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1984 All Over Again:The Collective Rules
Mar 26, 2007
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The TV net is closing in around the Maria's murderer.
This thread is for Television Info/Clues related to the case.
Updates or refinements of the “facts” as they evolve are welcome.
(Interpretation, theories and speculations are on other threads.)

~~ Just the “facts,” Ma’am or Sir, as they are reported on TV ~~
........(including reminders for related upcoming shows)........

I know ~~ TV “facts” are sometimes “breaking,” “fluid,”
and just plain incorrect, but with competing networks
bringing us “the latest,” the truth often squeaks through.
REMINDER: America’s Most Wanted

Tonight on Fox at 9 p.m. ET/PT, 8 p.m. CT

More about tonight’s show @
So far, AMW not as informative as Websleuths (10-minute segment).

Two things new to me:
1. The picture of Maria (?) at ATM on 12/14.......
I was not able to identify her, but her mom w/b able to.

2. Cesar withdrawing $ at same ATM w/Maria's card on 12/24........

Same day Cesar at Lowes, buying stuff using one of those large, low, flat trollies w/big wheels and tall handle.

clip @
Additional clips at the ATM w/Maria's card. Transcation images show:

12-14-07 FRI
... 16:19:38 -- Maria? approaches Stage R. Sunglasses. Hoodie sweatshirt.
... 16:19:41 -- Lettering on hoodie spells _AYTON?
... 16:19:49 -- or HATTON?
... 16:19:57 -- Maria? looks stage Left (toward her R shoulder)
... 16:20:01 -- Maria? half in shot -- some background visible.
... 16:20:03 -- Maria? w/left hand to chin.
... 16:20:18 --
... 16:20:39 -- Maria (pregnant, hair pulled back, sunglasses) exits stage R.

. . . 10 days . . .

12-24-07 MON
16:59:36 -- View of lot/street in background.
16:59:38 --
16:59:40 -- Arm in tee-shirt w/cloth (knit cap?) in hand.
16:59:43 -- Knit cap blocking camera shot.
17:00:58 -- Exit stage R. Male. Tee-shirt & jeans. Knit cap on head.
17:01:01 --
17:01:02 -- Car (Maria's?) driving toward stage L in background.
17:01:05 --

Photo below clips: Cesar? Stage R ATM. Knit cap. Tee-shirt w/logo.

Other clip: Cesar later on 12/24 shopping at Lowes. He's wearing a dark sweatshirt over a light tee-shirt (direct overhead view).


Greta will be reporting on Fox News 10pm ET/7PM PT Mon, 1/21/08, on scene at the Laurean's backyard.
Greta will be reporting on Fox News 10pm ET/7PM PT Mon, 1/21/08, on scene at the Laurean's backyard.

Thanks, KR2T .......... Here's an update on that tip:

Crime Scene Pics

Monday, January 21st, 2008 It has been confirmed to us that law enforcement believes Maria Lauterbach was murdered inside the Laurean garage and not inside the Laurean house. Tonight you will see the inside of the garage - the very spot where the police believe Maria was murdered.
Thanks to chico for this tip.........

Breaking news on this case. Shep on Fox News Channel reporting that there is a new lead. Trace G is on scene at the sheriff office. These leads came in from AMW. One tip in particular from Mexico seems to be credible. They are now checking out these leads that came in. Trace is saying that Maria died from the first blow.

And Shep also has a show at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET .... he might have Trace G reporting at that time, too ........ 3 hours before Greta.

Saw the Trace Gallagher report at 4 pm--probably the same tape chico saw. Only additional is one of the leads (from Texas, I think) interested the FBI more than the others and caused them to send a bunch of resources to the area ........ but of course they wouldnt tell him any more than that. Trace speculated they might give more details "tomorrow."

Oh and (I hadn't heard this before) Shep said Christina got home from the party at 7:00 p.m. on 12/14/07.
Notes from Greta 01/21/2008

... Cesar went shopping at Lowes on both 12/16/07 and 12/24/07.

.... Begin video clip: Captain Sutherland Onslow County Sheriff's Department.
... Cesar's house has blood splatter .... Sutherland saw what he believed to be blood to his expert eye when he first investigated ... may not have been as clear and plain to a lay person.
... Two doors into house from backyard, one into living room, one into garage.
... Wheel barrow was full of water when investigators found it in the back of the backyard.

... Sheriff Brown: Planks removed from the grave appeared to be from the fence. Fence has missing planks in two places ... Probably used in the burning.
... When asked to do so, Xtina showed Brown where Cesar had told her Maria committed suicide. It was a place in the backyard, not in the house.
... During the backyard interview w/Brown, he noticed a black man's sneaker outside the garage. He turned it over and noticed what could be blood. He called CSI to come pick it up.

... end of part one of video @ Http://

... Back in sheriff's office, Brown said he was first informed about Cesar when investigators told him about being called to the Base to interview Cesar and Cesar refusing to answer questions, immediately requesting a lawyer.

... Brown scheduled an appointment with Cesar on Thursday, January 10.
But Cesar did not keep the appointment and did not call.

... Brown called The Base at 9:00 a.m. Friday, January 11, and was told that Cesar had "checked out for the day." Later that day, Christina arrived at Brown's office, accompanied by NCIS.

Think capture! :behindbar
..... Breaking news out of Mexico in the case of that Marine wanted in the murder of a fellow Marine. CNN`s Harris Whitbeck (CNN Mexico City Bureau Chief) reports a cousin of Cesar Laurean says he saw the suspected killer in Mexico recently. Juan Antonio Ramos (Cesar's cousin) told CNN Laurean visited him at his liquor store near Guadalajara a week ago.
..... Harris Whitbeck: Cesar Armando, the one who lives in the United States, came to see you here?
..... Juan Ramos: Yes, just a few days ago, last week.
..... Harris Whitbeck: And what did he tell you?
..... Juan Ramos: Just, Hi, I`m just passing by. He told me he was here with some buddies for a few days, and you know, it`s not the first time he`s come by to visit, say hi to the family.
..... WHITBECK (voice over): We asked him if at the time he knew of the charges that have been levied against his cousin, and he said no. Shortly after that visit, he saw the news on CNN that his cousin was being looked for.

..... GRACE: . . . Harris, thank you for being with us. What`s the latest?
..... WHITBECK: Well, Nancy, people are kind of reeling at the news today that a cousin of Corporal Laurean actually confirmed having seen him last week. We spoke to Mexican law enforcement authorities just a while ago and asked them if they were launching any special investigations.
..... They were asking us for information. They said that they had no information as to the whereabouts of this individual and they also reiterated that the federal law enforcement agency in Mexico had not received an official request of help from the U.S., which contradicts what the U.S. embassy has been telling us here in that U.S. and Mexican law are working together trying to find this individual. . . .
..... GRACE: The family says you guys were the first ones to approach them about a sighting of the fugitive Marine wanted for rape and murder. You guys are the first ones to speak to them?
..... WHITBECK: That`s correct, Nancy. That`s what they told us. We spent two or three days working on this . . . -- producer Mirea Lopez(ph) from our bureau in Mexico City first approached this by trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. She was able to do that quite easy here in Guadalajara. She went to the city hall, asked for a copy of his birthday certificate with his name, last names, add the information from FBI Web site, and with that birthday certificate, we were able to find the addresses that eventually led us to this liquor store. It`s not rocket science.

..... SUSAN CANDIOTTI (CNN national correspondent) . . . First, let`s give you the route. We understand that he went from Raleigh to Houston and that the FBI tells me that they do have confirmation evidence that he got to that bus station in Houston but a law enforcement source will not reveal what that information is. We know that from Houston, he got on a bus from a company called the Tornado Bus Company, paid about $170 for that ticket, and went from there to a town called San Luis Potispo, and then from there he went on to Guadalajara.
..... We don`t know exactly how long it took for him to make this very long journey. By our calculation, it`s about 2400 miles at least from Raleigh all the way to Guadalajara. . . .

Complete transcript @

Think capture! :behindbar
Timeline Doesn't Add Up

This is the timeline TG is asking about:.... Maria "last seen" 12/14/07 at 4:20 pm at ATM
.... It took TG 20 minutes to drive from ATM to Cesar's house.
.... So 4:45 pm is the earliest M c/b at C's house.
.... Xtina got home @ 7pm
.... Maria's car ended up parked at the bus depot.
.... Maria didnt drive it there because she was dead.
.... Where was M's car before it was spotted at the bus depot?
.... Who drove it there and how did that person get back home?

one question TG does not ask: what about the report that puts M at Trailways w/C @ 5 pm? Is that off the table now? ....... Maybe he's just saying that, if the timeline doesn't fit without Trailways, then it certainly doesn't fit with it.

Think capture! :behindbar
ATM Update: Correction to Post #3 ....... thanks, TomsGirl! :)

NOT, the same ATM!
Maria used a BofA ATM in the 14th..........
Cesar used the Marine Federal Credit Union ATM on Christmas Eve

A closer look at the clips from AMW shows the backgrounds are different.
There's a pipe railing behind Maria.
There are just two upright pipes behind Cesar.

Think CL behind pipes! :behindbar
Report on Eyewitness News 9 by Philip Jones on 1-11-8

.... Roshaun Hames is the man who sold the ticket to Maria on 12/14 @ 5pm .....said she looked "very pregnant."
.... He says she asked him if it would be OK for her to leave her car parked at the station.
.... Maria drove away from the station, did not leave her car that day.
.... Maria scheduled the ticket for use on 12/15, but the ticket was good for 6 months.
.... That ticket was never used (According to the bus station’s computer system).

.... M's car was found "near the bus station on Monday" (01/07) by Onslow Cty investigators.
.... It had been there since Sat. 12/15, according to "bus station employees."

.... Durham (M's housemate) said M had been bedridden lately because of the pregnancy.
.... (according to "search warrants obtained Thursday by WNCT") 01/10 ?
.... Sgt. Daniel Durham ordered (by Camp LeJeune) to return from Calif. to "answer
.... the same earch warrants also show that deputies were sifting through Western Union records.

Thx to Littledeer for the link! :)
Grand jury indicts fugitive Marine Cesar Laurean, (still on the run)
.... First degree murder.
.... Stealing Maria Lauterbach`s ATM card.
.... Attempting to steal her ATM card,
.... Fraud (Pretending to be Maria when he used that debit card.
.... Robbing Maria w/dangerous weapon (blunt force trauma to the head).

.... NANCY GRACE, HOST: First of all, I want to go straight down to Mexico City, Mexico. Standing by, the CNN Mexico City bureau chief, Harris Whitbeck. Harris, thank you for being with us tonight. Harris, tell me, have the … law enforcement authorities from anywhere contacted you yet, since you and your crew were the first ones to find a witness placing Laurean in Mexico?
.... HARRIS WHITBECK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely no contact, Nancy. And the last time we spoke to the family in Guadalajara, which was about 24 hours ago, they told us that they had not been contacted by the authorities, either. They also said that they were not going to be answering their phone anymore. They were concerned about the attention that they were getting after their revelation that Cesar Laurean had, in fact, visited the cousin and his aunt about a week ago. So no, no contact.
.... The last we heard from the authorities was that they had received a request for cooperation from the United States, but no sort of formal arrest warrant, meaning that only if they happened upon Cesar Laurean somewhere in Mexico, getting him on a traffic violation or something like that, could they detain him. But that does not empower them to launch a proactive search for this individual.

.... GRACE: . . . Out to Dewey Hudson. Mr. Hudson, ... are you shocked, stunned, disturbed, concerned that, apparently, nobody`s doing anything to bring Laurean back home for you to prosecute?
.... DEWEY HUDSON, ONSLOW COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY: ... I am dismayed that there`s been very little effort in Mexico to apprehend Mr. Laurean.
.... GRACE: Well, true, but what can the U.S. do? What can we do? What power do we have, Dewey Hudson, to find him on our own? . . .
.... HUDSON: ... The information I have received -- and I received that last week, when we prepared this request for a provisional extradition from Mexico last Friday -- that basically, Mexico was not going to do anything until I filed that request and it was -- went up the channels of command in United States and through the Mexican authorities and ultimately end up in a judge`s courtroom and the judge had issued an order for arrest, a warrant for arrest, in Mexico before anything was going to be done.

.... GRACE: Well, it`s my understanding as we went to air, we are still waiting on a judge to sign an arrest warrant. Has one been signed?
.... HUDSON: I have not been notified if one has, and I was in consultation with Washington today, and they were hoping that it would be resolved soon ...

"Still waiting on a judge!" [FONT=&quot]:behindbar
Duane 'Dog' Chapman on Fugitive Marine Manhunt

"On the Record ," January 30, 2008.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: . . . All right. Dog, how do — what — how do you find Cesar Laurean?

CHAPMAN: Well, first of all, we've — it took us 19 days — we being Americans — to get this right. First of all, America has to ask Interpol for a "locate and notify," which they didn't do for, like, 17 days. Once Mark Fuhrman went down there, he started asking questions, Have you seen Cesar? Have you — has he been around? And he — the first thing he did is ask, Is he wanted? He checked the computer. He checked the Mexican government. He was not wanted because Mexico did not know he was wanted because America didn't tell them.

America has to specially request what is called a provisional arrest warrant. A provisional arrest warrant is different than an arrest warrant we have in America. It is a warrant that is — that allows someone to be arrested in another country. That should have been issued, like, three days after we found out he was in Mexico. That wasn't issued by America for several, several days.

Mark Fuhrman went down there and started stirring up the dust, went to Mexico City, said, Hey, wait a minute, I'm down here looking, you know, to take a picture of this guy, but there's no warrant. Once they found that out, America did, then I guess the FBI went to work and got a provisional arrest warrant.

The provisional arrest warrant tells the Mexican government two things. Number one, We're looking for Cesar. Number two, Here's the charge. Then the Mexican government, without America, goes out on the streets where you just seen Mark and arrests Cesar, puts him in jail, and then the extradition treaty takes over.

So no one looked for this guy, couldn't look for this guy in Mexico for 19 days because we, as America, dropped the ball again. So like I say, if it wouldn't have been for Mark Fuhrman going down there and saying, Is there a warrant, this guy'd still be running and no warrant.

Now, what happens next? The Mexico government arrests him, puts him in jail, and of course, we await extradition. Mexico, however, if you're wanted for more than a 50-year sentence and/or the death penalty, in the Mexican constitution, it . . . says if a person is going back to America or any other country to face the death penalty, they will not be allowed to go back. ...

VAN SUSTEREN: ... Are they [Mexico] going to go pick him up?

CHAPMAN: Yes, they are. I just checked hours ago with my connections in Mexico. Now that Mark has got the warrant ready to go, Mexico is going to execute that warrant, which means they are hunting him. They are going to pick him up. ...

(video cliip) @
Christina showed the cops where Cesar said Maria committed was a spot in the backyard...I think if Christina knew about Cesar killing Maria or as others believe, she killed Maria herself or she was in on the cover up then she would not have said that..I believe the reason she said it was because it is what Cesar told her had happened. I don't think she knew much about anything in regards to the murder. I don't know how often they entertained but I believe the home improvements they were making to their home played so cleverly in the timeline....what woman would not wnat their home to look beautiful for the holidays and parties...and Cesar I believe played that to his advantage...making Christina happy and also covering up a brutal murder.
I am sorry.,WS'ers. I just realized after reading so many threads that I posted this at the wrong place. Please forgive me. But the thought came to my mind and I immediately began typing my thoughts.

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