The Resistance...I get it.

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I think the mum lashed out at Madeleine and she died as a result...Madeleine was a wild child by all accounts and her mu had three toddlers to look after all by herself that day and the dad is clearing up the mess for the sake of his family....he is a manipulated type of husband married to a manipulative deceiver IMO if you read her book you will see how many lies she tells and how much she embroidered the truth

And you are dead on right ukgirl, i didnt believe em from the first second i saw them ontv on 4 may 2007 and never have since....and since 4 may all their mates and relatives were slagging off the police already and telling lies like the shuttera on the windows were broken.....since may 4 also there was a campaign to discresit the portuguese and it continues to this day....when the mccanns are suing the detective for 2 million dollars for making them depressed....kate mccann also wrote in her book she wishes he feels miserable and feels fear cos he deserves about vindictive ungrateful venom

I hate it when the media, Kate etc portray Madeleine as a "wild child". She was 4 years old, little more than a baby, with twin toddlers younger than her and parents who were very career orientated. She was probably desperate for attention. She obviously had a burden on her little shoulders too, the night before she disappeared she and little Sean had cried for well over an hour for the parents. If people were checking on the children every 15 minutes or half an hour as Kate and Gerry claim, then how were the children left to cry for so long?

My thoughts are that the parents are responsible for Madeleine's death and the disposal of her body. There is no way that the cadaver dog would indicate in two separate places, and the blood dog would then back that dog up. Dogs can't collude and conspire.

I've read the book written by the Portuguese police chief and I believe he has absolutely no reason to lie. If there was a possibility of an abductor then as a police chief I think he would have the integrity to say so. But DNA evidence cannot magically appear in the hotel room, in a car that Madeleine had never been in, on Kate's clothes and on Cuddle Cat!
The defect in Madeleine's eye can be related to a syndrome which causes intellectual disabilities and behavioural issues.

I'm not saying this is the case with Madeleine, but with the genetic inheritance she had, she may have been an extremely intelligent child and so maybe a little bit more of a challenge than the average 3 year old. I had bright kids, they drive you nuts with incessant questions and logic that just won't quit. It's one of the delights of having them, also one of the drawbacks...they never turn their thinking off and they want to know everything. :rolleyes:

Three under 2 is no joke at all, but as the twins got older Kate possibly felt some of the early support had dropped away. Folks rally around newborn twins and vanish when they start to walk and talk and throw tantrums.

None of it is an excuse for going out for dinner and drinks and leaving them alone for God Knows What to happen. :stormingmad:

If they were any less learned themselves, I would suggest that perhaps they fooled themselves into thinking Madeleine was older and more able than she was, but their medical backgrounds pretty much rules out this particular form of idiocy.

I totally understand that, I have two teenagers who have 15 months between them in age and then a younger child, and boy it's been hard since my second child was born. My oldest is considered "gifted and talented" and has asked incessant questions since the moment she could talk. She also has been older than her years for as long as she's been here.

It's hard work at times to keep a child like that stimulated. She could never play on her own while I was tending to her sister (when they were little) and before feeds with my second one I had to have an array of books, toys etc around me too keep my eldest amused.

It's hard having little children together. But I can't understand the thoughts of the McCann's (and other people like them) have to take children away on holiday and then put them into crèches and holiday clubs, so that they could play tennis and whatever if was else they did while someone else amused and cared for their children, and then leave them asleep in a room while they ate.

Why do people like that have children? Is it seen as the must have accessory? Perfect little family on the outside, but beneath the surface mum and dad are really just passing the care of the children on to someone else?
I totally understand that, I have two teenagers who have 15 months between them in age and then a younger child, and boy it's been hard since my second child was born. My oldest is considered "gifted and talented" and has asked incessant questions since the moment she could talk. She also has been older than her years for as long as she's been here.

It's hard work at times to keep a child like that stimulated. She could never play on her own while I was tending to her sister (when they were little) and before feeds with my second one I had to have an array of books, toys etc around me too keep my eldest amused.

It's hard having little children together. But I can't understand the thoughts of the McCann's (and other people like them) have to take children away on holiday and then put them into crèches and holiday clubs, so that they could play tennis and whatever if was else they did while someone else amused and cared for their children, and then leave them asleep in a room while they ate.

Why do people like that have children? Is it seen as the must have accessory? Perfect little family on the outside, but beneath the surface mum and dad are really just passing the care of the children on to someone else?


Almost all mid to large size resorts, especially at a beach destinations, have such arrangements in my experience. Even Disney has kids clubs. I'm thinking there must be a lot of people who take advantage of it since hotels don't usually provide services that guests don't want and are unwilling to pay for. jmo.

Almost all mid to large size resorts, especially at a beach destinations, have such arrangements in my experience. Even Disney has kids clubs. I'm thinking there must be a lot of people who take advantage of it since hotels don't usually provide services that guests don't want and are unwilling to pay for. jmo.

This is true, but of the group, the McCann children were the only ones who spent every available minute in the crèche.

Their parents took them for an ice cream, once.

This in a seaside resort on a "family holiday".

This is true, but of the group, the McCann children were the only ones who spent every available minute in the crèche.

Their parents took them for an ice cream, once.

This in a seaside resort on a "family holiday".



Is that true?

I'm sure I've read that on the day Madeleine disappeared, she went to the kids club, had lunch with her family, then went to the pool where the photos of her with her dad and sibs were taken, than back to kids camp until her mom picked her up and her dad went to his tennis lesson. Then the children got their dinner and baths and were put to bed by their parents, who then went to dinner after 8 pm. Or at least something very similar to that. That sounds totally normal to me and not at all neglectful or indicative of parents who one would wonder why they had kids in the first place as said in the OP.

The children were quite young. There's not much to do with three kids that age on any kind of vacation based on my own experience. You can stay home, or go on vacation and spend most of your time doing things in the room or apartment that you could just as easily do at home, or you can put the kids in the kids camp while you do adult things and they are kept entertained and do select "fun" things with them. Like limited time at the pool or on the beach.

I've travelled with my children at that age and, of course, they need to eat and sleep regularly and they won't remember any or all of it under 4 years of age. Imo, it's not wrong for parents to have a little vacation style R&R while the children's experience is more like day-to-day routine life when they don't "get" the vacation part in the first place.


Is that true?

I'm sure I've read that on the day Madeleine disappeared, she went to the kids club, had lunch with her family, then went to the pool where the photos of her with her dad and sibs were taken, than back to kids camp until her mom picked her up and her dad went to his tennis lesson. Then the children got their dinner and baths and were put to bed by their parents, who then went to dinner after 8 pm. Or at least something very similar to that. That sounds totally normal to me and not at all neglectful or indicative of parents who one would wonder why they had kids in the first place as said in the OP.

The children were quite young. There's not much to do with three kids that age on any kind of vacation based on my own experience. You can stay home, or go on vacation and spend most of your time doing things in the room or apartment that you could just as easily do at home, or you can put the kids in the kids camp while you do adult things and they are kept entertained and do select "fun" things with them. Like limited time at the pool or on the beach.

I've travelled with my children at that age and, of course, they need to eat and sleep regularly and they won't remember any or all of it under 4 years of age. Imo, it's not wrong for parents to have a little vacation style R&R while the children's experience is more like day-to-day routine life when they don't "get" the vacation part in the first place.


Yes, its true.

There is ample evidence at the link, essentially the McCann childrens day went like this -

Get up, breakfast, go to crèche when it opened
Get picked up by a parent when it shut for lunch
Fed lunch
Back to crèche when it opened up after lunch
picked up when it closed in the evening (nearly 5.30 every night)
put to bed at 7 or thereabouts.

left alone every night to cry, choke, fall over, etc etc while mum and dad headed out for five or more hours drinking and eating with their friends.

Essentially they barely spent any time with their parents at all.
Yes, its true.

There is ample evidence at the link, essentially the McCann childrens day went like this -

Get up, breakfast, go to crèche when it opened
Get picked up by a parent when it shut for lunch
Fed lunch
Back to crèche when it opened up after lunch
picked up when it closed in the evening (nearly 5.30 every night)
put to bed at 7 or thereabouts.

left alone every night to cry, choke, fall over, etc etc while mum and dad headed out for five or more hours drinking and eating with their friends.

Essentially they barely spent any time with their parents at all.

Thanks very much for the link! I had no idea the creche records were available. I was reading up on this case over the holiday weekend and, apparently, haven't even scratched the surface. Really gripping case. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't follow it closely when it happened. It's a LOT. I probably would've gotten fired!
Thanks very much for the link! I had no idea the creche records were available. I was reading up on this case over the holiday weekend and, apparently, haven't even scratched the surface. Really gripping case. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't follow it closely when it happened. It's a LOT. I probably would've gotten fired!

No problem.

With the McCann tendency toward publicity, there is a LOT to read.

We took our kids on a Carnival Cruise once and we left them in the kids club ONE evening so we could have a date night! The rest of the evenings they ate in the dining room with us! That includes formal night! We got them dress-up clothes, and brought them to dinner with us an used the opportunity to expect good table manners from them!

We didn't leave them there in the kids' club.

On the other hand we are going to a wedding in a few weeks. We are leaving them with my dad for the whole weekend. They'll have a great weekend with grandpa and we'll enjoy grown-up time.

If we take a family vacation it is our expectation that we'll spend time with the children! It's hard for me to understand why you'd bother to go to the expense of bringing them with you if you didn't want to be with them. Although, I haven't done a price comparison perhaps it was actually less expensive for the McCann's to get to PDL with all 5 of them than it would have been to hire a nanny for a week at home? Airline tickets are expensive!!
We took our kids on a Carnival Cruise once and we left them in the kids club ONE evening so we could have a date night! The rest of the evenings they ate in the dining room with us! That includes formal night! We got them dress-up clothes, and brought them to dinner with us an used the opportunity to expect good table manners from them!

We didn't leave them there in the kids' club.

On the other hand we are going to a wedding in a few weeks. We are leaving them with my dad for the whole weekend. They'll have a great weekend with grandpa and we'll enjoy grown-up time.

If we take a family vacation it is our expectation that we'll spend time with the children! It's hard for me to understand why you'd bother to go to the expense of bringing them with you if you didn't want to be with them. Although, I haven't done a price comparison perhaps it was actually less expensive for the McCann's to get to PDL with all 5 of them than it would have been to hire a nanny for a week at home? Airline tickets are expensive!!

Good post I agree entirely.

I can NEVER understand why if you want a break from it all you would take kids with you.

The McCanns were both doctors, Gerry a heart specialist, they would work hard and long hours and need to wind down without a doubt. Also Mrs McCann was frazzled with caring for 3 young children under 3 years old.

I believe they did have a NANNY. Its out there somewhere she came from Canada originally I believe.

Also the McCanns had parents who I am sure could have looked after the children for a week.

To hire a nanny would not have been expensive and one has to remember the salary these two people would have been on we are talking about a LOT OF MONEY.

They could have even took a nanny with them on holiday.

I dont understand this holiday. It was not for family at all it seemed to be more for GM as he seemed to be doing the most activity.

Which to be fair he worked hard all year so I dont begrudge him that, just find the whole scenario totally odd.

Oh well........
This is true, but of the group, the McCann children were the only ones who spent every available minute in the crèche.

Their parents took them for an ice cream, once.

This in a seaside resort on a "family holiday".


Maybe the children preferred to play with other children, involved in different activities, instead being bored with their parents and listening to their talks?

My son would definitely prefer being with other children!
JMO, I think that most two year olds are unlikely to prefer the stimulating company of strangers to spending time with the family. Children of that age don't necessarily even play that well with others yet, it may be that they play alongside others who have interesting toys but they may not have the social skills to engage in a lot of cooperative play with new children. It's different when they get older, and of course if it's a lonely child it may be a different story but there were three of them who could keep company to each other. It can be a little stressful for a child in a creche with lots of strangers.

I don't really believe that two- and three year olds think in terms of being bored by listening to their parents talk. If they're not interested they simply don't listen, they find something to play with or interrupt with something that interests them.
I believe the McCanns are involved in their daughter's death and/or disappearance.

The evidence is just too compelling to think otherwise, in my view.

Even feeling as I do, I watched a video of them speaking and I believed them...or should I say, I experienced the overwhelming desire to believe them.

I get it, I really do.

I understand why people are so strongly supportive of them. They are very, very credible. You want so badly to believe them.

<modsnip> They don't skip a beat (unless you look very closely). They are the young and competent professional you want to examine you next time you feel a lump or something. You <modsnip>


Might they be innocent as claimed?

Yes, they might. They certainly put on a fantastic display of it. Maybe they even believe it now. Maybe they have bargained so much guilt away as being in the interests of their remaining children that what they did seems completely justified and they even FEEL innocent.


Despite what I want to believe, what I DID believe for that few minutes of video, my logical, straight-line thinking brain will just not allow it. Every shred of common sense and intelligence I have has tells me they are guilty as sin...but I can empathise from where other's faith comes from. This thread isn't for arguing the details of the case, just for me to say - I get it.

Ironically, it's this very credibility I believe the McCanns have used to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, including those politicians who now just want the whole thing to go away. They believed them too. There are a lot of people now trying to distance themselves from the whole saga.

It's just almost unbelievable. But then truth often is stranger than fiction.

As usual, this is my opinion only.


Exactly, your opinion! IMO far from reality..
Luckily Scotland Yard is working on the case now, and they have expertise, resources and the realistic facts.
Exactly, your opinion! IMO far from reality..
Luckily Scotland Yard is working on the case now, and they have expertise, resources and the realistic facts.

There are a lot of cases Scotland Yard could do with resolving in this country. As to the facts, they are using all the files from the PJ not their own information.

Basically going over old per Smiths sighting, and Jane Tanners which was DISMISSED by the PJ many moons ago....sigh.:banghead:
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