The Rev. Richard G

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Just maybe, RevG has to wait until after the trial to be able to seperate fact from fiction before speaking out about what KC has told him or his son.

I doubt he would want to just repeat what KC said as fact, and cause undo harm where it is not warranted, unlike what some people are doing to his son.
LOL......KC seems to *confide* to lots of folks, but she also tells LOTS of lies.

Hopefully, when RG reveals 'all he knows', it won't be based simply on what "KC said".

IIRC, it was JG that said KC was a "diabolical liar".

Know what you mean about KC's credibility. Guess what I meant to say was RG and JG were both exposed to the A's on a more personal level than most people due to the engagement. He saw and heard a lot, and despite KC's "mis-truths" was able to figure out some of the family dynamics. Given the lack of family members and friends coming forward, I would be interested in what he has to say. RP's e-mails certainly confirmed what many (if not most) who post here have been thinking.
I think it's a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". If RG does speak out, some posters will jump his case and question why. If he doesn't (like his wife) posters will find it suspicious and ask why.

I think he has done nothing wrong. I think the "reveal all I know" statement simply means that he has told LE some things that he hasn't made public, and won't speak of it now for fear of jeopardizing the case. He might not be on the witness list, but maybe he is referring to things his son has told him that hadn't yet gone public, but are public knowledge now...for example, Casey stating that Lee came into her room that night....

The Grunds were introduced to Caylee under the guise that she was their granddaughter, their family babysat her, and the Anthony's tried to implicate their son in this whole mess. I'd say that's enough beating up on the Grunds. They aren't guilty, or even accused, of anything.

In my opinion, this is just beating a dead horse.

But I'm aware that some posters will disagree:)
MHO of REV. Grund is : He seems like a breath of fresh air compared to the A's , he is a very truthful man who wholehearted loves Caylee, but will not sit by and let people drag his son through the mud.

And I'M with YOU on that...Rev. Grund can be grateful his Son didn't marry into that fiasco!
He's a righteous dude.

He certainly is! In my opinion it's a real stretch to criticize this man for simply standing up to the BULLIES. Everything about him screams *righteous* to me.

YOU GO... REV!!!
Yeah, well, he seems like a bit of a "publicity hound" to me! And I, too, do not like the "teaser" statements. As in "I will tell all when the time is right", etc.

By the way, there was a place in the recently released documents where he states he was talking to George about attending a vigil and he (REv. Grunmd) asks George Anthony "Why aren't you doing what ex-policemen do?"

What is it that "ex-policemen do"? Anybody know?

(No policemen in my family)

Searching for Caylee by following leads down from where she was last seen. I believe he was referring to the obvious that GA has never spent any time investigating all the places KC said she was last.
I guess we can all agree to disagree on our opinions of RG - and do it with respect most of all :)

To answer the question yes - I have read RG's blog since nearly the beginning of his myspace site. A friend of mine told me about it - the same one that told me about Websleuths.
Just maybe, RevG has to wait until after the trial to be able to seperate fact from fiction before speaking out about what KC has told him or his son.

I doubt he would want to just repeat what KC said as fact, and cause undo harm where it is not warranted, unlike what some people are doing to his son.

I also believe he is keeping quiet to protect the integrity of the case against Casey, and protect any testimoney that he may be asked to give at trial.
For these reasons I think that is what is behind the comment he made about GA doing what a former LE would do. Maybe reminding GA that any LE or former LE would know that they should be tight lipped till the facts are presented at trial. JMO
R. Grund has publicly stated that he feels that he failed Caylee (and Casey)but he could no longer deal with her. It is not only his son that the A's have tried to throw under the bus, but he himself. Does anyone remember in what I *think* was the FBI interviews where Cindy said George wanted to go stand outside their house and listen to see if he heard Caylee? I have read his blog, which I took to mean that he knows much about the Anthony dynamics (nothing regarding finding Caylee) and will tell it at another time, because it seems to me that right now his focus is Caylee. I don't blame him, after all that has been said about his family, can you imagine the restraint that he has to have not to fire back? But he doesn't, not now, because that would take the focus off what is important..CAYLEE. He may be a little flashy, as I understand it, he has had a few roles in the movie what? I think his intentions are pure and if this has made him want to get involved with missing children, more power to him. I like him.
You really don't have to attend a Seminary to become a minister. All it takes is picking up a Bible and minister the word of God to a child who can't read, an elderly person confined to a convalescent home who can no longer speak, to the homeless person living in a cardboard box who is hungry. If he feels people will have an easier time hearing and believing in him by adding the REV in front of his name, then more power to him! Rev Grund had a Blog (no longer posted) called "Forgiveness" where he humbly asks forgiveness for not treating KC and Caylee better the last time he saw them at Jesse's graduation. He was still bitter because of the lies KC had told the family. But, he asked for forgiveness and there is a higher power that DID forgive him.

Many call themselves Minister - FEW are CALLED by God to be one. I see him as a man who was CALLED and is following his calling.

There are so many today who go into the ministry because of the "large bucks" it pays now. There is one here who left his law practice to "preach" because of the money. He is not a minister - he is a pharisee at heart.

I find him refreshing and he has been much more tolerant of the Anthonys than I could ever be if they were implicating my son to cover for their evil daughter.

They babysat Caylee for KC so they were very attached to her.
I like Mr. Grund and don't understand why the original poster is picking on him of all the strange characters in this story! He certainly has alot more morals than most in this case. Who can blame the man for sticking up for his son no matter what age his son is? I see nothing to complain about.
Many call themselves Minister - FEW are CALLED by God to be one. I see him as a man who was CALLED and is following his calling.

There are so many today who go into the ministry because of the "large bucks" it pays now. There is one here who left his law practice to "preach" because of the money. He is not a minister - he is a pharisee at heart.

I find him refreshing and he has been much more tolerant of the Anthonys than I could ever be if they were implicating my son to cover for their evil daughter.

They babysat Caylee for KC so they were very attached to her.

ITA Turbo, they loved and took care of Caylee many months AFTER they found out that she wasn't Jesse's. I believe they feel terrible that just because they couldn't handle Caseys lies, that they grew apart from Caylee. I have seen him shed more tears over this precious baby than all the A's combined. FWIW, I agree with you about the ministry part too. :)
ITA Turbo, they loved and took care of Caylee many months AFTER they found out that she wasn't Jesse's. I believe they feel terrible that just because they couldn't handle Caseys lies, that they grew apart from Caylee. I have seen him shed more tears over this precious baby than all the A's combined. FWIW, I agree with you about the ministry part too. :)

I remember him saying on one of the shows that he had run into Casey and Caylee at an event after not seeing the baby for some time and having regret for being so aprehensive with his contact. Something to the effect that he wished he would have been able to hug/hold her because it would be the last time he would ever see her. He was guarded with his actions because of having his heart broken when they found out that Caylee was not thier grandchild, but they had loved them both, Casey and Caylee, just the same.
Rev Grund has a genuine soul as far as I am concerned.
That Myspace quote is odd and struck me also. I have to say, there is NO WAY that all of these people would be protecting KC or whoever may have something to do with Caylee's disappearance.

I think what occured is what we all suspected the very first moment we heard on the news that a two year old has been missing and was not reported until 31 days later. What did your gut tell you at that moment? There is your answer!
I also believe he is keeping quiet to protect the integrity of the case against Casey, and protect any testimoney that he may be asked to give at trial.
For these reasons I think that is what is behind the comment he made about GA doing what a former LE would do. Maybe reminding GA that any LE or former LE would know that they should be tight lipped till the facts are presented at trial. JMO

Great Point!
Yeah, well, he seems like a bit of a "publicity hound" to me! And I, too, do not like the "teaser" statements. As in "I will tell all when the time is right", etc.

By the way, there was a place in the recently released documents where he states he was talking to George about attending a vigil and he (REv. Grunmd) asks George Anthony "Why aren't you doing what ex-policemen do?"

What is it that "ex-policemen do"? Anybody know?

(No policemen in my family)

Yeah, well, whatever y'all are saying...I don't trust this RG guy one bit. I haven't since I first saw him and heard him speak.
I like Mr. Grund and don't understand why the original poster is picking on him of all the strange characters in this story! He certainly has alot more morals than most in this case. Who can blame the man for sticking up for his son no matter what age his son is? I see nothing to complain about.

I dont like the word "cop" either. Police officers are the unsung heroes of this world. They risk their lives everyday, they are truthful and will go to the ends of the earth to find and bring home a missing child. They have to deal with the likes of the A's who make them run around in circles and defend themselves against their attacks. Again, GA was a cop!

Who did the Anthonys call when the protesters were getting rowdy - yout got it! It makes me crazy when they put down OCSO for not doing 'enough' but they have no problems calling them when things get ugly at their house.

Every time I run into someone who complains about the police I tell them, well then don't call them the next time someone tries to break into your house, your car, tries to assault you, etc. Handle it yourself! That never goes over very well, as you can imagine. My hubby has been LE for over 35 years so I am sorta biased when it comes to LE in general :)
Yeah, well, whatever y'all are saying...I don't trust this RG guy one bit. I haven't since I first saw him and heard him speak.
What has he done to make you distrust him?
I don't get it all he is doing and has done is defend his family name and the memory of Caylee. And he has tried to understand the very dysfunctional family, Anthony.
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