The Rev Richard G#2

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Does anyone else think it is odd that "Zany" (according to GA's spelling) is a 10, model material. From the sounds of her description, she was a knock-out. Yet no one has ever seen her or taken a picture of this beauty.

hahah - hard to believe this girl didn't have a myspace or facebook account - REALLY hard to believe she never text KC ever - or ever went to hang at Fusion. Nor did she ever have a boyfriend or anything.

This Nanny theory is so ridiculous SO VERY ridiculous. For the A's to repeat this theory and their daughter's lies is just simply pathetic.
WS has a discussion about this very issue in the Rev. Grund thread here:

ETA comments about this line of thinking on other discussion threads, for reference purposes, here:

"Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer"

"Bills, bills, bills"
Does anyone else think it is odd that "Zany" (according to GA's spelling) is a 10, model material. From the sounds of her description, she was a knock-out. Yet no one has ever seen her or taken a picture of this beauty.

Casey told LE that Zany was 5' and weighed 140 lb. I'll look for where I read it yesterday and link it A.S.A.P.

I haven't seen an LE report where Casey describes Zany as looking like a model or a 10.
Personally I think this HURTS the defense - if this was her "nanny" since 2006, how the heck would NO ONE have met her in 3 years?? Its one thing if its a "new" nanny she hired in May - maybe there was just no time for the family to meet her? But years and years? When KC was living at home? NO WAY a babysitter wouldn't be at that house one time in three years

ITA! If there indeed had been a ZFG as nanny since 2006, surely her family would have known about/met/talked to this person. Lee stated that the night KC told him about Caylee being missing was the first time he had heard the name. I think KC simply knew the name from somewhere and wove it into one of her stories as she always does. There should be a disclaimer pop up over her head whenever she talks. "The names used in this story are real, but the events are all a figment of my imagination."
Part of LE documents includes Casey texting to her friend Brittany S. that Zanny drove a silver 4-door Ford Focus. I just read it yesterday.

Here's a link, Page 13:

Now I am getting somewhere. However, I do not see where it states NY tags and year 2008.

I will wait to see the forensic evidence of Brittany S's emails or txt msgs. It is duly noted that this testimony happened on July 22. So I am sure Brittany's memory is pretty good here.

Of course, if I just killed my kid I would say the killer drove a Champagne colored Honda (most common colored vehicle in the city) that way being so generally casts a large net making it virtually hard to find a needle in the haystack. On the other hand, if it points to specfic needle..
Casey told LE that Zany was 5' and weighed 140 lb. I'll look for where I read it yesterday and link it A.S.A.P.

I haven't seen an LE report where Casey describes Zany as looking like a model or a 10.

Neither have I. I believe that the whole "she's a 10" thing was just a ploy to dig at and belittle the ZG in the civil suit. I mean, HOW DARE SHE sue KC! This is akin to the A's bringing the camera to the depo. Just another stab at anyone who interferes with them or doesn't want to see things their way.
In the FBI interviews the A's tell the Blanchard Park story. LP has said a lot of things in this case that the detectives were not allowed to divulge, but absolutely wanted out there. He was right on the money about Cindy ruling the roost. What is it that LP said that you think to be untrue? He was wrong that the baby was in Blanchard Park pond, but it wasn't an off the wall guess considering that is where KC insisted the baby was taken from her. KC says in her jail house visits or phone calls that Zenaida had a Ford Focus, very plain, even the year of it, a car seat in the back, she even describes the pattern on it, the NY plate. I will try to find it for you, but yes it was KC. He was right that she would be found within feet from the road, that KC wouldn't be bothered to dig a grave. He was right that she was killed that very day that KC left the house, this explains how KC was happily arm and arm in Blockbuster with Tony that day renting videos. He was right that the Anthony's were trying to blame Jesse. He was right that there are plant remnants in KC's car from the woods. He was probably that KC had been giving the baby Zanny the Nanny (Zanax or small doses of Chloroform) to put her to sleep while she partied. He was right that her cell pings put her no where near Sawgrass on the days she claimed to be staking it out. He was certainly right that she lives her life ten minutes at a time. Tracey who works with LP lived inside the home while they had her out on bail and was privy to a lot, and what she did not ever see was KC looking for or discussing looking for the baby. When do we get to have someone live inside a suspects home and be in a position to retell every move and word they say? Personally, I wish he had never bailed her out, but some good did come from having Tracey there. It is very telling and I think if she gets on the stand, the State doesn't need to call LP. What do you think?

Don't think you meant to quote me, I didn't say anything about Leonard. I actually like the guy. :innocent:

But, since you asked: When he was first at the Anthony's I think he befriended Lee and got a lot of inside info from him. So things LP came up with turned out to be true. But he now does just throw theories out there but states them like they are facts. I wish he would qualify things he says better on NG with "I believe, or My opinion is." Also, I agree with you on Tracey. I would be very interested to hear directly from her on what she observed while in the Anthony's home.
QUOTE awakewriter;3609973]RG also cared a great deal for Caylee. He spent a lot of time with her, even though he wasn't willing to do favors for Casey anymore. He was probably concerned about Caylee's well-being and wanted to know how Caylee would be cared for.

I think you're right, he did care a great deal for her was likely concerned as to who was taking care of her. At one time, remember, he thought she was his grandaughter.
My feeling is that KC had a fake ID in Zenaida Gonzales name and used that identity to fill in the blanks however she saw fit. I also wonder if that one girl at Sawgrass that refused to talk to police (name escapes me at the moment) might have known about the fake ID (partied with KC?) and when a real Zenaida Gonzeles showed up to look at an apartment that girl told KC about it.

Page 83 Casey describes Zani to LE as black/Puerto Rican & her mother, sister and brother live in NY. Zani is from New York originally.

Ok, but how long has this Zenaida been in Florida?

Because if Zanny the Invisananny babysat for 2 years.. wouldn't the car by June 2008 have Florida tags??

Did the real Z go to University of Florida? Is her birthday in Sept?

Does anybody remember theconnection of the real ZG to the Tattoo place?

Thanks for your help Jolynna. It is not that I am trying to discredit ZG but I would like to pin down a few things based upon actual statements.
Not speculation.

My belief currently that Casey spread a very large generalized net and she caught someone in that net.

However, my second thought is that she new of the name Zenaida either through the neighbor's name or through Cast Iron Tattoos.
whoops...Casey says Zenaida is 5' 7" tall and weighs 140, is 25 and that she has brown curly hair and brown eyes.

The ZG who filed the lawsuit DID have brown curly hair. Before she went private on myspace, she had lots of pictures.

Casey's handwritten description of Zenaida is on page 30 of

Hmmmm... I didn't read anything in her description about 'perfect teeth' or ZFG being a '10' :rolleyes:
Casey told LE that Zany was 5' and weighed 140 lb. I'll look for where I read it yesterday and link it A.S.A.P.

I haven't seen an LE report where Casey describes Zany as looking like a model or a 10.[/QUOTE]

bolded by me... ITA.. That is what I am trying to do.. cut through the hearsay. Just gather the facts.. no speculation.
SNIPPED: "Ok, but how long has this Zenaida been in Florida?

Because if Zanny the Invisananny babysat for 2 years.. wouldn't the car by June 2008 have Florida tags??..."
Only if someone followed the law re: having plates where one lives/is domiciled. I've seen lots of folks who don't follow the rules - keep old state's plates & just renew b/c it costs more $ to get new state's plates & turn in the old to the former state's DMV.
The interesting thing in both of their depositions when they describe Zanny being a perfect 10 with long black hair, and (KC said she had curly brown hair), is that George flatly denies over and over again ever having any conversation with his daughter about Zanny, never, ever,....

I am interested to know if Brad lets them get on the stand and tell bold face lies that contradict their earlier statements to police is he in trouble for letting them commit purjury (sic), like they both did in the depo (George especially lied repeatedly) ? Still I felt kind of sad for him, he is obviously on strong medication, and feels he wants to save KC at any cost to him, even if he is found in contempt of court or worse. I think it is pretty clear they are willing to lie at the murder trial. He was already resigned to her fate (what is going to happen to her in prison), he said to the police, "If I have lost my granddaughter, I have lost my daughter". He may think he has nothing to lose by lying.
Yes, Cindy in her depo says "Zanny came from the Grunds!" That sent chills up my spine since Rev. Grund and his wife are now being thrown out there by the A's (it started they were only naming the boy, now it is all three!)

I think the A family has just begun a series of depos they will have to take for defaming people. Much like the innocent boys on the Duke La Cross team, the mere accusation is a stain on their lives that does not go away.
I think the excited utterances is where the truth slips out from the A family:

CINDY ANTHONY: There`s something wrong. I found my daughter`s car today, and it smells like there`s been a dead body in the damn car!

Richard Grund on Nancy Grace show:
"Finally, one day when Casey came home from work to wait for Jesse and hang out with us, I kind of greeted her at the door with, What are we going to do about this baby-sitter thing? And she says, I found one. I have a nanny. Her name is Zanny, and I got her from Jeffrey Hopkins, who has a son named..."
Only if someone followed the law re: having plates where one lives/is domiciled. I've seen lots of folks who don't follow the rules - keep old state's plates & just renew b/c it costs more $ to get new state's plates & turn in the old to the former state's DMV.

However, if the invisinanny was in Florida for more than 1 year she would have had to get new plates or they would be expired. UNLESS, the invisananny drove back to NY to get new tags once per year.

Also when getting a new car such as Zenaida did in 2008. How did she get by using her old car tags from a previous state? I would think she lived in FL at the time of car purchase?

Just putting this out there.
The case broke on the news the day/night of July 16th, 2008.
The name Zenaida G. came across the news via the article as a nanny that Casey left her daughter with.
Posters here on WS the 17th post of the forum

had already found the ZG that is suing, PRIOR to any release the information being released regarding the jail video, BS interview.
The coinky dink being the poster here FOUND the MYSPACE page of the ZG before even knowing that she was posting the ACTUAL ZG that went to Sawgrass. She found the ZG in Kissimimee FL on MySpace. She found this ZG without the NY tags, Sawgrass, 2 kids info.

Keep in mind.. that Cindy was viewing on here in Aug and even I believe spoke with Tricia on the phone, WS posts were found in their trash.
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