The Zodiac Killer...maybe?

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If you can earn my hubby money in the oil industry at the moment, I'll back up your claim! rollingggggggg eyes please :rolleyes:

Damn you Zodiac, I KNEW YOU WERE STILL ALIVE. And I thought the hollywood movie would make you come forward like the BTK news media anniversary story made him mad... But it was Websleuths instead? Your IQ is higher than we 1st thought.

Goz hon, you look an awful lot like a sexy man named Bono. Any relation? ;)
Shame what people will do to sell a few homes hey?

PattyCake- Of course BONO won't admit it, but I'm his long lost sexy lover. I broke his heart years ago. :):) Thanks for asking. I think he is still searching for me.

She looks very polished and prepared for a media appearance.

Why would the Zodiac take a seven-year-old along on his crime spree? Couldn't he afford a babysitter?
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! The article in the Village Voice notes that the glasses that Perez showed do not match Paul Stine's glasses and credits that info to "True Crime Report". A link to that site indicates that the info was first exposed by a poster at A check on that site shows that the poster in question was...drum roll please...Dr. Doogie!

I will now bask in my 15 seconds of fame! Until I find a cure for cancer, this will have to be my claim to glory. :crazy:
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! The article in the Village Voice notes that the glasses that Perez showed do not match Paul Stine's glasses and credits that info to "True Crime Report". A link to that site indicates that the info was first exposed by a poster at A check on that site shows that the poster in question was...drum roll please...Dr. Doogie!

I will now bask in my 15 seconds of fame! Until I find a cure for cancer, this will have to be my claim to glory. :crazy:

LOL, it's the crime bloggers version of six degrees of Kevin Bacon. That's very cool Dr. Doogie. :clap:
I feel guilty for starting this thread but it sure set off a lot of good humor!!! Thanks, everyone!!! LOL We all need the laughs!
Obviously this woman is full of B*O*L*O*G*N*A
I feel guilty for starting this thread but it sure set off a lot of good humor!!! Thanks, everyone!!! LOL We all need the laughs!
Obviously this woman is full of B*O*L*O*G*N*A

Hey Columbo, and everyone else who responded to my question about this being a new name: Thanks for all of the astute observations, and comic relief. And, Columbo, my geographical knowledge of California isn't as good as someone who has lived there, but your point about where the crimes took place is a very good one. Just another "give me my 15 minutes of fame" person. I guess the only mystery left to uncover is where did she get those glasses?

whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo

Enjoy your 15 and than back to cancer cure ok?
I feel guilty for starting this thread but it sure set off a lot of good humor!!! Thanks, everyone!!! LOL We all need the laughs!
Obviously this woman is full of B*O*L*O*G*N*A

Nothing to feel guilty about! IMO, this lady needed to be outted for what she is. Too many in the mainstream media is reporting as if there is something to her story. And the laughs were great. lol.
Hey Columbo, and everyone else who responded to my question about this being a new name: Thanks for all of the astute observations, and comic relief. And, Columbo, my geographical knowledge of California isn't as good as someone who has lived there, but your point about where the crimes took place is a very good one. Just another "give me my 15 minutes of fame" person. I guess the only mystery left to uncover is where did she get those glasses?

The glasses could have been in her dads possesion, but they don't match the Zodiac victim's glasses at all.
Steve Huff pokes more holes into Ms Perez' story:

Deborah Perez has come forward to claim that her father, Guy Ward Hendrickson, was the Zodiac Killer. You can read what I've already had to say about that here.
I am amazed that Ms. Perez's ludicrous story has gotten some traction from the media. It seems like no one outside of perhaps a handful of San Francisco-based reporters really wants to poke around and see if her claims really track. (more at link)
The glasses could have been in her dads possesion, but they don't match the Zodiac victim's glasses at all.

Thanks, SuziQ - I had heard that the glasses didn't match just this evening, before I checked this page again. Appreciate your answer to my question. Just an observation which I am sure is obvious to everyone here at Websleuths: The Zodiac himself was crazy enough, but he lives on in the way he continues to bring out all the crazies claiming some connection to that psycho.
Unfortunately, every time one of these hucksters and/or certifiables claims to know who the Zodiac is, we move farther and farther away from the truth. Perez, Dennis Kaufman, even Robert Greysmith each have wasted what is probably a finite amount of media attention on promoting their suspects and none of these suspects is the Zodiac. Each time someone cries "wolf", the harder it becomes to get people to listen.

This is bothersome to me on a few fronts, but not the least of which is that I honestly believe that I know who Zodiac is. But you will not see me calling press conferences - at least not until I feel that I have PROOF of my theories. I am working daily on nailing this down, but I may never have the smoking gun that I seek. But what I will never do is make accusations that I cannot prove.
Ms. Perez has in the past claimed that she is JFK's illegitimate child. A must read expose' at the below link:

Deborah Perez's claims that her adoptive father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac Killer are probably part of a rather sad pattern of behavior. What she surely may not want anyone to know at this point is the famous American whom she claims was her real father. Perez made these claims to more than one reputable, reliable source. (more at link)
Ms. Perez has in the past claimed that she is JFK's illegitimate child. A must read expose' at the below link:

Deborah Perez's claims that her adoptive father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac Killer are probably part of a rather sad pattern of behavior. What she surely may not want anyone to know at this point is the famous American whom she claims was her real father. Perez made these claims to more than one reputable, reliable source. (more at link)

WOW I can't believe the media didn't check her out just a little bit.
WOW I can't believe the media didn't check her out just a little bit.

Welcome to the new corporate media where it is more important to gain viewers/readers than it is to uncover the truth.

There is another idiot by the name of Dennis Kaufman who has been claiming that HIS stepfather is the Zodiac (and he has the hood to prove it) whose story has been mercilessly pimped by CBS13 TV in Sacramento. This station has been notified that (1) Kaufman has been trying to sell his brand of hogwash for years in Zodiac circles with no one knowledgable in the case buying, and (2) Kaufman has made other specious claims involving "discovered" evidence linking his step-pappy to the Zodiac. Yet the station continues to issue "updates" whenever viewership begins to wane. Shame on them and shame on any media outlet who passes along Ms. Perez delusions as anything other than the BS that it is.
Ms. Perez has in the past claimed that she is JFK's illegitimate child. A must read expose' at the below link:

Deborah Perez's claims that her adoptive father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac Killer are probably part of a rather sad pattern of behavior. What she surely may not want anyone to know at this point is the famous American whom she claims was her real father. Perez made these claims to more than one reputable, reliable source. (more at link)

What a legacy...JFK's illegitimate child, the Zodiac's adoptive daughter.. :waitasec:

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