The Talent show

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They had the cafeteria in the gym? Most elementary schools (even the brand-spankin' new one down the road from me), have a stage in the cafeteria. The gym is separate.

I can't claim the phrase cafegymatorium because another member here coined it. But the conversation around the gym was that it was a multipurpose area.
Good post!

But I'm amazed--when a school friend said that he had seen Kyron *after* TH said she left him, that report was blown off, as near as I can tell, by LE. And I've seen so many saying that well, he's just a kid, he probably got confused. From the get-go, his story has been discounted.

Now suddenly, supposedly, some child said something that's leading to assumptions that it proves TH's guilt, and all of a sudden a young child's testimony is both believable *and* important. Same school, same group of kids, same age group, but this one is reliable evidence. Vs. the other one.

Will wonders never cease. :waitasec:

How many kids Kyrons age/ grade pay attention to time on a clock like adults do? Not to freaking many, is my guess. They pay attention to the BELLS signaling get to class NOW. They may be clock-watching towards the end of a class they can't wait to get out of, before lunch or before a favored class, for example. And especially the last class of the day. But for a kid to say he saw Kyron at a specific time for example 9:10am, I say no way.
And this kid said he SAW KYRON after Terri SAID she had left. Terri has been proven to be a chronic liar, so that holds no water with me. Jus sayin. Oh and of course, JMO

How many kids Kyrons age/ grade pay attention to time on a clock like adults do? Not to freaking many, is my guess. They pay attention to the BELLS signaling get to class NOW. They may be clock-watching towards the end of a class they can't wait to get out of, before lunch or before a favored class, for example. And especially the last class of the day. But for a kid to say he saw Kyron at a specific time for example 9:10am, I say no way.
And this kid said he SAW KYRON after Terri SAID she had left. Terri has been proven to be a chronic liar, so that holds no water with me. Jus sayin. Oh and of course, JMO


I agree. I've never thought this boy was lying, but simply he got the time wrong. I bet if he was asked, did you see TH before or after everyone heard the bell and was in class? he'd say before. She left with Kyron BEFORE the second bell. And this is OT from the talent show...except that I think TH purposely got home around talent show time so if the call came in that Kyron wasn't at the talent show, she'd say 'oh my gosh, no! Really? I've been sitting here on FB and forgot allllll about it!' Whatever.

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