Theories On The Laureans' Involvement In Maria's Murder

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Jan 19, 2007
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Here is the thread you wanted, Snow! (At least, I think it is what you wanted.)

Post your theories of Maria's murder with no discussion please.

Who actually killed her, how did they cover it up for a month, and what were the motives for her murder? Let's see who had this case figured out when the final gavel is thrown.

:behindbar << Cesar?

:behindbar << Christina?

:behindbar :behindbar << Both?

:behindbar << Other?
I think it was Christina. I really do. Maybe a situation like that of the Cadets who murdered the "other woman". But I believe Christina was the driving force. :behindbar
XTINA! IMO Cesar's involvement came in with helping her cover it up, dispose of Maria as well as her personal property. Motive? Xtina if it came out, would have lost all of her standing in the community, been talked about etc. As it stood, prior to the child being born that was possibly/probably Cesar's she could just snap back by saying it wa an obsessed coworker who was doing whatever she could to get Cesar's attention. After all noone likes to admit that their spouse went elsewhere If one kwim. And let one not forget these are NOT adults, these are "kids" who are just learning who they are, as well as about life in general, emotions are pretty heady stuff at any time, let alone at that age. It's almost ALWAYS the "other woman' who catches the blame, not the boyfriend/spouse/significant other when it comes to cheating in my experiences.

I do believe that Maria and Cesar had an affair, when and how it turned sour I don't know.

Remember - the note that Maria wrote DID have people fooled, IMO there is (for the most part) a HUGE difference in the handwriting of a man versus a handwriting of a woman. therefore, with that thought in mind, I even think Xtina probably wrote the notes that Maria left behind.
I'm still torn as to who actually committed the murder but Xtina definitely helped in the cover up. They are both equally guilty regardless. Not sure of motive yet either. Either jealous Xtina wanted to remove the competition or one or both of them had reason to get rid of baby and that could only be accomplished by murdering the mother. (Gee, not very decisive, am I?)
Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, maybe they BOTH planned this murder. It would be to both of their advantages for Maria to be "gone".

I feel Christina had a part in this as well as Cesar. It was getting too close to Maria's due date so they HAD to do something.

Orchestrated. Each had a part to play. JMO
IMO - Murder was committed by CL and another man. Motive was to take the baby or distroy the baby. It got out of hand and they killed her because she fought them. She was kidnapped and taken to his house. The note was not written by Maria or was dictated to her. It is written in code so people will know it is not sincere. Note, car at bus station, ticket, ID on top of the bushes at the bus station across the street from the police station were a set up to make it look like she left on her own. All too many easy clues for the police. Xtina found out after the fact.
Murder was committed by Cesar. The cover up was pretty easy as I think they had the bbq planned so Christina would have been none the wiser about a body being there(if she saw im digging, she wouldn't IMO be suspicious about that either...the painting I think had already been planned as make their home look nicer when they had the big party that wouldn't have been suspicious to her either.
As for the's the BIGGEST and most common one...a baby that wasn't wanted by the father.
SS, GREAT JOB on this thread!!!! Thanks!!!
I think it was Christina. I really do. Maybe a situation like that of the Cadets who murdered the "other woman". But I believe Christina was the driving force. :behindbar
I've been thinking about these two (David Graham and Diane Zamora) also and seeing the same jealous rage! I can see Christina wanting Maria and the baby out of the way and both could've planned to get rid of her. Cesar talks her into getting out of town, goes with her to the bus station but then she comes back to his house later that evening ~ after (or when) Christina gets home. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".
Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, maybe they BOTH planned this murder. It would be to both of their advantages for Maria to be "gone".

I feel Christina had a part in this as well as Cesar. It was getting too close to Maria's due date so they HAD to do something.

Orchestrated. Each had a part to play. JMO
I agree, willow! :)
I've been thinking about these two (David Graham and Diane Zamora) also and seeing the same jealous rage! I can see Christina wanting Maria and the baby out of the way and both could've planned to get rid of her. Cesar talks her into getting out of town, goes with her to the bus station but then she comes back to his house later that evening ~ after (or when) Christina gets home. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

Thanks for the names! I used that case for a case study for a class and for the life of me could not remember their names when I posted. How sad is that?!! LOL
I think it was a similiar situation here. As you said, "hell hath no fury...". Zamora and Graham were younger than the Laurean's, but not by that much then add in the fact that the L's were married, had a child, and were both Marines and, imo, you end up with a bomb just sitting there ticking. I am not in any way, shape, or form knocking Marines. My dad was one and as the saying goes "there are no retired Marines." I know the sacrifices they make for our country being the first in. I also know the fierce loyalty and strength which is, for lack of a better word, bred into them. They are intense to say the least. I feel this played a massive part in the manner Christina viewed the break of their vows. Be it by rape or a relationship with Maria, she is young enough to blame the other woman no matter what and fiercely loyal and determined to save her man and marriage. She and Cesar could easily have viewed this murder as a necessity to preserve their marriage. And Marines are fierce once they set their mind to something. It could also explain how they/he could murder a woman carrying a defenseless child...his child...Marines (as any soldier must in combat) detach and become machine like in battle. Had they viewed this as part of a war, they could easily detach and go on with the murder with little to no emotion.
Pocono I might would buy that story if they were actual ''combat'' Marines. They were office clerks. And I do believe Christine was only a reservist. Yes they were Marines but not really in the sense that they were fierce killing machines. (ok yes they were but they did it cowardly)
Pocono I might would buy that story if they were actual ''combat'' Marines. They were office clerks. And I do believe Christine was only a reservist. Yes they were Marines but not really in the sense that they were fierce killing machines. (ok yes they were but they did it cowardly)
Exactly Mygirl, "pencil pushers"/"desk jockeys" as they're referred to :)
I was in a combat MOS(military ocupational specalty) for all but 2 years of my enlistment.I was in combat situations,but even after all of that I knew the differance between an armed enemy and a fellow Marine,especially a pregnant one and civilians.CL is listed at 5 foot 9,my height and 170/175,what I weighed while I was in.Maria is listed at 5 foot 4 and 140,8.5 months pregnant.There is no way,even on my worst day after the stuff I was through or any of my buddies that I or them would consider her a hostile threat that needed to be eliminated.We all agreed on that.You could back peddle to get away from her if she did come at you.This killing was spur of the moment and out of rage.
I was in a combat MOS(military ocupational specalty) for all but 2 years of my enlistment.I was in combat situations,but even after all of that I knew the differance between an armed enemy and a fellow Marine,especially a pregnant one and civilians.CL is listed at 5 foot 9,my height and 170/175,what I weighed while I was in.Maria is listed at 5 foot 4 and 140,8.5 months pregnant.There is no way,even on my worst day after the stuff I was through or any of my buddies that I or them would consider her a hostile threat that needed to be eliminated.We all agreed on that.You could back peddle to get away from her if she did come at you.This killing was spur of the moment and out of rage.[/quo

That is true of you and your buddies, but everyone is different with different mindsets and personality traits. Plus you can say how you think you would react in the same/similiar situation but when emotions are hot and you are in the middle of a mess, you may not react as you thought you would. There are many factors you have to consider here.

As for their being desk jockeys, yes, they were and I understand they weren't in Iraq or combat of any sort. That does not change the initial training. And again you have to factor in any control issues either one of them had, mental state at the time, and past/current mental health issues. There are, in fact, people who have extremely confrontational personality's with control/anger issues which have been aggravated by adding in military training. I am NOT faulting the Marines here or their training. My dad was never in combat either. But that didn't change how he reacted to basic training etc. His childhood and family history pulled into play. Add in training like that and you can very well end up with a ticking bomb.

It's just my thoughts on the situation at hand. This case could have easily been avoided, imo. Maria did not have to die and neither did her child. This was a situation which should have been addressed before it got out of hand. AND, again imo, the Marines in charge at that base are partially responsible. She was harassed many times. She reported a rape. She reported harassment. And in many ways because she was a woman, she was abandoned.
I agree with you that the Marines did botch the whole thing.If Onslow County and the Marines were on the same page he wouldn't have been in Mexico when caught.

CL is a worm if ya ask me.Me decieved/lied to his wife about the whole thing.He decieved/lied to Maria to get her to date him.He lit the candle and fanned the flames.That flame eventually jumped up and burned him.

He should have in my opinion,manned up,admitted to what he had done and dealt with the consequences.Divorce,rape charge,adultery charge or whatever.Heck,when I was in me and my buddies did some dumb stuff,but we owned up to it and got what we deserved for it.He is neither a man or a Marine if you ask me.

I'd like to see him and or Christina locked up for a long time or ideally get a state sponsored injection for what he/they did.It seems to me it all comes back to CL,thinking about no one but himself or the result of his actions.

Hopping off my soapbox now.Coffee time:crazy:
I agree with you that the Marines did botch the whole thing.If Onslow County and the Marines were on the same page he wouldn't have been in Mexico when caught.

CL is a worm if ya ask me.Me decieved/lied to his wife about the whole thing.He decieved/lied to Maria to get her to date him.He lit the candle and fanned the flames.That flame eventually jumped up and burned him.

He should have in my opinion,manned up,admitted to what he had done and dealt with the consequences.Divorce,rape charge,adultery charge or whatever.Heck,when I was in me and my buddies did some dumb stuff,but we owned up to it and got what we deserved for it.He is neither a man or a Marine if you ask me.

I'd like to see him and or Christina locked up for a long time or ideally get a state sponsored injection for what he/they did.It seems to me it all comes back to CL,thinking about no one but himself or the result of his actions.

Hopping off my soapbox now.Coffee time:crazy:

I wholeheartedly agree! I'm an eye for an eye kind of gal. A bit vengeful and vindictive. LOL BUT, I would love to see them meet the same fate as Maria and her baby. Right down to the disposal of their remains.

I've already had my coffee...hmmmmm...maybe that's part of the wirey anger I have this morning. ;) Too much caffeine?! Naw that couldn't be it.
Pocono I might would buy that story if they were actual ''combat'' Marines. They were office clerks. And I do believe Christine was only a reservist. Yes they were Marines but not really in the sense that they were fierce killing machines. (ok yes they were but they did it cowardly) about the disparaging remarks regarding both "office clerks" and "only a reservist".... I mean this is the most respectful manner... "bite me!" LOL!!!! I was a reservist for a while and active duty for a lot more...16 years to be exact...but I guess that you might think that I was not a real Marine since I was JUST a office clerk.... Bah! I will defend my title of Marine to my dying breath! I EARNED my Eagle, Globe and Anchor, thank you very much, have served with honor and held to the Marine Corps Traditions....

These two (the Laureans) have, I say take away their freedom, and publicly take away their Eagle, Globe and Anchor...for they have betrayed Marines everywhere....especially in whatever involvement in the loss of another Marine through such a manner!

Sorry... (not really) but I feel very strongly that all of us Marines are needed to make the fine Green Machine run smoothly...and we all deserve the same level of respect.... Thanks!
Semper Fi!
Well at least I know where your coming from now ssgtbam. This is not the place to say more.

There is a long span time from the first time Maria reported a rape, to the time she was found in a pit burned with her unborn baby.

More than enough time for CL if he knew/thought he was the father, to do something honorable about it, even if he was married. OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES!!

IMO, this is a case of time building up to a point where it left no choice but for CL to kill Maria and her baby. Christina also was building up her own emotions...........I don't believe she was there during the killing, but I do beleive CL admitted all to her and she helped in the cover up.

Since then, again IMO, she has been playing both sides of the fence. LE on one side and CL on the other.

If SS wants us to go in depth for all her questions, I could keep typing............:blowkiss:
Okay... I have waffled a bit over the past few weeks as to what I think happened in this really interesting case...
No, I have to admit that things do not (IMHO) pan out for the rape allegations.... seems too odd (but not impossible to buy)... but I happen to think that many people have voiced that they thought that there was something going on between Maria and CL, and that she was not happy about his marital status.... I think that she really thought that he would leave his wife for her, and I suspect that he led her to think this... But, I do not think that his wife was in on the killing either... people (especially when fraught with emotions and being young) do not really think things through and this does not appear to be any different to me in that regard...
I cannot say that I have a great deal of sympathy for Mrs. CL but I do think that she is torn as the LE has stated.... I suspect that she is terrified that she will face charges (either in the civilian side or on the Marine side of the house), and she very well still could... But, I do not think that she was involved in the death, and I also think that the death was a "heat of the moment" completely unplanned I am not even sure that this will go down as a Murder conviction....even though this is such a horrible death and the aftermath is may not meet the burden of proof....

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