Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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Don't want to be too argumentative with a double "0" but.....
KC was in the area in her car. A quick stop and dump body is surely possible. I imagine there are incentives to stop and get it done within seconds. KC was there abouts. Running out of gas, ringing Tony, walking. I can't see how she could not have had a few seconds to dump a body? It could have been several minutes and still not condradicted known info.

I agree about a quick dump of the body, look how close the body was to the road. There wasn't much planning into this at all. The day is still in my head as the 19th only because of the 2.6 decomposition air, and the down time on her phone. I still can't get the duct tape and sticker and the fact that all of the searches yeilded nothing for months in that area. The body was so close to the road, I don't know how on Earth no one smelled it, or animals dragged it out to the road or someone didn't find it on a search. But the day she ran out of gas is probably the day she got rid of the body. Toney picked her up IIRC on Suburban.
I agree about a quick dump of the body, look how close the body was to the road. There wasn't much planning into this at all. The day is still in my head as the 19th only because of the 2.6 decomposition air, and the down time on her phone. I still can't get the duct tape and sticker and the fact that all of the searches yeilded nothing for months in that area. The body was so close to the road, I don't know how on Earth no one smelled it, or animals dragged it out to the road or someone didn't find it on a search. But the day she ran out of gas is probably the day she got rid of the body. Toney picked her up IIRC on Suburban.
Agent Bond and others have done more specific calculations using actual Orlando temp data etc and research on exactly a white car trunk and calculated the 2.6 days is more accurately 3 days (I can't find the exact time in hours at the moment). To comply with that time period requires that either the body was removed from the trunk after 3 days or it was so well bagged after that time that no more significant leakage occurred.
I think 19th (evening) is a popular theory.
I favour the 20th (mid day), but also considering 23rd or 24th and some connection with running out of gas/gas can debacle.
Have any of you run though the process of what KC actually did and how it played out regarding, sedating, or drugging Calyee then the action of getting that tape and then the sticker, and then the bags, and then the laundry bag and then....... I know that sounds sick when I type this, but I am trying to put this in some kind of order if you will. I keep thinking about where was Caylee and KC; in the house, in the living room and then something happens so when does she run for the duct tape and then the sticker. Do you think this all happened in the house in one quick sweep or do you think these were separate she killed Caylee, then put her in a garbage bag, then realized she needed to put another bag over the body because of the decomposition starting and then as she got another bag, she grabbed the laundry bag and when does she put the sticker on her and the duct tape? Was it in the garage and she had to go out and get it? Why if Caylee is drugged? Was this a staging done later and afterthought then the sticker was too..... The whole thing as you run it though your head is really quite bizarre. I just can't envision this playing out.
Have any of you run though the process of what KC actually did and how it played out regarding, sedating, or drugging Calyee then the action of getting that tape and then the sticker, and then the bags, and then the laundry bag and then....... I know that sounds sick when I type this, but I am trying to put this in some kind of order if you will. I keep thinking about where was Caylee and KC; in the house, in the living room and then something happens so when does she run for the duct tape and then the sticker. Do you think this all happened in the house in one quick sweep or do you think these were separate she killed Caylee, then put her in a garbage bag, then realized she needed to put another bag over the body because of the decomposition starting and then as she got another bag, she grabbed the laundry bag and when does she put the sticker on her and the duct tape? Was it in the garage and she had to go out and get it? Why if Caylee is drugged? Was this a staging done later and afterthought then the sticker was too..... The whole thing as you run it though your head is really quite bizarre. I just can't envision this playing out.

I think KC drugged or physically attacked Caylee in her car and put the body in trunk either dead or she died in there that night. All happened near AL appt or Blanchard Park.

She then backed into garage at GACA home on three occasions, and I imagine she was contemplating hiding/staging accident in back yard. My guess is she put body in plastic bag on first occasion (17th) and added second plastic bag and laundry hamper on subsequent visits. I am not sure if the tape was pre or post death, but I imagine the sticker was added at some stage during the messing about in the garage?
Don't want to be too argumentative with a double "0" but.....
KC was in the area in her car. A quick stop and dump body is surely possible. I imagine there are incentives to stop and get it done within seconds. KC was there abouts. Running out of gas, ringing Tony, walking. I can't see how she could not have had a few seconds to dump a body? It could have been several minutes and still not condradicted known info.

I think regardless of exact details, most theories include Caylee's body being either removed from the trunk or bagged well enough to prevent decomposition products from leaking into the trunk, by the 20th at the very latest? Some would say the body was dumped even earlier. If the body was just "well bagged" by the 20th and left in the trunk it would only require a matter of seconds to stop, lift body from trunk and dump a few steps away.

:) Not being argumentative at all...didn't mean for it to come across that way if it did.

...just saying I checked the exact distances (and I do mean exact) from the location of Casey car where it ran outta gas, to where she was picked up, lined up to the pings, the time she had to walk it, the speed she could have walked...and it can't be done.

I was very suspicious of this scenario, esp. when we read about the Janasport I paid extra close attention to pouring over the possibilities of a 6/23 disposal. Spelled out in detail (save the glossy 3x5's w/ circles & arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one :) ) on the 6/23 ping thread.
:) Not being argumentative at all...didn't mean for it to come across that way if it did.

...just saying I checked the exact distances (and I do mean exact) from the location of Casey car where it ran outta gas, to where she was picked up, lined up to the pings, the time she had to walk it, the speed she could have walked...and it can't be done.

I was very suspicious of this scenario, esp. when we read about the Janasport I paid extra close attention to pouring over the possibilities of a 6/23 disposal. Spelled out in detail (save the glossy 3x5's w/ circles & arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one :) ) on the 6/23 ping thread.
Thanks I'll check the thread. But before I get bogged down by pesky facts, does your study eliminate the scenario that she drove to dump body first and then ran out of gas as she was driving away?

I was talking about me being argumentative not you.

Just trying to lessen the chance of a bullet from a Walther ppk?

I think KC drugged or physically attacked Caylee in her car and put the body in trunk either dead or she died in there that night. All happened near AL appt or Blanchard Park.

She then backed into garage at GACA home on three occasions, and I imagine she was contemplating hiding/staging accident in back yard. My guess is she put body in plastic bag on first occasion (17th) and added second plastic bag and laundry hamper on subsequent visits. I am not sure if the tape was pre or post death, but I imagine the sticker was added at some stage during the messing about in the garage?

bold me
Anyone have the date when Cindy and George spoke about the ladder being up against the pool?
Agent Bond and others have done more specific calculations using actual Orlando temp data etc and research on exactly a white car trunk and calculated the 2.6 days is more accurately 3 days (I can't find the exact time in hours at the moment). To comply with that time period requires that either the body was removed from the trunk after 3 days or it was so well bagged after that time that no more significant leakage occurred.
I think 19th (evening) is a popular theory.
I favour the 20th (mid day), but also considering 23rd or 24th and some connection with running out of gas/gas can debacle.

Actually, it was JWG's brainchild. :thumb: He did the work. I just couldn't resist playing w/ the spreadsheet since he was willing to let me. :)

A) The 2.6 days came from a approximate local average temperature built in to the calculation that came from LE.

B)...what we have...

  • The actual air temperature in 3-5 minute increments for the entire period from a weather station located near G&C's
  • A dynamic equation that adjusts the air temperature in the trunk based on another experiment we found showing how a trunk temperature differs from ambient over 24hrs period
  • The ability to mathematically place the body in and out of the trunk multiple times since that affects the temperature the body experienced
  • The ability to test different time & dates of death, since the time of day death occurred impacts whether the body saw a greater degree of high temps or low temps for the period it was in the trunk (e.g. t.o.d. late PM means it saw cooler temps the first day vs. t.o.d. mid-AM)

Sooo...since there are a few variables :rolleyes: the actual day and time of day picked for t.o.d. affects the # hours you have to allow the ADD clock to elapse before it was stopped by bagging and/or disposal. A good rule of thumb though is ~70hrs +/-2hrs.

For example t.o.d. 6/16 6:45PM, into the trunk immediately, allowing body out of the trunk for 1 hr @ 2:42PM-3:42PM 6/18 to attempt backyard burial...then back in the trunk yields....ADD stops @ 6/19 4:36PM (+/- 1% would be 4:01-5:11PM)
:) Not being argumentative at all...didn't mean for it to come across that way if it did.

...just saying I checked the exact distances (and I do mean exact) from the location of Casey car where it ran outta gas, to where she was picked up, lined up to the pings, the time she had to walk it, the speed she could have walked...and it can't be done.

I was very suspicious of this scenario, esp. when we read about the Janasport I paid extra close attention to pouring over the possibilities of a 6/23 disposal. Spelled out in detail (save the glossy 3x5's w/ circles & arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one :) ) on the 6/23 ping thread.

Thanks Bond,

I just went back to your post and map and I REALLY don't think that was the point in time where she disposed of Caylee, nor was the body in the trunk. I am stuck on the 19th even more.
This new attorney TM I think that is his name, he is going to recreate how LE thinks she did this, that is why I was asking about how this played out, because I haven't been able to piece the events together either. If I was in a fit of rage, I don't know if I would take the time to go out to the garage and hunt for duct tape, get scissors and tape her in this fashion, again, if she is already out would I need to do this? Unless I am drugging her and then taping over her mouth and nose to kill her, am I then going for a sticker to place on the tape to say "I heart You"? I just can't put this into a scenario that makes sense to me. Sorry to beat this horse...
Your post made me think about Annie D's interview, where she states twice that nobody but KC could even hold Caylee, as she would scream for her mother. Annie also stated that she had been around Caylee everyday & she still would not let her hold her, & would cry if KC walkied out of the room. Couple this with the book about temper tantrums found in her bedroom, KC trying to hook up with TonE, make plans, etc., I'm now wondering about an OTC drug like benedryl :confused::eek:
my bold

I don't know how drugging Caylee with Benadryl fits with the book referencing temper tantrums or AD's statement but I guess it's possible if it was an ongoing practice.

FWIW, when my son was a toddler (some 26 years ago) my Pediatrician suggested Benadryl as a sleep-aid. My son reached a stage where he would not go to sleep. He would cry for hours, wouldn't fall asleep until well after midnight and was horribly cranky all day. We were desperate so we gave him half the dosage for his age and weight (IIRC, a half teaspoon). It made him wild! He was out of control, running from one room to another, jumping on the beds and couches. After several hours, I was afraid his little heart would stop so I called the doctor in the middle of the night. He said some children become overstimulated, it will wear off, not to worry. Needless to say, we NEVER tried that again and we found a new Pediatrician. After a few miserable weeks, he went back to his regular sleep pattern. From that point on, we were afraid to give him any form of OTC allergy/cold meds.

I'm appalled I ever did that to him. But in talking with friends at the time, I learned it was a fairly common for doctors to suggest Bendryl. They considered it a benign way to break the "habit" of fighting sleep or waking in the middle of the night. Perhaps Casey got the idea from Cindy using it when Casey and Lee were tots? If Caylee reacted even half as badly as my son did, I can positively see Casey losing it. Despite the glowing reports of Casey's mothering skills, I tend to think she didn't have much patience. It doesn't look like she spent any quality time with Caylee. She was always distracted with her phone, the computer or a guy. Poor baby! :(
I wouldn't feel bad over a little Benadryl; we got beer in our bottles to get us to sleep, really, just a bit to get us out. I just don't know when she did anything for Caylee given the cell records, computer records, texting and partying and friends. Hasn't that dawned on GA AND CA???? When she did have Caylee who was tending to her needs?? And another thing, why hasn't GA and CA said anything about the Duct tape? Did they have that Henkel tape, if not why haven't they said anything about it?
I wouldn't feel bad over a little Benadryl; we got beer in our bottles to get us to sleep, really, just a bit to get us out. I just don't know when she did anything for Caylee given the cell records, computer records, texting and partying and friends. Hasn't that dawned on GA AND CA???? When she did have Caylee who was tending to her needs?? And another thing, why hasn't GA and CA said anything about the Duct tape? Did they have that Henkel tape, if not why haven't they said anything about it?

Bold: GACA know for sure there was RARE Henkel logo tape on their Gas can!
They put it there or KC did, so they KNOW for sure there is a connection.
I think GA KNOWS he had (has) a roll of silver tape with "Henkel" printed on it. It would have ben obvious every time he used it. He probably has pieces of it in use around the house. He Knows that KC did something bizarre with his tape to HIS "loved Grand Daughter"
Knowing how they have acted to all of this, I expected GA to say something like, "that tape wasn't on my cans before KC took them from here, I never saw that tape before in this house."
Have any of you run though the process of what KC actually did and how it played out regarding, sedating, or drugging Calyee then the action of getting that tape and then the sticker, and then the bags, and then the laundry bag and then....... I know that sounds sick when I type this, but I am trying to put this in some kind of order if you will. I keep thinking about where was Caylee and KC; in the house, in the living room and then something happens so when does she run for the duct tape and then the sticker. Do you think this all happened in the house in one quick sweep or do you think these were separate she killed Caylee, then put her in a garbage bag, then realized she needed to put another bag over the body because of the decomposition starting and then as she got another bag, she grabbed the laundry bag and when does she put the sticker on her and the duct tape? Was it in the garage and she had to go out and get it? Why if Caylee is drugged? Was this a staging done later and afterthought then the sticker was too..... The whole thing as you run it though your head is really quite bizarre. I just can't envision this playing out.

Wow, Bern, you're good! If we would all think about how we imagine these last few minutes then we would know if we really believe that it was what I would call a "preplanned" murder (unlike one that takes more than one second to make it a legal premeditated murder). I haven't developed any strong feelings about the last few minutes other than that the heart sticker was put on Caylee's mouth to try to calm her. I have had this distinct impression from the minute I heard about the sticker. Little girls her age love, love, love those stickers and heart stickers are one of the best. I can just imagine Casey giving Caylee a dose of something to knock her out and being frustrated that it didn't work fast enough to get Casey free to do her fun things. As BJB says, she would give her a little more and still Caylee isn't out all the way. What better to do than show Caylee a new game? "We tape your mouth; don't be afraid ~ Look here, Mommy's putting a kiss on your mouth ~ Please go to sleep." She's a viper.

Well, I can't believe I just vomited out my worst fears of what happened. I'm going to fix myself a salty dog and soak in a nice warm tub now. While I'm there I'll thank the Lord that my children are mentally healthy and my grandchildren are all happily testing them every day. And may it continue until they become grandparents!! Caylee should have had the same opportunity . . .
I believe Casey premeditated this murder. Casey drowned poor Caylee in the swimming pool (Cavader Dogs Hit the pool & Ladder). Casey then move Caylee's body to the toy house in the backyard (Cavader Dog's other hit) to hide her body. Casey then goes into the home grabs garabage bags, & laundry bag. This is where I think she put Caylees body in the trash bag, then covering it with the laundry bag to carry it into her bedroom (Cavader Dogs hit on the bedpost) this is where she placed the duct tape around Caylees head and added the heart shaped sticker on the tape. Then she was able to remove Caylees body from the home with out bringing attention to her crime. Casey then placed the laundry bag in the trunk of her car. I believe Casey waited several days to get rid of Caylee out of her trunk. She did that the day she borrowed the shovel. By that time I believe the smell of decomp was probably already in the car. I believe how the chloroform got into the trunk was Cindy trying to cover up the smell of decomp. Cindy washed clothing that came from the car. The 9-1-1- call from Cindy I believe that night was genuine then after that all it was Cindy covering up a possiable crime and Lee being apart of that. Lee cleans off Caseys laptop, Cindy washes clothing from the car, she gives the wrong brush to the FBI intentionally. I believe sometime after the 9-1-1- call Casey may have broke down and told them the truth about what happened to Caylee. Cindy made the statement that Casey always cracked with the truth under pressure. Cindy does not represent herself as being a grieving grandmother in my opinion. Cindy is just as messed up as her daughter. I would love to see charges brought against Cindy Anthony. I believe Cindy has shown so much deception and obstruction of justice. She has accused so many innocent people of this crime knownly that her daughter did it. So I go right back to the house as being the crime scene. One thing that bothers me here is that Casey claimed that Cindy choked her the day of the fight. Could Casey have been setting her mother up for this crime and is her defense trying to set up one of them. I believe Casey would do that to them. I feel George has tried to be truthful through out the beginning but Cindy has muzzled the poor man from speaking the truth
I was not sure where to put this ... but since I couldn't find a "general theory" thread ... I decided to place it here ... I was burdened by this last night and took a lot of time to write it out.

I venture to a very dark place to get where I need to go here. I shudder to think that I may actually put myself in KC's place by the time I am finished, even though it is of course, only an opinion! … please bear with me.
First of all … I share Casey’s birthday, March 19th … I can’t tell you how many times, in my youth (especially in my late teens and early twenties!!! ) that my birthday was used as an excuse for a “holdover” of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations for me and many of my friends. Even after I became a young mother, my friends would incessantly call and ask if I could meet them out … early morning of the 18th , they would say, … “Come meet us, It will be your birthday at midnight” or later the next day/night … “It is your birthday … you have to come out!”
In the days preceding her 22nd birthday, Casey was being asked, by her friends, what she was going to do to celebrate. Unlike her 21st birthday, (which to many people, is a “hallmark” birthday – legal drinking age) when she was allowed to celebrate like there is no tomorrow … a real “blow out,” if you will, this year, her 22nd, she was expected to be more subdued … her mother would not be so permissive, letting her party all night. Now she is TWENTY-TWO and an adult. Therefore, she was expected to stay home and celebrate, modestly, with her family and young daughter. Casey was resentful … (by some accounts) she did not ask for this … if she had had her way Caylee would belong to some deserving, infertile couple and she would be free, as Nancy Grace would say, to “party hearty”!
So I am going to try to recreate the days leading up to her birthday and the infamous Google searches and beyond … in my cynical imagination ... this is what I believe that KC, in her supreme selfishness, might have thought
On March 17th, St Patrick’s Day … when all of her friends were out having fun … rubbing her nose in it, no doubt … I think she had begun to fantasize about getting rid of Caylee, maybe even her mom and dad too. She might have mused, “How could I get away with it?” She then Googled what was obvious to her … “neck breaking,” and then “self-defense,” and maybe at that point she remembered a funny little icon she had seen on Ricardo’s MySpace and decided to look up “Chloroform.” So intrigued by what she found, she looked up the ingredients for homemade chloroform … just for kicks, she told herself! Heck, she even misspelled it! She then thought … well, who could I blame this on and still maintain the appearance of a victim? Hmmm??
While at home, on March 18th, she watched One Tree Hill … it was the 100th episode … which had been hyped all week! In that episode, she was intrigued by the storyline of the child being kidnapped by a nanny … she immediately thought of the fact that she had been telling everyone that she had a nanny for Caylee … surely, if the fictitious nanny in this story could kidnap a child, then HER fictitious nanny could as well!! She made a mental note.
March 19th … KC’s Birthday … she was at home with “the kid” and her parents … it was her birthday but all anyone could talk about was how great Caylee was! It really pissed her off! She wanted to go out and celebrate her birthday with her friends, but instead she stayed at home, bound by her mother’s guilt … and her guilt as a "mother" … she was sick of it all. She thought, “All anyone cares about is Caylee. It’s MY birthday … and all they care about is HER … I have to get out of this somehow.” Even then, she is just venting … just thinking … and then maybe, she begins to have dark thoughts … hmmm ... ‘neck breaking’ … ‘call it self defense and they might believe me’ … ‘how do I get rid of the kid?’ … ‘Chloroform?’ … ‘blame it on the nanny?’ … 'like on One Tree Hill’ … ‘what was that?’ … 'I know it was the one hundredth episode' … 'how did it do down on that show? … I better find out … maybe that will be my way out' … 'the nanny' … 'yes, … the crazy nanny' … 'dyed the baby's hair' … 'uh huh' … 'that is right' … "the nanny took Caylee … she dyed her hair … and she is crazy … that is believable … right???"
Still, she does nothing ... she only takes note ... mentally ... she files it away ... just as she takes down her grandfather's checking account information ... the same day ... storing it for future use!
Wow, Bern, you're good! If we would all think about how we imagine these last few minutes then we would know if we really believe that it was what I would call a "preplanned" murder (unlike one that takes more than one second to make it a legal premeditated murder). I haven't developed any strong feelings about the last few minutes other than that the heart sticker was put on Caylee's mouth to try to calm her. I have had this distinct impression from the minute I heard about the sticker. Little girls her age love, love, love those stickers and heart stickers are one of the best. I can just imagine Casey giving Caylee a dose of something to knock her out and being frustrated that it didn't work fast enough to get Casey free to do her fun things. As BJB says, she would give her a little more and still Caylee isn't out all the way. What better to do than show Caylee a new game? "We tape your mouth; don't be afraid ~ Look here, Mommy's putting a kiss on your mouth ~ Please go to sleep." She's a viper.

Well, I can't believe I just vomited out my worst fears of what happened. I'm going to fix myself a salty dog and soak in a nice warm tub now. While I'm there I'll thank the Lord that my children are mentally healthy and my grandchildren are all happily testing them every day. And may it continue until they become grandparents!! Caylee should have had the same opportunity . . .

I think that it is going to be really important to know how this all came about, not just when she disposed of Caylee but when she killed her, how, what steps she had to take to gather everything together, where they were at the time of Caylee's death, what led up to it. Her new attorney is going to show that it doesn't make sense, and he will point out all the searches for the body, how rare the duct tape was and who had opportunity do carry this out and access to the tape and the car and possibly the house or Caylee. There was not much in the way of the house items found at the scene except the laundry bag, duct tape that was on the cans (but they were not always at the house). So I just wanted to see in my head how this played out and it won't necessarily play out with the pings because she had dead time on the 17-18- and 19th of June. I have begun to think that the getting the duct tape was the first step, maybe in a rage of anger because Caylee was crying or having a tantrum and KC wanted to talk on the phone or was using the computer. Caylee found without shoes hints she was at home, maybe after a nap. She just wanted to shut her up, but instead she was fighting her to get the tape on and maybe put a pillow over her face in anger as she lost control. I think KC snapped and she had so much pent up anger at her mother, dad, Caylee and her out of control life, she killed her in a rage. I also feel KC is a psychopath and had no remorse for what she did, and still feels she is better off without Caylee.
I believe Casey premeditated this murder. Casey drowned poor Caylee in the swimming pool (Cavader Dogs Hit the pool & Ladder). Casey then move Caylee's body to the toy house in the backyard (Cavader Dog's other hit) to hide her body. Casey then goes into the home grabs garabage bags, & laundry bag. This is where I think she put Caylees body in the trash bag, then covering it with the laundry bag to carry it into her bedroom (Cavader Dogs hit on the bedpost) this is where she placed the duct tape around Caylees head and added the heart shaped sticker on the tape. Then she was able to remove Caylees body from the home with out bringing attention to her crime. Casey then placed the laundry bag in the trunk of her car. I believe Casey waited several days to get rid of Caylee out of her trunk. She did that the day she borrowed the shovel. By that time I believe the smell of decomp was probably already in the car. I believe how the chloroform got into the trunk was Cindy trying to cover up the smell of decomp. Cindy washed clothing that came from the car. The 9-1-1- call from Cindy I believe that night was genuine then after that all it was Cindy covering up a possiable crime and Lee being apart of that. Lee cleans off Caseys laptop, Cindy washes clothing from the car, she gives the wrong brush to the FBI intentionally. I believe sometime after the 9-1-1- call Casey may have broke down and told them the truth about what happened to Caylee. Cindy made the statement that Casey always cracked with the truth under pressure. Cindy does not represent herself as being a grieving grandmother in my opinion. Cindy is just as messed up as her daughter. I would love to see charges brought against Cindy Anthony. I believe Cindy has shown so much deception and obstruction of justice. She has accused so many innocent people of this crime knownly that her daughter did it. So I go right back to the house as being the crime scene. One thing that bothers me here is that Casey claimed that Cindy choked her the day of the fight. Could Casey have been setting her mother up for this crime and is her defense trying to set up one of them. I believe Casey would do that to them. I feel George has tried to be truthful through out the beginning but Cindy has muzzled the poor man from speaking the truth

Bolded by me:

I hope this is ok to post here since it's not a theory. I am so confused as to how she could do this that it's impossible for my mind to wrap around any idea.


Wow, that is crazy about the cadaver dogs hitting on the bedpost. I didn't know that. Thanks for posting this. I've never really looked at the cadaver dog reports, if there are any. i'm going to go look for them now. I can't believe how twisted this entire family is.
I will add this though. I do think whoever posted, that KC possibly spilled to the family after the 911 call, may be right. I'm not sure how much she spilled but something anyway.
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