Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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I accept some opportunities on 19th and I meant general neck of the woods, not just AL appt. (As opposed to the relative seclusion of the GACA garage)

Also NOT addressed is the kitchen knife!

To scrape off the soil and dirt from her boots. I must admit as a farmer's daughter.. a table knife works great for scraping the mud of a girls boots!

(man, I scrape alot of mud of my shoes with knives. kinda funny to think about it now. hadn't done that in years.)
Now we are sleuthing here, as you know I am in the favor of the O house as the first stop to hid the body; very secluded and empty. I also think it may have been a re-bagging; staging, place as well. I fully get the picture you have painted and well done, I hadn't really thought of how the pants got the decomposition on them other than the bag broke as she was putting the body in the trunk to take her to Suburban. I just think all of the re-bagging is really a risk if it was done at the A's, she could have had someone walk up or come home and catch her. So the O house gives much more cover if you will. I can see how this may have taken place as you described above. I am not sure what she used the crate for other than to hull her stuff to Toney's place. At any rate, she was in such a hurry she forgot to toss Caylee's favorite doll. Any kidnapper would have at least done that much.

Well...admittedly I'm playin' kinda fast & loose w/ some things. But, true to your earlier post 'bout detailing the events I thought I'd add a little to the stew.

Just for grins...poking some holes in things I've held in my own thinking...

1) IF Lee's house was empty for 3-weeks in June....(per sleuthing on the Case Analysis thread it appears his roomie also worked for the same employer, ~same age as Lee, hence, worth considering that the house may indeed have been vacant.)

IIRC, Lee had a garage. Wouldn't Lee's garage have proven to be infinitely more ideal for carrying out all the body manipulation vs. G&C's house? Almost zero chance of being caught.

2) IF Oviedo house was used. ...(per sleuthing on the O-House thread) it would have also been infinitely more ideal to carry out the body disposal there...with the swampy woods on the south side protected from view all around by the privacy fence w/ the drive-through gate.

I can envision 10-minute-@-a-time Casey not having a plan and all the while thinking she was going to do something brilliant :idea:...more brilliant than O-house :rolleyes:, hence, the body went back into the trunk vs. in the swampy woods there :doh:

3) I just can't bring myself to think Casey would have any hands-on activities with the body post-mortem. An outta-sight-outta-mind approach prevails for me on the body manipulations. This is in direct conflict w/ Casey applyin the tape post-mortem to stem decomp fluid leakage OR to stage a kidnapping. I see Casey having Cayle wrapped in the blanket for the duration...everything else was a means to get one-step further away from dealing directly w/ the body. I know it has been suggested that Caylee utilized Brian's shovel to manipulate the body...IMHO...unlikely. 40lbs on a ~3' lever arm (shovel length) would've made it too much for Casey...even if she used the trunk threshold as a fulcrum. Plus no forensic evidence on the shovel itelf.

4) Duct tape. Hard for me to imagine it being in the car so opportunistically. Which leads me to ponder (a) use before leaving G&C's ~4:11PM, or (b) post-mortem use after returning 6/17 (see above). Originally I thought the duct tape might have been applied around the outside of the blanket...but the detailed remains forensic descriptions don't seem to support that being the case. This pushes me toward duct tape use before leaving...which pushes me to Caylee being in the trunk before leaving (having a duct-taped Caylee in her carseat in plain view just wouldn't do). This would seem to fit w/ no-shoes on Caylee as has been reported. More recent phone records seem to support Casey was @ G&C's for Caylee's naptime (typical ~1-3PM as best we know) which coincidentally may explain the timing of George's call...being mindful not to wake Caylee @ 3:03 & 3:04PM.

But supposing Casey did the deed before leaving Hopespring...3:30PM t.o.d. ADD yields bagging ~2:30PM on 6/19 which coincides reasonably well w/ the apparent spontaneous jaunt over to JBPark that afternoon which coincided w/ Casey's IM to Iassen ~1:46 that she was going to go get something to eat. Plausible.

Ladder found on the pool Tuesday, 6/17.
Duct tape around the head peri-mortem (speculation per above)
Dunked in the pool w/ duct tape on? :mad:
Wet body placed in 1 or 2 locations in the backyard whilst Casey fetched the laundry bag?
Laundry bag carried through the side gate (left open) and placed into the trunk of the car?

In the Blockbuster surveil video Casey hardly looks like she had gotten dolled up for the evening. IIRC, it started raining that afternoon doesn't seem likely...:waitasec:

OK...not being helpful...just ramblin' here.
If KC was in this fit of rage, I don't see her running for duct tape at that moment in time, unless, she just had contact or vision with the tape. It would pop up as a way to harm, be fresh in her mind so to speak. A way to shut her up and it went too far and she ended up smothering her and then saw a sticker in the room and put it on the duct tape for a final blow. If she was planning this, then I can see her getting the tape from the shed, finding scissors to cut it with, using gloves as not to leave prints, getting several garbage bags to put her in after the murder, wrap her in a blanket, grab a sticker and transport the body to the trunk and go rent a movie, and then a few days later, dumping her on Suburban drive. But she may have just snapped and went into action; taking all the steps required to commit this horrible crime. So that is why I think there was a level of some planning after her deed. As I type this out, there are quite a few steps and things to grab and do. There is also the element of getting caught in the act. So Lee's place is another empty apartment as long as she knew the room mate was out of town.
I don't even have an idea how Casey would have killed Caylee if she is the one who killed her. I haven't allowed myself to come up with an actual theory. I'm leaving that to Bond and JWG

I'll focus on their dysfunction! I don't deal, I isolate! LOL
Within a minute Caylee would have passed out. Now.. there is a possibility, IMO that she could have given her some medicine to make her really drowsy and as not to wake up while she was suffocating her.

I just keep seeing that look on Casey's face at the Aug 14th jail meeting. If she can get like that talking to her parents.. think about how she could get if Caylee was bugging her while she was texting, on the computer, planning an evening out...under pressure to rent a place with Amy...

I think Casey also had seen the look that Cindy gave at the depo many, many times in her life.

Quick burst of raging anger then alot of sweethearts.. and I'm sorries.

I agree -- she could have given her drugs before killing her. Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever know. If I'm not mistaken, Dr. G said in her press conference that the hair probably wouldn't show much evidence. I think it had something to do with how long the body had been exposed to the elements as well as certain drugs not showing up in the hair.

I think Caylee was subjected to a lot of rage in her short life. Either directed at her or watching CA/GA and Casey fighting all the time. Casey was all smiles with Caylee in front of people but I think Casey's rage in that video was a constant in Caylee's life when she was alone with her.
If KC was in this fit of rage, I don't see her running for duct tape at that moment in time, unless, she just had contact or vision with the tape. It would pop up as a way to harm, be fresh in her mind so to speak. A way to shut her up and it went too far and she ended up smothering her and then saw a sticker in the room and put it on the duct tape for a final blow. If she was planning this, then I can see her getting the tape from the shed, finding scissors to cut it with, using gloves as not to leave prints, getting several garbage bags to put her in after the murder, wrap her in a blanket, grab a sticker and transport the body to the trunk and go rent a movie, and then a few days later, dumping her on Suburban drive. But she may have just snapped and went into action; taking all the steps required to commit this horrible crime. So that is why I think there was a level of some planning after her deed. As I type this out, there are quite a few steps and things to grab and do. There is also the element of getting caught in the act. So Lee's place is another empty apartment as long as she knew the room mate was out of town.
The several steps you describe is why I think KC first killed Caylee and put her in the trunk (in either order). Then all the messing about, various bagging, taping, stickers and anything else was done on one or all of the 3 days KC backed into the GACA garage.
To scrape off the soil and dirt from her boots. I must admit as a farmer's daughter.. a table knife works great for scraping the mud of a girls boots!

(man, I scrape alot of mud of my shoes with knives. kinda funny to think about it now. hadn't done that in years.)

I've done that w/ kitchen knives, too. Boot scrapers or ersatz screwdrivers.
The several steps you describe is why I think KC first killed Caylee and put her in the trunk (in either order). Then all the messing about, various bagging, taping, stickers and anything else was done on one or all of the 3 days KC backed into the GACA garage.

I agree, I think that she had to have killed Caylee and then put her body in the trunk or placed her somewhere where she knew she wouldn't be found until she carried out the rest of bagging, and tapping and putting a sticker on her. I am thinking that backing up to the garage was to get things like the laundry bag, duct tape, trash bags, maybe even latex gloves (we do have them in our garage) but the blanket would be what she carried her out of the house in, to hid her and put her in the trunk that afternoon. The cloths are what she woke up in, no shoes, maybe from a nap. The few toys, not sure they were hers, but if so, they were in the trunk and just tossed out at the time she dumped her body. The doll must have been in the car seat and an over site on her part. Even the sticker could have been taken with the other items if she knew she was going to put her where they buried pets, she would in her mind, think that was a way to say good-bye. I just have to put this in some order for myself because a Jury will have to do this with circumstantial evidence and I want to know that it can be walked though that way. I know it is hard for some of you to do that, but I don't want her to get off because someone can't connect the dots in a room. Thanks for walking this very hard walk...
I agree, I think that she had to have killed Caylee and then put her body in the trunk or placed her somewhere where she knew she wouldn't be found until she carried out the rest of bagging, and tapping and putting a sticker on her. I am thinking that backing up to the garage was to get things like the laundry bag, duct tape, trash bags, maybe even latex gloves (we do have them in our garage) but the blanket would be what she carried her out of the house in, to hid her and put her in the trunk that afternoon. The cloths are what she woke up in, no shoes, maybe from a nap. The few toys, not sure they were hers, but if so, they were in the trunk and just tossed out at the time she dumped her body. The doll must have been in the car seat and an over site on her part. Even the sticker could have been taken with the other items if she knew she was going to put her where they buried pets, she would in her mind, think that was a way to say good-bye. I just have to put this in some order for myself because a Jury will have to do this with circumstantial evidence and I want to know that it can be walked though that way. I know it is hard for some of you to do that, but I don't want her to get off because someone can't connect the dots in a room. Thanks for walking this very hard walk...

ITA.. above bolded by me...
The several steps you describe is why I think KC first killed Caylee and put her in the trunk (in either order). Then all the messing about, various bagging, taping, stickers and anything else was done on one or all of the 3 days KC backed into the GACA garage.

I am mostly in agreement, but another thing I have considered is that she was parking in the garage because she didn't want a neighbor to see her car in the driveway. She was supposed to be out of town. She wouldn't want a neighbor letting it slip that she had been seen there on those days.
I am mostly in agreement, but another thing I have considered is that she was parking in the garage because she didn't want a neighbor to see her car in the driveway. She was supposed to be out of town. She wouldn't want a neighbor letting it slip that she had been seen there on those days.
If that was part of her "cunning plan" it failed because the three occasions are reported by neighbours who saw her.
I am mostly in agreement, but another thing I have considered is that she was parking in the garage because she didn't want a neighbor to see her car in the driveway. She was supposed to be out of town. She wouldn't want a neighbor letting it slip that she had been seen there on those days.

Neighbor said she backed in. If she was just hiding.. then why not just pull in straight. Evidently, even pulling into the garage did not slip past the neighbor. My guess she has been doing that quite regularly.

The matching laundry bag appeared to be on the shelf above the washer and dryer. So I assume this is where the laundry bag that Caylee was put in. When she backed in the car it would be handier than walking around the car.

Should we assume that because she gave her mom a cockamammie story about being in Jacksonville that information was shared with a neighbor?
I just wanted to ask if there is anybody on here who DOESN'T think KC did it or if there is anybodies theory doesn't involve KC's involvement. I mean, I totally believe she did it - there is no question for me but as I was reading through these threads, I was just wondering if there was anybody who didn't think KC did it. Just respectfully and truly wondering - I promise I'm not trying to start drama or anything!
I just wanted to ask if there is anybody on here who DOESN'T think KC did it or if there is anybodies theory doesn't involve KC's involvement. I mean, I totally believe she did it - there is no question for me but as I was reading through these threads, I was just wondering if there was anybody who didn't think KC did it. Just respectfully and truly wondering - I promise I'm not trying to start drama or anything!

I have seen posts here claiming KC did not do it.
sounds like we need the "alternative theory" thread. It would be interesting to take a look at the evidence collected thus far, and try to build the "alternative". A place where we do not discuss guilt or innocence. I am sure it would sound just like Baez's closing argument but it would be fun just to see how we could use the pings, etc...

I know this would not be easy because the collective evidence points towards the last person Caylee was with.
sounds like we need the "alternative theory" thread. It would be interesting to take a look at the evidence collected thus far, and try to build the "alternative". A place where we do not discuss guilt or innocence. I am sure it would sound just like Baez's closing argument but it would be fun just to see how we could use the pings, etc...

I know this would not be easy because the collective evidence points towards the last person Caylee was with.
I think there have been bits of that tried. What would the defence say and that sort of thing. There is no point in just denial of facts it gets nowhere other than Arguemntsville.
I think there have been bits of that tried. What would the defence say and that sort of thing. There is no point in just denial of facts it gets nowhere other than Arguemntsville.

Your probably right. It is interesting tho' to wonder how the defense is going to close.

I was just looking at the registered sex offenders in Orlando out of curiosity. Casey would have had better luck blaming it on some poor sap that already had a record instead of a invisananny.

BTW, Did we know that Valencia is just south JBP near Lake Underhill Rd?
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