Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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Now I get it! Thanks! What it does show is that KC clearly did not want to answer certain calls, ie from her parents or from Mark H, so she let them go to voicemail.

One more thought -- if these are not calls to retrieve messages, where are the calls from KC to voicemail? I don't see any in these records. Surely she must have checked her messages??!!??!!

Those calls you can generally identify by the pattern:

1. voicemail waiting notification
2. call from KC to KC
3. voicemail cleared notification
...just to chum the waters a bit more...

Here are all the instances when the Hopespring home phone was used to call Casey's cell phone between 7AM & 9AM 6/1 through 7/17:

Date DOW Time Type From To Call Duration (min)
6/1/08 SUN 7:44:01 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 0.42
6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 0.02
7/1/08 TUE 7:33:45 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 0.08
7/1/08 TUE 7:50:22 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 0.78
7/2/08 WED 7:14:23 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 3.02
7/3/08 THU 8:16:12 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 0.97
7/5/08 SAT 8:43:24 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy "Casa de Anthony" Anthony Casey Anthony 1.03

Without much time to noodle on this before posting it for everyone to hafta consider....

Casey was outta the house after 6/ a significant change when comparing before vs. after pattern.

Cindy & Casey had the fight 6/15.

Speculation is that Cindy developed a habit of calling Casey before Cindy left for work, but, it wasn't until well after 6/16.

Only one instance of this happening pre-6/16.

Methinks Casey needed to find her phone amongst the sheets, or, under the bed, etc.

Thank for posting this... gives me something to ponder.
However, I kinda read it a little differently...

I see Cindy and Casey fight May 31st. Make up call June 1st before Cindy leaves for work.
Fight June 15th - Make up call morning of June 16th.

2 Weeks of "space". Cindy's way of saying "I'm not dealing with her."

July 1st - Cindy is on vacation and is missing Caylee wanting her for the holiday. She starts the pattern again of calling between 7-8 am in the morning because is thinks Casey works "evenings" and knows that Casey is generally sleeping at this time of day and it is a good time to reach her.
She may have called in the mornings to see if she could get Caylee for the day.

BJB.. I love hammering out theories with you...:blowkiss:
The significance of Caylee being found with out shoes on and in the same clothe she was wearing on the video from the visit to the nursing home make me believe Caylee was in the house when she died. Cindy claims they were in the pool, and when Casey got there she-Cindy took Caylee in because it was getting cold. So why wasn't Caylee found in a bathing suit? Again...I see Cindy as the master mind here. What ever happen to Caylee June 15th "IMO" was known by Cindy and she is the one that helped Casey cover up this mess just like she has helped Casey cover up everything else in the past. Maybe she helped cover up after the fact, but still I feel she helped her cover it up. (I JUST CAN'T SEE CINDY LETTING CASEY KEEP CAYLEE AWAY FROM HER MORE THAN A COUPLE OF DAYS.)I say it happen when they had the big fight...something happen to Caylee during that time and if not it happen right after. Does anyone know if Cindy left the house that night at all? Maybe Cindy had to get out of the house because she was so furious with Casey. Maybe Cindy went to visit her mother and Casey snapped and gave Caylee drugs/chloroform/ dumped her in the pool after with clothe on to make it look like an accident but then got a call from her lover boy and decided to just put Caylee in the trunk and dispose of her later.

She was not found in the same clothes from the nursing home.
OK, I went back and read TL's Sept 8th interview, thoroughly. Now, LE asks Tony if Casey ever said anything about animals that had died in her car (or something like that) and Tony says, "I remember when I brought it up on the 16th, she was combating with me that she told me that, 16th of July when I told you that she contacted me". Then it's as if they move on to another subject, don't talk about this conversation on the 16th during the rest of the interview. There is one other TL interview with LE before this one, but that's all right ? Well, there's the one in the car w/ LE, that would make three interviews. Am I missing an interview where they go into the phone calls more or has that not yet come out ?

I picked up on that too.. I think there is more to come from Tony.
I picked up on that too.. I think there is more to come from Tony.

Slightly off topic...

I feel sorry for Tony because I think he will end up being a key character witness. Casey was with him a lot of the time during those 31 days.

One thing I'd be interested in hearing about was Casey's reaction to the scene in the movie "Untracable" where a dead body is found in a trunk. I just cannot imagine how a person could be so calm watching that when there actually is a dead body in their trunk
Slightly off topic...

I feel sorry for Tony because I think he will end up being a key character witness. Casey was with him a lot of the time during those 31 days.

One thing I'd be interested in hearing about was Casey's reaction to the scene in the movie "Untracable" where a dead body is found in a trunk. I just cannot imagine how a person could be so calm watching that when there actually is a dead body in their trunk
Yes, I would like to hear more on that too. Also, in this interview on Sept. 8th, Tony answers LE repeatedly that he might remember the phone calls with Casey (6/15 and 6/16) if he looked at his phone records. At one point LE asks him to do that and they say they will follow up on that later...there must be more ! I am OT, will say nothing more on this, promise.
Slightly off topic...

I feel sorry for Tony because I think he will end up being a key character witness. Casey was with him a lot of the time during those 31 days.

One thing I'd be interested in hearing about was Casey's reaction to the scene in the movie "Untracable" where a dead body is found in a trunk. I just cannot imagine how a person could be so calm watching that when there actually is a dead body in their trunk

ITA Tony will bring alot of information to the trial. I believe during trials Lawyers take more time to ask questions and ask follow up questions unlike police.

My base theory is she put Caylee in the trunk right away. But then when I think about her watching the movie.. I think she is sitting there and thinking AAAA-HA! that is where I will put her until I can throw her out somewhere!!
Yes, I would like to hear more on that too. Also, in this interview on Sept. 8th, Tony answers LE repeatedly that he might remember the phone calls with Casey (6/15 and 6/16) if he looked at his phone records. At one point LE asks him to do that and they say they will follow up on that later...there must be more ! I am OT, will say nothing more on this, promise.

IIRC, and someone can correct this, I thought when LE asked him about KC's demeanor on June 16th (Blockbuster night) into the 17th, aside from saying he skipped class to sleep in late with her, he also remembered how talkative she was?
One theory of mine that has been changing over the last few days....

I did not really buy into OTC drugs or chloroform.... but since the police checked the prescription drugs. I really am thinking that if this was not done in a rage and it was more planned.. I think she used a muscle relaxer.
One theory of mine that has been changing over the last few days....

I did not really buy into OTC drugs or chloroform.... but since the police checked the prescription drugs. I really am thinking that if this was not done in a rage and it was more planned.. I think she used a muscle relaxer.

Have we ever really seen the toxicology results on KC when she was arrested? If this has already been brought up and answered I am sorry to be repeato girl. But if bipolar exists in their family (doesn't make KC insane or any less guilty) is it likely that she was taking something for that? Not saying that she is bipolar...but it seems to fit with some of the stuff I am reading and seeing. Again, sorry if this has already been addressed.
Have we ever really seen the toxicology results on KC when she was arrested? If this has already been brought up and answered I am sorry to be repeato girl. But if bipolar exists in their family (doesn't make KC insane or any less guilty) is it likely that she was taking something for that? Not saying that she is bipolar...but it seems to fit with some of the stuff I am reading and seeing. Again, sorry if this has already been addressed.

Not knowing her past medical history, it's hard to say. The bipolar connection in the family is GA's sister, so it would be possible, but I doubt she would have it diagnosed, been taking meds for it, and not use that as a reason why some accident happened- blame it on the meds, seems right up her alley. So, since that hasn't happened, and CA (with all the many chances she's had) hasn't spewed that one out at us as a reason for KC being the victim,,,,I'd say no meds, And I haven't seen the tox report either.
IIRC, and someone can correct this, I thought when LE asked him about KC's demeanor on June 16th (Blockbuster night) into the 17th, aside from saying he skipped class to sleep in late with her, he also remembered how talkative she was?
I think that was said in the prior interview, the interview I was talking about was on Sept. 8th. They do talk about BB and sleeping in on the 17th, briefly talk about the movies picked out. He says Caylee was not present on the 16th of June when they got together.
I don't know if this is the right place for this or not but I'm fairly new to the whole evidence part of this case and I was just going through the first doc dump. I'm reading all the lies and other evidence - I was wondering, did KC just GUESS about a Zeniada Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apt and it was just a coincidence that a women by that name applied to live there or is there something I missed?

(I put this under 'theories' because if there is no REAL answer... just in case someone had a theory!)
THANKS in advance!
I don't know if this is the right place for this or not but I'm fairly new to the whole evidence part of this case and I was just going through the first doc dump. I'm reading all the lies and other evidence - I was wondering, did KC just GUESS about a Zeniada Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apt and it was just a coincidence that a women by that name applied to live there or is there something I missed?

(I put this under 'theories' because if there is no REAL answer... just in case someone had a theory!)
THANKS in advance!

It's possible that it's just a coincidence but highly unlikely. Think about the ZG's in Orlando compared to the general population of names. I would guess that less than 1% of Orlando is named ZG, then factor in the amount of apartment complexes. The odds of this being a would have a better chance of winning the lotto.
I don't know if this is the right place for this or not but I'm fairly new to the whole evidence part of this case and I was just going through the first doc dump. I'm reading all the lies and other evidence - I was wondering, did KC just GUESS about a Zeniada Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apt and it was just a coincidence that a women by that name applied to live there or is there something I missed?

(I put this under 'theories' because if there is no REAL answer... just in case someone had a theory!)
THANKS in advance!

However, cell ping reports do not have Casey at the Sawgrass apts on June 17th. Sawgrass would more or likely ping from Curry Rd towers.

The time frame that ZG would have had to visit would have been between 5:20 pm and 8:23 pm when Casey's cell phone is not pinging and she could have been hanging out there, but not likely. Casey's last text was at 5:20 to Troy Brown. She was near JBP and Tony R's. Could she been having a secret little fling with Tony R? Could she have been at the park looking for a hiding place for Caylee's body? Will the defense say.. she was meeting up with the invisinanny?

My assumption is if Casey was sitting at Sawgrass for 3 hours waiting for a Zenaida to show up, a name that most sounds like a Zanny, that she used for at 1.5 years prior she would not be just sitting without texting or calling someone. Just can't imagine that girl sitting still for 3 hours and not calling or texting. Me thinks if she is not texting or calling she is either sleeping, eating, showering or having sex or on that particular date looking for a place to dispose of a baby.

Most apt complexes offices are only open between 8 am and 5 pm. So now we are totally dependant upon what time Zenaida actually visited SG that day. If ZG was there in the AM or before 5... then Casey was not there at those times. Casey was at her BF's until she pinged at her parents home around 2:30 for 1 hour. Keeping in mind, that she slipped a visit in with Chris S. that afternoon.

There is some disagreement about all this. LP stated on NG that "Maybe she was sitting at Sawgrass and she seen Zenaida come out of the office and heard someone call "Zenaida.. Zenaida." Currently to date, I have NOT SEEN anything in the police reports to back this up and is TOTAL SPECULATION.

There is another connection regarding ZG... she has a MYspace friend who is a friend and associates with Cast Iron Tattoo and that is where Casey got her Tattoo on July 2nd. I would think tat shops are like beauty shops and there is a possibilty she overheard someone mention ZG's name and that fact she was apt hunting at Sawgrass while she was getting her tattoo. Also TOTAL SPECULATION.
:eek: I'm as guilty as anyone...but, perhaps we've wandered a bit off of "Theories" and onto specific topics that are already being addressed on other threads.
:eek: I'm as guilty as anyone...but, perhaps we've wandered a bit off of "Theories" and onto specific topics that are already being addressed on other threads.

:blush: That we have BJB that we have... somehow all the other topics do tie into the theory. To me the theory is kinda like the state's closing arguments.
It's true that to "discuss" a theory, one posting it has to weave/tie other pieces from other threads into it, and responding posters have to do the same, but I guess it's okay as long as we put "new" thoughts re: thigns being discussed on other threads in that thread, too, so we can find them again and they're not "lost" here in the general theories threads.
OK, so i have debating whether or not to post my theory on what happened here because I am somewhat of a newbie and DO NOT miss a Nancy Grace show, and cannot go one day without reading up on this case during my lunch break (of course I extend it a little longer to get as much in as possible)...but after this whole week of just thinking...I think I might as well..

I think that it is the obviously that at one point, Casey did love Caylee very much, as far as just about everyone saying how much a "Great Mother" she was and how she always had tons of pictures of Caylee on her facebook/myspace pages. Myself, being 23, knows that sometimes you change within the group of people that you hang around with (Not to mention how your parents are, you almost always carry those traits> ie George and the money issue, Cindy and the (sorry but true) lying and anger). I do believe that sometime in early 2008, Casey wanted to start going out more with this new group of friends, and Cindy just wasn't having it. This started to anger Casey, as Cindy would not watch Caylee as much, or always make her come home at night/early morning. Cindy started threatening Casey with taking Caylee away and filing for custody because she was an "unfit mother" in her eyes. Casey starts to do searches and starts to plot things out, a little bit a truth to it all, Cindy & George are fighting about a divorce. This is where the searches start to come in....She wasn't looking to kill Caylee, she was looking to put an end to her parents.(Telling AH that she could move in soon, her parents were moving/getting a divorce) . I believe that some things started to come out as far as how much Casey was doing behind her parents back (stealing money, partying). On the night she had the conversation with Tony (06/15 or 06/16 sorry I cant remember the exact night) She had told Tony she wanted to get away from her parents because of all the arguing about the divorce ( she wouldn't dare say "Oh my mom tried to strangle me") I think that she was planning to do away with her parents, as she didn't care for them, and was going to keep Caylee with her. The night of the unconfirmed fight, blew Casey over the edge with rage and anger, she probably took it out on Caylee. Scared, she didn't go home, and started to plan things about the kidnapping, using ZG as the kidnapper, whom we still do not know where this name came from...and probably never will, but what we do know, is that the real ZG does exist and Casey had to have connections to know as much as she did about her being at Sawgrass at that apartment that day.

Anyways, sorry for such a long post, I tried to keep it basic.....
She wasn't looking to kill Caylee, she was looking to put an end to her parents.(Telling AH that she could move in soon, her parents were moving/getting a divorce) . I believe that some things started to come out as far as how much Casey was doing behind her parents back (stealing money, partying). On the night she had the conversation with Tony (06/15 or 06/16 sorry I cant remember the exact night) She had told Tony she wanted to get away from her parents because of all the arguing about the divorce ( she wouldn't dare say "Oh my mom tried to strangle me") I think that she was planning to do away with her parents, as she didn't care for them, and was going to keep Caylee with her. The night of the unconfirmed fight, blew Casey over the edge with rage and anger, she probably took it out on Caylee.

I know it may sound far-fetched but I absolutely agree that she was looking to put an end to her parents. 100%. I remember reading that she told Amy they were getting a divorce, was planning on moving her in, and that Amy had already changed her address. It hit me like a ton of bricks! This girl wanted to kill her parents. Maybe she knew she wouldn't be able to move their bodies alone?

It's *crazy* to think of what all these people (the A's) have sacrificed for their daughter when, if things had gone differently, they could have ended up in the woods off suburban.
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