The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #4

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I never did think about all of the booty that could be found under the garage..

What's the story behind the McCall quote in your signature? I have wondered what this is from.

I don't think anyone here is worried about getting a search warrant for the core. If the hospital says ok, I'm unsure why a search warrant would be required. If the cost would be around $400 and the general public will fund it & the hospital will allow it, I struggle to find a good reason not to do it.

At the end of the day, this thing needs to get thrown into the dead leads pile that is a foot tall, or expanded upon if there's something worthwhile found. To the extent the PD has promised to follow up on all leads, I can't believe they have, until this one is completely followed up on and eliminated.

It's unique things like this that the PD will not follow up on that has the ability to diminish their credibility.
I never did think about all of the booty that could be found under the garage..

What's the story behind the McCall quote in your signature? I have wondered what this is from.

I don't think anyone here is worried about getting a search warrant for the core. If the hospital says ok, I'm unsure why a search warrant would be required.
If the cost would be around $400 and the general public will fund it & the hospital will allow it, I struggle to find a good reason not to do it.

At the end of the day, this thing needs to get thrown into the dead leads pile that is a foot tall, or expanded upon if there's something worthwhile found. To the extent the PD has promised to follow up on all leads, I can't believe they have, until this one is completely followed up on and eliminated.

It's unique things like this that the PD will not follow up on that has the ability to diminish their credibility.

From shortly after this crime occurred in June 1992 the most prominent 3 rumors that were out there in the rumor mill were that the women were buried under a section of the James River Freeway which was under construction at that time and sections were still being graded and concrete poured; that they were under PFI which was also under construction; and that their bones had been pulverized and thrown into a creek leading into the James River after being burned in a fire barrel for several days. To Can’t Say’s credit I would concur that PFI was probably the most prominent rumor at the time, because of who the owner is, and that the fire barrel rumor was a close second because of another local Springfield boogie man.

If you watch the CBS 48 Hrs program Asher states that SPD had received tips from and spoken with 11 psychics (if memory serves me correctly on the number) and the common theme among the psychic information was that the bodies would be found in water, not concrete. Of course Missouri is second only to Minnesota in the number of bodies of water within her border. It’s easy to see why none of the psychics “saw” the bodies in a sand dune, or concrete for that matter.

The Cox parking garage wasn’t built until somewhere around 12 – 15 months later, depending on who you believe. Soon after that the Cox garage was frequently included by the rumor mill as a possible place for the location of the bodies. Some years later the exact location within the garage was found beginning from a half mile away by a mysterious scanner that picks up dental mercury.

What has been needed to be developed since shortly after the two scans in the garage is some circumstantial evidence that would put the bodies there. Besides being told that a member of LE may have worked a part time security job nearby, and being told about the miracles of refrigeration, no further evidence that would put the women there has been developed to my knowledge.

If there are bodies there, whether they are the 3MW, the OK3, or a lanky male as has been speculated by a doctor who looked at the scans, then this is a crime scene. If this is believed to be a crime scene then LE will not open it up without a search warrant. If they do and there is any evidence there beyond the bodies with ties to a suspect, known or unknown, (a custom monogrammed Excalibur sword, for example) it will be lost and can never be used in a court of law as evidence.

To demonstrate the point further there was a Christian County bust (circa 1998-1999) where LE had a location under surveillance for stolen property, obtained a search warrant for stolen property and conducted their raid. What they also found in a metal building on the property was the biggest meth lab found in the state up to that time. Arrests were made but the meth case charges were dropped and were never prosecuted because the evidence was obtained without a warrant and illegally.

So whether you’re worried about getting a search warrant or not, I believe LE is. Can they get one with what they have and know? Who knows.
I understand the example you have provided. I think it's different than what I'm trying to relay. I'm not a lawyer, or in LE, so there's my disclaimer. If you have consent of the property owner, why must you have a search warrant?
I watched a case this weekend in which it was suspected that evidence from a murder was present in a locked storage container. When the owner of the container (parents of the suspects), voluntarily opened the container, there was no mention of a search warrant or one being needed. Perhaps this was an oversight.
If evidence is voluntarily being handed over, is a search warrant needed?

Also, what is your quote from Mr. McCall? Can you explain it?

I, too, have heard the rumor of PFI and the shady dealings and the suspect means in which the money was raised in order to build the place. Has the place had the same owner the entire time?
I understand the example you have provided. I think it's different than what I'm trying to relay. I'm not a lawyer, or in LE, so there's my disclaimer. If you have consent of the property owner, why must you have a search warrant?
I watched a case this weekend in which it was suspected that evidence from a murder was present in a locked storage container. When the owner of the container (parents of the suspects), voluntarily opened the container, there was no mention of a search warrant or one being needed. Perhaps this was an oversight.
If evidence is voluntarily being handed over, is a search warrant needed?

Also, what is your quote from Mr. McCall? Can you explain it?

I, too, have heard the rumor of PFI and the shady dealings and the suspect means in which the money was raised in order to build the place. Has the place had the same owner the entire time?

The Jack McCall quote was from the HBO series Deadwood. It had nothing to do with Stu McCall, his family or this case. Maybe the name is confusing you; I don’t know.

A search for evidence by LE requires a search warrant based on probable cause as set forth in the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Circumstantial evidence indicating that specific evidence involved in the commission of a crime is likely to be there would be probable cause but the warrant must be specific to the evidence searched for and specific to the location to be searched. There are exceptions such as when evidence is in plain sight; imminent destruction of evidence before a warrant could be obtained; in pursuit as in a car chase; etc. Excluding these exceptions any evidence obtained without the benefit of a warrant cannot be used in a court of law.

I believe that every dig that has been done on this case has been done under search warrant. If you will read the accounts you will even find specifically what was listed in the warrants. For example the warrant for the Webster county dig at the Robb farm even specifically mentions the remains of a 50 yr old male. The remains had absolutely nothing to do with the 3MW case. The 50 yr old male is a victim from an earlier unsolved case whose remains have never been found. If LE had reason to believe that the remains might be buried on the farm because Robb was a suspect in that case then they wanted to be legally protected by the warrant should they find the remains. Some posters have wanted to tie the 50 yr old male to the 3MW case but that is not why the remains were listed on the warrant.

Reports concerning the Cassville dig specifically mentions a warrant also.

If LE is convinced enough from the scans that bodies might be there and was able to obtain a warrant based on that information alone, then anything else found there besides the remains could not be used as evidence. That is where other circumstantial evidence must come in that would indicate that location as part of a crime scene. It doesn’t matter that the hospital gave permission. No evidence is being voluntarily handed over because it is not known what is there. It is a Catch-22. As far as the evidence is concerned, they only get one bite of the apple. Is LE willing to obtain a warrant to see if the anomalies seen on the scan are bodies and lose any other evidence of the crime which might be there? I don’t know but I would doubt it.
I was unaware a warrant is required when the location being searched is willingly permitted by the owner.

For example, if an officer comes to my home and asks me if I mind him looking around and I say no, that is fine, there is no warrant required. So far as I know, a warrant is only necessary if I refuse his entry. If he goes on a "fishing expedition" and turns up something illegal I've just put myself at risk but that is my call. So far as I know, Cox Hospital is not putting themselves at any legal risk to permit the slab to be cored. They are not involved.

What am I missing?
My understanding is that there is a lot of "grey area" surrounding the issue of warrantless searches. Essentially, if the only uncontested owner/resident/occupier of a property gave an unqualified, unrestricted permission to search after being fully informed of all rights then, that person would have nothing to stand on if that search turned up any evidence of a crime. Problems can arise if there are other owner/resident/occupiers, or there is any dispute of the extent of the permission or what the person giving permission was informed or understood. My understanding is that LE will always secure a warrant if it is feasible in situations of possible serious crime. An example is the case of JonBenet Ramsey where the local Sherriff got a search warrant even though both parents granted permission to search. He didn't want to take a chance.

In some situations, LE may not be able to get a warrant or they fear that evidence could be tampered with if they have to wait for a warrant. In those situations, it’s a judgment call.
My understanding is that there is a lot of "grey area" surrounding the issue of warrantless searches. Essentially, if the only uncontested owner/resident/occupier of a property gave an unqualified, unrestricted permission to search after being fully informed of all rights then, that person would have nothing to stand on if that search turned up any evidence of a crime. Problems can arise if there are other owner/resident/occupiers, or there is any dispute of the extent of the permission or what the person giving permission was informed or understood. My understanding is that LE will always secure a warrant if it is feasible in situations of possible serious crime. An example is the case of JonBenet Ramsey where the local Sherriff got a search warrant even though both parents granted permission to search. He didn't want to take a chance.

In some situations, LE may not be able to get a warrant or they fear that evidence could be tampered with if they have to wait for a warrant. In those situations, it’s a judgment call.

At this point, the goal is to determine whether anything exists below the slab. If, at some point in time, cadaver dogs or a remote camera reveals something there, then it would be appropriate at that time to seek a warrant. If nothing is there, then merely seal the hole back up and call it at day. This would have been yet another wild goose chase. At this point failure to pursue this ostensible lead only fuels the impression the SPD is not responsive to check out all possible leads.

It seems odd to me that at the outset of this investigation that some 11 psychics were given credence and now when a nationally recognized expert on ground radar is given the bum's rush there is something wrong. We don't have a clue what the "investigation" of the SPD was that alleged there wasn't something beneath the slab. When I read comments by some who believe the department is corrupt I fail to see the logic in not putting this issue to bed.
Hello..I'm new to the board, stumbled upon the SP3 case. I've read through all 4 of these threads...skimming here and there but pretty much reading each and every post. From where I am sitting and with all due respect I fail to see that any progress has been made in the search for these three missing women. I mean if you go back to thread one and see "Ken" post about his psychic visions of the parking garage (as well as rings of fire, numerology, and the end of the world), and how at that time there was GPR and another device that had detected 3 sets of ovaries etc. 5 years one has cracked the cement in the parking garage? you're still talking about how there are bodies under the garage in 2011 and it hasn't been ruled out yet? (btw did ken make his millions?)

Has anyone met with Robert Cox f2f and got a feel for him? I know that several people were in contact with him through the mail, and from everything that I have read it seems that he uses the flow of information coming from his end to con people into sending him things (from money for typewriters to pictures of girls in bikinis), at least in a f2f visit you can really get a feel for if a person is lieing, and report back to the board on what your observations were.

Has anyone with an inside connection contacted LE or the prosecutors office and found out why certain leads haven't been followed up on or ruled out (such as the garage)? I know in earlier threads people had contact with such people in LE and were told "the case is unsolvable" or something like some people have or had contacts at the local LE...and if it has been ruled out by LE then I have to believe that there is a solid reason that they would then provide (everything is not a conspiracy)...however many years later I can't see the current SPD for having a reason to cover anything up...I'm pretty sure the lead that Sherril was dating a police officer never had a leg to stand on.

I am just trying to wrap my head around how all of these theories, and all of these years and thousands of posts, and so many people, and suspects, evidence, visions, and then when i get to the last page it is a discussion about bodies under the garage again...full circle back to square one.

MM back around thread 2- 2008ish i believe didn't you have a theory and there was the whole "follow the money" and you didn't want to say more, and from what I took away it was a multiple person, inside job, hired hit/robbery type of theory but that you didn't want to mention someone because of loyalty and how you had given your word. Has your stance on that changed since? Are you still close to the person you were loyal to then? Have you made the decision that maybe the finding of 3 innocent girls murderer may trump a "i wont say anything about it"?

It seems like alot of nice people have put in alot of hard work throughout this thread, I just hope it is not all for nothing and these 3 women are brought home. I know that if I knew some information that could help find out what happened I would put all my cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may...
Let me reply briefly with these thoughts. I have been in contact with three of the actual reporters who wrote the story by the SPD News-Leader. The upshot of what they apparently know is not much more than what we know although one who has his own blog suggests that there may be something lurking beneath the surface.

As to my theory about following the money it comes down to the three primary motives for murder; jealousy, revenge and profit. Taking one at a time, we can probably rule out jealousy as a realistic motive. To my knowledge no one had a grudge against any of the three women so far as I know. Could revenge have been a motive? The possibility exists that real or imagined paranoia gripped the grave robbers which made its way up the food chain who may have had an interest in snuffing out the problem before the problem became worse. Revenge would be a motive if it were believed Suzie was going to rat someone out.

That leaves us with profit. This is where one deals with the oft repeated allegation that drugs were involved. One theory espoused is that someone high up the pecking order was peddling illicit drugs and that enterprise was being threatened. Again, if there was the belief that this operation would be exposed it would offer up a motive.

Let us deal with the most discussed suspect; Robert Craig Cox. Of the possible and realistic suspects he is the most likely. He had the ability to carry out this crime by himself with his martial arts training in the Army Rangers. His resume tells us that he is not without a history of violent behavior. He suggests but does not tell us where the women are buried. He may blowing smoke, but he may not. He could be telling the truth. And there is the matter of the extra alibis he comes up with. I would argue that an innocent person doesn't need the first alibi. But he had two. I can think of a reason. He may have believed in the haste to leave that something connecting him to the crime scene would be discovered by the forensic people. But he would know that if he had an unshakeable alibi such as his girlfriend provided he could not be proven to be in two places as the same time therefore he would be eliminated. That alibi went away in the grand jury proceedings. That left him with the alibi that he was in his parent's home that night. Personally, I regard such alibis by family members as less than worthless.

The belief of the various LE agencies which worked this case was that this was sexual assault. I don't know how they made that determination but it is plausible. It is also possible and probable that it was also for the purpose of robbery. My belief is that when the globe was broken it was near daylight and there was considerable incentive to vacate the premise before anyone noticed what was going on. At that point when the last victim was taken to the van, the matter of the purses, the television, the porch light and the door was forgotten. There was every incentive to have wanted to have taken the purses, turned off the television, the porch light and locked the door; not the other way around.

I concluded that there was a dual motive here. One was to abduct three women for carnal pleasure and the other was to take what money was available in the house. I can see no reasonable explanation to have left the purses behind, especially since they could have had fingerprints left on them.

Money and sexual assault would lead my list of probable motives. And Cox would head the list of realistic candidates.

Note: IF Carnahan was the ringleader of this crime, he didn't do it by himself but he could have hired it done. Garrison could have been in his employ and it is even possible that Cox was, although I tend to doubt it. Of all of the well known suspects or "persons of interests" Cox is the one person capable of pulling off this crime by himself alone.
And Cox very well may have been the killer, or employed by Carnahan, or just out for the carnal pleasure. He COULD have done it, and is probably the most plausible suspect basing this solely off of character and alibi...but lets not forget that the grand jury 3 were the top suspects, and LE put them there for a reason...evidence..not hunches. Unfortunately we will never see that GJ testimony unless there is a formal trial and it is presented during the case. I dont know nearly as much as you do about this case but the lack of evidence and speculation throughout these threads is incredible...what if what if what if but for years people have speculated w/o systematically ruling out the list of suspects.

Back to what i was implying in the previous post; for quite a while your posts had a tone of someone that was witholding information from the rest of the board and that there was actually more to what you were saying...leaving the reader to make their own conclusion or do their own research to find the right conclusion. Not being the person that actually wanted to say the obvious for fear of ? retaliation? betrayal? revealing your identity to someone that may recognize the information that only YOU would know? in reference to say the grand jury...or to the just seemed very coy with the "and thats all i'm saying about that"s. And it just seemed to me as an outsider and someone new to the whole community as a more than meets the eye situation. Not to imply that you would keep information that would help the investigation because it seems that your at the top of the list of people within this thread that want these girls to be found and case to be solved. But theres something I can't put my finger on yet...

In my opinion (which isn't really worth much of anything other than someone that has read the facts and most of the different news stories) Cox is using this case to entertain himself in his Ad Seg box. He has used it as a tool to obtain money, materials, people to communicate with, people that actively search him out for information in regards to the case. This same type of scenario is repeated consistently with false confessions by inmates that have already been convicted of other crimes and dont have much of anything to look forward. His request to be kept in Ad a mystery to all of us, but to think that it is because he can't control who he has contact with is one theory that is a stretch - he can decline to have visits from anyone, the majority of people walking the streets have ZERO knowledge of this case..especially in think that he is afraid that an inmate may approach him and try to squeeze him for info just seems like a stretch to me; to torture yourself for life like he has been on a whim that maybe someone might approach him about THIS case 18 years old in a prison full of mostly uneducated criminals doesn't fit for me. Another theory may be that he is a white male in a Texas prison that maybe beat up the wrong mexican on his first day and now there's a hit out on him, it could be any number of jailhouse politics that we just wouldn't know about. If he is sentenced to life in Texas and is in Ad Seg 23 hours a day (which is by all acounts miserable), I would find it hard to believe that if he did kill these 3 women and knows where the bodies are that he wouldn't eventually bring some hard evidence to the table to work out a deal with the prosecutor to improve his situation. Now this may be only after his first parole hearing in which he finds out that they are not going to be so kind to him as he may think (which you have implied in previous posts). At that point he may realize...I'm stuck in this cubicle, I cannot go in to general pop for fear of retaliation, so I will tell where the bodies are and work out a deal for a life w/o parole but with better living accomodations and at least be comfy for the rest of my days behind yourself said that sitting in a box for 23 hours a day would drive even a half sane man the rest of the way crazy. He just has too much to lose to admit that he did NOT kill the women because then he just vanishes into obscurity like every other lifer.

Has anyone tried to have personal contact with Cox? Has anyone tried to sit down with LE and find out why they have not searched the garage?
Come to think of it I've actually be in contact with four reporters who have worked this case or been responsible for it. One in particular I was asked not to reveal his identity. But that is not a great big deal. It doesn't move the ball forward regardless. As for me, I've never made a secret that I lived in Springfield for 26 years and moved to Texas in 2001 to get away from the snow, ice and cold. I'd just like to know what happened before they plant me in the ground.

Frankly, I don't know why it is relevant or helpful to speculate on my motives. I don't have a hidden agenda and my only interest is trying to puzzle through the known facts to arrive at a logical conclusion of what might have happened. If we eliminate the known suspects we can whittle it down to a precious few and only one had the physical ability to carry out this crime by himself and that obviously was Cox, although I concede he may have had an accomplice. But based on the time worn wisdom that conspiracies are viable so long as only one remains alive I tend to doubt he did. I do believe that he had some kind of relationship with Garrison, who like Cox, now sits mute in his cell in Missouri. In all probability neither will see the light of day in their lifetimes.

I have long suggested going to visit Cox as I am only 65 miles from where he is housed. However, in doing so, it would require his consent as well as the prison officials. I have also considered writing him but I would rather look him in the eye and judge his demeanor.

I could believe Carnahan could be behind this crime but he would have had to hire his help to carry this crime out. He just didn't have the physical stature and training to subdue three healthy women by himself.

Garrison was a bad actor and for reasons unknown he didn't have much to say when he was put away back in 1995. Didn't put up much resistance or protest. And then we have the spectacle of his attorney being threatened to get off the case. That is one of the more interesting aspects of this case. I do have copies of those newspaper articles at hand.

I also have the names of the clients of Sherrill Levitt which numbers 221 names. I know only one of those folks and most were women. There were none there that jumped out at me such as someone like a Cox or Carnahan. Additionally I knew two others who were not in the rolodex so we can assume that she had several others as well among her steady clientele.

If not Cox or Carnahan, then I would be inclined to think that an unknown serial killer had, for whatever reason, staked out the home and carried out this crime. Which begs the questions - why this home and why these victims? We do have the matter of the unknown person who was said to be driving through the area prior to the abductions. I tend to think there is a connection and would welcome speculation on the meaning of that.

Oh, the grand jury suspects listed in the newspapers, it has been my impression these guys had one particular skill in life and that is being sent back to jail. I looked into that matter and was not impressed by their criminal ability. Cox was part of that grand jury investigation so far as I know and it was about that time that he became the chief suspect.

If I may ask, what information did you think I was withholding? I'll try to be responsive if I knew what it is you are interested.
for example...last sentence:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

leads me to believe you knew someoen personally involved which isn't unlikely because I live in a city about the same size population wise as Springfield and would undoubtedly know someone involved directly or indirectly in a case of this magnitude.

another example:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

This whole post lends itself to imply that you had a pretty positive line of thought that you were trying to convice the reader to see but you just dont come out and say it....

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

another one:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

just a few examples of way back, and the only reason i bring it up is because as i read through the thread it became obvious that you ARE the person with the most knowledge about this, you make no secret that you are from Springfield, you knew or know the detectives, specifically ones that were directly involved on the task force in which you've stated yourself you have had conversations with pertaining the case i.e. suzie not having a key to the side door. So that being said over these years have you reached out to this or these individuals to find out what if any of the leads, theories, suspects etc. have been ruled out and/or not investigated and why?

I mean that is the only way progress is going to be made. Obviously we both agree on that...ruling out the suspects and finding whomever it was that has the best motive, and m.o. but it seems that after all the reading and researching by everyone that the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to actually do THAT have not been taken and that is why on the 4th thread and however many thousandth post it is back to the parking garage.

I notice that when you first started posting on the thread that you weren't convinced that Cox was involved and your posts resemble mine - that of a skeptic on him and his alterior motives. What is it that has made you change your mind and come around to fingering him so strongly?
for example...last sentence:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

leads me to believe you knew someone personally involved which isn't unlikely because I live in a city about the same size population wise as Springfield and would undoubtedly know someone involved directly or indirectly in a case of this magnitude.

another example:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

This whole post lends itself to imply that you had a pretty positive line of thought that you were trying to convince the reader to see but you just don't come out and say it....

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992

just a few examples of way back, and the only reason i bring it up is because as i read through the thread it became obvious that you ARE the person with the most knowledge about this, you make no secret that you are from Springfield, you knew or know the detectives, specifically ones that were directly involved on the task force in which you've stated yourself you have had conversations with pertaining the case i.e. suzie not having a key to the side door. So that being said over these years have you reached out to this or these individuals to find out what if any of the leads, theories, suspects etc. have been ruled out and/or not investigated and why?

These posts were made a long time ago and in perfect hindsight I wish I hadn't said what I said because frankly, I don't remember what I was referring to after all these years. It would be speculation for me to even guess. But I will try to search my memory cells.

The key to the side entrance was volunteered to me in a call to the police station. That was never publicly stated in the news media to my knowledge. This suggests Sherrill was security conscious. She didn't want Suzie to come into the side entrance. The relevance of this is that this goes to the mystery of how entrance was obtained so early in the morning. Either the person desiring entry was known, the perp(s) rushed the girls when they arrived, or one of the girls; probably Suzie was careless and assumed the person at the door was trustworthy. The alternative theory is that a "ruse" was used, such as a utility repairman, such as Cox suggested was used.

As to some of the other assertions I can speculate that it had to do with the several e-mails that I had received at that time which suggested that the police force hadn't moved this case off dead center. One such e-mail was specific to the point that the force didn't have even a clue what happened. That source was speaking from first hand knowledge.

I might have been discussing the fact that my two co-workers were not interviewed by the SPD, but as I was later provided a list of the names of Sherrill's clients and their names did not appear so that mystery was cleared up.

I wish I could be more forthcoming but my memory fails me and for that I apologize. I don't hold myself as being the foremost expert on this case. If I gave that impression it was inaccurate and a bit of hubris on my part. Sometimes the old adage that it is best to engage brain before opening mouth.

What I will be happy to do is to respond directly to any specific questions you may have. That I can do. If I don't know, I will say so.
Riverreefer, welcome to WS and this thread! It's always nice to hear a new opinion! As to your question if anyone has tried to contact Cox, I believe within the past year Kathee posted that she sent in a request for a visit with both Cox and Garrison and both denied the request. Kathee, please correct me if I'm wrong!

MissouriMule, this is just my opinion and I mean no offense, but saying only one known suspect (Cox) had the physical ability to carry out this crime is easily disputable. IMO, practically anyone with the ability to walk and hold a weapon could carry out this crime. I find it hard to fathom that physical strength/ability was all that was used to subdue 3 women if only one perp was involved. If more than one perp, yes, I can see that. But, if there was only one perp, it just seems a weapon would need to be used to gain the compliance of all 3 women.

As to Carnehan, was he ever identified publicly as a suspect in this case? I've read so many articles over the years about this case and I don't remember him ever really being discussed about this case in the press. For some reason, I was thinking he was only suggested as a suspect from posters on this forum. I absolutely could be wrong, I just don't remember reading about him in the papers. Anyone know?
The key to the side entrance was volunteered to me in a call to the police station. That was never publicly stated in the news media to my knowledge. This suggests Sherrill was security conscious. She didn't want Suzie to come into the side entrance. The relevance of this is that this goes to the mystery of how entrance was obtained so early in the morning. Either the person desiring entry was known, the perp(s) rushed the girls when they arrived, or one of the girls; probably Suzie was careless and assumed the person at the door was trustworthy. The alternative theory is that a "ruse" was used, such as a utility repairman, such as Cox suggested was used.

Has anyone specifically said that Suzie didn't have a key because Sherrill was security conscious (family, close friend) or is it just speculation? I've always had an issue with this statement. Growing up, I had a key to the main entrance to our house, but never a key to the back door. In my house now, there are three different keys to various entrances, but I only carry one. I'm not being security conscious, I just don't carry unnecessary keys. And, since they just moved in recently, it's possible that Sherrill had one key to the side entrance and kept it for herself and Suzie didn't feel the need for another key or just never got around to getting a key made.

That's not saying that I open my door to anyone in the middle of the night/early morning. I agree that the way to obtain entry into most women's homes at that time would be one of your three ways.

Rushed the girls when they got home - I have wondered this myself, it makes the most sense to me about how the globe was broken, yet it leaves so many other questions. How/why did the purses get into the house? I feel like there would have been more signs of a struggle--dirt/grass disturbed, purse contents spilled out, hair, etc. And I'm also guessing they would have screamed. I've read that the immediate neighbors weren't home at the time, not sure if that's true or not, but surely someone would have heard two young women screaming in the night.

Utility Repairman - This makes more sense to me. Still, I think that once outside there would be signs of a struggle. It makes no sense for the "gas man" to get you outside and load you up in his car to take you somewhere. A cop, perhaps. But for the gas scenario, I think that the ruse would be over as soon as he tried loading you in his vehicle. At this point, I would be kicking, screaming, biting, clawing, whatever it takes to get the hell out of this situation.

I think that getting the women from the house into the vehicle or from outside into the vehicle with no signs of a struggle is impossible. The busted globe is the only sign that something was wrong and that was cleaned up before the police got there. This leads me to believe that it was one of two situations, both involving someone that they knew (unless there was a ruse involving a cop or someone dressed like one, I had also heard years ago that Sherrill was somehow involved with someone in LE, but don't see anything about that anymore).

1. The women voluntarily got into a vehicle. Obviously someone they know. Sherrill was invited along as well to wherever (my theory is breakfast) because she was awake and saw whoever came to get the girls.

2. They were abducted by someone who was in the house that day. The struggle was cleaned up, purses staged, etc. Any fingerprints found would be cleared because they were concerned about the women and seen later on in the day at the home.
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