Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #4

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LF...thank you for the article.

Are you aware that the "Today Show" filmed his wedding and reception. WTH????

At the same time he was saying he didn't want any media in his personal life, he gave permission for them to film his wedding day.

Another example of how rc deceives people and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. What a piece of work he is!!!

So he got paid (lots) for the video. They brought him to NY and that was the reason he went.....FOR THE MONEY!!! I am convinced this guy is a complete narcissist and his soul is consumed with getting money.

rc is not what most people think...he is worse!!!
LF...thank you for the article.

Are you aware that the "Today Show" filmed his wedding and reception. WTH????

At the same time he was saying he didn't want any media in his personal life, he gave permission for them to film his wedding day.

Another example of how rc deceives people and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. What a piece of work he is!!!

So he got paid (lots) for the video. They brought him to NY and that was the reason he went.....FOR THE MONEY!!! I am convinced this guy is a complete narcissist and his soul is consumed with getting money.

rc is not what most people think...he is worse!!!

I didn't know the Today Show FILMED the wedding!!!! WOW!
Sure did is in the link LF just posted...can you believe that crap? He sat on tv and said his personal life is nobody's business. !
Did the cadaver dogs go in the mobile home, or were they just used for the ground search outside.
Don't know Gotarug...

.....come think of it, I don't recall they did. We heard blood hounds were in the home...
The awesome, contradictory Ronald "no media attention, please film my tats and wedding" Cummings.
This guy has always spoke with forked tongue. I am sick of this carp and I am tired of people defending him.
Total narcissist Debs....We should have him on the top of every page in his video showing off ALL of his tats. Gladly removing his shirt and posing for the camera to get a close up. People should have got a clue from that piece.

I need to take a self-imposed time-out before I explode!
The fact that he allowed the "Today Show" to film his wedding and fly to NY tells me all I need to know about Mr. R. Cummings. No wonder he doesn't have to work!
The fact that he allowed the "Today Show" to film his wedding and fly to NY tells me all I need to know about Mr. R. Cummings. No wonder he doesn't have to work!

Wonder what the going rate for selling your soul is? $35K?
Don't know Gotarug...

.....come think of it, I don't recall they did. We heard blood hounds were in the home...

That is what I was thinking. I know there were dogs for the ground search and there was a lot of talk on WS about the piece of Haleigh's clothing they threw on the ramp for the dogs to get scent off of, but I didn't remember anything about the dogs being actually IN the MH.
That is what I was thinking. I know there were dogs for the ground search and there was a lot of talk on WS about the piece of Haleigh's clothing they threw on the ramp for the dogs to get scent off of, but I didn't remember anything about the dogs being actually IN the MH.

It was the blanket on the ramp that got people in a twist. But since the CSI Team had the house for more than 8 days, I would feel comfortable assuming they had dogs in there at some point.
Kamky - I like your theory. I have wondered about that many times. Perhaps the bedwetting Misty referred to was a post-mortem urine release. That's why she babbles on about wet beds and blankets.

But here's my question. If Haleigh died from an overdose (went to sleep and didn't wake up), wouldn't cadaver dogs have hit on a death scent in the MH? Misty wouldn't have noticed she was dead for a while. Doesn't the body start to leave the death scent within 30 minutes?
Hi KariKae. If this is what occurred, there are a couple of possibilities. One is that Misty, or some other person who had come into the MH that night, did notice that Haleigh stopped breathing fairly soon. This could have been due to either an innocent or a sinister observation.
Another possibility is that Haleigh was curled up in the blanket - the one that is missing and that Misty has endlessly gone on about having to wash because it was peed on.
I am not convinced that this is exactly what happened, but I do believe that it is a plausible theory. i.e., it could have happened in a similar way.
What could have happened to Haleigh? My theory.
Please note this is MOO....and it is long.

In my opinion we need to be careful to distinguish between what COULD have happened and what LIKELY happened.

What COULD have happened leaves us open to all sorts of theories. All of them valid, but take us away from clearing the people in Haleigh's life starting with RC and MC. They should be looked at first and CLEARED first.
Haleigh COULD have been kidnapped by a pedophile.
Haleigh COULD have been kidnapped by a family member.
Haleigh COULD have been sold for drugs.
Haleigh COULD have been sleepwalking and thought that gator was a puppy.
The theories get wilder and wilder...because they COULD have happened.
...but are they likely?


What I think is likely and should be discounted first is this.
Misty, a semi-literate, underage teenager, just recently having turned 17 was living with her 23/24 year old boyfriend. He has at least two children by another woman and possibly another (or more) child(ren) he doesn't pubically claim. Ron thinks MC is a little hottie and she thinks he is too. MC becomes the "babysiter" to his kids. Makes it easier for the two of them to hook-up without people looking down on them since she's underage and he's legally an adult.
However, it isn't all the half-hour sitcom life they thought it would be. There are drugs, immaturity, fighting families, ex's and children to deal with.
They have a rollercoaster relationship.
During one of their fights, MC leaves. She leaves for three days. She leaves RC with those kids. She likes the kids well enough and she likes playing house, but the kids have become her complete responsibility. She resents it. She feels used. Maybe she thinks RC loves those kids more than her. She tells him that she's pregnant to get more attention. Maybe she suspects RC is stepping out or thinking of stepping out on her. She's jealous. She tells him that she's preggers to keep him with her. I mean, she's a teenager. they're not exactly logical at the best of times.
She doesn't get to go out and play with kids her own age. Teenagers.
Due to her anger/resentment/jealousy she parties hard for three days.
RC needs to have somebody to watch the kids while he's at work, so he calls her up and makes up to get her to come back. She does...but they argue more after she's back. RC's not stupid. He knows she's still stoned, or maybe hungover from her wild weekend. He wants to punish her and how he does that is by using his kids. By making her watch them when she very obviously shouldn't be watching them. He thinks he's teaching her a lesson.
After school that day MC is still really hung over. She's testy, still resentful, still jealous. She's not as careful with the kids as she usually is.
RC calls around to friends and family to go check on MC and the kids. He wants an update on how is "punishment" is working.
While he's gone there's an accident. Maybe to get some rest MC slips the kids a micky. She and RC have done it more than once before to have some alone time, Maybe she's got some standing orders from RC to do this. Maybe RC himself gave the drugs to the kids, maybe he just told MC how much to giv them, but this time she gives Haleigh too much. It was an accident, but Haleigh dies and both RC and MC will be on the hook for it.
MC panics and decides to get rid of the body so nobody can blame her for what happened. She calls her brother and RC.
Haleigh's body is taken to the river where they know there are gators to get rid of the body. No body means nobody can be charged. It was an accident after all.
MC/RC concoct a story about being asleep when "somebody" came in and took Haleigh.
RC does his best to play the part to.the.hilt. He overacts for the police dispatcher and for the cameras.

Like I said. This is just my opinion.

gotarugrat, great theory. I especially agree with your description of Misty's behavior and mood. I too believe she did not return in a lovey-dovey mood. We all know how little ones can get on your nerves, just by being active children. It is as you said, very likely Haleigh wasn't Miss Manners and Misty was stretched to the limit getting the kids to bed.
As for Ron's behavior during the 911 call, you really nailed that.
Thanks for posting this theory.
Layered Voice Analysis. A not real reliable test, imo. Even less so than a lie detector.

BBM...I respecfully disagree.. It has been proven in many cases to be more effective than an LDT....

The readings taken from the machine that were released in reference to some of questions asked in this case have revealed quite alot.....JMO

Find the needle in a haystack
I am here to set the record straight. The Internet is full of a lot of accurate as well as misleading information. My experience in using Layered Voice Analysis has proven to me that it works. I also believe that in many of the cases where I used LVA during the investigation process I would not have solved the case without it.
If Joe was out like Chelsea states she thinks he was. Then Joe would have had to have an alibi and proof of where he was that night. Maybe the police know and that is why they aren't looking at him. Chelsea talks about him sleeping in his cloths and the van being moved, but if LE know where Joe went and he has a solid alibi, wouldn't they just leave it at that? IDK just thinking here...

JMO but if Joe had an alibi Law Enforcement, and other agencies according to AH, wouldn't be visiting cousin Joe as recently as last month. Flora said "they" kept him(Joe) up all night questioning him and that is why he was sleeping when Art H called for a comment. I doubt someone with a rock solid alibi would need to be questioned all night long, on consecutive occasions.
ITA. I think Ron is a control freak, I am one too. It's something I have to constantly be aware of and try to control, lol. Haleigh being missing was a situation where he had no control, so he is losing it, thus, the swinging range of emotions we hear and see from him. I also think he has a bit of a thuggish, tough guy thing going on that he needs to get over. It's a facade he hides his real pain and feelings behind. All moo.

So, curvecuti you're a self confessed control freak? That's okay cause your type at least accomplish something when they set out to make changes. LOL. Agree about your summary behind Ron's behavior.
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