys bonus check for the ransom amount, etc? Would the writer think that John Q Public would assume that a family member would NOT focus on familiar family terms?

To me the note speaks of a creative and innovative persons ability to make things appear as they were not in actual reality.

Journalism requires a person who is creative, and able to compose dull information and turn it into something more interesting and readable making the story flow, sometimes twisting the truth. Haven't we all experienced reading news accounts about something that we actually witnessed in person and noted the gaps in coverage?

Camper said:
--->>>Interesting that Loeb and Leopold were supremely smart in a number of topics, languages etc. No ransom note written on a brown paper bag for them, using the college typewriter helped do them in, and losing a pair of odd prescription eyeglasses near the body was another.

JUST HOW smart do WE all think the writer of the JonBenet Ramblingsome note IS/WAS?

I drag this old saw out every chance I get because it fits so many theorists who work with not enough sparkplugs.

That being Will Rogers and his popular saying, at least with me it is, "Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects".

So where was the ignorance in 'the' note that would shine a light on the who of 'who' wrote the note?

WHY would an INTRUDER say or speak of 'familiar family isms', fat cat, the exact figure of John Ramseys bonus check for the ransom amount, etc? Would the writer think that John Q Public would assume that a family member would NOT focus on familiar family terms?

To me the note speaks of a creative and innovative persons ability to make things appear as they were not in actual reality.

Journalism requires a person who is creative, and able to compose dull information and turn it into something more interesting and readable making the story flow, sometimes twisting the truth. Haven't we all experienced reading news accounts about something that we actually witnessed in person and noted the gaps in coverage?
What has always struck me as extremely odd in the ransom note was why Patsy, who was the wife of a millionaire who could have raised up to ten million dollars for ransom, would put that ridiculously low $118,000 sum in the note.
Patsy may have known nothing about tying ligatures and constructing garrotes which work, but in terms of the ransom sum, she can't have been that dumb. Impossible.
And isn't it interesting that Patsy herself asked Linda Arndt around 10 a.m. on Dec 26 (PMPT paperback, p. 15) why the author of the ransom note had not asked for a larger sum of money, or at least a round sum of money.
To me this shows that Patsy consciously laid out that red herring, putting a ridiculously low sum in the RN, which was not even a round sum, and which happened to be the sum of John's bonus. I suppose that her intention was that in case the sexual assault or political kidnapping scenarios should not be swallowed by investigators, they should focus on a disgruntled, low-paid Access Graphics employee who happened to know John's bonus and for whom $118,000 was an awful lot of money.

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