The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #5

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The evidence is pretty compelling that Stacy was not dressed when she left the house. The pants she wore that night were left in Suzie’s room along with her shoes, and apparently, her bare footprint was found leading to the front door. The scene suggests the three women were abducted from the house with minimal struggle.

Based on the fact that Suzie's blinds were "cracked" and there was no sign of forced entry, it is likely that Suzie saw who it was and either she or Sherrill let him/them in the front door. I doubt Suzie would have let him in through her bedroom with Stacy undressed in bed.

While it could have been a stranger dressed as a cop or something, which would have required quite a bit of planning and organization (and money), such an elaborate scheme is unlikely. Sexually motivated crimes are usually kept pretty simple. I think it most likely was someone Suzie and Sherrill knew and trusted (but not Stacy, as she didn't bother to get dressed).

Since I first started following, the simple assumption that seems so strong is that this was done by someone who Suzie and/or Sherrill knew. From what has come out, there were some minor criminal types that Suzie was directly involved with. Were any of them sufficiently criminally sophisticated and confident to pull this off? Anything is possible but I'm betting this was someone older: late twenties to early forties. Probably not Suzie's crowd but what about Sherrill or their family? My best wild *advertiser censored* guess is that it was someone who had some kind of "relationship" with Sherrill who also had an "interest" in Suzie. It is possible that the decision to abduct the women only occurred to the perp when he realized Stacy was "available" as well.
Everyone keeps on mentioning that the blinds were cracked as evidence Suzie looked out her window to see if a person was there and that very well could of happened and could of happened that morning. My point is though that a lot of blinds especially the older ones kind of freeze at the area people peek through them. We had to replace ours before from dogs peeking through at one area too many times. I also have a friend that hers are that way too from where her kids peek out of them. Just a thought.
It sounds like Suzie was the one that ran outside to talk to the perp first if Stacy's footprint was on the door. That might indicate her removal from the house for sure.
The evidence is pretty compelling that Stacy was not dressed when she left the house. The pants she wore that night were left in Suzie’s room along with her shoes, and apparently, her bare footprint was found leading to the front door. The scene suggests the three women were abducted from the house with minimal struggle.

Based on the fact that Suzie's blinds were "cracked" and there was no sign of forced entry, it is likely that Suzie saw who it was and either she or Sherrill let him/them in the front door. I doubt Suzie would have let him in through her bedroom with Stacy undressed in bed.

While it could have been a stranger dressed as a cop or something, which would have required quite a bit of planning and organization (and money), such an elaborate scheme is unlikely. Sexually motivated crimes are usually kept pretty simple. I think it most likely was someone Suzie and Sherrill knew and trusted (but not Stacy, as she didn't bother to get dressed).

Since I first started following, the simple assumption that seems so strong is that this was done by someone who Suzie and/or Sherrill knew. From what has come out, there were some minor criminal types that Suzie was directly involved with. Were any of them sufficiently criminally sophisticated and confident to pull this off? Anything is possible but I'm betting this was someone older: late twenties to early forties. Probably not Suzie's crowd but what about Sherrill or their family? My best wild *advertiser censored* guess is that it was someone who had some kind of "relationship" with Sherrill who also had an "interest" in Suzie. It is possible that the decision to abduct the women only occurred to the perp when he realized Stacy was "available" as well.

Has it been verified that Stacy was the only one who left the house without shoes and shorts/pants? Did I read correctly that Stacy's footprint was going INTO the front door?
Has it been verified that Stacy was the only one who left the house without shoes and shorts/pants? Did I read correctly that Stacy's footprint was going INTO the front door?

From what I recall (and anyone, correct me if I am wrong) no one knows what Sherrill and Suzie wore because no one can determine what clothing was missing. Stacy only had the clothes she was wearing and she was bigger and taller than Suzie and would not have been able to wear Suzie's clothes.

As far as I know, there was only one bare foot print, believed to be Stacy's, in the living room pointing to the front door. I suspect they have no idea what shoes (if any) Sherrill and Suzie wore. It was warm so they may not have worn any shoes, but their footprints apparently were not found.

Since the porch light was broken and it is suspected Stacy was barefoot, there is the question of Stacy cutting her foot on broken glass. There is no evidence that anyone cut their foot the night.

The significance of all of this is that Stacy left on her own feet but was wearing only her top and panties; obviously she left out of fear.

I agree that the girls went outside to talk to someone they knew probably Suzies friend maybe Stacys and Suzies both, I then think that an argument or physical fight started and Sherrill ran out quickly, this would explain not calling the police before she went out, I think then Sherrill was subdued this explains the broken light, the girls were probably to scared to resist or run, Sherrill trying to protect her child probably ran right into the middle of the fight/argument. This all taking place rather quickly and not planned the perps freaked out and abducted all three possibly not killing them right away, rather going somewhere to decide what to do next, I think they decided there was no choice but to eliminate them, there would have already been assault, battery and kidnapping at the very least in charges they decided to save their own asses they had no choice but to murder them and dispose of the bodies, the only part of this scenario is the fact that in nearly twenty years no one has talked, this fits the evidence and lack of evidence in the house, I just still find it hard to believe no one has talked in twenty years but if fear of jail causes you to abduct and murder three women I guess the same fear would allow you to keep it hush for nearly twenty years. I also think the friends need to be interviewed again and talked to until they give up all the info they have.
I agree that the girls went outside to talk to someone they knew probably Suzies friend maybe Stacys and Suzies both, I then think that an argument or physical fight started and Sherrill ran out quickly, this would explain not calling the police before she went out, I think then Sherrill was subdued this explains the broken light, the girls were probably to scared to resist or run, Sherrill trying to protect her child probably ran right into the middle of the fight/argument. This all taking place rather quickly and not planned the perps freaked out and abducted all three possibly not killing them right away, rather going somewhere to decide what to do next, I think they decided there was no choice but to eliminate them, there would have already been assault, battery and kidnapping at the very least in charges they decided to save their own asses they had no choice but to murder them and dispose of the bodies, the only part of this scenario is the fact that in nearly twenty years no one has talked, this fits the evidence and lack of evidence in the house, I just still find it hard to believe no one has talked in twenty years but if fear of jail causes you to abduct and murder three women I guess the same fear would allow you to keep it hush for nearly twenty years. I also think the friends need to be interviewed again and talked to until they give up all the info they have.

Stacy's shorts were folded up neatly ready for her to put on the next morning. It would have taken her less than 10 seconds to put her shorts on before going outside to have a conversation with someone she may or may not have known. I don't think she was hanging around the house in only her tee shirt, so the only logical place for her to have been without her shorts on was in bed. Any scenario of someone coming to the house to have a conversation with someone else would have allowed her 10 seconds to put her shorts on and most girls would have done that before going outside to talk to anyone.

The fact that she left wearing what she was sleeping in points to someone coming into the house while she was in bed (because I don't believe she was hanging around the house only in a tee shirt and underwear). She was not allowed the 10 seconds to put on her shorts or to grab her purse. Since Suzie and Sherrill's purses were also left, along with cigarettes, I assume they also were not allowed enough time to get dressed and grab their purses as well.

I suspect that they were all barefoot and still dressed in what they slept in. Just because their bare footprints weren't found doesn't mean that they weren't barefoot.

The only thing that could get me and most girls to run outside in our tee shirt and underwear and to leave our belongings in the house is if the house was on fire or if a stranger was in my house. If the second scenario is true, then they would have been more difficult to subdue unless they were running down the street in fear and the abductor hit them with the van. In that case, I would think neighbors would have heard screaming, so it is unlikely.
You got it.

From the video of the crime scene, there were no signs of any kind of struggle. No furniture was tipped over or askew. The house was not immaculate; it had a normal "lived in" look but the only real disorder was in Sherrill’s closet that where the shoes were a bit scattered and the purses that were on the steps.

Had a stranger just walked in through an unlocked front door, I would expect some sort of struggle; It was a very small house somewhat crowed with furniture.

I think there is a high degree of confidence that either Sherrill or Suzie let the perp(s) in and Stacy remained in bed (indicating that the "visitor(s)" was of no interest to her). This suggests that the perp(s) was known to Suzie and Sherrill but not Stacy, i.e. they were not kids from the parties they attended.
Suzie's bedroom had no door. The door from the kitchen down into the converted garage had been removed. I find it highly unlikely that Stacy would remain in bed upon hearing guests being let into the house at that hour, "who were of no interest to her". She would have had no privacy at all. There is no evidence to indicate that anyone was let in the house, but rather to the contrary. That would indicate that the two girls were "bull rushed" while still in bed and the perps were upon them before the girls knew what happened. Suzie and Sherrill were both probably forced to leave the house wearing what they slept in just like Stacy was.
Suzie's bedroom had no door. The door from the kitchen down into the converted garage had been removed. I find it highly unlikely that Stacy would remain in bed upon hearing guests being let into the house at that hour, "who were of no interest to her". She would have had no privacy at all. There is no evidence to indicate that anyone was let in the house, but rather to the contrary. That would indicate that the two girls were "bull rushed" while still in bed and the perps were upon them before the girls knew what happened. Suzie and Sherrill were both probably forced to leave the house wearing what they slept in just like Stacy was.

Were Stacy and Suzie sleeping in the same room in the waterbed? It seems much more likely to me that they were all surprised in the early morning hours in bed(being asleep is one of the most vulnerable positions to be in when a crime is abut to occur)and forced to leave the house.

I am having a problem with the scenario that it was someone that Suzie or Sherrill knew because of the extra car in the driveway. Someone that came over that knew one of them would have seen the extra car. It could have belonged to a big tough guy with a gun for all they knew. That is too risky. The person(s) who came into the house knew that there were three cars there and that three women drove those cars.
Suzie's bedroom had no door. The door from the kitchen down into the converted garage had been removed. I find it highly unlikely that Stacy would remain in bed upon hearing guests being let into the house at that hour, "who were of no interest to her". She would have had no privacy at all. There is no evidence to indicate that anyone was let in the house, but rather to the contrary. That would indicate that the two girls were "bull rushed" while still in bed and the perps were upon them before the girls knew what happened. Suzie and Sherrill were both probably forced to leave the house wearing what they slept in just like Stacy was.

I was unaware that Suzie's bedroom had no door. So Suzie lived in the house and in the bedroom at night and there was no privacy. I wonder why the door was removed.

I'm somewhat confused. If there is no evidence to indicate someone was let in the house, the contrary would be that the intruders managed to gain entry by other means. But haven't we been told in various news articles that there was no forced entry? If not let in and no forced entry, they would have had to gain entry through such means as picking the lock. Or am reading too much into your post?
I was unaware that Suzie's bedroom had no door. So Suzie lived in the house and in the bedroom at night and there was no privacy. I wonder why the door was removed.

I'm somewhat confused. If there is no evidence to indicate someone was let in the house, the contrary would be that the intruders managed to gain entry by other means. But haven't we been told in various news articles that there was no forced entry? If not let in and no forced entry, they would have had to gain entry through such means as picking the lock. Or am reading too much into your post?

When we bought our house, the kitchen door was removed because the new addition was considered a bonus room/office. However, we needed three bedrooms not two, so the bonus room/office became a bedroom. We eventually had someone come in and drywall the doorway and make it a wall, so now we have privacy. This might have been the case because I thought I read that the previous owner used the converted garage for an office.
You have to remember this kitchen door going down into the garage was an exterior door and therefore was never meant to be left standing open. If it were left standing open all the time it would be taking up valuable space in the kitchen. There isn't a lot of wall space in either the kitchen or living room along that east wall. Remember, there is also another exterior door which opens up under the carport. Sherrill and Suzie didn't live there long enough to know what they might have done during the winter months. Perhaps Sherrill would have bought some type of electric baseboard heater for Suzie's room. The previous occupant said it was cold out there in the winter without any heat so she would have her son re hang the door and close off the room. During the rest of the year he would remove the door for her and she would use the room as a family room.

The true 2nd bedroom of the house (called the sewing room on published floor plans) was used by both Sherrill and Suzie as one big walk-in closet for their clothes (Suzie's converted room didn't even have a closet). As far as Suzie's privacy goes, my opinion is that she probably dressed in that 2nd bedroom where her clothes were kept.
I am having a problem with the scenario that it was someone that Suzie or Sherrill knew because of the extra car in the driveway. Someone that came over that knew one of them would have seen the extra car. It could have belonged to a big tough guy with a gun for all they knew. That is too risky. The person(s) who came into the house knew that there were three cars there and that three women drove those cars.

That is a very good point but it presents a problem either way.

A stranger who had noticed Sherrill and Suzie or someone following Stacy and Suzie home would have to deal with the uncertainty created by the extra car. Stacy was not a regular visitor there and only the people at Janelle's house knew she was there. It seems doubtful that some perp would break into the house with some unknown third party there.

It is possible that someone was waiting and saw who drove the third car but they would have had to wait a real long time as the girls didn't get home until well after 2:00 and no one noticed a strange care parked near the house.

Had the perp been someone Suzie or Sherrill knew, trusted and let into the house, the third car wouldn't present such a problem. No matter what the perp had in mind, he could always change his plans if the third person there presented a problem. It is also possible that the decision to abduct the women didn't come until the perp saw Stacy there.
You have to remember this kitchen door going down into the garage was an exterior door and therefore was never meant to be left standing open. If it were left standing open all the time it would be taking up valuable space in the kitchen. There isn't a lot of wall space in either the kitchen or living room along that east wall. Remember, there is also another exterior door which opens up under the carport. Sherrill and Suzie didn't live there long enough to know what they might have done during the winter months. Perhaps Sherrill would have bought some type of electric baseboard heater for Suzie's room. The previous occupant said it was cold out there in the winter without any heat so she would have her son re hang the door and close off the room. During the rest of the year he would remove the door for her and she would use the room as a family room.

The true 2nd bedroom of the house (called the sewing room on published floor plans) was used by both Sherrill and Suzie as one big walk-in closet for their clothes (Suzie's converted room didn't even have a closet). As far as Suzie's privacy goes, my opinion is that she probably dressed in that 2nd bedroom where her clothes were kept.

Sherrill had central air installed in the house. Suzie's bedroom had no duct work servicing the room so the only way her room could have received any benefit from the central air would have been just from room ventilation. Another reason for removing the kitchen door most of the year.
The information provided by Hurricane was very helpful and I appreciate his work in this area. I could be wrong, but I think he is suggesting this might have been the work of a burglary ring or some group that overpowered the women in short order. (Correct me if I am mistaken.) I seem to recall reading in earlier accounts that a possible burglary ring was operating nearby as a pocket knife (to cut window screens) was dropped by a window of a nearby house as the intruders were seen by the homeowner (Again, correct me if I am wrong.) So we could conceivably be looking at a burglary gone bad. It can't be ruled out of hand. It is possible that they got into the house prior to the girls arriving home and were in the bedroom with Sherrill where there is some evidence of the shoes being thrown about. The bedroom was a small bedroom as I understand (about 10' by 12') and had room for the bed and dresser but little more. It is conceivable the girls unexpectantly came home, Sherrill was silenced in some manner and then the girls were rushed and all three abducted.

Hurricane can speak to this subject better than I can. Is this what is being suggested? If it is, then It would be reasonable that the "GJ3" were investigated by the grand jury.

Having said that, we have the matter of the strange person who was seen in the area on the corner for a day or two prior to the abduction and the dirty white van circling the neighborhood. We don't know if they were involved and may not have been. If they were involved, it suggests that there was some other motive than burglary if this was a pre-planned event. The Delmar house was a small house; almost unseen in the area, and not that far from some "old money" houses just west there. I suppose it is possible that it was thought Sherrill had money in the home. But we also have to consider the "sexual assault" theory espoused by the various law enforcement agencies. I would guess that is why Garrison was singled out with his history of such behavior.

I would add one other thing as I just looked at some old e-mails yesterday which reminded me of this. Evidently there was some interest in a connection to Neosho. This didn't just come from one person but from three people who worked on this case. There was a person I looked at one time who resembled the "transient" seen on the corner. He is no longer alive. Nevertheless, I wonder what prompted the interest in Neosho. Thoughts would be welcomed.

These are just some random thoughts that come to mind.
Hmmm, it is possible that someone was already in there but here are my thoughts...

If someone was already in the house when the girls arrived, they would have had to wait for them to do what girls do after they get home from going to parties. I do believe that they both went to bed at some point, but not before getting a snack and something to drink, sitting around and chatting for a bit, maybe watch a little TV, take off their make up, take off their jewelry, go to the bathroom and then finally turning out the lights and going to bed. This all could have happened within 30 minutes of them arriving home. I just don't think that they came home and went directly to sleep.

Could someone (or more than one person) have kept Sherrill quiet that whole time? Certainly there would have been evidence of a struggle after waiting for the girls to finally get in bed...??? I think it is possible, but I'm not sure. I know that if someone had planned to do something to one of my children, I would put up the biggest fight that I could to leave some kind of evidence...even if it killed me.

Does anyone know if any of the lights were on inside the house? I realize that 18 people had been in and out of there, but did anyone say that any lights were on or were any of the lights found to be on by LE? If they had let someone in that they knew, they surely would have turned a light on.
You've echoed many of my concerns about this scenario and is why I have never been an big advocate of this. But since it can't be ruled out it has to be left on the table. It is possible that she was simply tied up, her mouth duct taped, and she was incommunicado.

If her bedroom was darkened or with only a nightline on, it is entirely possible the girls didn't want to disturb her and thought she was asleep. But at the same time, after a lengthy period had elapsed, the intruders couldn't wait indefinitely and at that point turned to the girls and the whole thing spun out of control.

It could have, at this point, where Stacy might have gone out the side door and was recaptured on the front porch as the access was blocked by the van pulled in back of Suzie's mother's car. It is my understanding that her footprint was found on the front of the house. Since her actual footprint would not likely have been identifiable, it is probable that she cut her foot on the glass and her DNA was left behind. I can't vouch for that being the case but I have heard this story more than once from people who "claim" to know. Since we have never seen anything officially written about this, if it is true, it may be that the police withheld this information for reasons unclear.
You've echoed many of my concerns about this scenario and is why I have never been an big advocate of this. But since it can't be ruled out it has to be left on the table. It is possible that she was simply tied up, her mouth duct taped, and she was incommunicado.

If her bedroom was darkened or with only a nightline on, it is entirely possible the girls didn't want to disturb her and thought she was asleep. But at the same time, after a lengthy period had elapsed, the intruders couldn't wait indefinitely and at that point turned to the girls and the whole thing spun out of control.

It could have, at this point, where Stacy might have gone out the side door and was recaptured on the front porch as the access was blocked by the van pulled in back of Suzie's mother's car. It is my understanding that her footprint was found on the front of the house. Since her actual footprint would not likely have been identifiable, it is probable that she cut her foot on the glass and her DNA was left behind. I can't vouch for that being the case but I have heard this story more than once from people who "claim" to know. Since we have never seen anything officially written about this, if it is true, it may be that the police withheld this information for reasons unclear.

Yes, I see how this could be a possible scenario, but how did they get in? If Cinnamon needed to go to the bathroom, would it be more likely that she was let out of Suzie's door since it was in the back?

This footprint thing is disturbing (I don't know why, it just disturbs me). Does this mean that she somehow made it out of the house (at least out of the front door) but had to go back in for some reason (why????)? It was stated up thread a bit that the footprint was found inside the house going towards the front door. If it was bleeding, wouldn't there be blood other places? Wouldn't there be blood leading down the front steps to the driveway...even a small amount, something that a dog could detect?
Yes, I see how this could be a possible scenario, but how did they get in? If Cinnamon needed to go to the bathroom, would it be more likely that she was let out of Suzie's door since it was in the back?

This footprint thing is disturbing (I don't know why, it just disturbs me). Does this mean that she somehow made it out of the house (at least out of the front door) but had to go back in for some reason (why????)? It was stated up thread a bit that the footprint was found inside the house going towards the front door. If it was bleeding, wouldn't there be blood other places? Wouldn't there be blood leading down the front steps to the driveway...even a small amount, something that a dog could detect?

This is where the story gets fuzzy. What I was told and it supposedly came from reliable sources (although I can't verify it) is that Stacy exited out of the side door or perhaps from Suzie's room with the sliding glass door (as I understand it) and she ran toward the front of the house. As I am given to believe, the van was backed up next to Sherrill's car so as to allow the van's side two doors to be opened to load the captive women. It appears to me that she would have had ample room to have left to the east of the van as the carport would have been sufficiently wide but if the van didn't allow her to go between it and Sherrill's car, she may have instead gone to the west side of the van (nearest the house) and it was here that someone became aware of her attempted escape, grabbed her and it was then that her footprint/DNA was found on the front of the house. (If the story is right.) Again, we are speculating since none of this information has been made public so far as I know.

I likewise have problems with this scenario as it has been my theory that all three women were subdued inside the house, were hogtied and carried to the van which would have been much easier than trying to wrestle them out of the house unbound. I had believed that it was probable that at some point one of the women was kicking and the globe was knocked loose and fell to the porch and broke leaving the light burning. As soon as all of the women were loaded in the van, from the side of the porch, they left quickly, most likely to Kentwood and then to Grand thinking it would go out of town. It is there that the "porch lady" comes into the story. Even that story is not universally believed.

I'm unaware that the police have ever spoken or conveyed information about this alleged footprint/DNA at the crime scene, either inside or outside. However, it does seem logical that if some commotion was going on inside the house and Stacy heard this she might feel compelled to flee the house clad only in her panties.

The matter of the absence of the door to Suzie's room is interesting and I was unaware of this. But if the door that was previously to the converted garage was removed there would have been no privacy. I sort of assume that there was a makeshift arrangement of a bathroom type curtain that could be pulled close to allow some modicum of privacy. Ultimately a pocket door could have been installed which would have solved the problem entirely.
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