The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #1

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The Sgt. in the segment last night said they had allowed other agencies, not sure which ones, I assume the FBI, to look at their case files and make suggestions which they followed. This is according to the Sgt. I just don't know how any community would allow police incompetence to last this long in any city large or small.
miles_draken said:
The Sgt. in the segment last night said they had allowed other agencies, not sure which ones, I assume the FBI, to look at their case files and make suggestions which they followed. This is according to the Sgt. I just don't know how any community would allow police incompetence to last this long in any city large or small.
The FBI was involved with this case from the beginning which was one of the things that threw this case off the rails. The police chief had an FBI background and there was jealousy that the FBI would get all the glory. That's one of the sub-plots to this investigation. This was even covered in the "48 hour" piece.
miles_draken said:
Watch the entire interview with Sgt. Mike Owen where he debunks the method and equipment this man is using. Looks like a laptop on a golf club dolly to me. A university expert said this equipment wasn't large enough to be what the individual says it is.
Here is Rick Norland's Bio Sheet. This is what Sgt. Mike Owen didn't tell you.

Owner, Construction Solutions LLC., Rick Norland is a Licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer who possesses a great deal of experience and expertise in the concrete sawing and drilling industry and ground penetrating radar industry.
Rick has distinguished himself many times, receiving awards for his inventions and his service. He has published numerous articles and manuals of a technical and scientific nature in addition to receiving patents for his inventions of equipment relating to the industry.
Rick is often called upon to assist in projects worldwide, ranging from modifications to the Panama Canal, the raising of the "Kirsk" submarine, locating burial sites, locating and mapping of buried utilities and structures, to nuclear power plant decommissioning. He is also actively involved in the design, modification, and testing of new and existing equipment, both here and abroad.
Rick is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Concrete Paving Association; ASTM International; American Nuclear Society; Committee on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction; the National Transportation Research Board; and the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association.

To Learn more about Rick Norland and his company please visit:
Ken said:
Here is Rick Norland's Bio Sheet. This is what Sgt. Mike Owen didn't tell you.


Owner, Construction Solutions LLC., Rick Norland is a Licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer who possesses a great deal of experience and expertise in the concrete sawing and drilling industry and ground penetrating radar industry.

Rick has distinguished himself many times, receiving awards for his inventions and his service. He has published numerous articles and manuals of a technical and scientific nature in addition to receiving patents for his inventions of equipment relating to the industry.

Rick is often called upon to assist in projects worldwide, ranging from modifications to the Panama Canal, the raising of the "Kirsk" submarine, locating burial sites, locating and mapping of buried utilities and structures, to nuclear power plant decommissioning. He is also actively involved in the design, modification, and testing of new and existing equipment, both here and abroad.

Rick is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Concrete Paving Association; ASTM International; American Nuclear Society; Committee on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction; the National Transportation Research Board; and the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association.
Ken, I'm going to surprise you. I've actually come over to your side on this matter. That hole should be dug and done promptly. It is imperative that this be ruled out if they are not there because it is a needless impediment to the investigation if they are not there. Personally, I found Mr. Norland to be highly credible and I speak as someone who worked investigations for 30 years (although not in law enforcement.) I can usually; almost always, tell a con man from the genuine article and frankly I found him to carefully parse his words and he came across as someone I would give serious consideration. As to Owens he didn't name his "experts" and we don't know diddly squat about them. "Experts" are a dime a dozen in civil and criminal proceedings. Each one of us could, in some way, be qualified as an "expert" witness. In fact, many such people make a very good living traveling about the country giving "expert" testimony in open court. Most people are accepting of their testimony because they don't understand the legal system. The truth of the matter is that justice is not the goal of our legal system; it is only who wins the trial. That's the brutal truth, but it is the truth.

Until last night I never heard of Owens. He seemed like a nice man and I'm sure he is an honest cop. But when he referred to his "experts" the first thing that I thought of, well, how "expert" are they, really. Let us test their expertise and see who knows up from down. From where I sit, I'd put my money on Norland, based on what I saw. In this respect you were right all along and I was wrong to dismiss him. I had thought you were referring to this other guy you mentioned in our e-mails. Norland is a different fish altogether. He seemed to have his act together. It may turn out that the remains are not there, but I'm not willing to bet the farm that they are not.

The important thing is that we eliminate the possibilities to arrive at the known facts. We already know a whole lot of things from many sources. As discussed on our other site, we now have sightings of no less than four different colored vans, "moss green", "dark brown", "dark blue", and finally "dirty white." God only knows what color that van really was. In fact, there may have been more than one van. It may have been deliberately so. What I find so interesting is that the $800 left behind points to the probability that the perps were rushed to get the women into the van. The K.C. Star specifically stated that a similar van was in the vicinity as late as 4:30 AM on that Sunday morning and we know that sunrise was but a short time later at 5:53 AM. And with twilight it would have been sooner still. Astronomical twilight began at 4:01 AM and civil twilight began at 5:22 AM which meant that the perps had only 52 minutes to get inside the house, do what they had to do, move the cars, hustle the women into the van and get out "Dodge" before they would have been clearly seen by anyone passing by the Levitt home. That explains the money left behind and it is certaily possible that the globe was deliberately broken to alert Sherrill or Suzie to come to the front door to investigate the noise and gain entry. The truth is that we know a lot. The question is what will the Springfield Police Department do with the known facts.
Lets not forget that the police always hold back information on these cases that only they and the perpetrators would know about. They aren't putting all their knowledge on the news or in the papers. I trust that they have done a satisfactory job in discounting the Cox South theory. What possible gain could there be for them NOT to solve this case? Get another 'expert' with this ground penetrating radar out there and if you can get two different people to come up with the same belief then perhaps it's worth digging up. Doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to dip their professional reputation in that pool though.
miles_draken said:
Lets not forget that the police always hold back information on these cases that only they and the perpetrators would know about. They aren't putting all their knowledge on the news or in the papers. I trust that they have done a satisfactory job in discounting the Cox South theory. What possible gain could there be for them NOT to solve this case? Get another 'expert' with this ground penetrating radar out there and if you can get two different people to come up with the same belief then perhaps it's worth digging up. Doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to dip their professional reputation in that pool though.
I know that. I also know things that are not in the public domain. I'll address that later.
miles_draken said:
I trust that they have done a satisfactory job in discounting the Cox South theory. What possible gain could there be for them NOT to solve this case?
That's a good question...The Hospital doesn't have a problem with the dig. The board members had seen the video well before it aired and they unanimously agreed to allow the dig on their property anytime the authorities want to do it. Obviously, all of the hospital board members had seen something in that video that Sgt. Mike Owen doesn't see.

I watched the entire extended interview with Sgt. Mike Owen at He talked about how the timeline doesn't work for the parking garage lead. If Sgt. Mike Owen is right, this means there are three graves belonging to three other people, underneath the concrete, that will not be followed up on by the SPD. Those three graves don't have to be the three missing women.

My understanding is that the Prosecuting Attorney's Office has the power to remove the SPD from the investigation and replace them with an outside law enforcement agency such as the Missouri Highway Patrol at any time.
georgiagirl said:
this may have already been posted but I found this page on myspace and thought is odd that it is set to private if it is a memorial page....
It is almost certainly a cruel hoax but perhaps someone should report it to the Springfield Police Department. Their phone # is 417-864-1810. At the very least these jerks, whoever did this, ought to be locked up for a month or two in one of those holding tanks with the other creeps and weirdos to teach them this is not fun and games. This photo was obviously Suzie when she was about 18 or 19 years old. This is what hinders investigations and drives the police crazy. I'm not going to report it because I've already got issues to deal with. I'm not getting into fraudsters. But thanks for bringing this to our attention.
miles_draken said:
A university expert said this equipment wasn't large enough to be what the individual says it is.
Here is something else that Sgt. Mike Owen didn't tell you. The university professors that he is referring to are Professor Kevin Mickus and Professor Kevin Evans of the Geology department at Missouri State University.

If the police did a thorough investigation like they have claimed; they should have brought in the university experts to conduct an independent scan. Do you know why the university professors haven't used their own GPR equipment to scan the parking garage to confirm or deny Rick Norland's findings?

The answer will surprise you. They can't. They don't have the proper GPR equipment to do the job.

Sgt. Mike Owen quoted university experts who don't even have the proper equipment to do the job themselves. How can the SPD conduct a thorough investigation with GPR equipment that they can't even use?
Ken said:
Here is something else that Sgt. Mike Owen didn't tell you. The university professors that he is referring to are Professor Kevin Mickus and Professor Kevin Evans of the Geology department at Missouri State University.

If the police did a thorough investigation like they have claimed; they should have brought in the university experts to conduct an independent scan. Do you know why the university professors haven't used their own GPR equipment to scan the parking garage to confirm or deny Rick Norland's findings?

The answer will surprise you. They can't. They don't have the proper GPR equipment to do the job.

Sgt. Mike Owen quoted university experts who don't even have the proper equipment to do the job themselves. How can the SPD conduct a thorough investigation with GPR equipment that they can't even use?
Doesn't surprise me. If one of the primary family members adamently refuses to hear bad news the police will likely accomodate that person. I suspect that is the overriding reason they don't want to do the dig. But I wouldn't rule out animal bones being there; possibly put there deliberately. I underestimated you Ken. You've done some good basic investigative work and found out what the police should have done themselves. Good work! You get a gold star.
What difference does it make if they don't have the equipment, they obviously have knowledge of the proper equipment it would take and said this man doesn't have it who did the scan. And the Hospital Board agreed to the dig? What qualifies them to see three bodies in that black and white enigma he is showing of his scan. I'm not saying it isn't bodies, but the police seem convinced it's not a viable lead. How much can it cost to bust up that concrete and find out? IF the hospital is willing why not let some private funding do it. Then if these things are really bodies you can call the police. Grease a street worker with a jackhammer two hundred bucks and i'll bet he'd bust up the concrete for you.
Well the time line is different I guess. The pouring of that area was a year later from what I listened to on the video of the detective. He also went on to say it was more or less driven by psychic knowledge and that took the credibility from it. I guess I can see that reasoning. I believe there are posts that have put forth that rumor though that are unrelated to psychics. However it would not cost much to do it. Hell its out there now. The channel that broadcast the other night would probably pay for the concrete work needed just for the exclusive story behind it.
miles_draken said:
What difference does it make if they don't have the equipment, they obviously have knowledge of the proper equipment it would take and said this man doesn't have it who did the scan. And the Hospital Board agreed to the dig? What qualifies them to see three bodies in that black and white enigma he is showing of his scan. I'm not saying it isn't bodies, but the police seem convinced it's not a viable lead. How much can it cost to bust up that concrete and find out? IF the hospital is willing why not let some private funding do it. Then if these things are really bodies you can call the police. Grease a street worker with a jackhammer two hundred bucks and i'll bet he'd bust up the concrete for you.
I invited you over to the other site several days ago and thus far I have seen nothing from you. That of course is your choice. The concensus of several, of which I happen to agree, is that the police are unwilling to do this because of what they might see, rather than what they might not see. IF (and this is a big IF), the remains are found, they would have to give the bad news to Janis McCall who appears to be unwilling to accept the idea that Stacy is deceased.

In my view that is the primary reason they will not do the dig. (Personally, I do not believe that the bodies are there.) The problem with this parking lot business is that it detracts from the real investigation which plays into the hands of the perpetrators. So long as people are out on wild goose chases, real, solid leads are not being pursued. Therefore, I would argue that the faster this parking lot business is disposed of, people here and elsewhere, and most especially the police can get back to the "real" investigation.

But what I have some difficulty with is what you said back on 10/19/2004 when you said and I quote:

"I do believe all three are dead and buried locally, however, if the perpetrator was a traveling labor their working on the medical center he wouldn't know the outer edges of Springfield as well. It seems that whoever took them knew the home, so they'd been there before in all likelihood. It is my belief that the remains are not far from their home, possibly underneath the parking lot that was being poured at the time. I don't have a working knowledge of parking lot pouring, maybe some of you will tell me this is unlikely,"

If I read you correctly, you were arguing, suggesting, urging (take your pick) that someone ought to look into the parking lot deal. Several days ago I inquired of the woman who was on the streaming tape from KY-3 and she claims that she didn't get involved in this parking lot matter until sometime in 2006. I'm confused. Please elucidate.
miles_draken said:
How much can it cost to bust up that concrete and find out? IF the hospital is willing why not let some private funding do it. Then if these things are really bodies you can call the police. Grease a street worker with a jackhammer two hundred bucks and i'll bet he'd bust up the concrete for you.
Miles, You bring up a great point. The Prosecuting Attorneys Office has designated "the spot" as a potential crime scene; so nobody other than a law enforcement agency could tamper with it without getting into trouble. However, since the SPD has stated publically that they will not follow up on this lead; technically "the spot" shouldn't be considered a potential crime scene.

Assuming this is true, the hospital should be able to legally hire someone with a jackhammer to take a peek. It wouldn't cost much and it would put this lead to rest one way or the other. Miles, I am in complete agreement with you on this.
Ken said:
Miles, You bring up a great point. The Prosecuting Attorneys Office has designated "the spot" as a potential crime scene; so nobody other than a law enforcement agency could tamper with it without getting into trouble. However, since the SPD has stated publically that they will not follow up on this lead; technically "the spot" shouldn't be considered a potential crime scene.

Assuming this is true, the hospital should be able to legally hire someone with a jackhammer to take a peek. It wouldn't cost much and it would put this lead to rest one way or the other. Miles, I am in complete agreement with you on this.
Therefore it appears that most everyone is in agreement that the dig should commence. At last we apparently have a concensus. So why doesn't the police do it then? Are they so afraid to break the bad news to Mrs. McCall they can't bring themselves to do it? That's the only logical reason I can think of. It won't cost much. The question will be out of the way and we can immediately move on to other matters instead of arguing whether or not the equipment is good or bad or whose "experts" have more credibility. Anyone wish to take issue with that?
I was not as informed at the time about the time discrepancy on this parking lot area. I've heard about this in rumor for some time that they may be in the area of the home, dead and buried. When all this vision stuff came up, and incase you haven't guessed by now I don't believe it, it tainted my view of these peoples involvement with the case. This same group came up with the ground penetrating radar info and as soon as these two things were lined up I began to think against it. I'm for digging it up, putting it to rest, seeing what causes those anomolous readings. I'm completely against any visions that provide these vague things. The website you are trying to get me to post on is the same website I first read about the psychic vision, so I really have no interest in getting involved with it. I've read the whole thing and just don't agree with that method of investigation.
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