Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)

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THIS, IMO would be considered a "smoking gun"......

An online journal (like a diary, but only recorded on a remote server) written by KC that explains her motive and plans for killing Caylee.

Does anyone here know of an online diary sites, and if there has been any records subpoenaed from any remote servers? NOTE.....she could have accessed this online diary through anyones computer, not just from her own. Just like her myspace and facebook accounts, KWIM

That would be HUGE....and I remember CA saying she was looking through Caseys journal to find clues.....early on.C

Surely CA wasn't looking at the 2003 journal that BC has in his possession now, was she?

What about those missing diary pages, anyway? What did they say?
There was Henkle brand duct tape found at the scene other than the three strips across Caylee's face. Q-100 for example.

I also found that they collected as evidence 3 other strips that were not designated as Henkle, and were not on Caylee's face. These were on p. 3650 of the evidence list....One was LONG, and the other two just said pieces. I find it interesting that there is not an FBI evidence number attributable to these three pieces, wonder why?

Is it possible that this "other" duct tape (not Henkle brand) was from the roll stolen from AH? And that it might have been used to bind up Caylee's hands and fingers?

Can anyone tell me about Q-100 and what evidence was found adhered to it?
To help us consolidate and review...

As we all know, the SA has put the DP back on the table. It was originally a listed option of course, when KC was indicted for Murder One last October, but taken off a month or so later after T Lenamon put together his thirty-some page argument/mercy plea indicating this was likely an accidental death based on a drug overdose of some kind and hinted at PPD issues or some other mitigating mental imbalance that might make LWOP or felony manslaughter more appropriate for this case.

After Caylee’s body was found, an additional search warrant was executed, and other evidence then seized sent to the lab, the results of some of which we have been able to see in doc dumps, others we have not.. After the autopsy, the ME ruled Caylee’s death a homicide on Dec 19, despite the fact there was no clear COD.

Since then, of course, DP has been re-entered in the charges, although some time did elapse before it was brought back (perhaps to allow the Anthony family to have their memorial a couple of months later).

Quite a few legal eagles have speculated that, without a clear COD (and the possibility that accidental death cannot be overruled despite all the “ugly” behavior or that the duct tape could be post-mortem or the chloroform could be cleaning fluid) the only reason the DP was put back into place was that death penalty juries tend to be more conservative. Even though the voir dire process is more time-consuming and the trial itself more expensive, it has been used recently as a strategy to elevate what might be a felony manslaughter to at least Murder One LWOP if there just isn’t enough evidence to decide between accidental and premeditated death. Conversely, others have assumed that if the DP was back on the table, JB would simply have to fold his circus tent and recuse himself for being underqualified. Now that AL is on the scene, that may be moot.

Since we have just seen the autopsy results, many of us have changed some of our thinking on various elements of the case.

Leaving either of the above theories aside, I thought it would be interesting to combine what we now know about old evidence with other recent evidence we have seen – or thoughts on what might still not be released – and see if we could speculate on what type of “smoking gun” or “magic bullet” (please pardon the inappropriate analogy and feel free to send me a reasonable subsititute) we could come up with that would make this DP now a slam-dunk for the State of Florida. I’m hoping we can stick to guesses based on specific potential physical items or forensic evidence if possible, and avoid subjective interpretations, or ones that could be easily shot down by some defense attorney explanation (reasonable or not).

I’m hoping if we can hammer out what may be waiting for us that is either not yet released or what is already released but incontrovertible, we will all feel more confident that Caylee will eventually get the justice she deserves.

I do not think I have read any where if the trash bags were tested for finger prints. I think there was something there with the remains that links Casey to the crime and it has not been in the document dump yet. As that old saying " its not over till the fat lady sings ". I think the smoking gun will be the last thing made public before trial
I think her prints are there somewhere, on a plastic garbage bag, the plastic in the liner of the laundry bag, maybe even on the duct tape.. I do believe they have her prints on crime scene evidence.
I think it's something that is more obvious. Wasn't the DP put back on the table before reports were back from the labs, before any evidence was back that would have shown fingerprints?
I think it's something that is more obvious. Wasn't the DP put back on the table before reports were back from the labs, before any evidence was back that would have shown fingerprints?

DP was taken off the table in 2008 before the remains were found. Remains were found on December 11, 2008. Death Penalty was put back on in April of 2009. Hope that helps.
alright people there's one thing that bugs me about this area of woods where she was found. if you notice in the shots of where she was found, its like right by the road side. I may be wrong, so could someone tell me if so, but thats what it looks like on here. so, if its that close to the road side, how could it take so long for someone to find her. especially when she was being constantly looked for.
alright people there's one thing that bugs me about this area of woods where she was found. if you notice in the shots of where she was found, its like right by the road side. I may be wrong, so could someone tell me if so, but thats what it looks like on here. so, if its that close to the road side, how could it take so long for someone to find her. especially when she was being constantly looked for.

Yes Caylee was found not far into the wooded area. This area was under an extreme amount of water due to high rainfall totals. TES was in the general area and pulled out in case she was in the water..which she was. If they would have continued to search Caylee's remains would have been demolished by a 4 wheeler in which they were using to aid in the search. HTH.
I drove by the site about 7 months after she had been recovered. It is very dense with vegetation and slopes down from the road. It is a wet area that is prone to flooding. HTH.
I do not think I have read any where if the trash bags were tested for finger prints. I think there was something there with the remains that links Casey to the crime and it has not been in the document dump yet. As that old saying " its not over till the fat lady sings ". I think the smoking gun will be the last thing made public before trial

I could not agree with you more! I have strongly believed from the day they put the DP back on the table that they have her prints on something from the remains scene.
I find the timing of the entomology report released to the defense last week telling. Now I could be wrong but the issue of dropping the DP coming up this week leads me to believe this could be very important. Ashton's response was also indicative of more evidence being released. In April the SA would have had a good bit of forensic reports on the duck tape and insects. That report was released to defense after this most recent doc dump. We should be seeing that report soon. If I were the SA and and had forensic evidence that Caylee was both duct taped and put in that trunk alive I'd be seeking the DP too.
I think her prints are there somewhere, on a plastic garbage bag, the plastic in the liner of the laundry bag, maybe even on the duct tape.. I do believe they have her prints on crime scene evidence.

Take a look at these: (duct tape, images 6-11)


[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Was there more than one shirt?[/ame]
(attached are pics Valhall posted of Caylee's shorts and remaining shirt collar)

and it's easy to imagine that no prints would be left on anything. Everything was degraded beyond the point of salvaging any prints that may have been there to begin with.
I do not think I have read any where if the trash bags were tested for finger prints. I think there was something there with the remains that links Casey to the crime and it has not been in the document dump yet. As that old saying " its not over till the fat lady sings ". I think the smoking gun will be the last thing made public before trial

BBM: Whiskeygurl: there were PLENTY of pieces of black garbage bag that they SPECIFICALLY asked to be traced for prints. I don't have time to fish the link right now but I found that info in the last doc dump under todays current events thread. I believe it was FBI Forensic evidence documents. It brought a smile to me face as I knew reading through it that they were going to do everything in their power to attempt to find prints from the murdering, lying, stealing, tramping daughter.
misheley, I hadn't seen that picture before, or if I had I hadn't paid attention to it.

Is that a camera on that light pole and is that light pole the one near where Caylee was found?

Huh, interesting.

I am wondering were these cameras put out after Caylee was discovered or before?
It's possible that along with the heart sticker symbolic KC left something with that baby. Something that would explain why the defense is so upset about the crime scene being disturbed. Something that would refute all their bullcrap...or at least KC's...though we already have a dead body in the trunk...and a mother who could care less...I hope they nail KC to the wall.
I know that cause of death isn't required for a conviction, but it would have been nice to know exactly just how Caylee died - to eliminate any chance of "accidental" being factored in in juors' minds at sentencing.
I am wondering were these cameras put out after Caylee was discovered or before?

I'm very curious about that picture now waiting4change.

I know that we have some members here that are local and that they have driven past that area.

I hope that they weigh in about the questions you and I both have about that light pole and what looks to be a camera on it.

If it is near where Caylee was found, and it is a working camera...the implications could be profound. KWIM?

I did not see these pics until today. However, I have been going back to one year ago threads, reading and tagging. During reading one of those threads it was mentioned about camera's being put up on Hopespring Dr. At the time of reading the thread I was thinking of the web cam camera that they had on the A's house. This photo brings up a whole new meaning of putting up cameras. Thanks for this.
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