Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8

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BBM If Caylee had been smothered in the house and kept there until the next day until George left for work THEN put in the sandbox, decomposition would have already started and the cavader dogs would have hit inside the house which they did not.

The dogs did not check out the inside of the house
IMO Based on the evidence, she flat out killed Caylee. How, specifically, I don't know. But it is likely that Caylee was in the trunk of her car in TL's apartment parking lot while she was at BB with him. In the BB video she is not stressed out at all. If she loved Caylee like the DT said and was a "good mom" like the DT said, And it was an accident - wouldn't she have been upset or in deep thought or more somber or stoic than usual, something different than her usual demeanor But she was fine. Isn't that how stone cold sociopaths act? Right now she is a gloating over-inflated narcissist, but that can't last forever, can it? And the "friends" around her, are they really her friends or are they opportunists? The truth will come out, from FCA. People say things when they get drunk or in their sleep, their unconscious mind at play.
And please, would the TH's on the news quit referring to her as "pretty". I just don't happen to think that "monsters" are pretty... But hey that's just my opinion.
I know incest happens. I was raped in my own home for years when I was a child. But I do not believe Casey when she points her finger at George. Casey is a sociopath, not an incest survivor, imo.

Cindy threatened Casey with an ugly custody battle on the 15th of June. What makes more sense---Casey lashed out in spite and disposed of Caylee, OR Caylee died accidentally, and it was a coincidence that there was a huge violent family fight the night before it happened?

I'm sorry about your childhood, Katydid.

I think both of those scenarios make sense...but the fight was never bought up in trial. What I heard in trial was how Casey, CA, and Caylee snuggled on the couch that night.
I also never heard in any shape, way, or form that Casey was a violent person or prone to outburst and fits of rage.

Really, IMO...there is no question that Casey knows how Caylee died and is in some way responsible. The question remains if it was an accident or cold blooded murder.

IMO...some of the evidence does not go with this case. I think the state just tried to make it fit. I think that is why this case is "strange" and such a puzzle. People are trying to make things fit.

I don't think chloroform goes into this story much. If it was was probably used by Casey with parting and sex things.

I am still more likely to believe the accident theory. I'm a mom. I always hope moms feel about there kids like I do. It's a dark, dreary world when you realize that some don't.
I believe a lot of your theory. Caylee died on the night of the 15th or early am 16th. She put her in the sandbox. I don't think she put her in the trunk yet. She ran to Tony's.

I don't think caylee drowned and I do think she had plans of hoping something would happen to Caylee since March 2008. She smothered her while on the phone w/tony...perhaps by placing the duct tape on her so she could talk to him. Her chatting with him went on for eight hours (minimal). She was angry because she couldn't go back to tony's that night and wanted to be in his bed with him. cindy messed up her plans by not wanting to babysit. The next day after GA left she placed Caylee in the sandbox, playhouse or pool box.

On the 17th, She stil hadn't picked up Caylee yet from the yard location. She would call home to make sure the family were not in the backyard. The weather helped because it was drizzling. On the 17th, she borrowed tony's car and visited her friend (?guy) and later went to Blanchard Park to think. She sat there for a few hours.

On the 18th, she grabbed Caylee out of the sandbox and put her in the trunk..this is when the leakage occurred. She placed her in the black bags. She grabbed a laundry bin and put the black bags in the bin and covered the bags with some clothes. She feigned running out of gas. She got some gas with tl's help and he wasn't allowed to help her put the gas in. She placed the cans in the back herself...leaving some gas in them. She may or may not have followed TL at this point. She may have deposited Caylee on Suburban at this point. Later she would use some gas to pour on the stain to diffuse the smell. It only worked for a little while.

She didn't want to drive this car and it was getting to be more of a problem. She was making up all kind of excuses to not drive it. She was calling on friends to get her gas, etc. When TL left for NY, she was relieved, she now had wheels. She parked her car near the dumpster so the smell would be compromised as being from the garbage. She even left a bag of trash in there so people would know if they passed by.

She didn't have a plan for the car and in typical fashion ran around talking to friends, knowing her time was running out. She must have forgotten Amy's personal papers in her binder/purse. She was glad to be driving tony's car and very proud to do so. (w/o his permission)

I don't believe this was an accident. I think she was hoping that Caylee would leave the earth somehow eventually. She was happy she was gone. Casey's grandmother summed it up when she said, "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee". Casey is full of deviant pathology and is determined to get what she wants, at any cost.

This what I have thought happened for a long time.

There was a big fight on the night of the 15th with CA choking FCA which explains FCA saying "Don't worry - I haven't said anything" on the jail video. JG didn't make up a lie about LA telling him that. If LA denied it (I don't know that he ever did) he was lying. The story about the 3 of them watching Caylee's video that night was a CA lie. I don't recall her ever saying that until the trial.

I think the Yorkies were probably aware of something in the sandbox, but I'm sure CA did not allow them near there to do there business. I think she watched them when they were outdoors to make sure they stayed out of Caylee's area. I had my dogs trained to go in a certain area of the yard away from where the kids played.

I think the chloroform was a result of someone cleaning the trunk. Either CA or FCA had access to it somehow, or it was a combination of all CA's cleaning products.

FCA might have worried about Caylee being found so close to home, but she knew that area was underwater if it rained a lot. Once that hurricane hit, she thought she was home free.

IMO, applying the tape around the mouth to look like a murder doesn't fly because she also applied a heart-shaped sticker to the tape. What other killer would do that?

FORGET ABOUT The heart shaped sticker. Only ONE person saw the outline of it and then POOF it wasn't there. There is NO WAY to prove it was there. The ONLY heart shaped sticker found at the scene was permenantly attached to something else and did not match the size of ANY of the heart shaped stickers in the Anthony's house.

FORGET ABOUT The heart shaped sticker. Only ONE person saw the outline of it and then POOF it wasn't there. There is NO WAY to prove it was there. The ONLY heart shaped sticker found at the scene was permenantly attached to something else and did not match the size of ANY of the heart shaped stickers in the Anthony's house.


I am not going to just forget about the heart shaped sticker, just because I didn't see it. The latent fingerprint examiner explained why she never took a picture of it. I believe it was there, and it's a very important element, IMO, in suggesting the tape was not applied to make it "look like" a murder.
Would there really have been enough sand in the sand box to cover Caylee's body? My daughter never had that much sand in hers, and neither did mine when I was little. And my dad built me a huge one! If I'd have been burried in it, there would have been a large lump in the middle.

I really wanted to believe, from day 31, that this was an accident. I looked for every way there could have been. But the duct tape really screamed murder to me. Decomp fluids escape from eyes, nose, anus, as well as the mouth. Also, I think it would be pretty hard to duct tape a wet child. I suppose she could have duct taped a dried Caylee, and the fact that the duct tape was in her hair could have kept it in place throughout decomp.

(This is probably TMI, but I once found myself in a situation where I forgot the bra that was supposed to go with my outfit, and resorted to duct tape to hold my "girls" in the proper position. Worked pretty good until the party room got very hot and I started to sweat. Then the tape came off. And I ended up with a nasty rash!)

When the trial started, I once again tried to see this from an accidental point of view. At 1st I didn't think the chloroform was real evidence until Dr. Vass said it was a million times higher than expected. I've had a lot of chemistry, though it's been a long while, and I don't see how normal cleaning products could have created that much. I know they didn't do a proper quantitative analysis, but a qualitative one will show how much chloroform is in there related to other chemicals in cleaning products that people use all the time to clean out their cars. (though I don't think the SA did a proper explanation of this.) And why delete those searches and ONLY those searches. I'm pretty sure that was pointed out in trial, plus the delete date was after KC was out on bail.

And even if KC is arrogant enough to want her day in court to play the victim, I still can't imagine her risking the DP or even LWOP when she could have screamed accident and cover up from day 31. Really, she could have even explained the duct tape as staging a kidnapping because she was so panicked. She could have said, "the body is here and you will find duct tape on her mouth." Though I suppose she figured she would have at least ended up in prison for a good 10 years if that story wasn't believed.

I don't believe GA saw KC and Caylee leave on the 16th. He is either lying, or remembering another date, since after a month it would be pretty hard to have such a detailed memory. So either he is lying to cover up, or there was some other reason he thought he remembered Caylee's clothing. Perhaps the back pack was a favorite, or new and she was proud of it and wanted to show it off to JoJo? Or he and KC had had an argument on another date when she left?

I also remember that CA originally said she found the pool ladder and gate unlocked towards the end of June. So maybe KC went back and created an accidental drowning scene. But then realized decomp was too far along to use that.

I do realize people grieve differently, and that KC could have partied for 31 days. But I can't believe she wouldn't do her partying after a proper funeralfor her daughter... unless something more sinister had happened. And while a body was rotting in her trunk. And I would think if she was wracked with guilt and couldn't deal with Caylee's death, she would have engaged in riskier behavior than she did. Drinking to excess. Maybe starting to use drugs. That is, she would have partied more intensely than she normally had done in the past. Someone would have noticed a difference.

Maybe it was an "intentional accident." Meaning she left the ladder up and intentionally didn't pay attention to Caylee. Or told her that "this once" it was okay to play in the pool without an adult.

Still, why no 911 call? That puts me back at aggrevated child abuse resulting in the death of a child. Even if Caylee had been in the pool for several hours after she died, KC could have covered her behind by saying "I thought she was down for a nap." If Caylee didn't normally nap, she could have explained that by saying Caylee wasn't feeling well that AM. Maybe had a slight fever, or had said her tummy hurt or something. So on that particular AM, she took a nap.

For someone who lies so well, why couldn't KC come up with a good lie to scream accident, even if it wasn't, right then and there? Instead it took her 31 days of lying?

I have to say I think KC left with Caylee after the fight with Cindy and killed her out of spite.

I keep trying to twist this around to look like an accident, and I keep ending up at murder to hurt Cindy.
Also, if KC was mollested by GA, that kind of makes me MORE suspicious that she would have harmed Caylee to get revenge on both her parents.
Yes. This is pretty much my theory too. I also think she initially reached out for help (that explains that flurry of phone calls to me) but only to the family and not 911 because of the condition of the body. I believe Caylee was floating for quite a while before she was found - which shows FCA was being negligent. I can't imagine that someone who is going to go through all the trouble to make chloroform is going to not take the time to come up with a better place to dump a body ! All the stuff after the fact seems to be done at the spur of the moment with not much thought. I think FCA expected the body to be found quickly and that is why she staged the kidnapping (duct tape etc).

ETA: I also think after hearing that the search for chloroform was only once versus 84 that it has nothing to do with the death. I do think she was considering killing all of them though....hence the lies about getting the house etc.

I'll start with this- I hate Casey Anthony with a vengeance and feel that she should be in prison.

With that said, I'm coming around to a change of mind about what I think happened to Caylee. There are easier ways to kill a little girl without having to 'make' chloroform. It could have been either an accident that KC was involved with or overt negligence.

After the huge fight with CA the night before, KC was angry and frustrated about being saddled with responsibility. Maybe she decided to just ignore Caylee for the day and spitefully do what she wanted to do. KC could have put the ladder up to the pool and then got on the computer and forgot about it. I do things like that all the time. Caylee got in and drowned.

After finding Caylee dead in the pool KC was in a panic. She knew that her parents would be beyond furious. She might have layed Caylee on the grass while she got the blanket to wrap her in. KC's only plan at that time was to hide the body until she could figure out what to do next.

She put Caylee in the car trunk never imagining that the intense heat would speed up decomposition. When the body began to smell, too, she had to put it in the garbage bags. The only thing on her mind then was to dump it as quickly as she could. I don't see this as being planned out at all- the body wasn't very far from the street and neighborhood kids frequented the woods. It was just lucky for KC that the hurricane blew in and water covered the area for months.

KC had to come up with a story about where Caylee was. At first she just said that she was with the nanny, but that wasn't going to fly forever. That's when she came up with the abduction story. She put the duct tape on the already dead and dumped body (I can't imagine anyone doing this, but the defense forensic witness actually said this is what happened) so her story would have a ring of truth if it was ever found.

If she had planned to kill Caylee I think she would have thought about how to dispose of the body ahead of time. With the pool theory I can see how the events quickly unfolded.

KC did check into her MySpace account first and probably saw the "Win Her Over With Chloroform' pic. Out of curiosity, she might very well have googled info about chloroform. Since the average person can't go out and just buy chloroform off the shelf, she might have wondered how a guy could get his hands on it. So, she googled 'How to make chloroform'. I could see myself doing this. The search might not have anything to do with Caylee.

I did a few chloroform google searches and found that many household products (including toothpaste) could convert into chloroform. After CA doused the trunk with Febreeze maybe it partially converted to chloroform. Or, could it have had something to do with the chlorine from the pool? Could the combination of Febreeze and pool chlorine make chloroform? (Is there a scientist out there?)

What I find impossible is to wrap my head around how, once Caylee was dead, KC was able to act like nothing at all happened! This alone marks her as a sociopath. And we all know what a liar she is.

Does this theory make sense to anybody?
casey googing chloroform, chloroform in the trunk and the deleted search history cannot be coincidental. i cant figure it out but they do tie into this somewhere. why delete the searchs and how did the amount of chloroform get into the trunk? its bizarre. maybe casey poured the remaining mixture into the trunk before dumping the car to A. mask the smell and B. make people assume there was a kidnapping.
the only thing is if the amount in the trunk was so high wouldn't GA be dizzy while driving the car home? this case is bizarre. no matter how you try to piece it together there is always something that doesnt quite fit. if only casey would just admit it and cleanse her soul.
I've never posted on this thread before, but now I will give my "theory". I believe on the night of June 15, there was a big fight in the Anthony household, like we heard from LA telling JG, I think it was. I do believe CA was choking KC, I also believe KC may have fought back, GA got involved - he has a temper we've all seen in public - and somehow little Caylee got hurt. She may have fallen down/got knocked against something and hit her head, but didn't appear too badly hurt - until maybe later - next day even.

When the "family" realized Caylee was hurt bad, or possibly dead, they went into CYA mode, made up a "script" to follow, and sent KC on her way - CA would take care of it, like she always did, and GA went along, like he always did. KC went and partied, CA covered everyone's butt with all the daily contact, etc., ad nauseum, until the famous 31 days (for the body to decompose) was up. Then comes the frantic 911 calls, and the public coralling of KC, but not a minute before the 31 days. The rest is history.

One thing I do wonder about - was Caylee insured? From what I've read, the As were in bad financial straights, were they not?

All of this is just my opinion, and supposition. The facts may fit or not.
I've never posted on this thread before, but now I will give my "theory". I believe on the night of June 15, there was a big fight in the Anthony household, like we heard from LA telling JG, I think it was. I do believe CA was choking KC, I also believe KC may have fought back, GA got involved - he has a temper we've all seen in public - and somehow little Caylee got hurt. She may have fallen down/got knocked against something and hit her head, but didn't appear too badly hurt - until maybe later - next day even.

When the "family" realized Caylee was hurt bad, or possibly dead, they went into CYA mode, made up a "script" to follow, and sent KC on her way - CA would take care of it, like she always did, and GA went along, like he always did. KC went and partied, CA covered everyone's butt with all the daily contact, etc., ad nauseum, until the famous 31 days (for the body to decompose) was up. Then comes the frantic 911 calls, and the public coralling of KC, but not a minute before the 31 days. The rest is history.

One thing I do wonder about - was Caylee insured? From what I've read, the As were in bad financial straights, were they not?

All of this is just my opinion, and supposition. The facts may fit or not.

Only one thing about your theory I cannot get past: That horrible smelling car. Did they dump that body in there to leave that smell? yikes
I am not going to just forget about the heart shaped sticker, just because I didn't see it. The latent fingerprint examiner explained why she never took a picture of it. I believe it was there, and it's a very important element, IMO, in suggesting the tape was not applied to make it "look like" a murder.

You have to let it is irrelevant because there was no solid proof that it actually existed. it was not photographed for evidence, it was not shown to anyone else. It is just something that one person says they saw.
In light of everything that has been in this case from the beginning and the outcome, I want to say this.

From day one, Cindy and George Anthony have been caustic, defensive, and downright obnoxious. Not typical for "grieving" grandparents or parents. I always believed they had an ulterior motive.

Let's look at ACCIDENT vs MURDER:

Any accident, i.e. drowning, falling, choking, whatever, would not garner as much ATTENTION as a kidnapping and ultimately a murder. There is a lot more money and sympathy in murder. I tend to think that Casey was aided by George Anthony after the accident, for immense fear of telling Cindy, the cruel matriarch, as that would reinforce Cindy's opinions about Casey being a bad mother, unfit, etc. George was most probably there when the accident happened. Possibly, George was "tied up" with Casey and something happened to Caylee. Guilt.

Let's assume that Casey really was abused by George from a young child. Let's assume that Cindy knew this, but did nothing to protect her daughter. Probably BLAMED Casey, hence the disdain they had for each other. Casey would obey him, whatever he told her to do. He "offers" to help her, and subsequently hides the body and shortly thereafter he makes it look like a murder. This is two-fold for George - he throws Casey under the bus, he gets out of any implication, and he has the full support of his needy wife. Remember, Cindy has always supported George, overlooked affairs, including RIVER CRUZ while the baby was "MISSING!" It also forces everyone NOT TO BELIEVE Casey, as to any other charges or accusations she might one day reveal. Primary motives for George and Cindy was to keep the paternity of Caylee private, get rid of Casey once and for all, and GET THE MONEY AND SYMPATHY.

And, we all know HOW MANY PEOPLE George and cindy tried to throw under the bus for "Caylee's murder!" Jesse Grund, Amy Huzeinga, Zanny (even though they knew she didn't exist").

Let's assume that Caylee was a product of an incestual relationship. Everything points to that: George's DNA taken but not tested; Cindy hiding Casey's pregnancy or not admitting it; Lee testifying he was told by Cindy to "let it go." Casey not taken to an OB/GYN for physical - she was only seen when she went in to give birth; no named father and Cindy backed up EVERY STORY about Caylee's father. Caylee's remains cremated by Cindy and George's orders. Way too much has come out to NOT believe Casey. It is NOT unusual for an incestual father to disregard the product of his incest. He has no regard for her, and never did.

Remember, George knew that Casey wasn't working, and so did Cindy. Casey apparently DID NOT WANT George babysitting her daughter/sister. Casey did not want Lee around Caylee, either. Cindy had the Zanny story down pat, verified just about everything. In a jailhouse video with George and Cindy, Casey talks about the "hair straightener tool" that Zanny gave Casey" and Cindy is prompting her. Cindy also gave the police OTHER HAIRBRUSHES, not Caylee's, for DNA sampling. Interesting!!! Could Casey REALLY have hidden the fact that she wasn't working and had a "Nanny" from her parents for TWO YEARS? I think not!!!

George and Cindy BOTH knew from early on that Caylee died. I believe Cindy knew as early as July 4th weekend. Therw was reprtedly a PLUMBING PROBLEM that Cindy reported to one of Baez's assistants around that same time. Cindy wrote a letter to Casey in jail detailing the "plumbing problem". They laid a concrete slab in July as well. There is testimony on this as well. WHY? Caylee is missing and they are pouring concrete, on their own? Cindy's Academy Award performance on the 911 call AND in the courtroom prove it!!! Perhaps the parents did not want Casey to get the Death Penalty, but I am convinced they wanted her in prison for years. Out of sight, out of mind, and George and Cindy keep rolling and making MONEY on Caylee. George and Cindy have not been employed in a long time - George a lot longer. George and Cindy took over Caylee's memory, name, rights, photos, videos, etc. and sold all of it for profit. Casey was in jail.

Jailhouse videos - Casey repeatedly states she doesn't know where Caylee is when prompted by Cindy. Casey gets angry. Of course!!! I don't think she KNEW what George did to the body of her daughter! I bet Casey thought the "Kidnapping" story would suffice, Mom and Dad were helping her, and it would blow over!!! But, the stage has been set to NEVER BELIEVE A WORD OUT OF CASEY'S MOUTH!!! WOW!!!

So the "ex-cop" stages a "murder" and Casey's Zanny lies, etc. are revealed. She is arrested. Conversations between George and Casey in jailhouse videos are revealing, and both knew they were on camera. "Your daughter, my granddaughter" is constantly used in conversation from George to Casey. Constantly. This is not normal conversation and no excuse can be made to support him.

George mentions "when you're out and Caylee is with US, we're all gonna search for missing children..these people have helped "donations charities", never says anything about the help of SEARCHING and Rescuing". The dates of "last seeing Caylee" were reported as June 9th by ALL THREE, for weeks!! Until the detectives found the video of Caylee singing on Father's day. What happened on June 9th? Was that the REAL date of the choking argument between Cindy, George and Casey? That never came into court, WHY? There was information in depositions from Jesse and Lee about this incident. WHY?

Casey may be a good liar, but I don't believe she is savvy and worldly enough to either commit a murder with NO FINGERPRINTS, NO DNA, NOTHING CONNECTING HER TO THE BODY. Nor is she smart enough to not realize that the Zanny story would be revealed as a fabrication. I believe she thought her parents would help her, because THEY KNEW!!!!

I find it hard to believe that Casey drove around for 1-5 days with the body of her dead daughter in her car! I find it impossible to believe that, while her daughters body was "melting off her bones, dripping into a bag, and rotting" that Casey ignored it until she finally had to "throw this dripping bag of her daughters body into the woods on Suburban drive about 19 feet into muck!" Her purse, shoes, doll, etc. were in the car. NEVER TESTED FOR DECOMP!!! WHY? Because everyone involved knew there was NO SMELL OF DECOMP IN THAT VEHICLE!!! Her friends were in the car and no one noticed an odor. She went to friends apartments and her clothes did not smell of decomp. Her car had no flies in the interior or the trunk. George smelled "decomp" at the tow yard, mentions it to the tow yard man, drives the car home "with windows open", Cindy cleans the car and clothing inside and sprays "a whole bottle of febreeze" into car. Police are called and NO ONE TELLS THE COPS ABOUT THE SMELL OF DECOMP IN THE CAR!!! Cindy mentions it on the phone, but George DOES NOT TELL POLICE while they are IN THE GARAGE!!! WOW!!!

Psychologists have stated that Casey is "very smart, intelligent, articulate, but she is extremely immature". She's stuck at about age 13, psychologically. Could that be the year the abuse started? Yes. Quit possibly. I believe she didn't even know what CHLOROFORM was when she saw Ricardo Morales myspace posting, and she looked that up. Not worldly. In her letters to inmate in jail, she states "I think I may have been sexually abused too." Sexual abuse victims are not aware that NORMAL FAMILIES DON'T DO THIS!!!! Not worldly.

Everyone KNOWS that Cindy perjured herself under oath. I don't think they wanted the DEATH PENALTY for Casey, just keep her in jail, unable to reap any of THEIR benefits on Caylee's "murder!"

In August 2008, George and Cindy opened a TRUST FUND, to collect donations. That fund was shut down after complaints of how they were spending the money!!!In early 2009, after the babies remained were found, after Georges "suicide attempt" and subsequent "letter" they went on a cruise! Neither was working! Lee and Mallory went with them!! They got tattoos! On July 17th, 2011 (the very DAY Casey was released from jail!) George an Cindy open yet ANOTHER "FUND" in Caylee's name (which they had trademarked). It's all about the money for George and Cindy. Now, on July 17th, they have opened YET ANOTHER FUND to collect donations. They are the administrators, collecting salaries, etc. Nice. They get it ALL because they thought Casey would be in jail and have NO RIGHTS!

Yup, this was an "accident that snowballed out of control!!!!"

‎"Not only is reasonable doubt sprinkled throughout this case, reasonable doubt lives here" -Jose Baez, Lead Defense Attorney
Caylee was not George's daughter. They did look at that DNA and he WAS NOT the father.
In light of everything that has been in this case from the beginning and the outcome, I want to say this.

From day one, Cindy and George Anthony have been caustic, defensive, and downright obnoxious. Not typical for "grieving" grandparents or parents. I always believed they had an ulterior motive.

Let's look at ACCIDENT vs MURDER:

Any accident, i.e. drowning, falling, choking, whatever, would not garner as much ATTENTION as a kidnapping and ultimately a murder. There is a lot more money and sympathy in murder. I tend to think that Casey was aided by George Anthony after the accident, for immense fear of telling Cindy, the cruel matriarch, as that would reinforce Cindy's opinions about Casey being a bad mother, unfit, etc. George was most probably there when the accident happened. Possibly, George was "tied up" with Casey and something happened to Caylee. Guilt.

Let's assume that Casey really was abused by George from a young child. Let's assume that Cindy knew this, but did nothing to protect her daughter. Probably BLAMED Casey, hence the disdain they had for each other. Casey would obey him, whatever he told her to do. He "offers" to help her, and subsequently hides the body and shortly thereafter he makes it look like a murder. This is two-fold for George - he throws Casey under the bus, he gets out of any implication, and he has the full support of his needy wife. Remember, Cindy has always supported George, overlooked affairs, including RIVER CRUZ while the baby was "MISSING!" It also forces everyone NOT TO BELIEVE Casey, as to any other charges or accusations she might one day reveal. Primary motives for George and Cindy was to keep the paternity of Caylee private, get rid of Casey once and for all, and GET THE MONEY AND SYMPATHY.

And, we all know HOW MANY PEOPLE George and cindy tried to throw under the bus for "Caylee's murder!" Jesse Grund, Amy Huzeinga, Zanny (even though they knew she didn't exist").

Let's assume that Caylee was a product of an incestual relationship. Everything points to that: George's DNA taken but not tested; Cindy hiding Casey's pregnancy or not admitting it; Lee testifying he was told by Cindy to "let it go." Casey not taken to an OB/GYN for physical - she was only seen when she went in to give birth; no named father and Cindy backed up EVERY STORY about Caylee's father. Caylee's remains cremated by Cindy and George's orders. Way too much has come out to NOT believe Casey. It is NOT unusual for an incestual father to disregard the product of his incest. He has no regard for her, and never did.

Remember, George knew that Casey wasn't working, and so did Cindy. Casey apparently DID NOT WANT George babysitting her daughter/sister. Casey did not want Lee around Caylee, either. Cindy had the Zanny story down pat, verified just about everything. In a jailhouse video with George and Cindy, Casey talks about the "hair straightener tool" that Zanny gave Casey" and Cindy is prompting her. Cindy also gave the police OTHER HAIRBRUSHES, not Caylee's, for DNA sampling. Interesting!!! Could Casey REALLY have hidden the fact that she wasn't working and had a "Nanny" from her parents for TWO YEARS? I think not!!!

George and Cindy BOTH knew from early on that Caylee died. I believe Cindy knew as early as July 4th weekend. Therw was reprtedly a PLUMBING PROBLEM that Cindy reported to one of Baez's assistants around that same time. Cindy wrote a letter to Casey in jail detailing the "plumbing problem". They laid a concrete slab in July as well. There is testimony on this as well. WHY? Caylee is missing and they are pouring concrete, on their own? Cindy's Academy Award performance on the 911 call AND in the courtroom prove it!!! Perhaps the parents did not want Casey to get the Death Penalty, but I am convinced they wanted her in prison for years. Out of sight, out of mind, and George and Cindy keep rolling and making MONEY on Caylee. George and Cindy have not been employed in a long time - George a lot longer. George and Cindy took over Caylee's memory, name, rights, photos, videos, etc. and sold all of it for profit. Casey was in jail.

Jailhouse videos - Casey repeatedly states she doesn't know where Caylee is when prompted by Cindy. Casey gets angry. Of course!!! I don't think she KNEW what George did to the body of her daughter! I bet Casey thought the "Kidnapping" story would suffice, Mom and Dad were helping her, and it would blow over!!! But, the stage has been set to NEVER BELIEVE A WORD OUT OF CASEY'S MOUTH!!! WOW!!!

So the "ex-cop" stages a "murder" and Casey's Zanny lies, etc. are revealed. She is arrested. Conversations between George and Casey in jailhouse videos are revealing, and both knew they were on camera. "Your daughter, my granddaughter" is constantly used in conversation from George to Casey. Constantly. This is not normal conversation and no excuse can be made to support him.

George mentions "when you're out and Caylee is with US, we're all gonna search for missing children..these people have helped "donations charities", never says anything about the help of SEARCHING and Rescuing". The dates of "last seeing Caylee" were reported as June 9th by ALL THREE, for weeks!! Until the detectives found the video of Caylee singing on Father's day. What happened on June 9th? Was that the REAL date of the choking argument between Cindy, George and Casey? That never came into court, WHY? There was information in depositions from Jesse and Lee about this incident. WHY?

Casey may be a good liar, but I don't believe she is savvy and worldly enough to either commit a murder with NO FINGERPRINTS, NO DNA, NOTHING CONNECTING HER TO THE BODY. Nor is she smart enough to not realize that the Zanny story would be revealed as a fabrication. I believe she thought her parents would help her, because THEY KNEW!!!!

I find it hard to believe that Casey drove around for 1-5 days with the body of her dead daughter in her car! I find it impossible to believe that, while her daughters body was "melting off her bones, dripping into a bag, and rotting" that Casey ignored it until she finally had to "throw this dripping bag of her daughters body into the woods on Suburban drive about 19 feet into muck!" Her purse, shoes, doll, etc. were in the car. NEVER TESTED FOR DECOMP!!! WHY? Because everyone involved knew there was NO SMELL OF DECOMP IN THAT VEHICLE!!! Her friends were in the car and no one noticed an odor. She went to friends apartments and her clothes did not smell of decomp. Her car had no flies in the interior or the trunk. George smelled "decomp" at the tow yard, mentions it to the tow yard man, drives the car home "with windows open", Cindy cleans the car and clothing inside and sprays "a whole bottle of febreeze" into car. Police are called and NO ONE TELLS THE COPS ABOUT THE SMELL OF DECOMP IN THE CAR!!! Cindy mentions it on the phone, but George DOES NOT TELL POLICE while they are IN THE GARAGE!!! WOW!!!

Psychologists have stated that Casey is "very smart, intelligent, articulate, but she is extremely immature". She's stuck at about age 13, psychologically. Could that be the year the abuse started? Yes. Quit possibly. I believe she didn't even know what CHLOROFORM was when she saw Ricardo Morales myspace posting, and she looked that up. Not worldly. In her letters to inmate in jail, she states "I think I may have been sexually abused too." Sexual abuse victims are not aware that NORMAL FAMILIES DON'T DO THIS!!!! Not worldly.

Everyone KNOWS that Cindy perjured herself under oath. I don't think they wanted the DEATH PENALTY for Casey, just keep her in jail, unable to reap any of THEIR benefits on Caylee's "murder!"

In August 2008, George and Cindy opened a TRUST FUND, to collect donations. That fund was shut down after complaints of how they were spending the money!!!In early 2009, after the babies remained were found, after Georges "suicide attempt" and subsequent "letter" they went on a cruise! Neither was working! Lee and Mallory went with them!! They got tattoos! On July 17th, 2011 (the very DAY Casey was released from jail!) George an Cindy open yet ANOTHER "FUND" in Caylee's name (which they had trademarked). It's all about the money for George and Cindy. Now, on July 17th, they have opened YET ANOTHER FUND to collect donations. They are the administrators, collecting salaries, etc. Nice. They get it ALL because they thought Casey would be in jail and have NO RIGHTS!

Yup, this was an "accident that snowballed out of control!!!!"

‎"Not only is reasonable doubt sprinkled throughout this case, reasonable doubt lives here" -Jose Baez, Lead Defense Attorney

BBM...after testing Lee's and Casey's DNA they could tell that Caylee was not a product of an incestuous relationship. They did say that in court. After testing to make sure Lee wasn't the father, there was no reason to test George. You can tell by someone's DNA whether they are a product of an incestuous relationship by a close family member.
You have to let it is irrelevant because there was no solid proof that it actually existed. it was not photographed for evidence, it was not shown to anyone else. It is just something that one person says they saw.

since there is discussion of the heart shaped sticker here, i'm going to ask this question:

what was the prosecutions reasoning for introducing the piece of cardboard with the heart sticker on it into evidence? it never really made sense to me, and i would like to hear opinions on it.
Only one thing about your theory I cannot get past: That horrible smelling car. Did they dump that body in there to leave that smell? yikes

I believe the body was put in the trunk in order to dispose of it, but either someone took the car when they weren't supposed to, got too involved in "other things" to dispose of the body right away, or were too lazy to do their part. By then someone had to dump the body and do it fast. After that, car got dumped, and the rest is history. Remember KC saying GA must have run over a squirrel or two last time he drove the car?

I believe there was a script, but some followed it a little better than others.

my opinion only
since there is discussion of the heart shaped sticker here, i'm going to ask this question:

what was the prosecutions reasoning for introducing the piece of cardboard with the heart sticker on it into evidence? it never really made sense to me, and i would like to hear opinions on it.

it was found fairly close to the body. residue of heart-shaped sticker on duct tape witnessed by two people, not one. heart-shaped stickers found in casey's bedroom. casey's photobucket acct had pics of caylee with heart-shapes superimposed. That's why, IMO.
it was found fairly close to the body. residue of heart-shaped sticker on duct tape witnessed by two people, not one. heart-shaped stickers found in casey's bedroom. casey's photobucket acct had pics of caylee with heart-shapes superimposed. That's why, IMO.

i don't have a source for this but anyone who does feel free to link: wasn't it found around 30 feet away?

i understand your points and i think that is the most logical reason, but there is just nothing connecting a piece of cardboard to anything in this case. there was no "puffy" heart stickers found in the home (no source for this either but they obviously weren't introduced) that could have been from the same sticker sheet as this sticker. i just don't really understand the relevance other than the obvious heart shape being relevant. they didn't tie it into their case at all is what i'm saying.
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