The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #1

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miles_draken said:
I was not as informed at the time about the time discrepancy on this parking lot area. I've heard about this in rumor for some time that they may be in the area of the home, dead and buried. When all this vision stuff came up, and incase you haven't guessed by now I don't believe it, it tainted my view of these peoples involvement with the case. This same group came up with the ground penetrating radar info and as soon as these two things were lined up I began to think against it. I'm for digging it up, putting it to rest, seeing what causes those anomolous readings. I'm completely against any visions that provide these vague things. The website you are trying to get me to post on is the same website I first read about the psychic vision, so I really have no interest in getting involved with it. I've read the whole thing and just don't agree with that method of investigation.
Well, I thought it was interesting that you first brought up the parking lot theory and then when it comes to fruition and appears on television, the detective says it is debunked (without any proof), you were so quick to jump into the fray against Ken. In effect you seem to be debunking your own first thoughts. Kenny is an easy target because he claims to have visions and insights the rest of us don't have. And most people don't believe in pschics and visions. Nor do I. I don't believe in visions and psychics nor have I ever been enthusiastic about the parking lot scenario. I'm also not religious but agnostic.

I'm not "trying" to get you to post to that website. I have no financial stake or other interest it. Since you referred to it in a subsequent post. On 10/20/04 you said this and you posted the link:

"Just found an interesting link about the SPringfield three."

So I thought you must have found it interesting as well since those were your own words. Whether you want to participate is of course your own business. It's a free country but since you appear to have an interest in this case I thought you might want to avail yourself of some new thinking on the subject. That's all. Sorry if I misread your intentions. But there are 804 posts over there including four by the brother of Suzie Streeter. That's why I participate over there as we are, what do they say, "thinking outside the box."

For anyone else that is interested they are actually compiling a petition on this case to take it to the state or federal government level. Currently there are some 78 names on the petition. If the Springfield police won't act on tips, for whatever reason, then concerned citizens have every right to have redress for their grievances. It's actually in our Constitution; our First Amendment.
OK, I'm done for today. Thought I would pass along the fact that someone important to this case is posting over at the other site. If anyone goes there, please be respectful. I've already been taken down a peg or two in my overexuberance. I had it coming but I couldn't restrain myself. A word to the wise.
There have been a few digs in the past few years. It would be nice to see this one done just for the interest in the case. The police should let some of there information out. Seems like these cases get cold because nothng gets out. They hold back information but sometimes that wont help them get the missing link.
Trooogrit said:
There have been a few digs in the past few years. It would be nice to see this one done just for the interest in the case. The police should let some of there information out. Seems like these cases get cold because nothng gets out. They hold back information but sometimes that wont help them get the missing link.
Not only that, but even the press can't get information. I have been told by at least two close to the scene that everything goes into a "black hole." It's the darnest case I have ever seen.

I've never been a big fan of this dig but what is there to lose? I have two alternative theories where the bodies are located and either one would be plausible. But after viewing the streaming video out of KY-3 the other night, the gentleman doing the scan seemed highly credible and his credentials impeccable. On the other hand the police spokesman said his "experts" disagreed although he offered up no evidence they were any more qualified than the local dogcatcher. Too much is made of so-called "experts" anyway. They are a dime a dozen and many make their living traveling across the country to testify at trials and make a handsome living.

Just more stalling as far as I can tell. Either they aren't working the case, or they are working the case and keeping it close to the vest; so close in fact that they refuse to talk to the press about this particular case. I contacted the local newspaper and they have approached the SPD about a special series on cold cases in the area. They said they will talk about every other case but not about this one. I have no clue what this means. So far as I know they may be on the cusp of putting handcuffs on the perpetrators or they are just letting the case gather dust. I sent a message off to the FBI today to see if they will give up any information. They were involved from the outset with profilers and all the rest. I don't think they close the case until it is solved, or at least that was my understanding. If anyone knows differently please feel free to correct me.
Well there are cold cases all over that are never solved. Police dont have the time. THe budgets are always strained, not enough police. Missing persons cases are never given enough priority. If they ever get the 24 hour rule changed they will do better with it. This case however is completely different. If this was a random act it may never be solved, but if it were something that was planned there is very good chance something will come out. I wish they would at least follow up publicly with the leads they have tried to run down. Everyone hears rumors, bar talk, jail house talk. If you knew that some of these had been followed up on it would be easier to dismiss them. RIght now anything is possible.
Trooogrit said:
Well there are cold cases all over that are never solved. Police dont have the time. THe budgets are always strained, not enough police. Missing persons cases are never given enough priority. If they ever get the 24 hour rule changed they will do better with it. This case however is completely different. If this was a random act it may never be solved, but if it were something that was planned there is very good chance something will come out. I wish they would at least follow up publicly with the leads they have tried to run down. Everyone hears rumors, bar talk, jail house talk. If you knew that some of these had been followed up on it would be easier to dismiss them. RIght now anything is possible.
That's probably true and if it is, then I guess this case is heading up to the Missouri Attorney General's office then. We have 102 names on the petition as of this time. If the police don't want to work the case, then I guess we can see if someone else will. This has gone on far too long without resolution. As we say in my neck of the woods, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Or as "Officer Malone" would say, we'll have to whatever is required.
I'm rereading this thread myself to clarify my own thinking and I ran across this passage about in the middle by Enriqui Sparta that echoes my own thinking. A lot has been made of the broken globe. What hasn't been discussed much is an alternative view to gain entry to the house rather than some "ruse" like a utility repairman. I mean, how many repairmen come to someone's home in the middle of the night and who would be inclined to leave them in at night even if they were repairmen?. I wouldn't even open the door. Here is what was written about in the middle of this thread.

"The broken light/lamp thing on the porch may have been used to gain entry. Perhaps they broke the thing knowing Sherrill would check the noise?"

In my opinion this is the most logical reason why the front door was opened so late at night. A person hearing breaking glass on their front porch would logically think that perhaps someone may have had an accident and even perhaps has run their car into the front of the home. That being the case they would want to find out what is going on. So after long reflection that's what I think is the most likely scenario to gain entry.

And to add credence to this theory is something that I have learned within the past few days. Supposedly Sherrill had a weapon registered to her person that was kept somewhere handy for just such contingencies. In Greene County a person must register a hand gun with the local sheriff. It is a simple procedure while they run a criminal check (which further reinforces the view that she was not into criminal activities) and if nothing shows up the permit which is of a nominal cost of about $10 is issued and then the gun dealer will issue the weapon to the individual. I registered two such weapons myself and it was a rapid and straightforward process. Long weapons like rifles and shotguns are registered at the store of purchase and do not require a sheriff's permit.

So we have Sherrill's concern for her safety by not permitting her daughter to have a key to the side entrance and a handgun for protection. That argues that she would not easily have opened that door in the middle of the night. Additionally, the girls were in the home having taken off their makeup and getting ready or had gone to bed. Therefore, the logical conclusion must be the breaking of the globe was to gain someone's attention to open the door at which time the abductors forced their way into the home. The home was small and such a loud noise would undoubtedly have been heard in the bedrooms or if they were still up discussing the day's activities would certainly have been easily heard.
Thee globe theory is no good. The houses are packed too tight. It would wake up nearby houses just as well.
Old_School_PDA said:
Thee globe theory is no good. The houses are packed too tight. It would wake up nearby houses just as well.
My memory is somewhat vague but I'm thinking that particular home is situated on a somewhat secluded lot but next to a mostly business area. It abuts close to Kentwood and the next streets are some very old money and exclusive homes.

It is unlikely they would have heard a globe being broken from that distance. What is most likely is that the van sighting is valid at 4:30 AM because of various early morning joggers and passing traffic coming off the main drag Glenstone (AKA B65). That leaves less than 1 hour to carry out the entire act of gaining entry, abducting the women, moving the vehicles, pulling the van next to the home and getting out of "Dodge." The 4:30 AM sighting was reported in an archived version of the Kansas City Star and I believe it to be a reliable report.
Where and when was the van sighting at the grocery store? Was it at the Dillons on E. Sunshine? Where was the sighting at the house? Does the public have this info? This may be old news-did you realize a van was stolen from a car lot about June 4. The van turned up again in Indiana. Has anyone heard if the Indiana state police found anything in thier processing?--Back to the globe- I just don't think anyone would break glass in that area and hope to avoid detection. It was early Summer. Windows would be open. Possibly it could have been hit with the intention of knocking out the light. However I think it was broken accidentally.
Old_School_PDA said:
Where and when was the van sighting at the grocery store? Was it at the Dillons on E. Sunshine? Where was the sighting at the house? Does the public have this info? This may be old news-did you realize a van was stolen from a car lot about June 4. The van turned up again in Indiana. Has anyone heard if the Indiana state police found anything in thier processing?--Back to the globe- I just don't think anyone would break glass in that area and hope to avoid detection. It was early Summer. Windows would be open. Possibly it could have been hit with the intention of knocking out the light. However I think it was broken accidentally.
The K.C. Star only says that the van was seen close to the home and out of place. The Dillons on East Sunshine must be three or four miles away.

That particular van was found in another state, and matched to the VIN number. It was also the wrong model year. That was like a 1985 model which is nowhere near the one spotted several times in the area. That van obviously was either not searched for evidence and DNA (unlikely) or it was seen not to have been involved and the lead discarded as bogus.

I don't think anyone in Springfield would be sleeping at that time of year with their windows open. They have high temperatures and high humidity. I used to walk myself in the Southern Hills area and sweated like a hog even very early in the morning.

As to knocking out the light, it wasn't broken. Just the globe. The suggests a quick whack on the globe or possibly one of the women was kicking and knocked it out as they were being carried out of the home on the backs of one of the perps to the van. The only logical reasons for that globe being broken were to wake the women or when the women were being hustled into the van. The perps were working against twilight at 5:22 AM that was rapidly approaching and didn't have time to clean it up. They wanted out of "Dodge" immediately. I'm open to either scenario regarding the globe.
The van that was stolen was a newer model I believe. It didnt turn up for several months. I am pretty sure I read about the van you are talking about.
I thought that there was a sighting of the van in the parking lot of a grocery store. The witness went to the trouble of writing down the license number and then lost it. The only 24 hour grocery store in the area of 1717 Delmar is the Dillon's on Sunshine. I thought it might be a convienient place to stop on the way out of town-to 65. I have live in Springfield for almost forty years and I usually don't turn on my AC until mid to late June. The evenings are cool--Although the days are hot and humid.
Old_School_PDA said:
I thought that there was a sighting of the van in the parking lot of a grocery store. The witness went to the trouble of writing down the license number and then lost it. The only 24 hour grocery store in the area of 1717 Delmar is the Dillon's on Sunshine. I thought it might be a convienient place to stop on the way out of town-to 65. I have lived in Springfield for almost forty years and I usually don't turn on my AC until mid to late June. The evenings are cool--Although the days are hot and humid.
I'll take your word on the grocery store. That I didn't know but is good information to have. I used to shop there in the early and mid 1980s. But I can't recall sleeping with the windows open unless the attic fan was on and that would likely mask the sound of some glass breaking, which wouldn't be all that unusual that close to Glenstone where some drunk might toss a beer bottle out the window. I should think the road noise would be sufficient for anyone close to that home to have their windows closed.
Even if the abduction occured at 3:00 am, that does not leave much daylight to get away under cover of darkness. So, I've always wondered about the route to where ever they went. I wish I knew how legit the van sightings were and where they occured. If I was sneaking away from Delmar I would either take Grand or Cherry out to possibly Sunshine and eventually 65 to the lakes or one of the State forests. You can also take Cherry to Barnes to Chestnut out to 125. There were screams heard in Eastern Greene county the night of the abduction. You can take this path , especially in 1992, without encountering a great deal of traffic.
I remember at the time of the abduction, I thought about the construction taking Seminole out West. Although this area is populated now it was wide open in 92. They were paving and grading the roads. This is not too far from Cox South. There was a 24 hour grocery store on West Battlefield at the time of the abduction (not far from the constuction on Seminole.) I've never thought this was a random act. It seems too well planned. I've always thought it was done by local(s). Maybe they met the wrong person at George's. Maybe the girls attracted someone from the party.
Thought this would be of interest to this discussion.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) - Springfield investigators looking into the disappearance of three women have gone back to the place they were last seen.

The women disappeared June 7 from a Springfield home. This week, investigators went back to the neighborhood to question neighbors and employees in a nearby office building.

They are backtracking and double-checking for clues into the disappearances of Sherrill Levitt, 47, her daughter, Suzie Streeter, 19, and Streeter's classmate, Stacy McCall, 18.

At least one tip has rekindled suspicion that the vehicle used to take the women from Levitt's home was a van, and the suspect may live nearby.

The tip was reported early in the investigation, but was lost in a mound of paperwork that includes more than 18,000 reports, officials said.

One of Levitt's former neighbors told police this week that a dirty white van had cruised the neighborhood for up to three weeks before the disappearances, detective David Asher said. When the women vanished, so did the van.

All police know about the driver is that he has been described as a white male in his mid-20s to mid-30s. He wore prominent sideburns and kept a mane of brown hair pulled away from his face, Asher said.

Another witness said the van was later painted metallic moss-green and was seen during the early daylight hours of June 7....


The Kansas City Star
June 17, 1992
Page: C2

And this:

Missing-Women Investigators Focus on Sightings of Vans

Author: AP Article Text:

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) - Two months into the case of three missing women, investigators are focusing on separate sightings of two vans. They say either vehicle could have been used to abduct the women....


One or more suspects abducted the women in the early hours of June 7, after the teen-agers returned from high school graduation parties to spend the night at Ms. Levitt's home.
The abductor probably was an acquaintance of the women, most likely Ms. Levitt or her daughter, because investigators found no signs of forced entry or struggle in the home.

Somebody in the Springfield area knows who abducted the women but has not told police - despite a $46,000 reward - out of fear of retaliation.

Capt. Tony Glenn said investigators were focusing on the possibility that a van could have been used in the abduction.

A witness saw a brown 1964-70 Dodge van, with a rusted bottom and no side or rear windows, within a block of the Levitt home at 4:30 a.m. on June 7.Glenn said the brown van has not been seen since, and no one has come forward to explain its presence near the home that morning.

"I don't have any reason to think it was not involved, but I don't have any evidence that it was," Glenn said.

"It's the only one (van) we can put around the house in the right time frame." ...


Gerald Dove, the lead investigator on the van sightings, said other witnesses saw a similar van parked at a dentist's office near the home on June 3 and June 4. No firm link has been established in those sightings, Glenn said.

Investigators have released less information on a second van, a dusty gray-green vehicle that was seen in eastern Springfield several blocks from the Levitt home between 6:30 and 7 a.m. that day...


Tulsa World
August 7, 1992
Section: NEWS
Page: A8
When the authorities dig up the concrete at the parking garage and they find the three missing women; Stacy McCall will make history. Stacy will have done what Harry Houdini failed to do...prove the existence of life after death.

Even though I experienced a life changing vision with her in November of 1998, it was an uncomfortable and painful experience. She made it perfectly clear to me that she is furious.

Mrs. McCall has stated in the media that she believes her daughter could be alive. When the dig takes place at the parking garage; it will prove Mrs. McCall right. Just not in the way that she thinks.

There is an old saying: "Dead men tell no tales." That myth is one that will soon be busted.

Joshua 3:9

"And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, come hither, and hear the words of the Lord your God."

Thank you for 'listening' Ken. Thank you for stubbornly refusing to give up, even in the face of your enemies. I believe your faith and trust will reveal all that is under that concrete, one day soon.
I don't think Ky3 would run this story without checking facts or checking the man's creditials. However, wasn't the parking garage already there in 92? Also, if not, that area was far from barren in 92. Two hospitals were nearby. People could have watched the perps digging graves from the Cox South windows. I would hate to be digging graves at a major intersection within sight of a 7 story building with a 24 hour staff. I think it is telling that none of the other news outlets have covered the story.--Ky3 may be looking to generate interest for a 15 year anniversary special.
-Mule, in one of your earlier posts you alluded to a possible suspect that may have dated Levitt. Was this the guy in town that always seemed to be a suspect anytime a girl turned up dead or nearly abducted? Do you know who I'm talking about? I'm sure he was a suspect in the Jackie Johns case. I think he actually got caught in an attempted abduction once. If Levitt actually dated him, that would be news. I don't want to use his name online. However, if you lived in Springfield, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

Witnesses remember the van cruising the area up to three weeks before the abduction. Why would an aquaintance "case" the area for 3 weeks. Most of these clues don't fit together.
By the way-I don't mean to be ghoulish-I drove by 1717 Delmar, and you're right. It is more secluded than I remember.

Missouri Mule said:
Not only that, but even the press can't get information. I have been told by at least two close to the scene that everything goes into a "black hole." It's the darnest case I have ever seen.

I've never been a big fan of this dig but what is there to lose? I have two alternative theories where the bodies are located and either one would be plausible. But after viewing the streaming video out of KY-3 the other night, the gentleman doing the scan seemed highly credible and his credentials impeccable. On the other hand the police spokesman said his "experts" disagreed although he offered up no evidence they were any more qualified than the local dogcatcher. Too much is made of so-called "experts" anyway. They are a dime a dozen and many make their living traveling across the country to testify at trials and make a handsome living.

Just more stalling as far as I can tell. Either they aren't working the case, or they are working the case and keeping it close to the vest; so close in fact that they refuse to talk to the press about this particular case. I contacted the local newspaper and they have approached the SPD about a special series on cold cases in the area. They said they will talk about every other case but not about this one. I have no clue what this means. So far as I know they may be on the cusp of putting handcuffs on the perpetrators or they are just letting the case gather dust. I sent a message off to the FBI today to see if they will give up any information. They were involved from the outset with profilers and all the rest. I don't think they close the case until it is solved, or at least that was my understanding. If anyone knows differently please feel free to correct me.
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