The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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Left the judge's mic on. Someone went over and told him to turn it off... something about what the bloggers are saying... you could hear the judge saying there was a lot of crying... mixed emotions.
Jury requested an escort to their vehicles, I don't blame them at all.
Certainty of a successful appeal is probably no better founded than certainty of a NG verdict before the jury returned.
Sadly, there's no joy in Mudville... the entire thing is sad - no elation, no celebrating

Just sadness that this happened and something could not have been worked out, or Nancy could not have left earlier and whatever - I can't imagine the guilt from the folks that she was sharing information with - how they beat themselves up about what could they have done to change the outcome here?

And how scary that people like Brad live among us so undetected.....
I had a very strong impression all day that they had reached a verdict and it would be guilty in the first. I followed another trial recently and the jury did pretty much the same thing; knew in the beginning they all believed guilty, deliberated 12 hours over 2 days, came in with the unanimous guilty verdict at the end of the second day.

As much as I like all you guys, I wish we weren't here having these discussions. I wish he had not killed her and she was still alive to bring joy to friends and family. Nobody wins but at least justice is served. MOO
I did not mean to start anything about who hugged who. Both of these families are in pain and will never heal.
Rentz's have to be feeling some pain realizing the son in law they grew fond of and trusted did this to their beloved daughter. The Rentz's never slandered him even though in their hearts they felt he did it. This is a no win situation, but is justice for NC.

RIP Nancy!
Nancy Cooper's mother kisses prosecutor Boz Zellinger on the cheek. #coopertrial
7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Nancy Cooper's mother goes over to Brad Cooper's parents, touches them on shoulder & tries to talk to them. #coopertrial
7 minutes ago

wral WRAL NEWS in NC
#CooperTrial jury asks to be escorted from the building.
11 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Judge tells jury: Don't concern yourself with bloggers & commenters. Your opinion is the only opinion that counts. #coopertrial
12 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Agreed. For those skeptical of the states case, thank you for your thoughts along the way. Many valid ideas were shared. *sorry for lousy typing on iPhone :-(
The judge pretty much said to ignore the crazies over at GOLO
Huge amount of respect for the Rentz family. Mrs R's attempt to comfort the Coopers was amazing. I do understand their stunned reaction... I'm sure they believe their son is innocent.
Justice is served. When DR hugged Cummings, I lost it. So glad the jury saw Brad for who Nancy saw in her last minutes on this earth.
I am so happy the jury made the right decision. GUILTY of murder in the first degree!!!! (Folks who are shocked... Look at Brad. He's not shocked.)

While I agree he did not looked shocked - but he did appear to zoned out. JMO
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
#CooperTrial prosecutor & someone from Nancy Cooper's family will make statements shortly. Will be carried LIVE on
If he did it, he did it, if he didnt, he didnt but this was a poorly presented case by the prosecution that IMO failed to meet the burden of proof. They had a lot of help from a biased judge which IMO is a pretty accurate statement given how choked up he got at the end.

And yet, the 12 people closest to the entire case unanimously thought the state did. Did you get to see all the photos or hear 100% of testimony?
Know what, I don't know if I can blame them. Their son just got sent to prison for life. I wouldn't be in a hugging mood either.

Not to speak of their two grandchildren, who knows if they are allowed to see them.
I think blaming the parents is not really fair or nice for this matter.

I am shocked, not so much about the guilty; I thougth he is, but I tought they would go for 2nd degree.

Anyhow, many thanks to everyone here, for the warm welcome when I started posting here and the many explanations I kept asking for.
I hope this brings resolution to the Rentz family. I am rather surprised by the verdict given the evidence that we saw. I think his defense team was rather shocked as well. It would be interesting to know what was the deciding factor in their decision.
Not surprised by the verdict, extremely pleased. The jury obviously used common sense and didn't succumb to the "conspiracy" theories that someone tampered with Brad's computer. It was what it was. Justice prevailed.

Now I'm ready for Jason Young's trial. Don't think it will last as long as this trial did.
While ultimately the person that killed Nancy Cooper was found guilty, I will always have issues with how this case was investigated, prosecuted, and judged. I've enjoyed our "debates" on here :slapfight: I am very thankful to get my life back now.
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