The Roy Kronk Connection- Opening Statements-Kronk takes the stand 2011.06.28

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Watching JH's testimony now, I have to say, the videos are considerably less creepy with sound.
Respectfully disagree - can you imagine stumbling across a skull??? IMO, it IS likely that one wouldn't be able to recall the exact details of every minute if something like that happened to any one... What a shock it would be to find a human body/skeleton. :twocents:

:eek:fftobed: ....can't wait to see how this turns out tomorrow.

How shocked could one be the 3rd time you found the same one.:twocents:
I used to be worried about the DT bringing RK to the stand. But after that lackluster appearance by their two Pi's, I am not that concerned anymore. I don't think they did anything much to advance the notion that the body was not there in August, or September or whenever they are accusing Kronk of taking it. They proved these 2 guys stumbled around for 15 to 20 minutes in the woods, somewhere NEAR where the remains were wasting away. That is about it. They were close, very close. But no cigar.
And they did not do anything to advance the notion that George sent them there with knowledge of the body's location either. It could have been Cindy OR Baez or Lee as easily as George. But even then, it seems likely the original source would be Casey.
And the whole psychic thing must have the jury scratching their heads.

I don't think they will be able to get anything earth shattering from Kronk. He found the body, he may have wanted a big reward, but as not eligible. He found it a couple of times but miscommunications and poor followup postponed the actual discovery for a few months. I really don't see how that makes Casey innocent. The remains were there in that dumpsite, no matter how or why Kronk found them. So having this guy as the big star witness seems kind of pointless. As does the DT line of questioning about his cell phone records and his computer and why they were not subpoenaed. [ although the cell records were for a one month period so LE DID do some investigating of him.]

So I am sure they will come out swinging when he takes the stand, but hopefully he has been working with his attorney and will be strong and direct and ready for any tricks they try and pull on him.
It was, and I knew that. I said "filmed himself" because he was willfully allowing Hoover to do this.

I'm confused. Are you saying that someone filmed Kronk or are you talking about Hoover filming D.Casey?
Everyone has had a hunch. Ever get the feeling that you need to check on a friend or relative to find out that they are sick ? Or lost some money and wish you could have that money back and find a $10 in the parking lot of a store? I tell everyone in I'm going to win the lottery. So when I win the lottery and I am asked how I knew, ll say "I just knew I would" It was a hunch.

Mr. Kronk is another person to add to the long list of totally innocent people that have been nonchalantly chosen to be covered with mud, thrown by this feral Defense in order to, by comparision, make ICA appear unsmudged, spotless...innocent.

(just my opinion...ok...:innocent:
I don't blame Kronk for anything; thank goodness he found Caylee. I do believe LE (who has mostly been stellar in this case, imo) really messed up big time when Kronk first called. I know in August everyone was supposed to be looking for a "live Caylee", but I am confident that Melich and company knew it was a body they would find. Sure, there were lots and lots of tips coming in, but IIRC they were about sightings - how many were in regards to a human skull being found so close to the Anthony home? That should have been taken more seriously, imo...

I agree with many here that there probably wouldn't have been any more forensic value to the body in August as compared to December; fully decomposed either way. But, even though I feel certain Kronk didn't do anything improper, Kronk's multiple calls and his family's backstabbing claims are odd to me. More weird circumstances in this unbelievable (literally) case. Had the first responding officer followed up correctly and found the body in August, I think the defense would have less ammunition to attempt to get just 1 juror to harbor reasonable doubt, in part, because of how the remains were found and reported. And I think Kronk could have been saved some major stone ducking.

But, past is past and I'm glad no disgruntled Kronks (sounds like a punk band) will be allowed to make scandalous claims about Roy Kronk's motives and character on the stand. I have faith in JA + LDB + FG,, but Baez does have some interesting material to work with when it comes to how the remains were found and reported. JMO..
i've stated my theory before but if RK is testifying I'll repeat it..
Some people do like to immerse themselves in high profile cases. RK looked in the woods for Caylee..whether on a hunch ..or as someone who knew the area well and knowing where the anthony's lived he might have deduced it was a good place to look. I think he found her in August..called 911..and when LE did not follow up he let it go..for a sure in his mind he knew what he saw and it disturbed him that he wasnt taken seriously. I think he went back in december telling himself, I KNOW what I saw. He probably just used the ruse of relieving himself so he wouldn't look suspicious. I think he went back to the same place, saw the remains again and called it in again. I think he made it sound as if he stumbled on it again so he wouldn't look like he was obsessed with finding Caylee. He wanted notierity and money, or simply wanted to help solve the case of a missing girl. he did not to be looked at as a suspect. (Think of what could be involved in finding a high profile body). The media could have turned it into whatever they wanted. Look at what JB did! I think any statements he made after finding the remains were for self preservation, not from guilt of being a morally bankrupt body snatcher.
I also hope the State reminds the jury the duct tape was very decomposed it self. It lost he sticky side yet was still clinging to Caylee remains thru the hair. No way RK could have have CAylee laid out the way she was. It needs reminding in cross. This will be very intersting testimony I hope. Although knowing the DT, they will find a way to ruin it with a lot of insinuations and blathering. Please let JA do the cross of RK.
i've stated my theory before but if RK is testifying I'll repeat it..
Some people do like to immerse themselves in high profile cases. RK looked in the woods for Caylee..whether on a hunch ..or as someone who knew the area well and knowing where the anthony's lived he might have deduced it was a good place to look. I think he found her in August..called 911..and when LE did not follow up he let it go..for a sure in his mind he knew what he saw and it disturbed him that he wasnt taken seriously. I think he went back in december telling himself, I KNOW what I saw. He probably just used the ruse of relieving himself so he wouldn't look suspicious. I think he went back to the same place, saw the remains again and called it in again. I think he made it sound as if he stumbled on it again so he wouldn't look like he was obsessed with finding Caylee. He wanted notierity and money, or simply wanted to help solve the case of a missing girl. he did not to be looked at as a suspect. (Think of what could be involved in finding a high profile body). The media could have turned it into whatever they wanted. Look at what JB did! I think any statements he made after finding the remains were for self preservation, not from guilt of being a morally bankrupt body snatcher.

Hey, erinleigh, were on the the same page. Whether Roy did anything for money or not I'm not sure. What Doesn't make sense is holding the body some-were to be able to cash in later.I want all the Kronk doubters to tell me why he would do that.I don't remember any kind of reward that said if she was held for a ceertain amount of time you would receive x amount of money.
I used to be worried about the DT bringing RK to the stand. But after that lackluster appearance by their two Pi's, I am not that concerned anymore. I don't think they did anything much to advance the notion that the body was not there in August, or September or whenever they are accusing Kronk of taking it. They proved these 2 guys stumbled around for 15 to 20 minutes in the woods, somewhere NEAR where the remains were wasting away. That is about it. They were close, very close. But no cigar.
And they did not do anything to advance the notion that George sent them there with knowledge of the body's location either. It could have been Cindy OR Baez or Lee as easily as George. But even then, it seems likely the original source would be Casey.
And the whole psychic thing must have the jury scratching their heads.

I don't think they will be able to get anything earth shattering from Kronk. He found the body, he may have wanted a big reward, but as not eligible. He found it a couple of times but miscommunications and poor followup postponed the actual discovery for a few months. I really don't see how that makes Casey innocent. The remains were there in that dumpsite, no matter how or why Kronk found them. So having this guy as the big star witness seems kind of pointless. As does the DT line of questioning about his cell phone records and his computer and why they were not subpoenaed. [ although the cell records were for a one month period so LE DID do some investigating of him.]

So I am sure they will come out swinging when he takes the stand, but hopefully he has been working with his attorney and will be strong and direct and ready for any tricks they try and pull on him.
Good post..

IMO, Kronk deserved the reward money. To say he called the wrong number is not right. He called 911 and was supposed to call a different number if he wanted a reward. I guess the person who put up the reward didn't want to pay out. He has taken much grief for finding Caylee.
i've stated my theory before but if RK is testifying I'll repeat it..
Some people do like to immerse themselves in high profile cases. RK looked in the woods for Caylee..whether on a hunch ..or as someone who knew the area well and knowing where the anthony's lived he might have deduced it was a good place to look. I think he found her in August..called 911..and when LE did not follow up he let it go..for a sure in his mind he knew what he saw and it disturbed him that he wasnt taken seriously. I think he went back in december telling himself, I KNOW what I saw. He probably just used the ruse of relieving himself so he wouldn't look suspicious. I think he went back to the same place, saw the remains again and called it in again. I think he made it sound as if he stumbled on it again so he wouldn't look like he was obsessed with finding Caylee. He wanted notierity and money, or simply wanted to help solve the case of a missing girl. he did not to be looked at as a suspect. (Think of what could be involved in finding a high profile body). The media could have turned it into whatever they wanted. Look at what JB did! I think any statements he made after finding the remains were for self preservation, not from guilt of being a morally bankrupt body snatcher.

Another good post.
Can someone explain about the tape again? When I looked at the photo, it appeared there was a loop of tape. It looked as if one layer went around the head. When the experts talk, they speak of three short layers of tape placed over the mouth and nose.There was a nine inch piece found further away. So that makes four, correct?
So many people have been tainted by the Anthony avengers. If it wasn't for RK, Caylee Marie would probably have eventually vanished, along with any evidence to linking her to the Anthony family. This trial may be serving as a warning to many good citizens to just keep silent, and don't get named as an innocent witness in anything resembling a crime. The manner in which the defense team treats innocent witnesses they interrogate is despicable and should not be allowed in the courtroom. I feel sorry for RK and all the others who meant no harm to Caylee Marie but got dragged into a sordid mess and have had their private lives invaded.
Can someone explain about the tape again? When I looked at the photo, it appeared there was a loop of tape. It looked as if one layer went around the head. When the experts talk, they speak of three short layers of tape placed over the mouth and nose.

There was a nine inch piece found further away. So that makes four, correct?

There were three pieces of tape found on Caylee's remains. Another piece was found away from her skull.
Dr. John Schultz testified that little Caylee's vertebrae were found together all in the same place (not scattered).

In her report, Dr. Jan Garavaglia stated: "The roots growing into the vertebrae and bags indicate the body was placed there months prior to being found."

Based on these two expert witness's testimonies, it's highly unlikely that RK moved Caylee's remains at any time.
Roy Kronk says that he moved the bag with a meter stick and the skull came out, covered in hair and duct tape around the mouth.
The SA said the skull was in 4 inches of muck with roots growing out of it...
Now I'm confused and I'm sure the defense will have a field day with this...

Here's a link (first video)
You're right, that is a very confusing statement. I suppose after the water drained, the skull could have come to rest partially on the mud/soil and partially within the bag. When he moved the bag with the stick it could have pulled the roots out of the muck that were already embedded in the skull.
There will be no "connect the dots" for the Defense to explain to the Jury just how Kronk received the remains, from whom, why, or how or when he placed them in the woods.

The Defense clearly stated as much in their Opening Statements. "we don't know and will never know" - Baez

He doesn't know because Kronk never had possession of Caylee's remains, it's just one more fallacious argument that Baez would love for the Jury to believe.

Dr. John Schultz testified that little Caylee's vertebrae were found together all in the same place (not scattered).

In her report, Dr. Jan Garavaglia stated: "The roots growing into the vertebrae and bags indicate the body was placed there months prior to being found."

Based on these two expert witness's testimonies, it's highly unlikely that RK moved Caylee's remains at any time.

So I wonder when and how they are going to say that Kronk took her remains. Were they all in a bag at that time already? What is their theory?

Did he 'steal' her from the dump site and then return her a few months later?

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