Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8

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FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work. She played on the computer and left before GA got up. He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.
The big fight w/CA Sunday. You know the kind-" You are on YOUR OWN from here on out! Don't call US when you get into trouble!" I'm going to get custody of Caylee!" FCA leaves angry. Returns when GA and CA both gone. Stretch a lil here...accident happens ( a child can drown in seconds), FCA flurry of calls to parents and THIS is when they were trying the tough love thing.SO they ignore her, and as another poster said here, they did not call her for a week.
FCA is frantic, hides her for a short time then thinks of the kidnap story...for CA's benefit of course. Yes she probably would BE that afraid to tell CA that she came home "to get her things" and CA left the ladder out (her fault) and they wouldn't HELP her and answer the phone so she had to take care of it her way. Like she saw in the movies.
GA probably DID say "Look what you've done!(You have everyone looking all over for Caylee, people protesting outside our home, Caylee out there somewhere, Where is my grand daughter?! CA will never forgive you!"
but that was probably when they were all at home during her bail out, when GA figured it out, or she told them and they followed a script from that point...until that became absurd once all the lies from universal to zanny the nanny, blanchard park etc seemed ridiculous to try to stick to.
GA probably did lie. During the process. Like maybe... the last time he saw her etc. He probably agreed to lie fo FCA for some things but not all, which is why FCA and DT would want to use some "half truths"(FCA probably told JB that he agreed to lie for her, ("you would do anything for your daughter?") and throw GA off balance during testimony...

She may have tried to run away from it all (31 days) and this was her "time of desparation" (since she was kicked out, she stole from her friends and of course had to spin spin spin lies from there on out.)
Party like a rockstar, sort of to forget, and it becoming surreal to her as time went on and virtually no one knew until her Mom and Dad found the car (which was also staged pretty heavily...purse on seat of car at a check cashing place...?)
I think GA was truthful when he said he last saw Caylee on the morning of June 16, and that she said she was going to see Zanny. At the time of his testimony, he had not spoken to FCA since the grand jury, was being accused of being involved in the death, and didn't know what Casey was going to say if and when she took the stand. He gave the account he remembered, and refused to take a bullet for FCA, which shocked her.

The fact Caylee said she was going to Zanny's indicates to me FCA had the kidnapping story already plotted out. And thus her murder already plotted out. The argument with CA the night before ignited the level of spite necessary to carry out the deed. In fact she would be moving out, and had resolved that Caylee was in the way of her adventure.

When you picture a kidnapped person, what do you see? I see a person with duct tape on their mouth. I think FCA may have pictured this as well, and that she put the duct tape on her mouth to portray this, after she had already died. The heart sticker was to make her feel good about her action, that she was putting Caylee in a better place away from all the pain the world has in it. If the body was found, the sticker could be said to have been put on by Zanny.

My opinion based on the investigation is that FCA chloroformed Caylee. She then put her in the trunk to deal with later.

The shovel incident is still a little baffling, in that burying her in the backyard makes no sense, unless she was planning on pinning the death on another Anthony. I think she hadn't thought this through, then realized it would be better to discard it elsewhere.

BBM. I've always wondered if she used the shovel to maneuver Caylee's body into the bags. She probably didn't want to touch the body, as it was decomposing. I also wonder if she was going to stage an accident in the pool and thought better of it, then fished Caylee's body out of the pool w/ the shovel.
Thank you...I've been looking for that. She had to empty the sand and refill the box up again. Did you notice it used to sit exactly where the cadaver dogs hit. cindy moved it. you can see it on the tape w/Greta. Maybe that is what she used the shovel for..

I've have always felt she put Caylee in there for a day or two. She wouldn't drive across town with a body...not FCA.

Wow, thanks for the info! I didn't know that the sandbox had originally been where the dogs hit and wasn't aware Cindy moved it.
I've never posted on this thread before, but now I will give my "theory". I believe on the night of June 15, there was a big fight in the Anthony household, like we heard from LA telling JG, I think it was. I do believe CA was choking KC, I also believe KC may have fought back, GA got involved - he has a temper we've all seen in public - and somehow little Caylee got hurt. She may have fallen down/got knocked against something and hit her head, but didn't appear too badly hurt - until maybe later - next day even.

When the "family" realized Caylee was hurt bad, or possibly dead, they went into CYA mode, made up a "script" to follow, and sent KC on her way - CA would take care of it, like she always did, and GA went along, like he always did. KC went and partied, CA covered everyone's butt with all the daily contact, etc., ad nauseum, until the famous 31 days (for the body to decompose) was up. Then comes the frantic 911 calls, and the public coralling of KC, but not a minute before the 31 days. The rest is history.

One thing I do wonder about - was Caylee insured? From what I've read, the As were in bad financial straights, were they not?

All of this is just my opinion, and supposition. The facts may fit or not.

Trident, this is a very interesting theory and I do not rule out anything.. but I do have a question for you. If Cindy knew Caylee was dead all along, how do you explain how Cindy sounded on the 911 call? Is she really that great of an actress? I think I've asked this question before about George. I'm beginning to think this entire family missed their calling -- they should have been professional actors.
Also, if KC was mollested by GA, that kind of makes me MORE suspicious that she would have harmed Caylee to get revenge on both her parents.
I remember when CA said that KC tells 1/2 truths.
IMHO GA never molested her. IMHO the only molestation that happened was no different then what happened to Shaniya Davis.
IMHO the only difference between the two cases is that Shaniya Davis’s demise came from street hustler and Caylees demise came from organized group that ran this entire show.
IMHO CA&GA were the Circus to divert from the real case, and the group instilled fear in the Anthony’s and a promise to see that KC will go free.
IMHO Casey’s Lawyer came through them,
IMHO the state knows it.
IMHO the state either wants to get this bunch on a bigger case where they can save more than one victim, or they have been on to them for a long time, and cant’ prove anything, but know they can be in personal danger themselves. And finally IMHO the Anthony's are all together someplace now, maybe getting a make over, or just a needed rest.

This case was never going to let us find out what really happened to poor little Caylee.
I told you all over a year and half ago - the clean up job will set KC free.
I've never posted on this thread before, but now I will give my "theory". I believe on the night of June 15, there was a big fight in the Anthony household, like we heard from LA telling JG, I think it was. I do believe CA was choking KC, I also believe KC may have fought back, GA got involved - he has a temper we've all seen in public - and somehow little Caylee got hurt. She may have fallen down/got knocked against something and hit her head, but didn't appear too badly hurt - until maybe later - next day even.

When the "family" realized Caylee was hurt bad, or possibly dead, they went into CYA mode, made up a "script" to follow, and sent KC on her way - CA would take care of it, like she always did, and GA went along, like he always did. KC went and partied, CA covered everyone's butt with all the daily contact, etc., ad nauseum, until the famous 31 days (for the body to decompose) was up. Then comes the frantic 911 calls, and the public coralling of KC, but not a minute before the 31 days. The rest is history.

One thing I do wonder about - was Caylee insured? From what I've read, the As were in bad financial straights, were they not?

All of this is just my opinion, and supposition. The facts may fit or not.

IMHO George found risqué' photos and confronted KC.
IMHO she did not want to answer him, I remember at one point there was a car chase between them, why was GA chasing her?
IMHO Cindy took Caylee to see Grandpa because Caylee was beginning to speak and it was a very long drive.
So when / if CA did try to choke KC she had something to be angry about.
When CA told her she is going to get custody of her raffle ticket KC flipped.

I have never believed that KC was able to fool LE dad for that long.
I have always believed that KC did panic when Caylee was probably listless, and taking her to the hospital
would have given a clear story of how Caylee was used in same way as Shaniya Davis was used.
SHE did call GA after Caylee died, he helped her continue the silence while he cleans up professionally.
He knew one thing for sure if there is nothing, no trace at all that will lead from KC to Caylee it will be reasonable doubt,
he knew for sure that diversion will keep the body in decay so that there will be no tests that can come back with cause of death.
He knew for sure that KC was wrapped up with some dark folks and the entire family can be at risk.
Therefore, they all did the unthinkable. :(

FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work. She played on the computer and left before GA got up. He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.
I always thought the part about Zanny holding her down was actually what happened with her mom, too. Was there ever a time when she said why ZANNY thought she was a bad mother? I've read through her interviews 1000 times & didn't see it anywhere.
FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work. She played on the computer and left before GA got up. He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.

BBM. Interesting when I consider a past observation I have made about criminals in that they accuse others of what they have done. So taking a slightly different slant than you did, FCA may be indicating what SHE actually did to Caylee, ie. held her down and took Caylee away (killed her.)

If there are any other statements about what Casey has accused others of doing like this Zanny statement, I'd be curious what they are.
BBM. Interesting when I consider a past observation I have made about criminals in that they accuse others of what they have done. So taking a slightly different slant than you did, FCA may be indicating what SHE actually did to Caylee, ie. held her down and took Caylee away (killed her.)

If there are any other statements about what Casey has accused others of doing like this Zanny statement, I'd be curious what they are.
Great observation. The FBI psychologist Andrew Hodges talks about how criminals are often "confessing" to what they have done when they tell a story.
Thank you...I've been looking for that. She had to empty the sand and refill the box up again. Did you notice it used to sit exactly where the cadaver dogs hit. cindy moved it. you can see it on the tape w/Greta. Maybe that is what she used the shovel for..

I've have always felt she put Caylee in there for a day or two. She wouldn't drive across town with a body...not FCA.
That makes sense. Where the dogs hit is where the sandbox was.
KC borrowed the shovel. Shoveled out the old sand, flipped the sandbox up when she could manage it, dumped the rest of the sand, which left a pile of sand there on the grass. Resulting in the sand box not sitting exactly where it was. Sand bags are heavy -at least to me!- She probably drug the bags from her car to the sand box. She used the shovel when she broke open the sand bags, and shoveled the sand back in until the bag was light enough to pick up and completely empty it. IMO CA didn't move the sandbox. KC did. I have tries to move my kids sandbox when full. It wouldn't budge. (I am a weakling!)
KC probably used a hose and rinsed the old sand under the fence, and cleaned off the toys. The sand that remained in the dirt there is where the dogs alerted. Winder if they lifted the lid of the sand box for the dogs to sniff, or just did a visual.
I think LP is right, decomp was contained in the bags until the dump day which was the 24th. The bag/s tore when being removed from the car. Which resulted in a basketball sized area of goo.
KC used paper toels to clean that up. At the apartment she probably look for a trash bag and the only one available was in the can. She grabbed it, placed the paper towels in the bag, cinched it up, tossed it back in the trunk, and forgot to remove it.
She probably parked next to the dumpster planning on tossing it, but chose not to because it was daylight, or she was so nervous she forgot. Which is why it was still in the car.
* I know the shovel was tested, but I bet they never had the dogs check it. Since the body was bagged, the shovel wouldn't have an odor that humans could detect.
This could have been accomplished in an hour without working up much of a sweat.
Also a ? is sand used when making concrete? Seems like I remember seeing people pour a layer of sand to level out the ground prior to pouring the mixture... I may be wrong.

We should ask LP. What he thinks the sand was used for.:waitasec:

Now what happened to the carpet in Caylee's room?
Why did it smell so bad? I know I read a good piece about it on docstoc, but I don't think it was from OCSO and I can't link to the site that posted it, so I won't link docstoc.
Do we have a diagram of the home/plumbing here? It was said there were no pipes in the outside wall of Caylee's room... wasn't the spicket for the hose located on the wall outside her room?
FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work.
She played on the computer and left before GA got up.
He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her
. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.

Hmm,cell phone pings place KC there until around 4:00pm maybe at LA's?,-81.309128&spn=0.265966,0.43396&t=h&z=11
you are right KC was at home 6/16- at least around 9:30am

June 16, 2008 (Mon)
Casey Anthony @PC:
PhotoBucket Upload
Casey uploaded a photo of interior
of the Fusian Ultra Lounge at 9:27am
from IP address which
is the desktop PC at 4937 Hopespring Drive

and she did talk to CA that week. -a little

Casey called Cindy:
@ 407-808-4731 Cell
06/18 06:39pm 8min

Anthony Home
called Casey:
From 407-275-4909
06/18 06:55pm 8min

Casey Called
Anthony Home:
@ 407-403-4909
06/19/08 09:13pm 6min

Casey called
Anthony Home:
From 407-403-4909
06/21/08 04:57pm 4min

Casey called
Anthony Home:
@ 407-275-4909
06/22/08 10:11pm 6min

Casey called Home:
@ 407-403-4909 home
06/23/08 07:18pm 5min

Casey called Cindy:
@ 407-808-4731 cell
06/23/08 05:35pm 10m
Great observation. The FBI psychologist Andrew Hodges talks about how criminals are often "confessing" to what they have done when they tell a story.

Thanks. In looking for other statements of Casey, I found this taken from her myspace (I've seen her comment before, but not the "currently watching" part):


Notice the film she is currently watching. Perhaps a confession of sorts, in that the movie is about a mentally unstable serial killer. American Psycho is right!
Keeping with the "I am a psycho" theme, she texts this to TL:

Casey Anthony: I’ve been filling out reports all night and driving around with multiple officers looking at old apartments I had taken her to. Everything. I’m the worst ****ing mother … I don’t know what I would do if something happened to her.
Tony Lazarro: Why wouldn’t you tell me of all people? I was your boyfriend who cares about you and your daughter. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would you lie to me thinking she was fine with your nanny?
Casey Anthony: I lied to everyone. What was I supposed to say? I trust my daughter with some psycho. How does that look?
I am unable to quote from a previous post, however, for Beccalecca1 -- professionals discharge clients all the time who remain a danger to themselves and in the community. Being bound by confidentiality oaths, I am not at liberty to discuss any individual case.

If you want stats, research the recidivism rates for mental health consumers in the United States, as well as suicide post discharge from a mental health facility.

Professionals are human too!!!! -- mistakes are made.

Hey HatesSociopaths I am interested to read text messages of Casey's during this time.. Would you post a link to where you found these texts??:) TIA!
FCA gets her lies from parts of reality. I believe cindy threw FCA on the floor and threatened to kill her. She probably screamed she was filing for she knew she didn't work. Casey incorportated this scenario into Zanny held me down and said she was taking Caylee because I was not a good mother. She chose Blanchard Park because of the recent death of the young beautiful girl who was part puerto riccan and black that was murdered there about the 9th of June. Events happeing about the 9th of June seem to be important. She morphed this girl into Zanny. The entire description fits perfectly...every part.

I don't know whether FCA killed her in the bdrm or killed her in the car. I suspect she killed her in the car while she was on the phone w/TL. She came back to the house after her mother left for work. She played on the computer and left before GA got up. He never say her or Caylee on the 16th.

The strange thing is neither parent talked to her by phone in the first week. Why not? ICA did all the calling and the parents were not talking to her. This tells me there could have been a huge blowup on Sunday night and the parents were furious with her.

Very fitting scenario. She could have done her dirty deed that night while AT Blanchard Park. That makes the half-truths fit in very well.
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