Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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I believe that there was a huge fight between Casey and Cindy on the night of June 15th. I do believe it got violent, with Cindy chocking Casey.

I believe that at that point, Casey grabbed Caylee, and took off with her in the car. After just a few minutes, Casey full of rage, and tired of listening to a crying and possibly hysterical Caylee, pulled over, grabbed Caylee out of her carseat, took her to the back of the car to spank her, saw or remembered the duct tape, slammed the duct tape over Caylee's mouth, and maybe even shoved her in the trunk to "teach her a lesson".

Then, Casey got back in the driver's seat, turned the music up full blast, drove around some more, still seething. Caylee, in the meantime, is still crying, but now is choking to death on her own mucous, saliva, tears, because her mouth and most of her nose is covered in duct tape.

The heart sticker was put on the duct tape as an almost apology by Casey after she found Caylee dead.

This is my opinion, this week, of what happened to Caylee. I have to admit my opinion on this changes almost weekly.

Your "opinion of the week" has been mine from the beginning. I think CA saved her own life with that fight on the 15th because if KC hadn't killed Caylee (in a fit of rage from that fight) she would have killed CA/GA.
I think Casey was planning on killing her parents because...

1). She really, really, wanted the house. She wanted to be a 'home-owner', she wanted to impress her friends. I think she imagined the great parties she would have there, the great guys that would want her 'even more'. (Casey had no concept of what it takes to own a house, as far as house payments, taxes, upkeep- remember she lives in fantasy land). She also may have believed she would collect on a life insurance policy through Cindy's work.

2). She really, really wanted her 'freedom'. She could finally be an 'adult'. She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

3). She hated her mother, resented her mother, was sick of her mother's criticism and judgement of her.

4). She had zero respect for her father

5). She really, really wanted the house. (read #1 again, please)!
Yes, I agree with this.

Her phone pings could have been because she never really left the neighborhood. She was just driving around, in a rage, possibly even waiting for her parents to fall asleep so she could sneak back in the house, to either retrieve some of her belongings, or, in her fury, to implement her half-baked plan of killing her parents. I'm sure she could have parked somewhere in the neighborhood, too, to do her texting.

But, upon finding Caylee dead, she freaked out, and was unsure of what to do. Possibly at this point, a denial mechanism kicked in.

All I know for sure is that I don't know.

Also member that LA has the same ping as the A's. She could have gone there after the deed and b!thed to LA about the fight---wasn't it LA who told about the chocking? He probably wouldn't have even ask where Caylee was---just figured that KC left A's, mad and left Caylee behind.
I think Casey was planning on killing her parents because...

1). She really, really, wanted the house. She wanted to be a 'home-owner', she wanted to impress her friends. I think she imagined the great parties she would have there, the great guys that would want her 'even more'. (Casey had no concept of what it takes to own a house, as far as house payments, taxes, upkeep- remember she lives in fantasy land). She also may have believed she would collect on a life insurance policy through Cindy's work.

2). She really, really wanted her 'freedom'. She could finally be an 'adult'. She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

3). She hated her mother, resented her mother, was sick of her mother's criticism and judgement of her.

4). She had zero respect for her father

5). She really, really wanted the house. (read #1 again, please)!

Do you wonder why they refuse to see her? hmmm :confused:
But why off CAYLEE?
After watching the Anthony's for about 10 months. :furious:
I wonder why they did not get chloroformed?
Why did the baby get chloroformed?.

I am starting to act nuts so before you guys put me :behindbar I am finally goin g to eat .

Do we know for a fact that Caylee was Chloroformed? Were her lil skinless bones tested and found Chloroform in them?
Do we know for a fact that Caylee was Chloroformed? Were her lil skinless bones tested and found Chloroform in them?
It is my understanding that chloroform was detected in the trunk, but as far as I know it has never been stated that Caylee herself was chloroformed.
I believe that there was a huge fight between Casey and Cindy on the night of June 15th. I do believe it got violent, with Cindy chocking Casey.

I believe that at that point, Casey grabbed Caylee, and took off with her in the car. After just a few minutes, Casey full of rage, and tired of listening to a crying and possibly hysterical Caylee, pulled over, grabbed Caylee out of her carseat, took her to the back of the car to spank her, saw or remembered the duct tape, slammed the duct tape over Caylee's mouth, and maybe even shoved her in the trunk to "teach her a lesson".

Then, Casey got back in the driver's seat, turned the music up full blast, drove around some more, still seething. Caylee, in the meantime, is still crying, but now is choking to death on her own mucous, saliva, tears, because her mouth and most of her nose is covered in duct tape.

The heart sticker was put on the duct tape as an almost apology by Casey after she found Caylee dead.

This is my opinion, this week, of what happened to Caylee. I have to admit my opinion on this changes almost weekly.
My Opinion changes almost daily. This case is never what it seems.
What you just described is so violent. Poor baby I can hardly imagine her struggle.
But I can see that scenario since I have also seen Bruis's on the child in pictures.

I remember having fights with my Mom - I too lived in her house when I left my first husband.
But if I stormed out I left the baby home. I never took her with me. I'd go and drive, or talk to a Friend,
and come back calmed down.
WHY TAKE THE BABY when you are storming away from Cindy?
I cant make that part work in my head because When you are storming out, you just fly out.

But while I can see this scenario, indirectly it does spell accident.
it does not fit with going to party. If this was an accident? she would at least appear worried, scared.
but she appears at this party one of two ways IMO:
1- she thought Caylee is in good hands - because casey is having a good time.
2- she is insane - no mother good or bad can have a good time knowing her kid is dead.
Do you wonder why they refuse to see her? hmmm :confused:
But why off CAYLEE?
I gave my opinion of how/why Caylee was murdered above in post #755.

I would love to have you read it and give your opinion!

MO changes almost daily. This case is never what it seems.
What you just described is so violent. poor baby I can hardly imagine her struggle. But I can see that since I have also seen Bruis's on the child in pictures.

I remember having fights with my Mom - I too lived in her house when I left my first husband.
But if I stormed out I left the baby home. I never took her with me. I'd go and drive, or talk to a Friend, and come back calmed down.
WHY TAKE THE BABY when you are storming away from Cindy? I cant make that part work in my head because When you are storming out, you just fly out.

Taking Caylee was the only thang that would make CA worry and KC wanted to punish CA. Cuz she hated her.
MO changes almost daily. This case is never what it seems.
What you just described is so violent. poor baby I can hardly imagine her struggle. But I can see that since I have also seen Bruis's on the child in pictures.

I remember having fights with my Mom - I too lived in her house when I left my first husband.
But if I stormed out I left the baby home. I never took her with me. I'd go and drive, or talk to a Friend, and come back calmed down.
WHY TAKE THE BABY when you are storming away from Cindy? I cant make that part work in my head because When you are storming out, you just fly out.
I believe Casey took Caylee with her when she stormed out because she thought that would "get at" Cindy.

I think that during the fight Cindy may have told Casey that she, Cindy, was planning on seeking custody of Caylee. So, Casey grabbed Caylee in an act of angry defiance, to hurt Cindy.
Taking Caylee was the only thang that would make CA worry and KC wanted to punish CA. Cuz she hated her.

Not so sure, think about a time that you stormed out of somwhere...
It is not a plan it just happens in the moment. The feeling is I had it, I am out of here.
I cant imagine a plan when you are so furious that you storm out.
I believe Casey took Caylee with her when she stormed out because she thought that would "get at" Cindy.

I think that during the fight Cindy may have told Casey that she, Cindy, was planning on seeking custody of Caylee. So, Casey grabbed Caylee in an act of angry defiance, to hurt Cindy.

OK... but that should make Miss Party Girl very independent/happy. No More "snot nose" around, isn't that what she called her at one point?

I know of enough very young girls who are too happy to have their parent take care of their baby so they can be free. freedom or the "Beautiful Life" was just around the corner if Casey gave Caylee to Cindy. Her ears should have perked up and she should have said HOW SOON. Given the scenario that she wanted her freedom.
But maybe you are right becaue she did say to Lee one time "Because I am a spiteful B" and the question he may have asked is Why did you take her. (his question I do not remember)
Not so sure, think about a time that you stormed out of somwhere...
It is not a plan it just happens in the moment. The feeling is I had it, I am out of here.
I cant imagine a plan when you are so furious that you storm out.
I don't believe Casey grabbing Caylee and running out to the car was planned at all. I think it was a spur of the moment 'reflex' on Casey's part, done solely to hurt, and get back at Cindy.

I can even imagine a quick little tug-of-war over the baby, happening in the foyer of the house, between the two women, when Casey picked up Caylee to run out with her.
In my mind, Casey 'won' the little tug-of-war only because Cindy would have let go of little Caylee first, out of concern of hurting Caylee in the scuffle.

Cindy letting go of Caylee would have given Casey the opportunity to run out the door with Caylee.
OK... but that should make Miss Party Girl very independent/happy. No More "snot nose" around, isn't that what she called her at one point?

I know of enough very young girls who are too happy to have their parent take care of their baby so they can be free. freedom or the "Beautiful Life" was just around the corner if Casey gave Caylee to Cindy. Her ears should have perked up and she should have said HOW SOON. Given the scenario that she wanted her freedom.
But maybe you are right becaue she did say to Lee one time "Because I am a spiteful B" and the question he may have asked is Why did you take her. (his question I do not remember)
In the heat of the battle, Cindy's threat of seeking custody of Caylee would not have been good news to Casey.

Casey was already jealous of the close bond Cindy and Caylee had with one another.

If Cindy gained custody of Caylee, it would have meant that Cindy 'won', in Casey's eyes.

Besides, Casey had an image to protect to her friends, of being a 'wonderful' mother. That image would be shattered if her mother gained custody of her child.
There are so many great theories on this thread and this entire forum but in all honesty, I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

KC will never confess, there is no cause of death, there wasn't enough evidence with the remains to be able to even pin-point an exact date of death, no witness to the crime, etc....

But wouldn't it be great if....drifting off to dream world....In the middle of the trial KC stands up and reveals all...."I'm tired of all this speculation...I went through the secret door in my bedroom into the library and killed her with the candlestick. Prof Plum and Mrs. Peacock helped with the cover-up."....OK, I know this isn't a joking matter but I stand by my original statement that we will never know what really happened.
There are so many great theories on this thread and this entire forum but in all honesty, I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

KC will never confess, there is no cause of death, there wasn't enough evidence with the remains to be able to even pin-point an exact date of death, no witness to the crime, etc....:mad::mad::mad:

But wouldn't it be great if....drifting off to dream world....In the middle of the trial KC stands up and reveals all...."I'm tired of all this speculation...I went through the secret door in my bedroom into the library and killed her with the candlestick. Prof Plum and Mrs. Peacock helped with the cover-up."....OK, I know this isn't a joking matter but I stand by my original statement that we will never know what really happened.

I agree with your original statement "I doubt we will ever know what really happened".

Especially for these reasons.
1- Casey has lived with 2 MEGA BS artists her entire life so she knows how to lie better then the two of them put together.
She is not waking up at no trial telling it like it is . OH No!
2- I do believe that the money trail will lead to someone and it has it's roots in this case. (but wont be proven)
3- I am furious that the Anthony's did a clean up job to hinder the investigation so that there are no finger prints on the gas cans, on the shed, in the car. NO WHERE hmmmm.
4- They mislead LE and the Search team got nothing to help find Caylee.
They wanted time to pass so that when the body is finally found it has no more flesh to tell a tale.

I :praying: that something was overlooked by the "A"s and that one piece will still come to light.
but IMHO they had 2 weeks to do a master clean up and fabrication.
They waited for that call from the car before they called 911 but they did know.
I am sure of it. The clean up job was too methodical.

Maybe if Casey is such a spiteful B as she referred to herself.
She will rat on them at the end and they can sit in a cell next to her for a while.
Then Lee can get to live in the house, that Casey thought would be hers. . hmmmmmm
He can put a sign on the door "With gratitide to CMA"

I am getting very sick of this case, the Anthony are less then dis likable they are now despicable.
the innocent will not have their day in court, not even the grandparents will be there to represent CAYLEE.
Casey may fight this case for many years and cost the tax payers lots of money.
The "A"s will not make a go of any foundation at all (nobody will trust them)
and end up being supported by disability and SS.
CAYLEE poor Caylee will be forgotten.
Poor Lee will have to live this one down for the rest of his life, wherever he goes he will have to hang his head low.
There are so many great theories on this thread and this entire forum but in all honesty, I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

KC will never confess, there is no cause of death, there wasn't enough evidence with the remains to be able to even pin-point an exact date of death, no witness to the crime, etc....

But wouldn't it be great if....drifting off to dream world....In the middle of the trial KC stands up and reveals all...."I'm tired of all this speculation...I went through the secret door in my bedroom into the library and killed her with the candlestick. Prof Plum and Mrs. Peacock helped with the cover-up."....OK, I know this isn't a joking matter but I stand by my original statement that we will never know what really happened.
Oh, I love you, Nephers, but I so hope you are wrong about us never knowing for sure! :blowkiss:
But, unfortunately, I fear you are right.

In my own little fantasy version of the game 'Clue', we have George up on the stand, finally coming clean with all he knows.

In the words of one of the detectives, George is a guy who knows a lot. And, I feel his knowledge of these events may be more than he can keep buried inside of himself, when it comes time for him to take the stand at trial.

But, like I said, this is what happens in my own little fantasy version of the game of 'Clue'.
Not so sure, think about a time that you stormed out of somwhere...
It is not a plan it just happens in the moment. The feeling is I had it, I am out of here.
I cant imagine a plan when you are so furious that you storm out.

You can't put yourself in KC's shoes because what happened in Fla with Baby Caylee is not in you nor your soul to do such a thang. I can see by your post that you have a hard time knowing/feeling/understanding how a mother could do such evil crap to her baby.

Today on the news, a woman saw a tennis shoe sticking out of the ground at a Children/s Play Ground. It was attached to a baby boy---3-5yo (they don't know the age--last report I heard). Witnesses said there was a woman seen there with 4 kids. Was this baby boy killed by his mother---buried in a play ground? Probably so. Why would she bury him in a play ground.

Maybe the lil boy loved the play ground and he was killed by accident so mommy took him to his bestest spot. Wouldn't that be special.

Maybe she had to many kids and got mad and beat one ovem to death. But if she did kill him---for what ever reason-----Mother's do in fact kill their babies.

Maybe you would leave your child there with your mom---maybe you don't hate your mom---maybe you do love your baby more than you hate your mom (SP figures KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee). See? You aren't KC and she can/did do it---because she isn't the NORMAL PEEP. You are.:blowkiss:
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