The Talent show

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Just speaking for myself, but I based my characterization on DY's statements, and maybe KH's, too.

Oh no, not directed at any specific posting or poster here at all, very "in general" in multiple media reports/websites etc. since Kyron has been missing. The other thing that has bothered me is a comment made by Kaine or Desiree, maybe someone else as I can't even recall now- the comment about Kyron staying in bed until he was told to get up, etc. etc. It seems as if a comment has been made, and from one comment, innocent perhaps, a million inaccurate "facts" that color the way we look at this case have sprouted.

I think many of these comments have been taken out of context, and we're missing things.

Of course, I also think TH is guilty, and this could very well color my interpretation of the few facts in this case that are known......
Gotta post this before I go to bed as an FYI and general info-
at my granson's elementry school this year they had a talent show a few weeks before school ended. It was k-6 grade. All were invited to do whatever their talent was. Some kids sang, some kids in groups of varying grades got together and did a dance routine, karaoke, etc.

It involved 1 session of practice which was held at school. All the kids had costumes of some sort. Am sure many practiced at home a lot too. My grandson did his green belt karate routine and did practice at home. Hes a shy kid so his wanting to participate this year was a big deal and many of his family members attended (me, his mom, his little brother, his other grandparents, 2 aunts, his 3 yr old cousin and his dad and his step dad all were there) Kyron not mentioning it to his family tho, or not practicing whatever it was he was going to do, or even wearing a certain thing/ costume. That's the part that stumps me. He mentioned it to NOBODY? I want to think that Terri knew, as she was supposedly a frequent presence at the school.

My :twocents:

I find it very compelling that a parent who had nothing better than to go to the gym and drive around for hours would not make an attempt to be at the talent show. Especially after seeing that she did take video at the school of other performances (at least that's what I assumed from earlier videos of Kyron released). Another thing is that it is suspicious that in her rambling emails to Kyron's BM she never stated about the talent show. This is pointing towards her guilt in my opinion. I'm already convinced that she had something to do with the dispearance. I just hope that more information comes forward so they may find Kyron.
I think it is possible that the talent show would conflict with Baby K's nap time--and that TH never planned to go. This could end up being a red herring...although the fact that it was brought before the grand jury does seem to give it some significance.

I'm with Emma, though. Did they really need to drag a 9 year old in to make this point? How traumatic. On top of what the poor child has already gone through since he knew Kyron.
I think it's very possible that quite a few children will be called before the GJ, and very possible that they could have some valuable testimony to give...

About the Talent Show : sometimes these Talent Shows are not really for parents ; kids perform for other grades. One of my children is a classical musician, and when she was in elementary school she often performed in such shows. I was a very involved parent, but the talent shows in the daytime were usually for the other grades. Recitals and such were always held at night, when most parents would attend.... This is my experience with talent shows in elementary school....

On another forum, someone (a parent) from Skyline describede a flyer from last year's talent show and it described a very informal event. Kids who wanted to be in it were to let the teacher know by a certain date and tell them what they would be performing, etc. It was not mandatory and if I remember correctly, it was not really meant for an outside audience, although parents were allowed to attend.
Wow, this is confusing!

Kyron is a shy kid... wouldn't someone have known if he was dreading the performance, or if he was uncharacteristically excited or even just blase about it? I mean Kyron didn't know he was about to go missing, so he would have thought he was still attending the TS...

Huh, you know I just get the feeling that if Terri is guilty, she expected the school to notice his absence and contact her during the day. Maybe she didn't think she'd need an entire day of alibi, but just the trips to the grocery store, during which time she'd receive "the call" from Skyline and spring into concerned parent mode.

Maybe she never considered the entire day passing with no one noticing his absence, the talent show, etc.

This is really confusing.

This is a very interesting thought!!!! I was wondering the same thing when I was thinking about the supposed email to the teacher.......if she was guilty of doing something, did she email the teacher so that Kyron would be noticed missing sooner?????? And now you bring up that thought that maybe she didn't plan on having an alibi the whole day and it makes me wonder.

Also, I just know from my own kids, but whenever any one of my 3 boys have been in a talent show or preformance type thing, I knew about it because they would practice at home....Of course when I told them to show me what they had to do.....I can see there faces saying noooooo mom....i don't want to show you......stop asking me. LOL I have a few more of those moments to come, my youngest is 6....

But, my point is, even if I was not totally a perfect PTA mom, I did for the most part know if my children were practicing for a preformance.... I am thinking, wouldn't TH or KH at least know that Kyron was to preform in something.....did he not practice at home, or with his friends. I mean they have that one video of Kyron at another school preformance, so they obviously go to his functions.....:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
This is a very interesting thought!!!! I was wondering the same thing when I was thinking about the supposed email to the teacher.......if she was guilty of doing something, did she email the teacher so that Kyron would be noticed missing sooner?????? And now you bring up that thought that maybe she didn't plan on having an alibi the whole day and it makes me wonder.

Also, I just know from my own kids, but whenever any one of my 3 boys have been in a talent show or preformance type thing, I knew about it because they would practice at home....Of course when I told them to show me what they had to do.....I can see there faces saying noooooo mom....i don't want to show you......stop asking me. LOL I have a few more of those moments to come, my youngest is 6....

But, my point is, even if I was not totally a perfect PTA mom, I did for the most part know if my children were practicing for a preformance.... I am thinking, wouldn't TH or KH at least know that Kyron was to preform in something.....did he not practice at home, or with his friends. I mean they have that one video of Kyron at another school preformance, so they obviously go to his functions.....:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

Terri emailed the teacher at 1:00 PM. A totally impossible time for the teacher to see her email, IMO
Maybe TH told Kyron to keep it a secret so that they could suprise Kaine with the talent show. For the boy who went before the GJ to make these statements tells me that Kyron among everyone else was full aware of his part in the program and the only one's that did not know were Kaine and DY .. she could have even went as far as to tell his teacher it was a secret to suprise Kaine ..... something along those lines
I think it is possible that the talent show would conflict with Baby K's nap time--and that TH never planned to go. This could end up being a red herring...although the fact that it was brought before the grand jury does seem to give it some significance.

I'm with Emma, though. Did they really need to drag a 9 year old in to make this point? How traumatic. On top of what the poor child has already gone through since he knew Kyron.

Above BBM. This isn't directed at any one person but rather is just a comment about the specific question that I Bolded in above post...

"Did they really need to drag a 9 year old in[to the GJ hearing] to make this point?
IMO yes they obviously did, otherwise I do not see LE, DA, etc "dragging" children into court hearings unless it were necessary.

The other 2 opinions I have related to this above Bolded and quoted question is #1- I do not fault, nor am upset with LE having this 9 yr testify about an important issue, rather I blame the selfish individual who has harmed Kyron and as does the "ripple effect" the problems, heartache, undo stress, etc just continue to "ripple out" continuing to affect so very many innocent ppl on top of what has been done to Kyron.

And speaking of Kyron #2 is the injustice, malice, and abuse that precious little Kyron must have endured because of and from the person that harmed him and well, this 9 year olds brave testimony just doesn't even begin to equal what Kyron has gone thru. And personally I am glad that there are ppl running this "show" that are ensuring that justice be brought on Kyron's behalf and I think the 9 yr olds testimony was necessary in them ensuring such justice for Kyron.. JMO
If she was fishing with her e-mail, then why not show up at the school for the talent show and fish there? Talk about a supposed narcissist's dream spotlight...complete with her finding out Kyron is missing, sobbing, and holding baby K.

Just because there was a talent show, doesn't mean the parents were required or even supposed to attend. It may have been an okay if you come, okay if you don't scenario. If Kyron didn't have a big part, or was lumped in with another group because it was an "everyone must participate" type of school-wide talent show, then I honestly don't believe this is a big deal or the smoking gun. Honestly, of all the information to come out, this is the least important and most easily dismissed, IMHO.

And what's with having the nine-year-old testify? Couldn't they haven't gotten a teacher to testify about the specifics of the talent show? Is the prosecutor attempting to play on emotions with a child's testimony?

At this point, we don't know WHO has been called or will be called to testify in the GJ. They must have a reason to question this child.......I don't think it has anything to do with playing on emotions. I am sure by the time the GJ is over, many people will have been called. I am sure that is why we are not hearing anything from the community...because many of those connected thru the school may be called to testify and are keeping quiet because of that.
Oh no, not directed at any specific posting or poster here at all, very "in general" in multiple media reports/websites etc. since Kyron has been missing. The other thing that has bothered me is a comment made by Kaine or Desiree, maybe someone else as I can't even recall now- the comment about Kyron staying in bed until he was told to get up, etc. etc. It seems as if a comment has been made, and from one comment, innocent perhaps, a million inaccurate "facts" that color the way we look at this case have sprouted.

I think many of these comments have been taken out of context, and we're missing things.

Of course, I also think TH is guilty, and this could very well color my interpretation of the few facts in this case that are known......

Oh no, I didn't take it personally :) I just thought DY had commented on Kyron being timid, in general, not with respect to the getting out of bed issue in particular. My impression from her statements is that he is somewhat, or quite a bit, socially inhibited. And although I didn't base my initial comment on the vids I've seen, the one with him looking all backward at the kids in the chorus tends to confirm my thinking that he's a tad socially awkward in that kind of setting (bless his little heart).
I find it difficult to believe that the school would have scheduled a talent show mid-day if parents were supposed to attend - from what I can see, today in most families both parents work, and with the economy/job market what it is, who is going to risk annoying the boss by asking to take off for what might be a five minute presentation by their kid. For that matter, wouldn't that cause hard feelings among the kids based on which parents could afford the luxury of attending?

By my understanding, the science projects were set up the previous afternoon, and were available before school that morning - a much better opportunity for parents to get to see them at some point.

BTW, do we know why Kaine didn't go to the science fair? I believe it was stated Desiree had to work, but what about Kaine? Has this ever been addressed? Just speculating here, but given that he came home early and was working from home, it sounds as if his hours may have been somewhat flexible?
Terri emailed the teacher at 1:00 PM. A totally impossible time for the teacher to see her email, IMO

Ok, so that means what? If she wrote that email at 1pm on a Friday, when exactly did she expect to get a reply???? I would think if she wrote an email, she expected a reply before school was out, or otherwise she would have to wait until Monday to figure out when to pick up the SFP???? If that is the case, why write an email at all???? Unless she was expecting the teacher to reply with a question about Kyron's absence...which would set the ball rolling.

To me, why write an email for ANY reason knowing the teacher would not get to replying that day, or that weekend for that matter. Unless she meant to trigger the Teacher into asking about Kyron??? MO MO MO..and all that :)
Terri emailed the teacher at 1:00 PM. A totally impossible time for the teacher to see her email, IMO

Eh, not really. I have sent/recieved emails from my daughter's teacher at many random times during the school day. I don't know about Portland school, but here in Charlotte, our school has a computer with internet connection, including email for the teacher, right there in the classroom. My daughters 1st grade teacher last year, would also text/email me from her cell phone during class.
Maybe TH told Kyron to keep it a secret so that they could suprise Kaine with the talent show. For the boy who went before the GJ to make these statements tells me that Kyron among everyone else was full aware of his part in the program and the only one's that did not know were Kaine and DY .. she could have even went as far as to tell his teacher it was a secret to suprise Kaine ..... something along those lines


We don't even know if the talent show what what the boy testified to in front of the GJ. The TS comment came from the boy's mother, who was not even in the room during his testimony. For all we know, maybe he SAW Kyron leave WITH TERRI, and that is why he was testifying. That would also be something that no other teacher/adult could testify to on his behalf. To me, that would be a good reason to put a 9yo in front of a GJ.
Eh, not really. I have sent/recieved emails from my daughter's teacher at many random times during the school day. I don't know about Portland school, but here in Charlotte, our school has a computer with internet connection, including email for the teacher, right there in the classroom. My daughters 1st grade teacher last year, would also text/email me from her cell phone during class.

Yes, I totally agree with you, especially in the last maybe 5 years, email has become a major way for direct communication between parents and teachers and my kids teachers seem to reply within the hour sometimes, and alway the same day.

We don't even know if the talent show what what the boy testified to in front of the GJ. The TS comment came from the boy's mother, who was not even in the room during his testimony. For all we know, maybe he SAW Kyron leave WITH TERRI, and that is why he was testifying. That would also be something that no other teacher/adult could testify to on his behalf. To me, that would be a good reason to put a 9yo in front of a GJ.

Yes, true

It is so hard to stay focused on the thread topic....all these thoughts keep popping up.....:)
Ok, so that means what? If she wrote that email at 1pm on a Friday, when exactly did she expect to get a reply???? I would think if she wrote an email, she expected a reply before school was out, or otherwise she would have to wait until Monday to figure out when to pick up the SFP???? If that is the case, why write an email at all???? Unless she was expecting the teacher to reply with a question about Kyron's absence...which would set the ball rolling.

To me, why write an email for ANY reason knowing the teacher would not get to replying that day, or that weekend for that matter. Unless she meant to trigger the Teacher into asking about Kyron??? MO MO MO..and all that :)

It is a great way to CYA!!!
1. Re the email. Wow! As a teacher, I look at my email in the am, lunch and after school. A lot of teachers where I work don't get to look at their email for a couple of days depending on what is going on. We joke that we wear Depends because going to a bathroom is not always possible.

The Talent Show was to start at 1:00 so that would be an impossible time.

2. Re the child and the grand jury. How does anyone know what he testified? Perhaps Kyron told this child he was going to the doctor. Or perhaps Kyron told the child he was going to meet Terri out in the parking lot. THESE ARE IMAGINARY EXAMPLES.

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