Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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Uber creepy! All of ICA's real and imagined world
She truly was an "event coordinator " and when she said "if I knew where she was none of this would be happening " I thought. it was just a context issue. If she had known where Caylee was, she wouldn't have drowned. cause she wasn't paying attn. Dr Drew mentioned only GA would know Caylee would leak fluid. And he didn't want to leave a trail of evidence
But then again ICA watched. "untraceable " the. 16th
maybe the massive duct tape idea originated from that.
just damn
Maybe Casey stole the Chloroform from somewhere. She did meet Cindy at her work place when she told her she was pregnant. I would not put Casey above stealing something

I do not believe it was an accident. If that was true then the state would not be seeking the death penalty. I think the state will bring out factual evidence to prove Caylee was murdered.

No way Gentiva had chloroform in 2008 or 2000 even
With all the agencies that investigate and certify health corporations... And the fact that they require Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS on EVERY ITEM IN THE BUILDING... chloroform would never pass the sniff test. no pun intended. ya just can't have any and everything on the shelf because you areca medical facility .

I'm sorry to say that I just don't buy the drowning theory here. I believe that if it was an accident, she wouldn't be sitting through this trial right now. I'm sure she would have confessed and/or accepted the plea deal as soon as she realized that the DP was on the table. I hate to say this, and I sure don't want to believe it, but in my mind there really isn't any other explanation for the duct tape. I think she duct taped poor Caylee's nose and mouth and suffocated her. It really tears me up to even think about it. If that was the case, I cannot even imagine what that poor little angel went through in the last moments of her short life. No matter how she died, I feel the same way. Only KC knows the truth and I just do not think we will really ever find out. IMO, she will never reveal what happened. I am so heartbroken for Caylee for what she went through and for having such a sociopath for a "mother". I think that as soon as KC met TL, Caylee unfortunately became a burden to her. All of KC's other boyfriends didn't have a problem with Caylee spending the night. TL was the first guy she was with that didn't want Caylee to spend the night, I believe because he cared about her so much. Now, Caylee is in the way of KC's happiness God forbid, and she needed to fix the issue fast. It seems way to coincidental to me that as soon as Caylee went "missing", KC moved in with TL. Of course, I could be very wrong and way off base. This is only my opinion, and what I personally believe happened.
Having caught a couple of glimpses of ICA losing her cool with grown-ups, I can't help but wonder how intensely she lost her patience with only Caylee as witness and victim. ICA appears to be entirely self absorbed and I cannot imagine how she met the needs of a completely dependent little child for nearly 3 whole years. imo she was entirely capable of and willing to do away with her burden, perhaps helped along by a fit of rage.

Some postulate that the duct tape was placed across Caylee's face because ICA couldn't bear the sight of leaking fluids or a protruding tongue or dangling jaw following an accident. If such tender feelings were there, why wouldn't ICA use something soft against Caylee's skin, even in death? There is nothing so vulnerable and sweet as the sleeping face of a little child. It stirs an instinct of protectiveness and nurturing. One would have to be completely heartless to put duct tape there for any reason at all.
The heart sticker on the duct tape reminds me of Pearl Krabs from the cartoon show Spongebob. It has been mentioned that Caylee loved the show. I wonder if ICA told her she was going to dress her up like Pearl and wrapped part of the tape around her mouth area and put the heart shape sticker on like Pearl..then continued it to cover her nose. Maybe she and Caylee had played this before so Caylee sat reasonably still before she put the final pieces of tape. :(
The strange statement was divulged in court as meant for Casey, not Caylee.

Baznme, I missed this! When was it divulged in court that Lee was sending Casey a message through his CMA speech?
If Casey was using the chloroform on a regular basis and this caused Caylee's death, there was no way she would admit to anything as she would have known they would have discovered what happened. Drowning in the pool is the best way she could distance herself from Caylee's death and is a complete crock.

If it was accidental, it was still caused by Casey harming or punishing Caylee in some way, IMO. So at the very least, 2nd-degree murder.

But I am not so sure the jury will be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, even if the state can't totally prove murder one, now that they have gotton to "know" her. And that's fine, certainly no one's life will be worse with Casey in prison forever, or for the decade or two it takes for DP appeals.
ICA is a psychopath narcissist. They HATE HATE HATE IT when any. thing enters the picture and takes the focus from them PERIOD. Kitten, puppy,gerbil or their OWN flesh and blood.
Unless they can use the child (pets don't count ) to fulfill their need. Then that child is safe until they expose or still believeing the narcissist. Once they figure out that child has no use for them they are DONE WITH THEM PERIOD. ICA was able to kill Caylee because no one in the family took the time to investigate her chull bit stories. Caylee must have been a VERY SMART LITTLE GIRL FOR ICA to kill her before 3.
My narcissistic psychopath husband didn't cut our daughter off until she left home to marry. He is soon pissed off that she can live life happy without him. But can't see HE IS WHY SHE LEFT! UAD he been a single parent I fell certain he'd. have killed both my kids. All his $ has always gone to him. He has NEVER SPENT A DIME ON THEM!! UNLESS he was trying to impress someone else!
Caylee died on Hopespring Drive. after GA left. Where she couldn't get caught.

eta: kids to the ICA people are like a piece of furniture. Just there available and. replaceable.
Baznme, I missed this! When was it divulged in court that Lee was sending Casey a message through his CMA speech?

I believe it was Lee's testimony today that he admitted it was a message to Casey. I don't see the transcript or video of it out yet, so maybe tomorrow. Sorry I wasn't able to locate it.
Why on earth would any ex detective or anyone for that matter put duct tape to keep pool water from leaking out all the while double bagged and knowing that the body is going to decompose and leak decomp fluids into the bag no matter what was done. A body would have to be mummified to keep fluids from leaking and decomposing. I'm convinced that it was to be an abduction or car jacking making Casey also a victim, which would give her freedom and continued financial help. Something went wrong with the plan, and I hope we get to hear about the theft of lots of money. The timing of when that was done and when she expected Cindy to find out could tell it all. I don't buy the regular use of chloroform or xanax on Caylee either. The search on how to make it was done only 3 months prior, and Ricardo testified that Casey had trouble getting Caylee to go to sleep. If she were doping her, there'd have been no trouble. She might have tested it on her once though, and she might have tested it on Amy and Ricardo. It would also be a useful tool for a thief to use in the homes of people she was staying with so that she could go through their things looking for checks and money.
Why on earth would any ex detective or anyone for that matter put duct tape to keep pool water from leaking out all the while double bagged and knowing that the body is going to decompose and leak decomp fluids into the bag no matter what was done. A body would have to be mummified to keep fluids from leaking and decomposing. I'm convinced that it was to be an abduction or car jacking making Casey also a victim, which would give her freedom and continued financial help. Something went wrong with the plan, and I hope we get to hear about the theft of lots of money. The timing of when that was done and when she expected Cindy to find out could tell it all. I don't buy the regular use of chloroform or xanax on Caylee either. The search on how to make it was done only 3 months prior, and Ricardo testified that Casey had trouble getting Caylee to go to sleep. If she were doping her, there'd have been no trouble. She might have tested it on her once though, and she might have tested it on Amy and Ricardo. It would also be a useful tool for a thief to use in the homes of people she was staying with so that she could go through their things looking for checks and money.
Agreed the duct tape scares me GA didn't do it

The hair was tested. There were no drugs found in it. If ICA had ever tried drugs on Caylee they would have shown up. Caylee's hair was long enough to test back at least a year. Basing this on the fact that hair grows 1/4 to 1/2 inch a month. IF she drugged her June 16 was the first and last time.
Moo (professionally)
Any drugs were reserved for someone else
I won't venture to say who.
Uber creepy! All of ICA's real and imagined world
She truly was an "event coordinator " and when she said "if I knew where she was none of this would be happening " I thought. it was just a context issue. If she had
known where Caylee was, she wouldn't have drowned. cause she wasn't paying attn. Dr Drew mentioned only GA would know Caylee would leak fluid. And he didn't want to leave a trail of evidence
But then again ICA watched. "untraceable " the. 16th
maybe the massive duct tape idea originated from that.
just damn

My Reply.............I totally agree with you regarding the duct tape, I have often thought that she did place the duct tape post-mortem after seeing that movie on the 16th of June, doing so on one of the days she backed the car into the garage, most likely the 17th, before the bloat stage set in. MOO
My Reply.............I totally agree with you regarding the duct tape, I have often thought that she did place the duct tape post-mortem after seeing that movie on the 16th of June, doing so on one of the days she backed the car into the garage, most likely the 17th, before the bloat stage set in. MOO
Excuse me while I :puke: ok Better now.
I hear ya! I now think Caylee DID drown while ICA was biz zy. There was "absolutely"
no way she was ever gonna "reach out" to anyone and admit what a "huge waste" she was as a mother
So she staged the "kidnapping" even adding the heart sticker. And sat back and waited. She wanted Caylee to be found while she was locked up, so she could say see I told you LE. wouldn't listen to me
I ALSO think she would "absolutely
"reach out" and "totally"pin it on GA OR LA because she was :behindbar:
Thank God that "totally" fee sure didn't happen.
ICA is a psychopath narcissist. They HATE HATE HATE IT when any. thing enters the picture and takes the focus from them PERIOD. Kitten, puppy,gerbil or their OWN flesh and blood.
Unless they can use the child (pets don't count ) to fulfill their need. Then that child is safe until they expose or still believeing the narcissist. Once they figure out that child has no use for them they are DONE WITH THEM PERIOD. ICA was able to kill Caylee because no one in the family took the time to investigate her chull bit stories. Caylee must have been a VERY SMART LITTLE GIRL FOR ICA to kill her before 3.
My narcissistic psychopath husband didn't cut our daughter off until she left home to marry. He is soon pissed off that she can live life happy without him. But can't see HE IS WHY SHE LEFT! UAD he been a single parent I fell certain he'd. have killed both my kids. All his $ has always gone to him. He has NEVER SPENT A DIME ON THEM!! UNLESS he was trying to impress someone else!
Caylee died on Hopespring Drive. after GA left. Where she couldn't get caught.

eta: kids to the ICA people are like a piece of furniture. Just there available and. replaceable.

The trigger that makes the most sense to me, that may have caused Casey to rage, is if Caylee cried for her grandma. If Casey tried to scoop her up on the night of the fight and take her away from home, Caylee may have talked back and resisted, and screamed that she wanted her Grandma. Or she may have done that in the car that night, crying to go home to her grandma. I believe that would have put Casey into a red zone rage. imo
Where were Caylee's shoes if she was wearing them as GA said when she left the house that fateful monday?

I still contend GA mis-remembered the date and got the 9th and 16th (both mondays) confused

.....difficult to go back and recall 5/6 weeks previously and what they were wearing.
The trigger that makes the most sense to me, that may have caused Casey to rage, is if Caylee cried for her grandma. If Casey tried to scoop her up on the night of the fight and take her away from home, Caylee may have talked back and resisted, and screamed that she wanted her Grandma. Or she may have done that in the car that night, crying to go home to her grandma. I believe that would have put Casey into a red zone rage. imo
True. OR "CICI says you're a bad mommy"... OR "CICI loves me more than you"...
ICA is a psychopath narcissist. They HATE HATE HATE IT when any. thing enters the picture and takes the focus from them PERIOD. Kitten, puppy,gerbil or their OWN flesh and blood.
Unless they can use the child (pets don't count ) to fulfill their need. Then that child is safe until they expose or still believeing the narcissist. Once they figure out that child has no use for them they are DONE WITH THEM PERIOD. ICA was able to kill Caylee because no one in the family took the time to investigate her chull bit stories. Caylee must have been a VERY SMART LITTLE GIRL FOR ICA to kill her before 3.
My narcissistic psychopath husband didn't cut our daughter off until she left home to marry. He is soon pissed off that she can live life happy without him. But can't see HE IS WHY SHE LEFT! UAD he been a single parent I fell certain he'd. have killed both my kids. All his $ has always gone to him. He has NEVER SPENT A DIME ON THEM!! UNLESS he was trying to impress someone else!

You nailed it. I almost forgot about that. Narcissist are tight with their money. They don't mind spending money, however, as long as it isn't theirs.
They will spend their own, occasionally, if they are going to get a big return on it. It is like an investment in their minds.
I'd like to know how ICA felt about those cute Yorkies Cindy had. Dollars to donuts she didn't like them. Of course, she may not have let the family know that. I shudder to think what she did alone with Caylee and the puppies.
I'm always a sucker for the evidence and the prosecution theory. I think that Casey wanted to go on a date with TonE and didn't have a babysitter. I think she thought that maybe she could go to NY with TonE if she didn't have to look after her daughter. Casey put Chloroform on Caylee's face until she was dead, and then put her in the trunk of the car. After a few days, it started to smell in the car, so around the 24th she went home, backed the car into the garage and thought about burying her daughter. She asked the neighbor for a shovel, and then apparently had second thoughts. Instead, she got a couple of garbage bags and bagged her daughter after placing a couple of heart stickers on the duct tape on her mouth. She probably realized that if someone opened the trunk, a body in some garbage bags wouldn't look too good, so she got the Winnie the Pooh laundry bag, and put her daughter inside. She grabbed a blanket, and threw it all into the trunk. A couple of days later (don't have the dates clear in my head) maybe around the 27th, she's out of gas. Somewhere in there, she puts her daughter's body near her house in a place that she and a childhood friend called the "Pet Cemetery". I suppose Casey had her own private funeral for her daughter ... heart stickers, Winnie the Pooh blanket and into the swamp.
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