Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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I am copying AZ's post from the "Pool" thread over here because I want to expound and not drive the other thread OT.

ITA, AZ and I cannot believe an intentional drowning has never occurred to me before now. :doh:

Please expound on your statement re: the adipocre on the paper towels making more sense with a drowning scenario. Also, help me explain the high chloroform levels in the trunk. All I can come up with is maybe she had used it previously or else maybe she doused the WTP blanket with chloroform?

Not sure about the chloroform. I think we're still stuck with the same mystery on that one. I know there was a lot of discussion early on about pool chlorine, and then IIRC someone pointed out that all the pool chemicals confiscated from the A. house were non-chlorine...but I don't know if pool chlorine could account for the chloroform test results from the trunk carpet in any event. And it wouldn't explain the Google searches, of course!

I think we have a whole thread somewhere on adipocere. Jolynna did some great research. Here's one article, though, about how adipocere forms more quickly if the body is damp (among other things) (starting on p. 2):

Here, it would be nice to be able to explain a quick formation of adipocere, because Caylee died probably June 16 :( and the paper towels were probably used at the latest June 27. We have also discussed the possibility, however, that decomp fluids on a paper towel might turn to adipocere just by aging inside a closed environment.

Just found this also--looks like Valhall wrote over a year ago about the possibility of a drowning, including an intentional drowning, and the fact that the Baquacil product used by the As would increasing the calcium hardness in the pool. The increase of calcium apparently also fuels the formation of adipocere.
My hinky meter went off during KC's first call to CA from jail. CA said KC wouldn't be there if she had told the truth. I've always felt like that was not said in general terms. I think CA was referring to something specific. If KC told the truth... What? A lie killed CAYLEE? and it's not CA's fault that because the lie resulted in Caylee dying cause they weren't watching her during their fight? IMO CA choking KC was a threat that if KC told the truth, CA would kill KC? CA woild handle it and KC was told NOT to involve the police cause they can't trust police?
By the time KC was arrested EVEN IF CA HAD BEEN PRESENT and helped KC hide the death, LE wouldn't believe her for one second. KC could scream all she wanted to.

IMO CA was telling KC if you hadn't lied... not all the lies to police CA had no problems with that, but telling CA a lie

is different don't you know who SHE IS.?
CAYLEE wouldn't be dead, but you made ME
mad and now CAYLEE is dead.
Premeditation just like the state believes. Chloroform across the face of Caylee in the trunk of the car. I still think that a home invasion or car jacking was to be the setup, but she delayed not wanting to give up her vehicle just yet. If the computer searches and past behavior is correct then Casey has shown to be very devious and plotting. There was the fake mugging where money was taken, the fake deposit slip with the money from sale of George's vehicle, all the people manipulation, pitting people against each other, the routing of bank account numbers, the computer searches, and even the fake address book with the pretend names and phone numbers that would dial real people just in case Cindy called one of them to check.
I'm another person who doesn't believe that anyone beside Casey killed Caylee. First, Casey would turn on Cindy in a second. Casey is good at protecting herself and walking on others. Two, Cindy was a totally panicked grandma on that 911 call. Third, the only person charged with Caylee's DEATH is Casey. Time will tell on obstruction. If an accident occured Cindy would have called for help. Cindy loved Caylee, of this there is no doubt. Nobody would put up with Casey's crap except to keep a loved grandchild.I do have to admit I don't understand her protecting her now. Casey killed her precious grandbaby. =-(

I never thought of an intention drowing....:maddening:

If the State can prove that, little Miss ICA will be given the DP...absolutely...I wonder if the State is going that way??

May 9, 2011 is only a few weeks away, the anticipation....:loser:

Anticipation is also showing on ICA's body language, this is one hot mess she's not getting out of...come hell or high water, the State will have the edge over ICA and her DT...they (DT) are not likeable...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Dr, Logan

Since we were talking about Caylee and the swimming pool, this report just came available...

on page 5 the end of the paragraph noted...chloroform is also found in drinking water and chlorinated swimming pool water....

Did Caylee die in the pool???? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I don't live in Florida, but it seems to me that it would be possible that Casey's trunk would have a much higher concentration of chlorine exposure from pool toys, bags holding swimsuits etc over the years of swimming. I know her parents pool was unchlorinated, but the various apts and amusment parks probably were chlorinated. Is it possible the chloroform is an incidental finding?

I am in tears. I swear I am crying. Freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone check on me in a bit.....I may pass out from the laughter.
Dr, Logan

Since we were talking about Caylee and the swimming pool, this report just came available...

on page 5 the end of the paragraph noted...chloroform is also found in drinking water and chlorinated swimming pool water....

Did Caylee die in the pool???? JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I think I remember Joypath saying something about parts per and how this might not been enough to cause these high levels but darned if I can remember where? Maybe it was Valhall.....
I don't live in Florida, but it seems to me that it would be possible that Casey's trunk would have a much higher concentration of chlorine exposure from pool toys, bags holding swimsuits etc over the years of swimming. I know her parents pool was unchlorinated, but the various apts and amusment parks probably were chlorinated. Is it possible the chloroform is an incidental finding?

Maybe an apartment pool occasionally but did Caylee ever go to a theme park in her short life?

Certainly not with the nanny who didn't exist.

If she did go a few times we don't know she swam in any pools at the theme park. Maybe a few splashes from a tame ride in water but she was too young to be doing any water slides I'd imagine.

Anyway, I don't recall a whole lot of fun excursions for little Caylee in her 2 some years. Basically she went to shopping malls, played alone at home all dressed up with nowhere to go, or was strapped in a car seat. Oh and the occasional trip to the trunk, always a good time! IMO.
Maybe an apartment pool occasionally but did Caylee ever go to a theme park in her short life?

Certainly not with the nanny who didn't exist.

If she did go a few times we don't know she swam in any pools. Maybe a few splashes from a tame ride in water but she was too young to be doing any water slides I'd imagine.

Anyway, I don't recall a whole lot of fun excursions for little Caylee in her 2 some years. Basically she went to shopping malls, played alone at home all dressed up with nowhere to go, or was strapped in a car seat. Oh and the occasional trip to the trunk, always a good time! IMO.

Well, I'm not necessarily talking about during Caylee's lifetime. I think the Anthony's owned that car before Caylee was even born (?) I'm just asking if it's possible the high levels of chloroform are an incidental finding in the trunk of a car of a person who lives in FLA and swims in chloronated pools? (Believe me, I think Casey killed Caylee, and I believe that poor babes body was in the trunk...I just am trying to narrow down what I believe actually happened to cause Caylee's death...)
Well, I'm not necessarily talking about during Caylee's lifetime. I think the Anthony's owned that car before Caylee was even born (?) I'm just asking if it's possible the high levels of chloroform are an incidental finding in the trunk of a car of a person who lives in FLA and swims in chloronated pools? (Believe me, I think Casey killed Caylee, and I believe that poor babes body was in the trunk...I just am trying to narrow down what I believe actually happened to cause Caylee's death...)

Gotcha. Interesting question. I don't know how long chlorine would linger in an enclosed space. And maybe before Caylee was born the A's did use a chlorine cleaner for their pool.
I believe Caylee died on the night of June 15, not June 16, because that is the date you get when you count back 31 days from July 15, and 31 days was a consistent claim made by KC.
I also believe the reason CA said she'd heard KC and Caylee breathing through the door on the morning of the 16 is because she had not heard that, but wished she had.
I've always found it odd that GA said he was watching a cooking show when he last saw Caylee, and Scott Peterson said Laci was watching a cooking show when he last saw her.
Gotcha. Interesting question. I don't know how long chlorine would linger in an enclosed space. And maybe before Caylee was born the A's did use a chlorine cleaner for their pool.

According to my DH the chemistry master, chlorine as from a public pool (and we know the A's used organic materials in their home pool) would never morph into chloroform even in the trunk of a car in Florida in the summer. FWIW.

(ETA: Heh heh after 2.5 years of WSing, this is the first time DH has proffered information versus poking me for my sleuthing habit! Muah hahahahh!)
I've always found it odd that GA said he was watching a cooking show when he last saw Caylee, and Scott Peterson said Laci was watching a cooking show when he last saw her.

That was weird wasn't it? I always wonder what the root cause of a "lie" is - what made him say that particular thing?
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