Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #4

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I thought they left her in a hotel room with their other even younger children, and they were vacationing.

They did, and they were, and they also went to check on the children every 20 minutes or so. I believe a friend of theirs also checked on the children, too.
Hmmmm....might he have come home to find Haleigh overdosed? It wouldn't be a stretch for a self-avowed drugger to drug a child with something simple, like Benadryl, or an illegally gotten prescription like Oxycontin, just to make her sleep so she could go out to play herself. There have been several high-profile murder trials of people who killed tots accidentally that way.

If that is what happened, because they would both share accountability for the death, maybe he took off with the body to hide, stopped at the store for alibi, and the charade began.

OR, maybe he arrived home to find Misti GONE (wouldn't surprise me), Haleigh dead from an overdose, felt responsible and FURIOUS that Misti bugged out on the kids after their 8:30 fight, hid the body, and while he was still out, SHE came home to find Haleigh gone and truly had no clue what had happened to her. Ron then came home shortly after and blamed her, as in "how could you let my child get stole, b*tch", thinking that would shift blame to her but not for a MURDER, just negligence.

Maybe Ron felt badly enough about shifting the blame/attention to HER knowing she was innocent, and so he married her to make up for that, but never got over his passive/aggressive seething anger at her wild weekend and ditching the kids to go party the night Haleigh died. So they both share in the responsibility for the death.

Maybe her brother was actually sent over to "look in" on the kids and be sure they were still sleepiing. Hey, if respected physicians like the McCanns in Great Britain can get away with this as an acceptable standard, you don't think it had been done routinely by folks such as the Cummings/Croslins?

This could be why the 'deception' test results are so confusing, and why Ron just flat out refuses to be tested. It could also be why Ron showed such a heightened need to control her answers when they were televised in interviews.

The more I think about this theory, the more I like it.

Bold by me of course, I am bumping the article because while you might have interpreted the article differently than I did, it doesn't make your interpretation any more valid than mine. If it does I need someone to post a list of which posters statements are supposed to be accepted more than another posters. I surely am not trying to say that anyone is wrong or right, but I can't help but feel that every-time I make a post in any thread, not only is my opinion rejected( and I could really care less about that) it is more often than not ridiculed.

Why is this about who is wrong or right? How can any of us be wrong or right when this case isn't solved? I replied to OneLove's post as respectfully as I knew how, based on facts that we have in this case, and OneLove wasn't even the poster that replied to me. Debs how could you possibly know what or how OneLove felt when writing that post?

I don't alert to people's posts, I have done it once and that was for a very apparent TOS violation. I, instead, attempt to do the best I can to respectfully attack the post and not the poster. That is what I am doing now, I took a break yesterday and refrained from posting all day and evening. This is a crime forum where everyone is supposed to be important and valued, I don't feel like either. Perhaps everyone wants to belong to a forum with those with the same opinions and get kudo's all day by everyone who has the same opinion, questions solve cases. I guess the problem here is everyone has the case solved and anyone whjo thinks there is still things to sleuth is in the wrong place now.
Bold by me of course, I am bumping the article because while you might have interpreted the article differently than I did, it doesn't make your interpretation any more valid than mine. If it does I need someone to post a list of which posters statements are supposed to be accepted more than another posters. I surely am not trying to say that anyone is wrong or right, but I can't help but feel that every-time I make a post in any thread, not only is my opinion rejected( and I could really care less about that) it is more often than not ridiculed.

Why is this about who is wrong or right? How can any of us be wrong or right when this case isn't solved? I replied to OneLove's post as respectfully as I knew how, based on facts that we have in this case, and OneLove wasn't even the poster that replied to me. Debs how could you possibly know what or how OneLove felt when writing that post?

I don't alert to people's posts, I have done it once and that was for a very apparent TOS violation. I, instead, attempt to do the best I can to respectfully attack the post and not the poster. That is what I am doing now, I took a break yesterday and refrained from posting all day and evening. This is a crime forum where everyone is supposed to be important and valued, I don't feel like either. Perhaps everyone wants to belong to a forum with those with the same opinions and get kudo's all day by everyone who has the same opinion, questions solve cases. I guess the problem here is everyone has the case solved and anyone whjo thinks there is still things to sleuth is in the wrong place now.

I'm not sure why you're singling me out, Elle. I merely responded with my perspective. Thanks.
Oh Bern, I think I see where you are coming from regarding arresting them.

I am getting arrests, charges and indictments all muddled up. I wasn't being clear. Sure then can arrest them on charges if they want problem. Indicting them and going to court for convictions....different story. Once they take them into a court for convicitions,they can't charge them again or use that evidence from the one case to convict on a similar or new charge. If the new charge contains ANY evidence that was used against them previously, it would be thrown out.
I believe that the McCann's were referenced only in the leaving of their children in the home alone while they dined 100 yards away at a restaurant.

Thank you Debs for clarifying that in my absence. And yes, my comment made the point that the professional and well-educated McCanns clearly had a habit, acceptable to them and their group of similarly well-educated and 'respectable' friends, of leaving their very young children unattended for hours at a time.

When their daughter turned up "stolen" *cough cough*, they said someone went and checked on them every 20 minutes, although from the quantity of alcohol drunk, I'd be very impressed if they actually kept tabs on the time that precisely.

When they were questioned in detail about the "checking in on the kids", who and when and how, iirc some of those times were simply "listening in through the closed door", not actually seeing them, and not hearing anything, assuming they must be fine and dandy. Sometime in there, with only 20 minutes supposedly between checkers, a child turned up missing.

So, my comment makes the point that there ARE more people than most of us would want to believe that find it acceptable to leave sleeping children unattended. A young child can choke to death, fall off a balconey or stairs, scald themselves, break a bone jumping off furniture, kill another child, ingest poisons or medications, or burn up in a fire in far less than 20 minutes.

The drugging them to get them to sleep and stay asleep has been brought up in a number of cases and test results on hair samples to determine long term abuse, IF they were done, have never been released to the public. As far as I know, that is true for Caylee Anthony, Madeleine McCann, and Haleigh Cummings.

I'm sorry, Elle, if this post caused you distress; it was not intended to in any way. My love and concern is with the children who have no voice or power of their own and need others to be that voice so their odds of living to see adulthood are better.
Oh Bern, I think I see where you are coming from regarding arresting them.

I am getting arrests, charges and indictments all muddled up. I wasn't being clear. Sure then can arrest them on charges if they want problem. Indicting them and going to court for convictions....different story. Once they take them into a court for convicitions,they can't charge them again or use that evidence from the one case to convict on a similar or new charge. If the new charge contains ANY evidence that was used against them previously, it would be thrown out.

thanks Whisperer,

I don't know much about how the law works. I thought if she was charged, like this boyfriend in the other missing child case, that would at least get her in jail and maybe make her think about clearing up some of those inconsistencies. Right now, she is free to run around and do what she pleases, but if she was sitting in jail, and knew anything that could help solve this case; she would tell. If the child negligence or endangerment stuck and then they found out Haleigh was sold, or dead or accidentally killed in the home, they could drop the first lesser charge and hit her and anyone else with the greater charges. I just know that the two of them are really scared of going to jail. If she found herself in this boat by herself, I think she would be willing to give up some info. Thanks again, I am better at theories and dreams....LOL
The drugging them to get them to sleep and stay asleep has been brought up in a number of cases and test results on hair samples to determine long term abuse, IF they were done, have never been released to the public. As far as I know, that is true for Caylee Anthony, Madeleine McCann, and Haleigh Cummings.

Just wanted to clarify here, I am NOT saying it is true Caylee, Maddy, and Haleigh were drugged. I AM saying that if they were tested, the results have not been made public. So we don't really know.
It sure would be nice to lock some of these players up, wouldn't it? Problem is they bail out. RC has enough money to bail out of any charge other than a major felony of monstrous proportions. I agree but I think that RC is much more scared than misty about doing time.

OT: I would love to have seen casey charged with those crimes right up front. She would have had to spend her time in prison instead of her comfy "dorm" as she calls it.

I predict major fireworks when or if they ever move her and take her out of her comfort zone. Her attorney has kept her out of prison and keeps pushing back these check charges. Did I ever tell you I don't like Defense Attorneys? Now she won't go to prison on them because they are going to claim it is so close to trial...blah, blah, blah.
Bold by me of course, I am bumping the article because while you might have interpreted the article differently than I did, it doesn't make your interpretation any more valid than mine. If it does I need someone to post a list of which posters statements are supposed to be accepted more than another posters. I surely am not trying to say that anyone is wrong or right, but I can't help but feel that every-time I make a post in any thread, not only is my opinion rejected( and I could really care less about that) it is more often than not ridiculed.

Why is this about who is wrong or right? How can any of us be wrong or right when this case isn't solved? I replied to OneLove's post as respectfully as I knew how, based on facts that we have in this case, and OneLove wasn't even the poster that replied to me. Debs how could you possibly know what or how OneLove felt when writing that post?

I don't alert to people's posts, I have done it once and that was for a very apparent TOS violation. I, instead, attempt to do the best I can to respectfully attack the post and not the poster. That is what I am doing now, I took a break yesterday and refrained from posting all day and evening. This is a crime forum where everyone is supposed to be important and valued, I don't feel like either. Perhaps everyone wants to belong to a forum with those with the same opinions and get kudo's all day by everyone who has the same opinion, questions solve cases. I guess the problem here is everyone has the case solved and anyone whjo thinks there is still things to sleuth is in the wrong place now.

Elle, since you brought this up, I would like to respond. I don't alert to people's posts. Have never alerted to someone's post. Although I have felt
ridiculed and belittled. I have quit posting in most instances because I do not want trouble and hurt feelings for anyone. But you are one of the main ones that I feel does belittle others or their posts. I don't want everyone to think the same, I like different ideas, but I think some of the posters are believing they are seeing and doing somethings when others cannot see that.
I think you are wrong in thinking we all seek kudos for our opinions, we want to rationalize and speak together as friends, not as adversaries. I don't want you to assume the worst of others, but rather the best and understand you are the one who sees herself surrounded by such dissention, maybe a closer look would be in order. Merry Christmas and this is just my opinion.
I too respect others posts and theories here. That is why we are here to kick around a idea and see if it fits. I am very logical in my thinking and sometimes I know it gets on people's nerves, not saying here, just in life as I know it,LOL.. I try to see the "why and then the how" I have my theory not because I don't like Misty or Ron. Not because I think they are bad people or anything like that, it is because I look at what we have to work with and I see what I see and feel this is the most logical explanation. It may not be for others, they see it different, or feel something I don't. But I don't have a grudge against the Cummings or the Croslins, I don't know them, therefore I don't judge them, but I do observe behavior that may or may not have something to do with Haleigh gone missing. That is all I care about. If we narrowed it down to "Who", we could get a good idea of where she was. That's why I have ruled certain people out, you have to at some point. I have ruled Misty "in" but I am not 100% on who helped her that night. If we could do that, or at least get it down to 1 or 2 people, you may be able to figure out the "Where". This is not personal for me. Elle I hope you can understand that and know we aren't against anyone here.
I have a theory if I may
I have not read any of your posts before so I am sorry if this one has been discussed before
The first time I heard the 911 call I felt it was all an act
Misty was worried Ron would cheat on her and felt the need to check up on him
The little girl would not go to sleep so she took her with hoping she would fall asleep in the vehicle
She left the little boy home alone since he was already a sleep
She waited at Ron's work and watched to see where he goes after work or who he talks to
She follows him and he spots her checking up on him or following him
He leads her on a little goose chase then runs her off the road
He pulls over and a big fight breaks out
The little girl wakes up crying and some how she gets killed by Rons temper
He tells Misty to go home and call 911 and report her missing
He places the girl somewhere in the woods known by only him
He goes home and misty is waiting for him to scared to call 911
He pulls up and asks her if she called 911 and she tells him no
He tells her call them and say blah blah blah..... and you know the rest
I too respect others posts and theories here. That is why we are here to kick around a idea and see if it fits. I am very logical in my thinking and sometimes I know it gets on people's nerves, not saying here, just in life as I know it,LOL.. I try to see the "why and then the how" I have my theory not because I don't like Misty or Ron. Not because I think they are bad people or anything like that, it is because I look at what we have to work with and I see what I see and feel this is the most logical explanation. It may not be for others, they see it different, or feel something I don't. But I don't have a grudge against the Cummings or the Croslins, I don't know them, therefore I don't judge them, but I do observe behavior that may or may not have something to do with Haleigh gone missing. That is all I care about. If we narrowed it down to "Who", we could get a good idea of where she was. That's why I have ruled certain people out, you have to at some point. I have ruled Misty "in" but I am not 100% on who helped her that night. If we could do that, or at least get it down to 1 or 2 people, you may be able to figure out the "Where". This is not personal for me. Elle I hope you can understand that and know we aren't against anyone here.
Bern, I have always found you to be very respectful and non-judgemental in your posts, and I appreciate this because it encourages valuable dialogue. (Just wanted to let you know. :smile:)
I have a theory if I may
I have not read any of your posts before so I am sorry if this one has been discussed before
The first time I heard the 911 call I felt it was all an act
Misty was worried Ron would cheat on her and felt the need to check up on him
The little girl would not go to sleep so she took her with hoping she would fall asleep in the vehicle
She left the little boy home alone since he was already a sleep
She waited at Ron's work and watched to see where he goes after work or who he talks to
She follows him and he spots her checking up on him or following him
He leads her on a little goose chase then runs her off the road
He pulls over and a big fight breaks out
The little girl wakes up crying and some how she gets killed by Rons temper
He tells Misty to go home and call 911 and report her missing
He places the girl somewhere in the woods known by only him
He goes home and misty is waiting for him to scared to call 911
He pulls up and asks her if she called 911 and she tells him no
He tells her call them and say blah blah blah..... and you know the rest

Your theory makes sense!
Perhaps a cinder block scratched the van if it was carried by the van.
I still do not belive for one second Ron ever did anything bad to that child. I have said from the beginning that I think it is all on Misty. She did something to that child, then someone helped her get rid of the body in the river near there, where there are many large Gators.
I still do not belive for one second Ron ever did anything bad to that child. I have said from the beginning that I think it is all on Misty. She did something to that child, then someone helped her get rid of the body in the river near there, where there are many large Gators.

Which calls into question nearly every action Ronald and his family have taken in the ensuing 10 months.
I have a theory if I may
I have not read any of your posts before so I am sorry if this one has been discussed before
The first time I heard the 911 call I felt it was all an act
Misty was worried Ron would cheat on her and felt the need to check up on him
The little girl would not go to sleep so she took her with hoping she would fall asleep in the vehicle
She left the little boy home alone since he was already a sleep
She waited at Ron's work and watched to see where he goes after work or who he talks to
She follows him and he spots her checking up on him or following him
He leads her on a little goose chase then runs her off the road
He pulls over and a big fight breaks out
The little girl wakes up crying and some how she gets killed by Rons temper
He tells Misty to go home and call 911 and report her missing
He places the girl somewhere in the woods known by only him
He goes home and misty is waiting for him to scared to call 911
He pulls up and asks her if she called 911 and she tells him no
He tells her call them and say blah blah blah..... and you know the rest

There are witnesses who saw Misty driving the blue van Monday afternoon and saw her act abruptly with the children in her care. Misty was seen driving off in the opposite direction of her home when she left the bus stop.

We don't know when or how this blue van was turned over to Chelsea to later drive Lisa to Gainesville but Misty was at Greene Lane before the surpise visit by the AC man at 5 pm and as far as I know, the blue van wasn't parked at Greene Lane. If Misty was driving the blue van Monday afternoon, she didn't have it Monday evening and I wish we knew what transpired with Misty and Tommy between 3:30 pm and 5 pm. Did Tommy have access a vehicle Monday night while Lindsy's van was occupied?
Misty needed to have access to her own vehicle according to your theory to stalk Ron and as far as I know, Misty didn't drive any vehicle besides Lindsy's blue van before she had her driver's license.

Actually I think Ron and TN feared Misty would cheat on him Monday night and spied on Misty Monday night. The fact that Misty turned off her phone would have pushed Ron's buttons. Ron had access to a vehicle and a chance to disappear at work if he wanted to. Ron knows how to fabricate alibis; he formed one for the "Ratsgate" incident. I suspect there was a Show Down on Monday too.
Which calls into question nearly every action Ronald and his family have taken in the ensuing 10 months.

I think the actions of every single person that has had any involvment with any of the players in this case can be questioned.
Still, there is just nothing but speculation.
I still do not belive for one second Ron ever did anything bad to that child. I have said from the beginning that I think it is all on Misty. She did something to that child, then someone helped her get rid of the body in the river near there, where there are many large Gators.

Then why did Ron marry her? IF Ron Cummings thought for one minute that this 17 year old girl hurt his child (for even a minute), he probably would not have been able to control his temper. He would have killed her. There is something not quite right with this man.

I do agree that he loved his daughter, but something happened, and he knows what that is.

Misty does too. JMO
Misty cheated on Ron to retaliate
What man isn't gonna dish it back out or threaten to
People who do drugs are paranoid anyway with or without reason
They are also very violent when upset
He married her to keep her happy and silent
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