Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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I went to the railway map and found and found a detailed map of railways in FL. You can go pretty much in any direction from Satsuma to Miami to St Petersburg to the Pan Handle. If the perp had an accomplice they could drive them to a train depot and go anywhere they wanted.

HMMMM could the answer to this be as simple as Haleigh was in the bedroom watching one movie and JR in the living room watching another? She found the "candy" and ate it herself without telling anyone. And could the "candy" have been RC's and NOT MC's--hence the marriage etc. Kind of makes you wonder.

Interesting point of view. I could actually see something like this happening.
I never really understood why Misty seeing the light was such a problem for everyone. When it's dark I can tell upstairs if there is a light on in any of the rooms downstairs. It's of course impossible to see any of the downstairs lamps but it's just the difference between completely dark and not quite.

I suppose if there was an abductor he would have found it difficult to carry a child and a flashlight at the same time. Also, the kitchen light would be a subtle, indirect source of light, unlike a flashlight which might accidentally shine in Misty's face and wake her up. And if the neighbours notice the kitchen light on at night, they just think that someone is awake, Ron's home from work. If they see a moving flashlight, they think 911.


Excellent point, Donjeta. IMO, the story included Misty turning on the light, because:

1. The alleged abductor couldn't carry a flashlight


2. The fabricators of the story forgot about the full moon and the skylights.
What are your thoughts on who is behind an alive HaLeigh being hidden after 4 months.
Is there a thread about that thought process?
My thoughts are:

1) RC wanted Crystal back
2) DCF investigating allegations and absence at school
3) Misty gone the weekend before
4) Additional stress due to the possibility of HaLeigh needing IEP or extra help at school.

The perfect storm occurred that precipitated RC to send HaLeigh to be with other friends/or family in order to keep her from Crystal.

I do not really believe this scenario happened...I think it's possible. It is more likely that HaLeigh was injured before Rc went to work or she was hurt while he was gone (by some manner that makes RC responsible) died and the cover up began for all involved to protect RC and keep JR.
I have a hard time too with Ron and Misty hidding HaLeigh.
Like I have said before it is very hard to rule Misty out as a suspect, but, after 4 months and no evidence to support the theory that Misty did it. Dead end.
No forced entry, No trace left......LE still believes that Haleigh is alive.
If it was not Ron and or Misty who else has a reason to take HaLeigh keep her alive and hidden?
Haleigh was abducted.
LE still believes she is alive.

We have a pending custody battle that is on hold till DCF concludes their investigation.
LE still believes HaLeigh is alive!
Ron had better take GOOD care of Misty. His life is in her hands, litteraly.
ITA whisp. If ANYthing bad happens to Misty, he can kiss his sweet life goodbye.
Better mind your manners, boy, 'cause the whole world is watching.
Haleigh was abducted.
LE still believes she is alive.

We have a pending custody battle that is on hold till DCF concludes their investigation.
LE still believes HaLeigh is alive!

Yes, I am lazy [sorry] but what are you talking about txmom39?

btw - did you always look like that?! (lol - avatar-wise). Very lovely.
Is it possible that a stranger could have gotten on that train with Haleigh? I don't know the name of it, but there is a Bay Line RR, that appears to run in that direction. Do any locals know the name of the train line and where it goes?

There are many freight lines that pass around the area, but only amtrak does passenger service and it's strictly north-south bound. You have to go north to Jax to get on a west bound train, and south to [I'm blanking out on the name of the town now, argh!] to go southwest on a different line.

Rails that you see near Satsuma are CSX owned/maintained, I think. Atlantic Coast Railway has a Jax - Daytona line that had previously been discussed re: resuming passenger traffic after many years without it.

I'm afraid I know nothing at all about the Bay Line.
Haleigh was abducted.
LE still believes she is alive.

We have a pending custody battle that is on hold till DCF concludes their investigation.
LE still believes HaLeigh is alive!

LE has stated that they do not know what crime was committed. HaLeigh may be alive......we all pray that it is true. So stating abduction is an opinion and not stated by LE.
My thoughts are:

1) RC wanted Crystal back
2) DCF investigating allegations and absence at school
3) Misty gone the weekend before
4) Additional stress due to the possibility of HaLeigh needing IEP or extra help at school.

The perfect storm occurred that precipitated RC to send HaLeigh to be with other friends/or family in order to keep her from Crystal.

I do not really believe this scenario happened...I think it's possible. It is more likely that HaLeigh was injured before Rc went to work or she was hurt while he was gone (by some manner that makes RC responsible) died and the cover up began for all involved to protect RC and keep JR.

You are probably right in the latter, but there is a possibility she has been given away or just taken. I know it's not the dream thread, but last night I dreamed again, her disappearance was a distraction. It has bothered me all day. The only reason I think it is plausible is because I know a man who did this, he had 4 kids, 2 jobs, and a wife who was committed for drinking for the 20th time. He sent the two youngest, both girls to live with relatives. Then offered to make it permanent, because that is what they(the relatives) wanted. It sort of ran though my mind a few weeks ago, RC may have needed to do this.
I love that term "the perfect storm" thanks Shoes,

I am getting a better picture as little things come in, it was a storm for RC. He has two kids, one needs to be cared for more because of health issues and the other just because he is so young. He has a new job, his girl is out on him, doing God knows what, he sleeps in because he is waiting up for her and she doesn't come home to get Haleigh to the school bus, now he thinks he has to drive her there and with a new job, doesn't want to be late. That was some weekend. At that point; he doesn't even know who will pick her up from the bus stop, I am starting to see this a little better. So he is at work when Haleigh goes missing, she does come home Monday in time to pick up Haleigh and we go from there. I understand the remarks made at MC on the 911 call now. I can see how angry he is at MC, not just about Haleigh missing, but at the whole prior weekend. So do I think this is a man who helps MC cover up a crime against his daughter after all of this? No. Do I think he had a hand in hurting her and getting MC to cover? No. Do I think someone really came in and took her, maybe. Do I think there were arrangements made to lessen the burden, maybe. Still thinking out loud, so you can bring me down to Earth...
You are probably right in the latter, but there is a possibility she has been given away or just taken. I know it's not the dream thread, but last night I dreamed again, her disappearance was a distraction. It has bothered me all day. The only reason I think it is plausible is because I know a man who did this, he had 4 kids, 2 jobs, and a wife who was committed for drinking for the 20th time. He sent the two youngest, both girls to live with relatives. Then offered to make it permanent, because that is what they(the relatives) wanted. It sort of ran though my mind a few weeks ago, RC may have needed to do this.

You could be right Bern. All I am sure of is that no way would RC marry Misty unless he has some part in this.
I love that term "the perfect storm" thanks Shoes,

I am getting a better picture as little things come in, it was a storm for RC. He has two kids, one needs to be cared for more because of health issues and the other just because he is so young. He has a new job, his girl is out on him, doing God knows what, he sleeps in because he is waiting up for her and she doesn't come home to get Haleigh to the school bus, now he thinks he has to drive her there and with a new job, doesn't want to be late. That was some weekend. At that point; he doesn't even know who will pick her up from the bus stop, I am starting to see this a little better. So he is at work when Haleigh goes missing, she does come home Monday in time to pick up Haleigh and we go from there. I understand the remarks made at MC on the 911 call now. I can see how angry he is at MC, not just about Haleigh missing, but at the whole prior weekend. So do I think this is a man who helps MC cover up a crime against his daughter after all of this? No. Do I think he had a hand in hurting her and getting MC to cover? No. Do I think someone really came in and took her, maybe. Do I think there were arrangements made to lessen the burden, maybe. Still thinking out loud, so you can bring me down to Earth...

Good post, opened up a whole new train of thought - for me.
That comment makes my hair stand on end! Not what a stunned and greiving parent would say in my book. More like a psychopath.
I agree, but not all psychopaths kill, we live with them everyday, and work with them. Psychopaths come in all degrees, some kill, but most just do things that we wouldn't dream of doing because we would feel guilty. Psychopaths do not feel guilt. Most don't feel anxiety or nervous. They don't know how to act so they mimic what others do.
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