The Stine And Ramsey Friendship/relationship

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Could somebody help me find as much information as possible about the Stines and Ramsey’s relationship? Or tell me good sources to look?
This is Susan Stine's version of what happened on Christmas night, when the Ramsey's made their last stop to drop off presents before they returned home from the White's Christmas party:

Susan Stine: "They came to our house and I talked to Patsy for a while maybe 10 or 15 minutes and they ALL seemed perfectly normal. They were ALL the same- bubbly about Christmas and about where they were going and we, my husband and I, waved good-bye to them as they were leaving and that was the last time we saw them as an INTACT family."

According to John he does not go inside the Stine's home, and neither does JonBenet.

According to Susan Stine she sees the entire family. Besides seeing everyone, they all seem perfectly normal. How can JonBenet seem normal and bubbly if she's supposed to be ASLEEP in the car?

The Ramsey's lived .04 miles from the Stines. Or 1 minute by car. 2-3 minutes by bike.

Info extends to p2

Forums for Justice, always a good start
(Theories O/T here at WS)
Thank you very much Tadpole!!!
Here are your new pair of eyes! I am not a cop or detective.
I am really no one who is talented or super smart.
But the Stine/Ramsey connection is what I am interested in.
Everyone might have been duplicitous and successful at it.
But look into this.
There is a stinking corpse here somewhere. People are waving around flowers pretending that it doesn’t smell like rotting flesh.
But it does.
Under the scent of the lilies.
Someone has gotten away with murder.
In my mind, John states she's sleeping in the car to support his statement that she was carried to bed upon their arrival home - in order to divert attention away from the activities that actually happened, things they didnt want to have to explain.
Here are a couple of good threads from Forums for Justice on her "hiliarious" prank emails she sent posing as Mark Beckner.

Susan Stine: Where is She Now? and The Patricia Letters

More on Stine Investigation

I'm interested they the Stine family decided to uproot and move to Atlanta just because of the Ramseys - thats a heck of a move for people who where not "close friends" prior to Jonbenets murder

Video Deposition of John Ramsey October 20, 1998

Page 50
13 Q. Do you have anyone running interference for you
14 with respect to social contacts or attempts? Anyone
15 taking calls or screening calls?
16 A. Not -- we did for a while, only because we lived
17 with some people.
18 Q. Who were those people?
19 A. Susan and Glenn Stine.
20 Q. Should I add them to your list of close friends?
21 A. They were not close friends, believe it or not.
22 They were friends, but we didn't socialize a lot with
23 them.
24 Q. Can you help me complete a list of people who
25 would be on the same level of relationship as the Stines
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The Stine relationship remains deeply fascinating, but so does the dissolution of the friendship between the Fernie family and the Ramseys. They were initially loyal supporters of the family, but I believe Barbara was alarmed when the Ramsey attorneys began pointing to a previously damaged door jamb as evidence of an intruder. Patsy and Barbara had already discussed repairing the door jamb months before the murder, yet here they were using it to point the blame elsewhere. From what I understand, the relationship between the Fernies and the Ramseys began to sour after that. Perhaps someone has additional information on this
I can lose many hours on! This has quite a bit of information:

I’m encouraged by all of this information. A lot of anomalies and contradictions. And the two families sure did team up to fight the press and law enforcement. And also it is true that JR never showed the anger at the ‘killer’ that he did at the media. And the four of them laughing together on the deck in the Vanify Faur picture. PR was slouching on the rail looking like she thought the guy with the long lens was just being ridiculous. She seems to be looking sideways at SS or JR.
I’m encouraged by all of this information. A lot of anomalies and contradictions. And the two families sure did team up to fight the press and law enforcement. And also it is true that JR never showed the anger at the ‘killer’ that he did at the media. And the four of them laughing together on the deck in the Vanify Faur picture. PR was slouching on the rail looking like she thought the guy with the long lens was just being ridiculous. She seems to be looking sideways at SS or JR.

I've been tempted to buy Death of Innocence a couple of times (secondhand, I don't want even the few pennies from it going to JR), but I think the entire thing would send my blood pressure sky high, the sections I have read from it go from self aggrandising irrelevant information, to trying to make her former friends and employees look bad (they just had to mention that when Patsy first saw the ransom note that the first thought was it was reminder from Linda Hoffman Pugh that she needed money), and the utter smugness and contempt for the media and anyone who took an interest in the case - really well summed up in that bit from acandyrose on the picture at the Stines:

DOI Page 186
"One of the tabloids came out with a picture of the Stines and John and me standing on the upper deck of the house with wine glasses in hand, enjoying the view. The caption under the photo said, in effect that we were celebrating our escape from the police. We broke into laughter as we heard about the story, because we realize that the photographer who took the rather docile picture of us relaxing with wine glasses had missed the jackpot photo of the century, had he arrived twenty minutes earlier.
Susan Stine and John had been out on the deck, joking about setting up a machine-gun turret to pick off the paparazzi if they crawled through our bushes. It was always good to laugh at our problems when we could. Stored in the house was a collector's 12-guage shotgun that my dad had give John, we had never fired it. Jokingly, John brought the gun out on the deck and was standing there, playfully aiming it toward the water. Susan had said she needed a gun, so John gave her one!
However, he quickly put the gun away, realizing that photographers might be lurking somewhere within camera range. If the tabloids had gotten a picture of John with that shotgun, no telling what kind of headline and accompanying story they would have run. Whoever was sneaking around out there with his zoom lens was just twenty minutes too late!"

Wow how hilarious, be still my aching sides! Waving guns around, what a bunch of crazy goofballs :rolleyes:
I've been tempted to buy Death of Innocence a couple of times (secondhand, I don't want even the few pennies from it going to JR), but I think the entire thing would send my blood pressure sky high, the sections I have read from it go from self aggrandising irrelevant information, to trying to make her former friends and employees look bad (they just had to mention that when Patsy first saw the ransom note that the first thought was it was reminder from Linda Hoffman Pugh that she needed money), and the utter smugness and contempt for the media and anyone who took an interest in the case - really well summed up in that bit from acandyrose on the picture at the Stines:

DOI Page 186
"One of the tabloids came out with a picture of the Stines and John and me standing on the upper deck of the house with wine glasses in hand, enjoying the view. The caption under the photo said, in effect that we were celebrating our escape from the police. We broke into laughter as we heard about the story, because we realize that the photographer who took the rather docile picture of us relaxing with wine glasses had missed the jackpot photo of the century, had he arrived twenty minutes earlier.
Susan Stine and John had been out on the deck, joking about setting up a machine-gun turret to pick off the paparazzi if they crawled through our bushes. It was always good to laugh at our problems when we could. Stored in the house was a collector's 12-guage shotgun that my dad had give John, we had never fired it. Jokingly, John brought the gun out on the deck and was standing there, playfully aiming it toward the water. Susan had said she needed a gun, so John gave her one!
However, he quickly put the gun away, realizing that photographers might be lurking somewhere within camera range. If the tabloids had gotten a picture of John with that shotgun, no telling what kind of headline and accompanying story they would have run. Whoever was sneaking around out there with his zoom lens was just twenty minutes too late!"

Wow how hilarious, be still my aching sides! Waving guns around, what a bunch of crazy goofballs :rolleyes:
They didn’t care about their dead little girl. They cared how they looked to the media and the public way more.
They thwarted the police at every turn.
There was supposedly a photo of 2 Pepsi cans in Burkes’ room.
Did they ever try to get DNA from the Pepsi cans?
The cans from Burke -and a friend?


Doesn’t look like anyone brushed their teeth like they said they did...

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