Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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After reading much of this thread, and going over the cell pings, etc I think I am leaning towards the death happening after she left the house on the 16th too. If Casey was planning on getting her mom to babysit she wouldn't have needed to take toothbrushes, pajamas because that stuff was at home. The shoes are a stumbling point for me. The only thing I can figure is she threw them away after Caylee died, like the pics on photobucket she was clearing away any signs of Caylee ? I know then you have the question of why she didn't throw away the car seat, the doll, etc...Maybe she thought if her parent's saw her in the car she wouldn't be able to explain not having the car seat there. The duct tape is troublesome too. I can't figure out how she would have that in the car if the murder wasn't planned when she left the house. Maybe she took the tape as a back up for that night, because in the fight the night before Cindy had said no more babysitting. When Casey left the house on the afternoon of the 16th, she was calling her mom (we know this based on pings) trying to get her to babysit, even though she had said she wouldn't anymore. Casey had the tape as a back up incase mom stuck to her word ?

Pretending to go to work and sneaking back into the house after George left for work makes sense considering what Casey had in the car. Casey didn't need to bring much along to hide out by the house waiting for George to leave...just Caylee's favorite doll and some baby wipes.

An air-conditioned house is more comfortable in Florida in June at mid-day than a car or even a park. Running a car air conditioner uses up gas.

I think Casey got back into the house A.S.A.P. Then she texted, talked to Tony and her friends and planned her next move. Caylee was being potty trained so needing to take off wet panties and changing Caylee into pull-ups and clean shorts before putting Caylee down for her afternoon nap would be normal. So would taking off Caylee's shoes and removing her sunglasses.

Because NO pajamas, nightie, child's shoes or another child's change of clothes ever went back into Casey's car, I don't think Caylee was near Casey's car alive after Casey brought her back to the house on June 16. Casey used duct tape because she had easy access to duct tape. Caylee was wrapped in her Pooh blanket because it was handy when she died.

Casey was seen later on June 16. Caylee wasn't with her because Caylee was gone (IMO).

I don't think George is especially truthful. He lied to the media at first when he said a neighbor borrowed his gas cans after the stolen gas report came to light. He lied during the ZG deposition when he said he didn't know that Casey was a thief.

(1)But the evidence in Casey's car, (2)the evidence found with Caylee's body, (3) Tony's, Amy's and Jesse's known testimony about where Casey said she was on June 15-16 (4) Casey's phone pings AND (5) Casey's photobucket download, make it most likely that

  • Casey was in the Anthony house the morning of June 16
  • Casey pretended to go to work with Caylee taking Caylee's backpack & mama doll
  • Casey came back to the Anthony's air conditioned house later to talk and text and had access to the Pooh blanket, duct tape, heart sticker, trash and laundry bags
  • Caylee didn't need pjs, shoes or a change of clothes and Casey could forever forget about the burdens of motherhood when Casey headed to Tonys apartment at just after 4 p.m. on June 16
Pretending to go to work and sneaking back into the house after George left for work makes sense considering what Casey had in the car. Casey didn't need to bring much along to hide out by the house waiting for George to leave...just Caylee's favorite doll and some baby wipes.

An air-conditioned house is more comfortable in Florida in June at mid-day than a car or even a park. Running a car air conditioner uses up gas.

I think Casey got back into the house A.S.A.P. Then she texted, talked to Tony and her friends and planned her next move. Caylee was being potty trained so needing to take off wet panties and changing Caylee into pull-ups and clean shorts before putting Caylee down for her afternoon nap would be normal. So would taking off Caylee's shoes and removing her sunglasses.

Because NO pajamas, nightie, child's shoes or another child's change of clothes ever went back into Casey's car, I don't think Caylee was near Casey's car alive after Casey brought her back to the house on June 16. Casey used duct tape because she had easy access to duct tape. Caylee was wrapped in her Pooh blanket because it was handy when she died.

Casey was seen later on June 16. Caylee wasn't with her because Caylee was gone (IMO).

I don't think George is especially truthful. He lied to the media at first when he said a neighbor borrowed his gas cans after the stolen gas report came to light. He lied during the ZG deposition when he said he didn't know that Casey was a thief.

(1)But the evidence in Casey's car, (2)the evidence found with Caylee's body, (3) Tony's, Amy's and Jesse's known testimony about where Casey said she was on June 15-16 (4) Casey's phone pings AND (5) Casey's photobucket download, make it most likely that

  • Casey was in the Anthony house the morning of June 16
  • Casey pretended to go to work with Caylee taking Caylee's backpack & mama doll
  • Casey came back to the Anthony's air conditioned house later to talk and text and had access to the Pooh blanket, duct tape, heart sticker, trash and laundry bags
  • Caylee didn't need pjs, shoes or a change of clothes and Casey could forever forget about the burdens of motherhood when Casey headed to Tonys apartment at just after 4 p.m. on June 16

I totally agree.

Using the KISS (keep it simple) pattern....
This fits.. without trying to make alot of pieces "fit." Works with the evidence and forensics found, works with the cell phone records, and it fits with her established pattern of "leaving for work" then coming back to the house.
  • Casey was in the Anthony house the morning of June 16
  • Casey pretended to go to work with Caylee taking Caylee's backpack & mama doll
  • Casey came back to the Anthony's air conditioned house later to talk and text and had access to the Pooh blanket, duct tape, heart sticker, trash and laundry bags
  • Caylee didn't need pjs, shoes or a change of clothes and Casey could forever forget about the burdens of motherhood when Casey headed to Tonys apartment at just after 4 p.m. on June 16


What do you surmise happened to Caylee after they left the house? Anyone can jump in. I personally think chloroform played a role in Caylee's death.

What do you surmise happened to Caylee after they left the house? Anyone can jump in. I personally think chloroform played a role in Caylee's death.

Perhaps KC used the chloroform on a rag while Caylee was still asleep during her nap, to prevent a struggle, making it as easy on KC as possible. And maybe she put the duct tape on her when she put her in the trunk because she wanted to make sure no sounds came from the trunk in case the child wasn't really dead. Just a thought.
Did Brian Burner or anyone else report seeing KC's car at the house in the afternoon of the 16th? She started backing into the garage Wednesday, I think, or was that Tuesday? I'm wondering if KC chloroformed Caylee while she slept in her carseat, then let her die in the hot car.... right there in the garage.
If she chloroformed her, could KC have used the duct tape to keep the rag in place and it became fatal?
Perfect example. Cindy knew that Casey was not working at Universal. She asked her a question to see if CASEY knew the answer.. to test her. If she didn't know the answer then Cindy would assume Casey was not working there because this would or should be something the EVENT planner should know.

Just like on the jail house video about Ricardo's apt. At the time, Casey was told Cindy that it was Zanny's apt. So after this all breaks loose, Cindy calls Sgt J. Allen and says.... "There is a picture that Casey says is Zanny's... check it out. Ask her friends." She is hoping that it is a Zanny's apt but she knows Casey is a liar and wants to find out who the apt belongs to but Cindy at this point cannot go check it out, so she asks the police. About 3 days later, we have Cindy at the jail asking Casey is that Zanny's apt with the drums? (She knew it wasn't) She was trying to get Casey to say who's apt it was. Casey finally admits it is Ricardo's apt.

I think KC only told the truth here was because Cindy told her she knew whos apartment is was. If Cindy didn't say that, I bet ya,KC would have said it was Zanny's still. I've noticed KC seems to take Cindy's lead and go with it. Before the 911 call-Cindy says "who took her" and KC runs with it-Zanny. The same thing about when they ask if their lifes are in danger, KC runs with that too. They make it so easy for KC to lie.
Perhaps KC used the chloroform on a rag while Caylee was still asleep during her nap, to prevent a struggle, making it as easy on KC as possible. And maybe she put the duct tape on her when she put her in the trunk because she wanted to make sure no sounds came from the trunk in case the child wasn't really dead. Just a thought.

It's always been my theory that KC drugged Caylee to either the point of death or very close to it, and she used the duct tape to make sure Caylee wouldn't continue to breathe. The docs do state that just a "piece" of duct tape was placed on the mouth... it had hair on either end but it was not wrapped around the skull. Also, I don't think the duct tape was put on a conscious Caylee because KC would have had to bound up her wrists and ankles too, IMO, to keep her from thrashing.
If she chloroformed her, could KC have used the duct tape to keep the rag in place and it became fatal?

Could be, but the doc dumps don't state that a rag was found affixed to the duct tape. If there is a rag, I sure wish it would be found!
I think KC only told the truth here was because Cindy told her she knew whos apartment is was. If Cindy didn't say that, I bet ya,KC would have said it was Zanny's still. I've noticed KC seems to take Cindy's lead and go with it. Before the 911 call-Cindy says "who took her" and KC runs with it-Zanny. The same thing about when they ask if their lifes are in danger, KC runs with that too. They make it so easy for KC to lie.

You're right on. I've always felt that "are our lives in danger?" was a qustion meant to lead KC to saying, "yes". Instead, KC pauses, fishing for an answer, and opts for the dramatic "let's just leave it at that, OK?"
I think KC only told the truth here was because Cindy told her she knew whos apartment is was. If Cindy didn't say that, I bet ya,KC would have said it was Zanny's still. I've noticed KC seems to take Cindy's lead and go with it. Before the 911 call-Cindy says "who took her" and KC runs with it-Zanny. The same thing about when they ask if their lifes are in danger, KC runs with that too. They make it so easy for KC to lie.

Don't you just wish we could turn back the clock to where CA doesn't ask a leading question to KC, but instead CA asks "what did you do?" , and leaves silence until KC answers that question. I wonder if she still would've went with the invisa-nanny? Oh if only..... :cow:
Don't you just wish we could turn back the clock to where CA doesn't ask a leading question to KC, but instead CA asks "what did you do?" , and leaves silence until KC answers that question. I wonder if she still would've went with the invisa-nanny? Oh if only..... :cow:

KC's answer would be along the lines of "Forget it. Just let me talk to Tony."
This is my first post and I'm kinda lost so if this is in the wrong spot, excuse me, but I have a question.

Cindy was upfront in telling LE she washed Casey's pants that were in the car, but were there any other garments in the car, and, if so, did she wash them too?
I found this when the docs about Casey's chlorofrom searches came out. I did a similar search, Google Books, for chloroform, and this was one of the first books that came up. The name of the book is "Dental Medicine", it was written back in the early 1900's. Here is a small part of the book which interested and disturbed me...I am having problems getting the link to the book to post. If you search Google Books with the first sentence of the next paragraph, it should come up.

"Dr. A. Guerin, of Paris, claims that death from chloroform may be
avoided if inhaled exclusively through the mouth, holding the nose.
When death occurs from stoppage of the heart, the cardiac muscular
fibres cease to contract under the influence of a reflex action
exerted by the nasal nerves on the pneumo-gastric, stimulating the
inhibitory power of the latter on the heart."
This is my first post and I'm kinda lost so if this is in the wrong spot, excuse me, but I have a question.

Cindy was upfront in telling LE she washed Casey's pants that were in the car, but were there any other garments in the car, and, if so, did she wash them too?
WELCOME !!!!! I don't remember hearing anything about other clothes that were in the car, I think the pants were it...
This is my first post and I'm kinda lost so if this is in the wrong spot, excuse me, but I have a question.

Cindy was upfront in telling LE she washed Casey's pants that were in the car, but were there any other garments in the car, and, if so, did she wash them too?


What do you surmise happened to Caylee after they left the house? Anyone can jump in. I personally think chloroform played a role in Caylee's death.

Since Caylee was found without her shoes on and no shoes were in the car, I think Casey brought Caylee in the house (with shoes on) and put her down for a nap before killing her (with shoes off).

It does not look as if Casey went to any trouble what-so-ever to clean out her car. The mama doll and Caylee's backpack were still in Casey's back seat when her car was found. Caylee's shoes weren't.

As far as I can tell Casey didn't redress Caylee before wrapping her in the Pooh blanket. So, if Caylee had had shoes on when she died they would have been with her body like the rest of Caylee's clothes.

Other pieces of duct tape were found by her body so I'm not sure Caylee wasn't bound. I need to read the duct tape thread. But, unless I read something that rules it out, my theory is that Caylee struggled and Casey didn't want to get scratched or hear Caylee scream when she put the chloroform rag over her face? Or smothered her?

I don't see the point of gagging a child that is unconscious and not making noise.

The clothes found with Caylee... striped shorts, shirt with big trouble comes in small packages... are those the same clothes she wore to Mt. Dora?
Since Caylee was found without her shoes on and no shoes were in the car, I think Casey brought Caylee in the house (with shoes on) and put her down for a nap before killing her (with shoes off).

It does not look as if Casey went to any trouble what-so-ever to clean out her car. The mama doll and Caylee's backpack were still in Casey's back seat when her car was found. Caylee's shoes weren't.

As far as I can tell Casey didn't redress Caylee before wrapping her in the Pooh blanket. So, if Caylee had had shoes on when she died they would have been with her body like the rest of Caylee's clothes.

Other pieces of duct tape were found by her body so I'm not sure Caylee wasn't bound. I need to read the duct tape thread. But, unless I read something that rules it out, my theory is that Caylee struggled and Casey didn't want to get scratched or hear Caylee scream when she put the chloroform rag over her face? Or smothered her?

I don't see the point of gagging a child that is unconscious and not making noise.(I fully believe if Casey gets the DP, she earned it.)


So you think Caylee was killed in the house? In the bedroom?

I really see Caylee being out (unconscious or perhaps already dead) when that duct tape went on the mouth. Just IMO.
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